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01x16 - Toya Kamijo (Father)

Posted: 01/12/24 19:19
by bunniefuu
At a beach resort away from Academy City,

I was reunited with my parents and little cousin.

There, we fell victim to the effects of a spell

called Angel Fall.

A member of the Russian Orthodox Church showed up,

along with a woman named Kanzaki,

and, strangely enough, my friend Tsuchimikado.

As it turns out, he's a member of Necessarius...

Wait, what?!



It's a simple explanation, really.

You see, Kami...

I'm a member of Necessarius, too.


Then, you're a...

Yeah... I'm a sorcerer.


But it's impossible for a sorcerer to live in

Academy City, right...?

Think about it for a minute, and you'll see, Kami.

Science and magic are enemies, yes...?

A little bit of espionage between two rival sides

is hardly surprising...

A double agent can be very useful.

And that's what you are?

Yes, basically, I'm a spy...

I know pretty much everything about you, Kami...

Including, of course, your Imagine Breaker and its power.

But... my job as a spy comes with a price.

Since I've taken so much of the esper curriculum,

I can't use my magic anymore.

At any rate, there's a good chance that

whoever it was that put Angel Fall into motion

has gotten close to you somehow...

The ritual site is tied to you as well...

We're all going to need to work together for a little while.

Hopefully then we can determine

the caster's purpose and plans.

Misha Kruezhev, what do you say?

Any objections?

Observation one...

Your suggestion is the smartest course of action

we can take.

Hey...! I think I should have a say in this.

I'm with my family right now,

and I haven't seen them in a long time...

My parents and my cousin are staying with me at the inn.

A family reunion, how touching;

but tell me, do your parents and cousin

look like they're supposed to?

My rotten luck.

Good luck charm, yeah right.

Just a cheap useless trinket.

The god's power dwells within replicas.

Or at least, that's what people who worship idols believe.

I can't believe you're a sorcerer.

That's not exactly true, though...

I was a sorcerer.

I was once the most highly respected

feng shui specialist in all of Necessarius,

but now I'm just another ordinary person.

Aren't you going to go in there and visit with the others?

Nope I couldn't even if I wanted to...

When Angel Fall first went into effect,

Kanzaki and I put up a barrier

as soon as we realized what was happening,

but we weren't able to avoid it entirely.

Judging by the reactions I've been getting,

I have the rather dubious luck

of looking like Hitotsui Hajime.

Wait, I think I know that name.

You mean that celebrity guy with the hair?

So who does Kanzaki look like?


looks like our Toma has made some unique friends

while he's been away at school.

I'll say! You're totally cool, mister!

With your bright red hair and that cigarette in your mouth.

Is that a barcode tattooed on your cheek...?

What's the word I'm looking for?

It's so...

I think you're trying to say it's rad,

right, Aunt Shina?

-Yes, that's it. -Oh, ... right...

almost forgot.

I have some Egyptian good luck charms here.

Geez...! Enough already with the souvenirs,

Uncle Toya.

All right, back to our guest...

What did you say your name was?

It's Kaori Kanzaki.

She looks like Stiyl?!

That's too funny.

Hold on, didn't you just say

that you and Kanzaki raised a barrier...?

I thought espers weren't able to use magic at all.

They shouldn't...

This is the kind of thing that happens when we do.

I used my magic one more time,

and my blood vessels burst... Boom! .

It's going to be the death of me.

Can I ask you for a favor...?

You know how you're always moaning about your rotten luck?

It would be best if you could avoid doing that

in front of Kanzaki.

With her, it's not bad luck that's the problem...

It's her own good luck that she can't stand thinking about.

Since when is good luck a problem?

There is an organization in Japan called Amakusa--

a secret order of warriors within the Catholic Church...

Kanzaki was set up as the organization's top priestess...

She was born into the position.

They said it was her destiny.

She's a saint and a stigma-user...

one of only a handful in the world...

You know what a saint is, right...?

A human who carries the power of God inside of them.

When she releases her stigma,

she can call upon that power,

and for a short time,

she has abilities beyond any normal human...

She can't stand that her good luck came to her

because she happened to be born under a fortunate star.

Must it always come back to God with you people...?

So... why does an accident of birth bother her so much?

I guess that's one thing only Kanzaki

can ever know for sure...

Just think about it, though...

How would it feel to be so blessed?

To be lucky in every single thing you do?

It's like her life is one big lottery drawing...

She always wins...

which means she has to watch as everybody around her loses.

I can't put up with this any longer.

As it happens, I... Well...

Angel Fall has made me look like...

I heard about it...

They all think you look like Stiyl.

Unfortunately.... I'd like to take a bath

to get the soreness out of my muscles,

but if I used the women's baths and someone came in,

there'd be a big scene.

And you wouldn't be comfortable

using the men's baths if anyone else came in, either.

Exactly. Which is why I'd like you

to stand watch out here...

Make sure that nobody else comes in.

Do you understand? I'm counting on you, Toma.

Just my luck.

Oh, right. I need to be careful not to say that around Kanzaki.

Toma... so this is where you ran off to.

-Oh, Dad. -This works out perfectly.

What do you say we take a nice father-son

steam together for old times' sake?

No, wait, hold on...! We can't right now.

There's someone in there.

Yeah, so what if there is...?

This is a hot spring,

that's kind of what you would expect.

Well, uh, you see, it's just....

You're acting so strangely today.

Come on, we're both men.

What is there to be embarrassed about?

-I'm really sorry. -Oh, hey...

if it isn't the cool, red-headed,

cigarette-smoking, tattooed Kanzaki!

How's it goin'?


You'd toss aside all you owe him over

nothing more than a little nudity?

Or have you already forgotten that Kami saved

Index's life when no one else could...?

Is seeing you naked a big deal compared to that?

You should show him a bit more gratitude.

I haven't forgotten how much I owe him, but...

I don't think you would understand.

Man, you've got some really weird friends,

you know that, son...?

Why was that guy so touchy about

sharing the steam baths with other men?

Oh, that's kind of a long story.

Oh, really...? I think I know what you're getting at.

He plays for the other team, doesn't he?

Well that's okay in this day and age

it's nothing to be embarrassed about.

Now you're letting your imagination run away with you...

It's not like that, Dad.

That's right...

If everyone's appearance is different

because of Angel Fall...

then this might not be what my dad really looks like.

He could be someone else entirely.

Hey, Toma... is something bothering you?

You're so quiet.

Don't worry, Dad. It's nothing.

Heh... that look reminds me of your mother.

A long time ago...

before we got married and were still just dating...

the time would come to say goodbye for the night...

your mother would get that exact look on her face...

It was difficult for me to see her like that.

But at the same time, it was sweet.

You take after your mother when it comes to looks.

Oh, yeah! I forgot I have this souvenir

to give you from Mexico.

I don't want it, Dad!

Is that Misha?

Yeah, it is.

What a pity...

for such a young and innocent girl

to be so troubled by something...

It almost seems like she came here hoping

someone would offer their help...

Good luck, son... I know you can do it.

Where are you--?

Thanks a lot.

What are you up to out here?

Uh... I can stay here with you if you're homesick.

I was on my way back in, but I'm not rushin' or anything.

That was the worst pun ever...!

Maybe if I'm lucky she'll think I was just talking

and not trying to make a joke.

Want some?

Have you been able to find out anything

new about Angel Fall?


It's not like I know a whole lot about this angel stuff...

but what's the caster's goal?

Why would they wanna put a spell like Angel Fall into play?

Possible reason one...

to gain for themselves the incredible power

an angel possesses...

or perhaps to elevate themselves

from human to the rank of angel.

For the moment, Angel Fall is incomplete.

Okay, but what does that mean?

The power of an angel is great enough that with it,

a single person could bring down the Vatican.

Angel Fall is a serious thr*at.

Once complete...

the chaos it unleashes could destroy the world.

We must discover the caster's identity quickly.

If they complete the spell,

we will all be doomed.

I guess this is a bad time to be standing around

chewing gum if it's that serious...

I'm sorry.

The whole world is in danger?

What has gotten into you, Toya?

I can't remember the last time you were so energetic!

It's like you're twenty again.

What's the special occasion?

It's from spending time with Toma today...

It reminded me of the past.

Besides... he always said

he wanted a younger brother or sister someday.

Oh, my, maybe we should give him one.

Sorry about this, Misha...

I've got a more urgent crisis

than the end of the world on my hands.

Stop right now...! Stop it! Stop it!

Ah! Toma...! It's not a good time.

Oh, my, how sweet...

Toma's been away from us so long

that he wants to sleep together as a family...

We'll all snuggle up in bed just like

when he was a little boy.

Oh no...! Oh no...! What's happened?

Toma isn't in our room...!

It doesn't look like he's been back at all since last night.

Where are you, Toma?

Oh dear, oh dear!

This is terrible.

What's the matter, sweetheart?

Why's everyone making so much noise?

It's too early for this.


What's the rush? This is supposed to be a vacation.

I just realized I forgot to lock the front door

when we left...

I'm going to go back and take care of it.

But that's going to take you most of the day.

It's a pretty long train ride.

It'll be all right. I should be back by this evening.

Question one:

Would it be a problem for me to accompany you?

But why?

I will repeat question one...

Would it be a problem for me to accompany you?

That would be lovely...

I never enjoy traveling alone.

With you along, I'll have someone to talk to.

Come on, Misha...

We'll have a wonderful time together.

Why would Misha want to go with Ind--I mean, with Mom?

I knew this would happen, Toma.

You two must have had quite a special time

together last night.

You must know what she's doing.

It's the oldest trick in the book.

She'll get friendly with your mom

and before you know it,

What the hell are you talking about?

That's ridiculous.

You certainly seemed to be enjoying her company last night.

What? Wait just a minute were you spying on us,

you dirty old pervert...?

Well, if you were, then you should know nothing happened.

Calm down, I'm just joking with you...

but you know, son...

it's rare to find a girl who's that refined nowadays...

So shy and delicate,

she wouldn't even hold your hand

when you gave it to her.

Oh... yeah.

My right hand. She wouldn't touch it.

For the moment, Angel Fall is incomplete.

Once complete...

the chaos it unleashes could destroy the world.

Misha really said that?

Yes, she did...

We're not really clear on the story

behind Angel Fall, right?

It seems like there are a lot of gaps to fill in.

That's right.

It's a previously unknown phenomenon.

We've looked everywhere,

but not even the British Library has anything.

Suppose the caster hasn't completed the spell...

If that's true... how would Misha know?

She also said that the spell would destroy the world...

If it's that unknown, how can she be sure?

Plus, I would like to know why she refused

to touch my right hand...

Is it just because she's incredibly shy...?

Or something else?

So she's the one who's behind all this.

She doesn't want to neutralize Angel Fall

while it's in progress.

I think she wants it to be completed.

Kami... take us to the house.


Hmm...? You want a map to the house?

You guys moved, right...?

I need to know the way to get to the new house.

Why the sudden interest to see it...?

Your mom will be fine.

You don't need to go after her.

Wait a minute, I think I get it now.

There's nothing to get!

It's not your mother you wanna go running after,

it's that pretty little Misha--

I've already told you, there's nothing going on!

-Now hurry! -All right, all right. Here.

Let's just assume Misha is the one moving Angel Fall along...

Why would she go with Index...

I mean my mom. Why go with her?

No idea... It doesn't make any sense to me.

To find out, we'll have to ask Misha personally.

So this is it...

my family's new house.

You here, Mom...? Misha?

The train does take longer.

We'll have to wait here until they arrive.

Hey, Kami, look!


My old man sure is a hardcore souvenir collector.

In here, too.

That's my name... I drew that...?

Nope, nothing... I don't remember making it.

What's up? You look troubled.

So it's here.

I never would have expected something like that.

Is there something wrong with these?

Don't touch them!

Hey, what's going on, Tsuchimikado?!

Spit it out, will you?

That's her.

That's my mother.

Huh? Dad?

It's us from last New Year's.

See, that's you and me.

Do you remember me now...? Please, say you do.

He's the same here......

and here, too.

That means my father...

wasn't affected by the spell.

What does this mean? Explain it to me.

Angel Fall doesn't affect you

because of Imagine Breaker.

Aside from that, there is only one person

who wouldn't be touched by it.

And that's the person who is responsible

for casting the spell.

Oh dear, oh dear!

I can't believe I did that...

How silly of me!

Ah...! It's Hitotsui Hajime!

I have no idea what you're doing here,

but I don't care...!

I have to tell you...

I'm one of your absolute biggest fans!

Go, Kami... Now!

Have you forgotten what Misha was going to do

when she thought you were the caster?

How is this possible, Dad?

How could you be responsible for this?

And what are you doing getting yourself

involved with the occult?

Hey, watch where you're going!

You got a death wish?

Uh... Himegami...?

Get outta the way, kid...

Move or I run you over, ya got me?

Hey... what're you doing?

Please just give me a ride. I'm begging you!

What the hell?

Does it look like I'm running a taxi service here?

This is important...

It's my father. I think his life is in danger!


If I don't get to him, he'll die...!

I have to save him somehow.

Please help me!

Oh man! You sure know how to tug at

a guy's heartstrings, don't you...?

Such a good, dutiful son in this day and age!

All right!

You better get that seatbelt fastened on tight...

I won't take the blame if you go flying.

Come on, come on, come on, come on...!

Move it, move it, move it, move it!

-Where is Misha? -Where's my father...?

I need to find my dad right now...

and Misha, too.

That's what I wanted to ask you about.

You were the one chasing after her...

As for Mr. oya, he's at the beach...

What exactly is going on?

I see.

I want you to remain here for the moment.

Given what you've told me, this is my task now...

I will take Mr. oya into my--

Not happening.

I'm going to take care of this, not you.

-But, Toma -"But" nothing, Kanzaki!

Don't you see? Toya Kamijo is my father!

He's the only dad I have...

This is up to me.



When a being that transcends human understanding appears,

Kanzaki steps forward

to keep it from destroying the world...

As for Tsuchimikado...

Next time, "The Power of God."

When science and magic cross paths, a story is born.