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01x13 - Accelerator (One Way)

Posted: 01/12/24 19:15
by bunniefuu
I don't understand how everything got so screwed up...

I wanted to help her...

I didn't wanna fight.

I wanted to help.

That's it.

That's all there is to it.

Then you'll die.

There's no way you'll survive this next attack...

Not if you stand there and take it head-on.


Utilization terrain at absolute coordinates X-.

And Y-...

Commencing experiment at : p.m.

Japan Standard Time...

Subject number .

Test application.

How to cope in combat when reflection is inapplicable.

That's fine. But who are you?

That so...? Then what are you doing here?

"I do not know.

I cannot comprehend it."...

Well... That is the answer Misaka

would have given the strange young man.

I don't understand...

Why is it his face that comes to Misaka's mind now?

RSPK Syndrome, known to laymen as "poltergeisting"

refers to the uncontrollable outburst

of power from a person

who is no longer in touch with reality...

It occurs as the result of emotional trauma

or excessive stress.

Here in Academy City, we conduct experiments

to develop students' psychic abilities,

using various methods

to separate the subjects from ordinary,

everyday reality.

Whatever the method used,

once separated from conventional reality,

esper students create a reality of their own,

one that is different from everybody else's.

As a result, they obtain their specific power,

one that operates on principles different

from the rest of us.

Using that power, they are able to warp the very fabric

of their own micro-world by destroying things

without touching them,

predicting the future by simply closing their eyes,

teleporting, and so on.

The ability development program used in Academy City

is designed to create alternate realities

by exposing students to certain stimuli.

To put it simply, we use dr*gs and the power of suggestion

to bring about a certain change inside the brain

and encourage reality creation.

The theory goes that by assimilating

a certain curriculum,

anyone can achieve an awakening

of their psychic abilities...

Well, almost anyone, at least.

Because there are still some students

who do not experience that awakening...

Like Toma, for example.

That's right. Like Kamijo...

Though... in truth,

it's the type of students like Kamijo

who are the most important for us to study.

Oh... so then you know about Toma's power?

Yes, well, that Kamijo has been a naughty little boy

ever since he enrolled in classes here...

We've been through quite a lot together...

quite a lot indeed.

-Another one? -That stupid jerk.

The fact that Level Zeroes exist

means that there are still principles

that we do not fully understand,

and knowing that may prove very useful to us...

If we can learn more about those principles,

they may be the key that will help us find SYSTEM.

Basically, SYSTEM refers to one who arrives

at the knowledge of God while in a mortal body...

Humans can't understand the whole of the world's truth.

It's assumed that no mortal can do so...

but, if someone were to be found or created whose

body was beyond human,

perhaps they would be able to obtain the divine knowledge

that is beyond the rest of us.

Obtaining knowledge of God's truth, huh?

My hand... feels weird.

Must've been knocked unconscious...

But I can't remember how.

Oh... that's right.

Why are you doing this...?

You're crazy.

You look like you're about to fall apart...

battered and bruised and lying on the filthy ground.

I think your heart may even have stopped

for a second there.

Now this...

How can you smile after everything that's happened?

Because I have an idea.

A way to force them to stop the experiment...

I've finally got it.

It's actually pretty simple when you think about it.

Tree diagram would've programmed the experiment

with the presupposition that Accelerator

was the strongest esper in Academy City, right?

Well... what if it was wrong...?

What if the mighty Accelerator

was beaten easily in a fight

with somebody who's supposed to be weaker than he is?

No researcher would continue an experiment

when the basic premise was proven flawed.

It's so simple...

We just have to convince the researchers of one thing...

That they were wrong about Accelerator.

That he's actually incredibly weak.

Don't you see that's impossible?

There's no way that could happen...

I've only come face-to-face

with Accelerator one time, but that doesn't matter...

I can tell.

A fight with him isn't a question of who's going to win

and who's going to lose.

It's a question of how much punishment

he wants to dish out.

And how much time he wants to take carving up his opponent.

Besides, don't forget, I'm a Level ,

like Accelerator is...

Even if by some miracle, I did defeat him...

the researchers would write it off as an anomaly

that's within the acceptable margin of error.

They wouldn't scrap the experiment because of that...

They wouldn't believe he was truly weaker.

In that case...

I suppose I'll have to be the one who fights him.

What if Academy City's strongest Level ...

Was handily defeated in a fight with Academy City's

weakest Level Zero?

You can't be serious! It's impossible.

You don't understand how powerful Accelerator is...!

We're talking about a guy so strong

he wouldn't even break a sweat

if he had to defend himself from an entire army,

and now you want to fight him head-to-head? !

He can manipulate kinetic momentum,

thermal quantity, electric charge,

and any other kind of vector

with nothing more than a touch.

Any attack you made would fail to reach him...

He'll just send them all bouncing back at you!

You would have to be crazy to take on someone

with that kind of power

and not a single shred of sportsmanship...!

Especially considering the shape that you're in!

You'd have no chance on a good day,

much less as you are right now!

Don't go.

When I ran into you...

you were on your way to find Accelerator, weren't you?

So tell me.

Tell me where I can find him.

The time is : by my clock.

You're a few minutes early.

So... I'm assuming you have no objection

to being my next target for this experiment?

"No... I am Misaka, serial number ,"...

Misaka identifies herself.

"Before we begin, wouldn't it be wise for you

to verify my password

to make sure I am part of the experiment?"

Misaka responsibly advises.


I hate to question you when you're so diligently

performing your role in an experiment

to increase my strength...

but you strike me as unnaturally relaxed...

given the situation.

You sure your mind isn't occupied with something else?

"The phrase 'something else'

is too vague for me to fully comprehend,"

Misaka replies in some confusion.

"Three minutes and twenty seconds remain

until the experiment is scheduled to begin.

Are you ready?"...

Misaka inquires, seeking confirmation.

I don't think I'll ever understand

how you can be so willing to throw your life away.

My life is more important to me

than anything else in the world...

Which is why my desire for greater power

will never dissipate or diminish...

So it doesn't matter if I've k*lled ten

or ten thousand in this experiment.

As long as I'm getting stronger,

your deaths are nothing to me.

I'll laugh away each k*ll.

"You say you cannot understand Misaka,

but Misaka also finds your behavior confusing,"...

Misaka replies honestly.

"You are already the strongest Level

in Academy City...

You are in a position where nobody else can touch you...

so there is no need for you to become more powerful,"...

Misaka states reasonably.

The strongest, huh?

Yeah, that's true...

but how have people arrived at that evaluation of me...?

They named me the strongest Level

because they actually fought me and got beat.

That's the basis for my classification right there.

I'm at the top of the heap because a bunch of dimwits

thought to themselves,

"Hey, I think I'll pick a fight with that guy.

It'll be fun to see what he can really do!"

Well, that's not good enough...

It's not even that close...

I've got bigger plans for myself.

That level of power is insignificant!

The power I'm after goes a step beyond that...

I don't want people thinking that fighting me

would be an interesting challenge.

I want the very idea of going up against me

to be unthinkable, something that nobody would dare!

"One minute thirty seconds until the experiment commences...

Are you certain that you are ready to begin?"

Misaka asks, again seeking confirmation.

I thought we might be able to k*ll

a little time before we got to it...

but this is just hopeless.

There's no point in trying to hold

a normal conversation with you.

Okay then, are you ready...?

It's almost time for you to die...

you substandard factory reject.

"The time is : and seconds...

We will now commence trial number ."

"Will test subject Accelerator please take his position?"

Misaka instructs politely.

The industrial district on the west end.

Find the train yard there...

That's the location of

the ten thousand and thirty-second testing site.

"Up to now, you have had contact with one Misaka...

Serial number .

I am that Misaka."

What's the matter, buddy?

Oh, of course...

It's the electromagnetic waves from my body.

This is insane.

If you really wanna help them,

you have to let me try my idea.

The important thing is for me, a Level Zero,

to defeat Accelerator without assistance from anybody else...

If I have a Level fighting alongside me,

then it won't mean anything.

Don't worry.

No matter what, I'll bring her back with me.

It's not like I don't get it.

If I were to go to the train yard,

I wouldn't be able to do anything to help out...

Still... Does he really think I can just stay here? !

What is the point of all this running around?

It doesn't matter how much time you buy for yourself.

No miracle is gonna come along and save you.

Have you noticed?

Tonight the wind is at zero miles per hour.

What's that smell?

Hah...! So that's it.

You're breaking down the oxygen with electricity

and turning it into ozone.

If you take away my air, maybe I'll pass out--

is that the idea?

That's very good...! You clever little thing!

You're really going to give me a run for my money!

I like this turn of events,

I guess after ten thousand of you were k*lled off,

you were bound to start getting a little bit crafty, huh?

There is something you should keep in mind, though.

Once I catch you, this cute little tactic of yours

is going to fail spectacularly.

You look rather surprised to see me. It was simple.

All I did was change the vector of kinetic momentum

underneath my feet.

Hey... Do you know how you can hit your opponent

without doing any harm to your own hands?

It's easy.

Change the direction of kinetic momentum...

Just direct the vector at your opponent

the second that you touch her.

Of course, the damage she takes

does increase by a factor of that.


What happens to the experiment in a situation like this?

I'll tell you what happens... You step away.

Get away from the sister right now.

Hey, what's the big idea...?

You inviting members of the public to our testing sites now?

Well, damn...

This is irritating....

I didn't budget any time for silencing outsiders

who discovered our secret.

Stop talking and move.

Why the hell are you still standing there?

I thought I told you to get away from her.

You damn loser!

You must have a pair on you, talking like that...

We have only seven Level espers in Academy City,

and I'm undeniably the most powerful one.

Yet you're standing there calling me a loser?

Okay... You've got guts.

Well then...

I have to admit, I find you intriguing.

"What is this?"

"What in the world are you doing here?"

Misaka asks in utter shock.

You aren't her. You're the kid sister...

You know... you sure look a lot like Mikoto.

Hi again...

Thanks for helping with the drinks

and the fleas yesterday.

You're the one who found him.

So shouldn't you be the one who gets to give him a name?

"Misaka is uncertain about your state of mind

and why you have come here."

"Why would you take such a risk for somebody like Misaka?

As you have been informed,

reproductions of this body can be made,

so why are you here?" Misaka repeats.

"Misakas can be automatically manufactured

with no more effort than the push of a single button."

"The bodies are fabricated...

stocked with borrowed minds...

This process has been successfully

completed many times

Stop talking.

I don't care about the fact

that you can be manufactured.

And I have a very good reason for being here:

I'm rescuing you.

There's only one of you in the whole world, right?

Sorry... but you're not dying today...

I'm afraid you've still got a whole mountain

of accounts to settle...

I'm gonna help you out of this situation.

You just keep quiet and watch.

Very impressive... a heroic speech.

Tell me, did you just come up with that,

or have you been practicing?

However, you must've realized

that there's a slight problem with your plan

or did you forget that I'm here?

Man, you're slow.

Is that the best you can do?

If so, you don't stand a chance in hell of beating me.

Come on...! Try!

Still so slow...

Yeah, far too slow to beat me.

This would be a lot more entertaining for me

if you were to put up more of a struggle.

Don't just stand there like a pig

waiting to be slaughtered.

Well, this is boring.

All right, then.

I think it's about time we put an end to this.

What? !

Apparently there was flour inside that container.

And there's no wind tonight, either.

That could turn this into a more dangerous situation

that I had anticipated.

Dangerous indeed...

There's quite a lot of powder floating in the air now.

What if someone happened to start a fire out here...?

The oxygen's rate of combustion would be very fast.

Things could get out of control.

Hey, tell me something...

Have you ever heard of a certain phenomenon

known as a dust expl*si*n?

They can be quite devastating.


There's only one of you in the world,

but what can I do for you...?

I'm so weak I can't even get near someone like him.

Next time, "Weakest vs. Strongest."

When science and magic cross paths,

a story is born.