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01x22 - Golem (Stone Figure)

Posted: 01/12/24 19:24
by bunniefuu
September st marked the end of a turbulent summer vacation.

It turns out our new transfer student is Index...

wait, no... it's Himegami.

I took Index and her new friend,

a girl named Hyoka Kazakiri

to have some lunch at the underground mall.

We probably wouldn't have gone

if we had known what was going to happen while we were there.


Thank you, have a good day.

Ah, that was officially a delicious meal...

Now my tummy feels full, full, full, full, full!

What's all this...?

It looks like a whole bunch of television sets.

How cool...! I've never seen a TV like this before!

Um, Index...

So you know, that isn't actually a TV.

My phone...

Who is it...?

I'll catch up in a sec, okay?

C'mon, Hyoka, let's go!

Yes, hello?

It's... gami...

careful... Ka... iri...

Hey, wait...

Well. We're underground... so...

Oh, wow...! These are adorable!

So cute, so cute, so cute...!

Look, Hyoka...!

Aren't these little things darling?

Oh... yeah!

Hey... look over there!

I love how many costumes they had to choose from...

It's an impressive selection.

Yeah... That maid costume was totally cute too!

Index... Right there.

I think you choose from one of the costumes they have.

And then you can get your picture taken

in one of those photo booths.

Oh, wow...! That sounds like a lot of fun!

Come on, let's try it!

Um, I don't know about this...

Hello, Index...? Where are you guys?

This is amazing!

Look at this...

They even have a Magical Powered Kanamin costume!

Um... are you really going to wear that?

Yep, I sure am!

In here, huh?

Hey, Index, are you in there?

Yikes...! T-T-Toma!

Uh, please wait there.

Don't open the curtain right now.

Right... I'm not gonna make the same mistake I made earlier.

That was embarrassing for everyone.

Hey... Take it easy...

No pushing.

So cool...

Here, we can split them up...

This can be your half.


So this is what it's like to be a student here, huh...?

You guys have it made!

Yeah, except for all the boring classes and hellish tests...

Oh, and then there's the mountains and mountains

of homework you have to do.

What's that?

Did you hear it?


What's up you guys...?

Is something the matter?

I heard a voice from somewhere just now.

-A voice? -Yeah...

It almost felt like it was talking directly inside my head.

A voice inside your head...?

-That's kind of... -You, there! Move it!

How much more warning do you three need...?

I can't believe you're just standing there.

What's Judgment doing here?

Um... Something wrong?

Oh, brother...

Listen to the telepathic warning, you idiots...

I'll give you one more chance.


You get that...?

Understand the situation now?

Nope... not at all.

This doesn't make any sense...

I don't know why the message

wouldn't be getting through to you.

I'll have to explain it out loud, then...


A t*rror1st has been detected in the underground mall."

There's a t*rror1st here?

That's correct...

We're about to lower the barriers

and seal off the whole mall...

It's important that you evacuate immediately...

Now get moving.

I think we should take her advice...

Let's get out of here quickly.

I found you.

What the hell is that?

A creature made from earth to imitate man.

A golem or protector of the temple...

It's being made to serve as an English guardian angel.

Are you saying...

the t*rror1st they detected is a sorcerer?

Now... let's get this party started.

You can scream as loud as you'd like...

Nobody is going to hear you in this tomb.

What's happening?

Hey...! Let us out of here!

What's going on?

Open up!

All right, Index...

take Kazakiri and go hide somewhere.

You take Kazakiri and hide somewhere...

The enemy is a sorcerer...

And that means this is a job for me.

How do you expect to win in a fight?

You're a tiny little girl!

Listen up...! Do you think you've survived

this many fights on your own by being lucky...?

You know perfectly well you're an amateur

when it comes to magic.

Yeah, right...

How could I possibly think that...?

I am Toma Kamijo,

the single unluckiest person on the face of the earth,

so no, I don't...

Not exactly something to brag about.

Toma, excuse me...

I don't really understand what's going on...

but if there's anything I can do to help,

I would like to...

-No way! -No way!

-Go hide, Index! -Quick, Toma, run!

That's strange...

I could've sworn I just heard a cat meow somewhere.

Me too.


What are you doing here?

Taking a quick nap?

How scandalous...!

Such behavior, and at a time like this.

Explain, Toma.

Exactly who are these crass girls, and why are they here?

You know them?

Um, excuse me...?

Just who the hell do you think you are...?

Saying something like that to people you've never met?

Admit it... I'm right.

You do know Toma, don't you...?

So, what exactly is your relationship with him?

What...? What relationship?

How about you start by telling me who you are.

Well, uh...

I kind of owe my life to him and stuff.

Oh, really...?

Don't tell me. He came to your rescue

without asking if you needed him to.

-Toma! -Listen up, you!

Uh, yes, ma'am?!

Would you care to explain

your irresponsible behavior, young man?

Well... You see...

I, um...

I see now...

I thought something was feeling a little bit off lately...

Now I learn Sissy has decided

that my love is insufficient for her needs

and instead given herself, body and soul, to Mr. amijo here.

That is absolutely not what's happening!

Well... What now?

What kind of trouble have you managed

to get yourself into this time?

How should I know?

Shirai... do you think

you could explain the situation here?

Authorities have discovered a t*rror1st

operating in the underground mall...

There is a real possibility

of a large-scale battle breaking out down here...

So I've been charged with getting all the citizens

who are trapped in the mall safely evacuated.

They chose me because I'm a master teleporter.

All right, then you get to work

getting everybody out of here...

Meanwhile, I'll see what I can do to buy you some time...

You're the first one to go. No arguing!

But don't you understand?

With my right hand, I can render any power ineffective...

I have no choice but to stay and see what I can do.

We should also consider the limitations of my power...

I can only carry two people each trip.

I'm going to need some time.

Okay... then please take Index and Kazakiri first.

Really, Toma...?

You want some quality time alone with the loudmouth girl?

Is that what you're trying to say?

Okay then... take Misaka and Kazakiri first.

Oh, I see......

What you want is to stay behind with this little freak show.

Damn my luck.

Okay then, you're going first.

But Kuroko...

Sorry about that...

It's my fault you got left behind.

I'll be just fine...

I promise.

Forget me; what about you?

Looks like it's starting.

All right... I hate to do this...

but you need to wait here until Kuroko comes back for you.

But... what will you do?

I've got a sorcerer to take care of.

We're not even making a dent in it.

Not everyone's evacuated yet.

We have to do something!

You have considerable strength,

but you're lacking style...


Are you all right?

Are you a student...?!

What are you doing?

You shouldn't be down here.

Well, I'm...

I'm here to...

You're that odd boy from Miss Tskuyomi's class.

Get back behind the barricade...!

Right now!

Good afternoon, young man.

Oh, what's this...?

You're the one who wields Imagine Breaker...

You're not with the key

to the Imaginary Number School District.

Now what was that brat's name, again?

Oh, well...

It's not as if she's the only one I can k*ll.

I do have options...

I'll be happy to take time out of my day to k*ll you instead.

The power of the earth is under my control....

You will not survive for long.

With Ellis, the very ground will fight you.

Damn sorcerer.

There's no need to be rude...

Call me Sherry Cromwell.

Regardless... you're going to die here,

but I might as well tell you

I'm with the English Puritan Church.

That's Index's church...

Why would one of their members do something like this?

Simple. Because I want to start a w*r...

and this will be what begins it.

So, for maximum impact,

I want to make sure everyone knows

that I'm one of the Church's pawns.

I need a plan, here...

If I could just touch that thing for a second!



What are you doing here...?!

You should be waiting for Shirai!

Well... I know... but I...

Never mind, just get down now!


What the...

What is that?

My... glasses?

My head...

What happened?


No...! W-what's happening to me?



No, not that way!

Now, Ellis!


Come along, Ellis...

Our work isn't done yet.

We have more hunting to do.


where could those idiots have gotten to?

What am I supposed to do now?

Please let us out!!

I'm worried about what happened to those two...

but I can't spend time looking for them

when these people are trapped.


Damn it...

What is that sorcerer up to now?

I'm kinda busy here.

Oh, good.

Is that you, Kamijo?

Finally, I was able to get you!

Himegami has been trying to reach you, without any luck.

She must have called a hundred times, at least.

-Himegami was calling me? -Yes...

and there's something important I need to tell you, too.

Yeah, I'm sorry, but this isn't really the best time for me...

I have to go.

Does whatever's happening

have something to do with your new friend?

Please listen to me for a minute...

We've discovered something that's very strange...

We don't understand why or how yet,

but Hyoka Kazakiri

doesn't show up on any of the security cameras

around the school.

We know that you were with her...

Can you tell me where, exactly, she entered the school?

Maybe we can take a closer look at the cameras in that area.

Wait... can you back up for a second?

I don't get what you're saying.

Remember the AIM diffusion fields

I was telling you about...?

We believe Kazakiri is somehow connected to them.

Yeah, I remember.

But what do you mean by "connected?"

Now, keep in mind that this is all just conjecture...

It has to do with bioelectricity emissions

and the magnetic fields that they form...

oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide expulsion, etcetera.

Basically, we have all the components

that combine to form a human being coming together...

in which case... wouldn't you then expect a person

to be created as a result?

There are all kinds of espers in Academy City....

And each one is constantly emitting a slight force

without even being aware of it.

What if, with so many fields overlapping,

they begin to coalesce to create something...?

And what if that creation is the "person"

we know as Hyoka Kazakiri?

Don't you think that's a bit of a stretch?

Apparently, there have been sightings of Kazakiri

going back a long time...

I believe in the earlier instances,

she was a more indistinct being...

kind of like what we imagine ghosts to be.

Maybe... but even if what you're saying is right,

I don't believe Kazakiri is aware of it at all.

That's hardly surprising...

Why wouldn't she believe she was human...?

She looks like one and talks like one...

There would be no reason for her to doubt it.

But regardless of what she believes...

Hyoka Kazakiri is definitely not a human being.

She is essentially an anthropomorphic manifestation

of the AIM diffusion fields.

That's crazy.


It's almost too awful to believe.

Awful or not, it's true.

Do you hear what I'm saying, Kamijo...?

It doesn't matter that she's made from

all the component parts that form a person...

not at all...

Despite whatever you want to believe,

Kazakiri is not human.

Of course... does that really matter...?

Why does she have to be a human being...?

Think about it, Kamijo.

How do you see her now that you know?

Is Hyoka Kazakiri nothing more than an illusion...?

Is she just some soulless image

that happened to appear one day,

haphazardly thrown together?

Is her presence so insubstantial

that nothing would change if she disappeared?

No way...! That's not what she's like at all...!

But even if she was some ephemeral phantom

that could disappear at any moment...

I could never just stand by

and watch while someone attempted to harm her.

I'm so glad to hear you say that...!

I love it when my little lambs figure out

the right thing to do all on their own.

It's so rewarding to me...

Keep up the good work, Kamijo,

and I'm sure everything will turn out all right in the end!

You can do it!

Okay then, bye-bye!

My, my, look what I found.

You're said to be the key

to the Imaginary Number School District,

but you are a sorry sight.

I imagined better than this.

I'll never be able to understand these science-minded types...

jealously hanging onto something like you.

Why are you here...?

What is it that you want from me?

Hold on... what's this...?

Am I sensing a little fear...?

Don't tell me that you're actually afraid

to lose your sorry life...

Give me a break!

I can't believe you haven't figured it out yet.

You are not, nor will you ever be,

a real human being.

There's no need to go all pale and trembly on me.


See? This is all that's going to happen to you.

It's like smashing an inanimate object.

Are you beginning to understand?

You're just like my Ellis ...

A monster.

There is no place for you here

or anywhere else in the world.

That doesn't mean she can't be my friend.

Please, Hyoka! I'd love it if you'd join us!

Okay... we'll split them...

these can be yours.

Now, now, monster, there's no need for tears.

Crying only makes you look more pathetic

and that much easier to destroy!

I'm really sorry to keep you waiting.

Don't worry... Everything will be all right.


Listen to me, Kazakiri...

Your kindness is no mere illusion.

It doesn't matter to me whether you're human or not.

We're going to save you!

Next time, "Friends."

When science and magic cross paths,

a story is born.