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01x11 - Sisters (Sisters)

Posted: 01/12/24 19:12
by bunniefuu
The rd-ranked esper in all of Academy City

is a human bug zapper otherwise known as Mikoto Misaka.

Apparently, we were acquaintances

before I lost my memory...

Now, I've also met her younger sister.

The two of them have me very confused...

I can't help feeling there's more going on here

than meets the eye.


What are you running away like that for?

Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the view.

You've got such a cute little ass.

Answer me this.

What technique was it that I just used?

Which of my skills did I elect to turn against you?


Too bad.... You were close,

but I'm afraid that's not this particular technique.

No... The right answer is vector transformation.

It could be anything: kinetic energy...

heat... an electrical charge...

whatever vector comes in contact with my skin,

I can transform.

In all fairness though,

reflection is usually my default.

Now then, let's return to our little match.

Right now, the vector I'm in contact with

is the heat from your blood.

Use your imagination for me...

What d'you suppose would happen

if I reversed your blood flow?

Answer the question correctly,

and then you can rest...

In pieces.

Where is she?

Hey, it's okay, buddy.

I wasn't gone long.

So where did she wander off to?

Misaka...?! How...?

You there...

You called it in?

If you think you're up to it,

we'd like you to take us to the spot where you found the body...

Do you think you can do that now?

Yeah, let's go.

Hey, kid!

Something the matter?

It's just... this is where I found her body...

I swear it was right here.


Hey... Uh, yeah.

Sorry kid, there just isn't anything here.

But there was.

The body of a young girl was in this alley.

What's going on?

What the hell is happening...?

I don't--!

Hey, get back here!

What the hell is this?

"I am sorry about this.

It was my intention to meet back with you after

I completed the operation,"

Misaka apologizes with complete sincerity.

Hey, hold on...

You are the younger sister of Misaka, aren't you...?

You're alive...! So what was that I saw before?

Sorry... I need a minute to collect myself.

Until a second ago, I thought I'd found your body.

I guess I was wrong...

I'm glad to know you're okay.

"No, you were correct about Misaka's death,

"Misaka calmly reports.

What are you carrying that bag?

"Before saying more, I must verify your password,"

Misaka states, as she was instructed to.


asks Misaka, testing you.

Uh, what the--?

"It does not appear you are able to decode the password...

and given that fact,

you are clearly not part of this experiment,"

Misaka is forced to evaluate.

What exactly do you have there in that bag?

"The bag contains sisters,"

Answers Misaka, matter-of-factly.

"I must apologize for leaving the black cat

behind with you," Misaka says regretfully.

"But I did not feel right bringing him...

A battle between humans is no place for an animal,"...

Misaka justifies her actions.

"I appear to have caused undue concern...

That is an unfortunate result of the experiment,"...

Misaka says, apologizing.

But you truly needn't have worried...

I came here to explain......

there is nothing amiss.

You see, we are many.

All Misakas here are Misaka.

What the hell are you? !

"Up to now, you have had contact with one Misaka...

Serial number .

I am that Misaka.

The Misakas all have the esper ability

to control electricity...

Additionally, our brainwaves

are all linked to each other...

Therefore, all Misakas share the memories

of Misaka ,"

Misaka continues to explain.

That's fine...

But who are you?

"We are cellular clones mass-produced

for military purposes...

The original donor is Mikoto Misaka,

one of only seven Level espers in Academy City...

We are her sisters, "Misaka further explains.

Is that so...? Then what are you doing here?

"We are performing an experiment,"...

Misaka restates calmly.

"The details are top-secret,

so I cannot explain further...

however, it is nothing for you to be concerned about,"

Misaka continues reassuringly.

"Please accept my sincere apologies for provoking

your brief involvement in this experiment,"...

Misaka requests with her head bowed.

I'd appreciate it if you'd look after Dog.

An experiment? For the military?

More importantly... what are you doing here

in the first place?

Misaka has a schedule--

It's okay!

Come with me.

That did seem weird.

Is it possible that she knows about all this?

It all looks delicious!


Since you dropped by uninvited,

perhaps you would like to serve.

Go on.... Hop to it, now.

Cook up some yummy meat for Teacher

like a good little girl.

Very well.

But first, there is something you should know...

A scary fact concerning this very meal

we are about to have.

Oh, please...! How could anything possibly be

scary about this wonderful meal?

That same meat over which you are salivating...

Has been proven to contain carcinogens.

What...? I've never heard anything about that before.

Where are you getting your information from?

I see what you're up to!

You're trying to frighten me away from eating the meat

so you can have it all to yourself!

It sounds like we have company.

It's probably just a door-to-door salesman.

Be a dear, Himegami, and get rid of him for me

as politely as you can...

While you do that,

I'm going to get this meat cooked to perfection.

Maybe I'll save you some.

So... so hungry--

What was that...?

Who was at the door, Himegami?

No one... It's nobody at all.

Have a heart... The least you can do is feed him...

Just look at his sweet face.

Toma hasn't seen fit to come home yet.

I swear, I was just about to starve to death!

Oh, don't worry...

Feeding one more mouth is no big deal.

We have a fair amount of meat,

and we can always fill up on these lovely vegetables as well.


I want meat...! I want meat...! I want meat!

Next stop, School District ...

Tokiwadai Middle School Student Dorms.

Let's see...


So she's in room .


What are you planning to say when you see her?

"So, Mikoto, do you know anything about this

military experiment where they're k*lling

off clones of you...?"


Um... yeah, hi...

is Misaka there...?

This is Toma... Kamijo.

Hmm... What was that...?

Kamijo, was it?

Ah. No... my mistake...

I must have the wrong room.

Sorry to bother you!

No, no, it's all right.

I live here, too...

I'm Sissy's roommate.

Oh, are you really?

Yes, I most certainly am!

Hang on...

I've heard that voice somewhere before.

Hold on...

I think I recognize your voice from somewhere.

It's you...! You're the boy Sissy

had a clandestine meeting with!

Explain yourself! What do you want with her?

Oh, it's nothing really that important.

If it's not important,

then why did you make the trip all the way down here?

You know what...

if she's not there, never mind.

At this point, Sissy has not returned home.

If you need to see her so badly that you showed up here,

why don't you come in and wait?

This is what the directory said...

Room .

Come in... It's all right;

the door isn't locked.

I'm sorry for disturbing you--

As I suspected, the boy from before

Um... yeah that's me.

Have you two been engaging in extracurricular activities?

No, nothing like that!

That's good to hear...

and you certainly don't look like you came here

hoping for an amorous tryst with anybody.

There's no telling how long you'll be waiting for her.

You might as well have a seat over on the bed.

Uh, no, thank you.

I couldn't do that...

Not without her permission.

If that's what you're worried about, don't bother.

That's my bed.

Then that one belongs to Misaka?

What are you doing on somebody else's bed...?

Are you some kind of pervert?

You're here at an all-girls dorm

and you call me a pervert?

Everyone has their own personal preferences.

They may seem strange to other people,

but that doesn't make them wrong or perverted.

Come on, like you never secretly pressed your lips

to your crush's picture...

or stole the seat from her bicycle to caress.

No I haven't! Ah...

You are crazy...

Is this really what goes on behind the scenes

at the all-girls' dormitory?

Come to think of it, if you share a room,

doesn't that make you classmates...?

The way you keep calling her Sissy,

it sounds more like a nickname for an upperclassman.

You were right... She is older than I am,

though that's not really why I call her Sissy.

I'm actually a full year behind her.

Yet you're roommates?

I saw to it that her previous roommate was reassigned.

Then I took her place here.

It was simple enough to do.

It was all totally legal of course.

Sissy has a lot of enemies around here, you know...

It's the price she pays for being powerful...

but I couldn't bear the idea of someone

as close to her as a roommate betraying her,

so I felt steps needed to be taken.

I saw you with her yesterday...

I believe you when you say you're not her boyfriend.

So what, then?

Does she have some kind of quarrel with you?

You wouldn't be the first person

she didn't get along with...

Someone with her kind of ability is bound to make enemies.

Though I would like it if she had a few more people

to support her.

Support her how?

Is that her out there?

Those footsteps sound more like...

This isn't good!

The head resident is here to do a bed check!

What are we going to do...?

If they find a boy in the girls' dormitory

at this time of night,

there's going to be big trouble!

I'll just have to teleport you outside 'til she's done.

I don't get it. My power isn't working!

Why doesn't it work on you?

Well, you see...

There's this thing about my right hand...

We don't have any other choice...

Get down there...

You have to hide underneath the bed!

It won't work. There's not enough space!

Just do it!

No wonder it's crowded.

Shirai... it's past time for supper...

Come down to the dining hall......

Where is Misaka?

Sissy went to her remedial lesson...

Perhaps it's running a bit long.

I haven't heard anything about that...

If she breaks curfew then, as her roommate,

you will be punished as well...

Do I make myself understood?

Yes... I understand, ma'am.

A zipper?


Level ...

"Based upon the predictive calculations

made by Tree Diagram,

it has been established that

only one person has the ability to reach status Level ."

"Specific backgrounds will be prepared,

and a battle schedule will be set.

Development will be stimulated by actual combat."

She's been playing me.

Where is she...?

Where would she go?

The propellers are turning, but there isn't any wind tonight.

The turning of the propellers

is usually used to generate electricity.

Then, conversely, couldn't electricity be used

to make the propellers turn?

There are electromagnetic waves constantly emanating from her.

So, if I follow the moving propellers, then...


The report I found contains the shocking truth...

Misaka is pushed to the breaking point

by her sisters' cruel fate.

If only I could help somehow.

Next time, "Level ."

When science and magic cross paths, a story is born.