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01x18 - Replica (Impostor)

Posted: 01/12/24 19:20
by bunniefuu
Great... nosebleed.

There's a good reason why I'm sleeping

in the bathroom every night lately.



My bed, where I should be sleeping,

is currently occupied by someone else:

my rather odd houseguest.

I miss my soft, comfortable bed...

but mostly I try not to think about it too much.


Oh, sorry...

Did I wake you up?

Yes, you did...

So, tell me...

what're you doing here, near the bed where I'm sleeping,

instead of where you're supposed to be?

What am I doing here?

Well, I just... Had a nosebleed...

Wait...! Don't get the wrong idea here.

Arousal only causes nosebleeds in manga!


I want you to swear on our Father,

who art in Heaven...

Did you feel nothing when you gazed upon my sleeping face?

Whoa, what are you talking about?

You were just laying there, sleeping.

Of course I didn't feel anythi--

What do you mean, you didn't feel anything? !

I may be a nun, but I'm still a girl, you jerk!

I refuse to believe that the sight of me in the bed

didn't affect you at least a little bit.

-Just admit it! -Yes, I admit it!

I solemnly swear that my heart began to race when I saw you.

There, are you happy now?

Oh, no. After your earlier reaction,

you're going to have to do a lot more than that

to convince me!

I feel like there's something I might be forgetting....

There are only twenty-four hours of summer vacation left...

The teachers always assign homework over the break,

just to make sure you can't actually relax.

And... I'm fairly certain...

I didn't do any of it.

Rotten luck.


The very last day of summer vacation is here!

Misaka! Misaka!

You don't seem up to much.

Are you being lazy?

Yeah, of course...

I'm on summer vacation.

But you're studying to be a maid.

Shouldn't you avoid chit-chatting?

Hey, if you're going to the store,

do you think you could pick up a manga for me?

I like ones that have romance in them,

but don't get too steamy, you know?

So, basically...

you're looking for a romantic comedy?

Yeah, boy meets girl, boy loses girl,

boy gets girl back, and everyone lives happily ever after!

Yeah, okay.

Hey. Good morning.

How lucky that I ran into you, Misaka...

So, where are you headed to?

I would be more than happy to walk with you

part of the way if you don't mind some company.

Oh, Unabara...

Good morning.

Huh? You look a little pale.

Do you think you might be coming down with something?



What's wrong with this guy...?

He hasn't left me alone a single day this week.

I know this great little seafood restaurant

that's just around the corner.

Maybe we could grab a bite to eat there.

I just had breakfast and he's inviting me to lunch?

Oh... ...

I appreciate the invitation and all,

but I have some errands I need to run.

Okay, I'll come with you.

Well... I'm actually going to buy some lingerie,

and that's kind of an awkward place to bring a guy,

so goodbye.

I don't mind at all.

Now what do I do...?

I can't tell him I'm going to the store

to look at comic books.

Please! I'm begging you!

Sorry, Kami, no way...

I've got a private lesson scheduled with Miss Komoe,

and I'm not gonna miss it.

It's just that helping you out with your homework

isn't gonna get us any action...

If there were chicks involved, it would be different.

That's it. I'll pretend I was waiting for someone else!

Oh, hey...! Been waiting long?

Of course that's all we care about!

Tall girls, short girls, thin girls, fat girls,

blonde girls, stupid girls, smart girls,

girls with curly hair, girls with straight hair,

I said, "Been waiting long?"...

Stop ignoring me!

Damn... Ow...

Who the--?

Oh, Zapper? !

I beg you. Just play along.

Anyway, so sorry I'm late...

Let me make it up to you, okay?

Today, lunch will be my treat!

Sound good?


How interesting...

a secret rendezvous in front of the girls' dorm.

Hooking up with a boy and not telling me first, Sissy?

That's unacceptable!

Hey, what's the big idea...?

Dragging me away from my friends without bothering t--

-Shut up! -What?

Please, just stop talking

and give me a second to collect myself, all right?

So, basically, this Unabara guy

has been following you around the whole week

and you're sick of it?

That's pretty much it...

Apparently, he's the grandson of our school's director,

so I can't just blow him off.

So... you needed somebody to pretend to be your boyfriend,

and I just happened to be around?

What choice did I have...?

You were passing by.

I seized the opportunity.

Well, you've gotten away from him for now,

haven't you...?

So there's no real reason we need to keep up

this act anymore.

Well... I'd really like to make sure

that he thought I was off-limits

and never bothered me again,

but that would mean...

That would mean what, exactly?

You're going to have to stick by my side all day today...

We need as many people as possible to see us.

That should convince Unabara--

What's wrong with you?

Just my luck.

Well... if you have a better idea,

I'd like to hear it.

A better idea, huh...?

Yeah, I've got one.

Why don't you try wiping the mustard off your face?

I'm sorry.

Are you all right?

I-I'm fine.

Why do you ask?

Hey... Which one's yours and which one's mine?

Well, um... I think maybe this one is--

Let me look at it!


You figure it out yet?

-I said -No, they look exactly the same!

Here, you take this one.

We'll just have to hope it's right.

Honestly...! Are you always this careless...?

Freaking idiot!

Hey, it's not like it's my fault

you ordered both of us the same thing.

Uh... what's bothering you now...?

I've never seen you this quiet before.

Nothing's wrong. I'm fine.

So... what's our next move gonna be?

Huh? ...

What do you mean, "move?"

You know what I mean...

How do we make everybody believe

that we're the real deal?

So, now that the experiment is over,

fewer than ten of the Sisters

are still living in Academy City.

Most of them are staying in an institution

to have their bodies readjusted.

What a relief. It sounds like

everything turned out for the best in the end...

I'm glad to hear they're okay.


I'm guessing this isn't what couples normally talk about.

Yeah... you're probably right about that.

Oh, perfect...

Instead of paying attention to me,

you're going to study...

That totally makes it look like we're a happy couple.

What more do you want from me?

I need to get this homework done...

I have to turn it in in less than twenty-four hours.

Homework, huh...?

Yeah... I've heard of that before.

Wait... Does your school not give out homework?

Come on... let me see what you're doing.

Uh... all right...

Oh, okay.

So this is just a basic math review, then.

Wow... how do you know all that?

How do you not know all this?

Hey! Hey...!

How about we just take a little breather and get a soda...?

I'll go pick us up some, 'kay?

No, no... I'll do it.

I said I was going to pick them up, so I will...

When I've made up my mind, it's not good to disagree.

Pleased to meet you...


Oh, I'm Toma Kamijo.

My name's Mitsuki Unabara.

So... what can I do for ya?

Uh... Well, I was just wondering

if you were a friend of Misaka's.

That a problem?

Sort of...

I'm not really crazy about guys

being friends with the girl I like.

I guess I just wish she'd be more clear about

who she likes and who she doesn't...

That's not asking too much, is it...?

Oh, the answer to that question is three.

Really...? I always found she's pretty upfront

about her feelings.

Lucky you...

When I talk to her I get the sense

she isn't telling me the complete truth

about how she feels...

Oh, and, the answer to that one is four.

They put the two there to trick you.

Uh... yeah, I think you're right. Thank you.

Not a problem. I'm happy to help.

What's the matter with you?

Can I speak with you for a moment?

It's not gonna do me any good

if you're just gonna make friends with him...!

Remember... as of today you're my boy...

You're pretending to be my boyfriend

so we can get mister Unabara to leave me alone for good.

It's not like its rocket science or anything!

-I can't. -Huh?

Well, he's actually a really nice guy...

and I think he's serious about you.

What do you mean?

I don't get what it is you don't like about him...

Well... I guess it's your choice;

you can always tell him 'no'.

Listen, you...!

You're right...

Just forget about it.

So... what do we do now...?

Are we keeping this up still?

-Or maybe you... -No!

You can stop pretending to be my boyfriend

but let me treat you to one last thing.

What do you feel like?

We're already eating again?

Everywhere looks full.

How about there...? That'll work...

Stay here, I'll get us something.

Misaka, hold up!

What's this...? Are you alone?

Did you get all your homework finished up?

Yeah... If you're looking for Misaka, she's in there.

What? Is there something wrong?

You wouldn't happen to have a twin brother,

by any chance would you?

No... No brothers or sisters.

That's weird...

Someone who looks like you just ran into the restaurant.

Whew...! It's so hot!

Hey what are you doing?

You have to get out of here!

Sorry, you said someone who looks similar to me

just went into that restaurant?

Not "similar." This guy looked like

he could be your identical twin.

There are espers who can alter their appearance

to look like other people...

One could've made himself look like me

to get close to Misaka.

Huh... I didn't realize she was such a celebrity.

Would you mind checking it out...?

I'd go, but I think I upset her earlier.

Uh... sure...

You wait here.

I guess there is a flaw in every plan...

How inconvenient for me.

I didn't think the real Unabara could escape.

You mean you're not him?

That was magic!

Damn it!

Okay, I get it...

So this TV show "Magical Powered Kanamin"

is about a girl who can fool

the Roman Orthodox Witch Hunter Crusaders

by simply disguising herself as a student.

But why does she need a rainbow-colored wand to do that?

Yes, hello?

Is everything all right there?

I think we've got another sorcerer in town.

What's wrong...?

It sounds like you're running from someone!


Can you describe him?

His clothes, weapons, behavior?

The knife he carries is made of obsidian...

I know it... I think it might be

The Spear of Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli.

Tlah... What?!

An Aztec god.

His name means Lord of the House of Dawn...

The spear is said to k*ll anyone

who is bathed in the light of Venus.

Never mind the background,

just tell me what I should do!

I just need to know

how I'm supposed to get rid of this guy!


The sorcerer just has a replica of the spear.

It's probably a mirror.

He'll attack by reflecting the light from Venus

in the spear's obsidian blade.

I think the best thing for you to do

is to try blocking it with your right hand.


Is he using this Aztec magic to disguise himself as Unabara?

Aztec priests would flay the skin

of a human sacrifice and then wear it.

I'm guessing this is analogous.

Wait--they do what with the skin?

First they'd strip it off with a knife...

and then they'd wear it.

If he's just using it as a disguise,

it's possible he took only a small portion of skin

and used it to change his appearance.

Man, these sorcerers are twisted! Hmph...


Time to say your prayers!


I'm sure the knife was positioned perfectly!

Cement dust?

Damn it!

Now then...

I have a question.

Why did you pick Unabara's body as your disguise...?

To get close to Misaka...?

Why her? She has nothing to do with magic.

Hah...! You're not joking.

You really don't get it, do you?


You have access to the

one hundred and three thousand grimoires...

And as if that wasn't enough,

you've made friends with some interesting people lately...

Among them are a few sorcerers and a Level esper.

You're forming a group of supporters

being referred to as The Kamijo Forces.

The what?

Dude... You're not making sense.

Your friends...

Together, their power threatens

to upset the balance between the two worlds.

You're not the only one I'm targeting for extermination...

I want every member of the Kamijo Forces.

My plan was to use the faces of people familiar to you

to erode your trust and destroy you from the inside out.

Sneaky punk.

Unfortunately, Mitsuki Unabara's identity

is useless to me now.

I'll have to use somebody else's body as my disguise.

You don't mean...

You were going to use Misaka?

-You...! -Oh, no.

I think your face will suit my purposes perfectly.

I liked you...

I actually thought that we could be friends.


Because I never thought anything like that about you.

You could've fooled me...

and what about all that stuff you said about liking Misaka...?

You were probably just faking that, too, weren't you?

Don't judge me for what you can't understand.

I am a fake, but that doesn't change the fact

that I wanted to protect Misaka.

This stupid stunt wasn't my plan to begin with!

But then... my superiors determined

that the Kamijo Forces were too dangerous!

Then you...

If you had just been less troublesome...

If you had just backed down

and made it possible for me to report

that you weren't a threat...

we wouldn't be here,

and I wouldn't have had to trick Misaka!


You're actually in love with her, aren't you?

Yes... but you're her friend,

and now I'm your enemy.

I don't have a choice.

That face isn't yours.

It's an illusion that I'm gonna destroy!

Move, quick!

It looks like...

I've lost this fight.

Yes, you have.

I won't be the last one

they send after you and your group.

Like it or not,

you and Misaka will still be targets...

Will you protect her for me...?

Will you keep her safe?

No matter where she is or what she's doing...

swear to me you'll be there for her...

Please, will you make me that promise?

For cryin' out loud.

Worst possible answer.

Yeah, he is the kinda guy

who would say something like that without thinking...

I know I'm nobody special or anything.

I'm not going to take his words the wrong way.

But he makes it really difficult...

the idiot!


A mysterious girl introduces herself to Accelerator,

revealing a shocking truth

and forcing him to make a tough choice.

Next time, "Last Order."

When science and magic cross paths,

a story is born.