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01x19 - Last Order (The End)

Posted: 01/12/24 19:21
by bunniefuu
Time to get out of bed, Sissy...

The day has finally come!

Aren't you excited?

No, not exactly.

But it's your moment to shine!

I know big, important events

are pretty much an everyday occurrence for you,

but today is extra special...

I'm not the only one who thinks so...

The rest of the girls in our dorm have been waiting

for this almost as anxiously as I have.

My moment to shine, huh?

There must have been any number of girls

who would've been better suited

for something like this than I am.

Aw... always modest...!

You shouldn't be. If you ask a hundred people

who best represents the pride of Tokiwadai,

every single one of them would say your name.

Well... since it's all set,

it's too late to back out now.

That's the attitude I'm looking for...

Now, then...

Let's see about getting you changed, shall we?

I can dress myself. I don't need your help.

Let's get this over with.


One day out of each year, the Tokiwadai Girls' dormitories

open their doors to the public...

This is a special annual event.

It's our midsummer festival.

You have all invited special guests,

and today they will be allowed inside.

I expect you all to behave in a way

that befits your status as Tokiwadai dorm residents.

There will be no missteps!

I get that we want to be hospitable...

but are these outfits really necessary?

Welcome to our dorm...

Would you like a pamphlet listing today's events?

You sure are cute...

Can I take a picture?

I'm afraid not, sorry...

We ask that within the dorms there be no photography.

Yeah...! Work it...! Work it!

No photography!

Yes!... Yes...! Yes... Perfect!

What did I just say...?

Why are you taking pictures?

I am working in an official capacity...

I'm the midsummer festival's archivist this year.

Somebody needs to take pictures...

Future classes will want to look back on this festival.

But Sissy... I have to say,

your outfit doesn't photograph well

with those stupid shorts underneath it...

Couldn't you put on something a little nicer for the occasion?

Please tell me, Kuroko...

How exactly will sticking a camera up my skirt

help future Tokiwadai classes

to "look back" on this year's festival...? Huh?!

Now, now, Sissy.

I think we have a misunderstanding here...

Hey, you guys!

You two are always wrestling.

I can't thank you enough for inviting us, Shirai...

What an honor...!

We're here for the exclusive

Tokiwadai Middle School midsummer festival!

I can't wait...!

I'm certain today's festivities

will exceed even my wildest imaginations!

I'm glad you could be here...

We won't disappoint...

The events to come will be memorable...

I'm certain you'll enjoy everything we have to offer.

Now then... shall I take you on a little tour?

Just a minute.

Shirai... when were you planning on helping us out

with the buffet?

Uh... I, uh, guess I must have forgotten.


Oh, allow me to introduce you...

This is Maika Tsuchimikado,

from Ryouran Girls' Housekeeping School...

She and her classmates are helping us out this year...

They're overseeing all the food for the festival.

Oh, I've heard of that place!

They really specialize in training future housekeepers?

Yes, they do.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Maika... These are two very good friends of mine...

Kazari Uiharu and... Ruiko Saten.

Hey, there.

It's so nice to meet you!

If there's anything you need,

feel free to give me a shout.

And as for you... time to work!

Hey...! Stop dragging me for a second, will you...?

I can't just abandon my friends.

Oh, but you can abandon your work, is that it?

Now you're just twisting my words.

I can show you around, since she's busy.

All right, then...

What should we start with first...?

Is there anywhere you'd like to...

Yes!... Yes, yes, yes!

There is someplace I'd like to see, very much!

Right here... and here... and here...

Oh...! And from here to down there, too.

Okay... everywhere, then?

I'll have you know...

For today, at least,

I am no longer mild--mannered Kazari Uiharu...!

Yes, I hereby announce...

The arrival of my alter ego!

Well... that's fine...

We'll see everything there is to see.

Wow!... What an incredible display...!

That's what you get from a top--notch school...

Well...? What do you think?

Are all of these really made entirely of sugar...?

It seems almost impossible.

Let's see...

Yep, that's pure sugar all right.

You can't just eat that, you know...!

They're handcrafted display models...!

Right... Misaka...?

Here, Misaka.

Have another, please.

It's really no trouble at all.

Oh... thanks...

It's lovely, really, but I don't think so.

Wow... the detailing on this is amazing.

Oh, hey, look at that!

We can even do it ourselves!

Okay, Uiharu... I'll give it a try.

You're going to come with us, aren't you, Misaka?

Oh, well... Thank you, but...

That settles it! This'll be great...

Okay we've got a party of three.

I think I did a pretty decent job...

Here, take a look, Saten.

This one's not quite as good as the one I made

for my brother's book--bag.

Oh, hey... how's it coming?

Oh, wow...! These are magnificent!

You can really tell that

these were arranged by proper young ladies, huh?

They're all so graceful and refined.

I think that's exactly the impression they want to give...

This is a girls' school, after all.

Excuse me, I was wondering...

Did you arrange all the flowers here by yourselves?

Yes, that's why we're displaying them.

Oh...! They're very beautiful.

Thanks for saying so... We tried.

I have to say, the flowers in your hair

are far prettier than these are.

It's true.

You have an eye for arrangements, clearly.

What are you talking about?

Tokiwadai is a fine institution...

The festival is perfect.

I'm amazed...

Each exhibit is flawless...

Our school could never aspire to this...

Tokiwadai has achieved a greatness

that few places could hope to match.

Well, Saten...?

Don't you agree?

You're awful! How could you do that to me,

here of all places?!

Welcome back.

Well... you were looking so dreamy,

I had to wake you up.

I wasn't dreaming, thank you very much.

I'm wide awake!

Here. That should do it.

Thank you so very much...!

Oh... and please allow me to wish you the very best of luck.

Yeah, well... thanks...

That's nice of you.

Lucky...! I can't believe Misaka tied your apron for you.

Just look at her, Uiharu...

She's what Tokiwadai is all about.

Yeah... that is so true.

So... are you guys getting hungry?

That's it, I don't ever want to leave!

I'm just going to have to move in with you.

I'll go look for a seat, all right?

Oh... okay.

What's wrong...? Oh, is it not cut yet?

Well. Allow me.

How could you do that to such an exquisite cake?!

This from someone who didn't think twice about

popping a sugar statue in her mouth?

How can you possibly eat that much cake?

People always say you have a second stomach

for desserts, right?

I... I can't move...

That's what happens when you eat twenty plates of food.

But... it's good...

and they said it was all you can eat...

Come on...

we can't let the students see you in this state...

Move it... Get up, get up!

If you're not careful, it's all gonna come back up!

Big Sister Mikoto!

Huh...? You're from Asunaro Park...

So, what are you doing here?

I invited them to come today.

Guess what?

We made rings out of beads and drew pictures

and built stuff with sugar!

Wow... that sounds like fun.

Yeah, it was...!

But you want to know what I'm most excited about...?

-Do you? -Yes...

I would love to know.

Seeing Big Sister Mikoto on stage!

Me, too. I can't wait!

Yeah, I hope it's not gonna be much longer!

Okay, wait. Who told you guys about that...?

It's not a big deal, really!

Yeah...! We're gonna cheer for you...!

Good luck, Big Sister!

You heard her, right...?

You're going to give them a show to remember.

Yes... Of course.

Now, now... No running.

You might fall and get hurt.

I mean... Absolutely no running!

That's just great...

Does she think putting extra pressure on me

is gonna make me do any better?

Hey, Misaka!

Are you really gonna perform something for us?

Huh?... Oh, well, I...

Yeah...! Really...?

So how come you didn't say anything about it earlier...?

Oh...! I get it! It's gonna be a surprise!

Huh?... No, no, no...

It isn't like that.

Don't worry about it...

We won't ask any more questions.

But... Ah...! Quiet...! Say no more...!

We'll just wait and see.

Yeah, don't tell us...

I want it to be a surprise...

Ah... what could it be?

I can't wait to find out!

Um... yeah...

Hey, Misaka!

Have you seen Shirai around lately?

Didn't you take her earlier

to help you out with the buffet?

Yeah, but she's not in the kitchen anymore...

The little brat must have run away on me.

One of the guests here is a freakishly big eater,

so we have our hands full

just getting enough food on the table.

It's a big hassle.

Kuroko... she's so sneaky.

Oh, yeah...

Good luck today.

I can't wait to see you up there!

So much suspense...! Oh, my!

It's k*lling me!

Ah! That was one delicious meal!

What's up next? Where to?

Well, isn't it obvious?

No... Where?

Well, if we keep going straight, we can...

Uh, sorry, guys.

I need to use the restroom real quick...

Go on ahead without me.

Hey... what's up with her...?

She's been acting kinda nervous and twitchy.

Really? You think so?

Last call, everybody.

Do we have any other bidders?

Saten, look...

Something's going on out here.

I don't hear anybody...

Okay...! That makes this our final bid!

Oh, that's cool...

They're having an auction.

Those are some incredibly rare items up for bid...

I've seen some of that stuff in a magazine.

It's so exclusive, you can't even get it on the market.

Leave it to Tokiwadai!

Hey there, Konori!

Oh... what are you doing here?

I had no idea you were into purses that much.

Oh...! No... this isn't my style normally.

They're doing it for charity, though...

The proceeds they get from the auction are being donated

to the Child Error children...

As a member of Judgment,

it is expected for me to participate.

You know...

that sounds suspiciously like an excuse.

Well... it isn't.

Well, why don't you guys bid on something?


I don't think we can...

We can't afford it.

We don't have a whole lot of spending money.

Oh, that's all right.

Let's see what we have now.

It's a lovely stationery set.

We'll start the bidding at one hundred!

! ! !

There, you see?

I guess you're right...

Okay. ,!

Why are you here...?

Tsuchimikado's been looking all over for you.

This is the reason you abandoned your duty in the kitchen...?

Just to drop a bunch of money on some stationery?

Oh, no...

This isn't just a stationery set, I'll have you know.

It is so very much more...

You see, it was put up for auction

by none other than Sissy...

These pens and pencils... these pages...

They are a part of her, like bits of her soul.

I... am so... lucky!

Those belonged to Misaka...

That explains it.

Speaking of which, where is she...?

She's not with you?

Oh... well, you see...

Good afternoon, ladies.

Just perfect. What are you doing here...?

And what's with that outfit you've got on?

I should think that would be obvious,

even to someone like you.

I felt certain you would need coaching

on what it is to be a proper maid,

so I condescended to come and provide

the benefit of my expert instruction...

I know...! I am so generous of spirit.

So benevolent!

I cordially invite you

to study my impeccably attired self...

This maid uniform is authentically English...

With an Eastern flair, of course...

It was designed specifically for today.

There's nothing authentic about that get--up.

All right then, Shirai...

Let's test your skill...

I want you to say, "Welcome home, my lady."

Oh yeah?! Why would I want to do

something like that?

You can't do it, can you...?

Poor dear, even with that outfit,

I can see you're hopeless.

I humbly beg your pardon...

I wonder if you would be kind enough

to offer a demonstration?

I know so very little about good manners, you see.

Oh, very well...

I am Mitsuko Kongo, the Maid of Maids.

I will show you how it is done.

Please, watch me very closely.

First a little twirl, and then...

Welcome home, my lady.

-It is so good to see you. -Yes...

Now, my friends and I are very thirsty.

Please bring drinks for everybody.

Yes, of course, my lady.

Right away.

Thank goodness simple--minded folk are so easy to handle.

Hey, guys. Good to see you.

Yes, how have you been?

Probably a lot better than you two ...

having to put up with someone like her.

She can be trying sometimes,

but she's not a bad person, really.

Yeah, she's actually the one

who invited us to the midsummer festival...

She's spent the whole year waiting for it...

That's why we're here.

Wait... I'm confused now.

You guys don't all live here in the dorm?

No, actually Tokiwadai's girls

are split up between two different dormitories...

There's this one, of course,

and then there's also one inside the Garden of Learning.

Wannai, Kongo, and I all live in the other one.

You live in the Garden of Learning...?!

That magical paradise filled with elegant young ladies?

Anyway... is Misaka around somewhere?

Come to think of it,

we haven't seen her since she took a bathroom break.

Oh... That's too bad.

I wanted to tell her how excited I am

about seeing her perform today.

Do you know what kind of performance Misaka's giving?

No, we have no idea.

It's a surprise!

Ooh... I wonder what it is?

Oh! That's right!

This is no time for me to be hanging around here.

I have to get a good seat

so I can capture Sissy's performance on camera!

I wish they would stop being so excited.

Oh, no...

I'm breaking out in a sweat!

Do I have the jitters...?

No. No way...

That can't be happening to me of all people.

I wonder what kind of surprise she has in store

for her performance.

I can't wait to find out.

Oh, dear...

My heart's starting to pound,

and I've got butterflies in my stomach!

Why are you nervous?

It's not your show.

You guys are close, Shirai.

Do you know what Misaka's going to do up there?

Of course I do.

However... my lips are firmly sealed.



Look at the flowers!

I can barely walk.

Oh, no...

My heart's going a million miles an hour.

Ah...! You've got to get it together, now!

Um... Hey...

Sorry if I'm interrupting...

It's just... I got separated from the person I came with.

Maybe you've seen her around...?

She's about this tall, and she's wearing a nun's habit.

What are you doing here?

I said, what are you doing here? Answer me!

Whoa... I'm sorry...!

Uh... I'm not doing anything wrong...

See, I have an invitation and everything.

Did you come here to make fun of me...?

You wanted to laugh at my silly dress?

No... No way...

I think it looks really pretty, actual...

Get outta here!

What is with that guy?

He chooses now of all times to show up?

I'm already enough on edge!

Oh, cool. She's doing a violin solo!

Oh, wow...! I didn't even know that she could play.

Look at that.

They have no idea I'm nervous.

All right, then.

What do you know.

It looks like that guy is good for something, after all...

I didn't see that coming.


Hey! Do you feel that swaying...?

Back and forth...

Now, Sissy, you know I'm steadfast.

I would never waver in the face of your lov--

I'm talking about an earthquake!