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02x06 - Wreckage (Remnant)

Posted: 01/12/24 19:34
by bunniefuu
And now, the weather

for tomorrow, September th.

Things look clear across the country tomorrow,

but expect increasing rain on and off in the evening and overnight.

--Toma! Toma! --Clouds will accompany a front approaching from the Sea of Japan,

--Huh? What is it? --Clouds will accompany a front approaching from the Sea of Japan...

It looks like growth rings have been drawn on this map,

but how does that show what tomorrow's weather will be?

Oh, those are isobaric lines.

I guess they look at the peaks and valleys of pressure to determine it.

Oh! Do you mean, Academy City is now using artificial means

to make feng shui readings come true?

Okay, time for a taste test.

It's right off the stove, so it will be hot. Be careful--


No fair! No fair, Toma! You always get mad when I snitch food early!

If I take my eyes off of you, you'll eat everything there!

Hmm? But Toma...


The weather girl sometimes says the wrong things.

Is being scatterbrained a selling point?

It just means that weather forecasts aren't perfect.

Though they were perfect until a little while ago...

This is Shuttle .

Now retrieving the Remnant.

"A Certain Magical Index II"

Yubi de hajiku koin mitsumeta

Omote nara GO Ura wa STAY

Mazu kotae wo kikasete

"Douka oshiete kuremasen ka?"

Tenshi wa misadameru egao no mama

Mayoe! Sono te wo hiku mono nado inai

Kami ga kudasu sono kotae wa fukou datta

Sou sore koso kami kara no okurimono

Norikoetara miete kuru sa dakara ima sugu (Look for it by oneself, no buts about it)

No buts!

"# Remnant (Wreckage)"

"# Remnant (Wreckage)" Geez, I can't put up with this, you know?

I don't care if the Daihasei Festival is coming up,

they can't have the whole school doing gym all the time like this.

What else can they do?


At last year's Daihasei Festival,

Tokiwadai Middle School took a humiliating nd place.

They are eager to ensure that this is our year.

By the way, Sissy,

do you have any plans after school today?


Oh, just that once in a while, I would like to go shopping with you,

or get something sweet to eat with you.

We seem to be passing each other by a lot lately.

I am busy with Judgment, and Sissy,

you have your accessories that you are always looking for all over.

To be honest, I have been a bit lonesome recently.


How commendable! Today I am laying on the admirableness!

And, while she will deny it, in fact,

Sissy is debating whether or not to welcome me

into her wide-open, protective arms to snuggle me!

Something sweet?

You keep stuffing your face with sweets after your Judgment work,

so you never end up feeling hungry, do you--


"US Space Shuttle successfully launches"

Sissy? There have been a lot lately, huh?

As I recall, France, Russia, and last week, Spain, also launched.

Sissy, is something the matter?


You seem to be upset about something.

O-Of course I am!

You did a buck-naked drop-kick on me out of nowhere,

exposing me to the most absurd sight, right before my eyes!

So hurry up and finish doing your shopping!

It's pretty embarrassing hanging around with you, given your tastes.

Sissy, you should take this chance to find something to wear

worthy of Tokiwadai's Ace!

Like this...

...or this...

...or something like this...

A bra pad?! Sissy, I never knew you were interested in these!

Do not tell me you have a boyfriend in mind.

I-It's not that!

No, of course not. Sissy, you would not get carried away with a boy--

Come to think of it, the last day of summer vacation...

No, that would be the last thing you would do...

Right, Sissy--?

What sort of fumbling reaction is this?!

Sissy could not be--could not really be with that troglodyte!

I-It's not like that! I'm not interested!

After all, when you wear them,

you eventually get found out when you take them off.

Sissy... you already have future plans that far ahead in mind...!

No, not like that! I meant gym! When changing for gym class!

Hey, your cell is ringing.

Geez, this is not the time!

Hello? Uiharu?

A robbery? Let Antiskill take care of it...

School District ? The one dealing with aerospace development?

I am so sorry, Sissy.

And after you were kind enough to come with me, too...

It's okay, it's okay.

But just be sure to come back early tonight.

The weather might turn bad come evening, after all.

Oh... okay...

Ah, Miss Shirai!

Is it just you, Uiharu?

Everyone else just went out. Oh, I'll put on some tea.

I appreciate it, but I will pass right now.

Oh, no! I just wanted to feel a little ladylike.

If you would like to practice feminine etiquette,

I can show you some other time.

Right now, give me an overview of this case.

This is it.

What is this?

That is not a cell; it is a radio.

The victims seem fairly suspect, as well.

What's more, there's this...

School District 's emblem.

I've isolated the model number.

This travel case is specially made to be highly airtight,

as well as to counter all kinds of cosmic radiation.

You do not suppose they were taking it into space, do you?

Or instead, they were bringing it back.

Hmph, the quickest way to find out seems to be to secure the robbers.

What was their escape route?

They abandoned the car and went underground.


There was a traffic jam due to some signal trouble.

This doesn't happen too often, either.

Actually, it works to our favor.


Uiharu, you run down the men who ran away.

Miss Shirai!


I beg your pardon.


A teleporter!

Over here!

Judgment! Do I have to explain to you why I am here?


A low-tech handgun... Are they outsiders?

Hello, Uiharu?

Uh, Kuroko...


I need a little favor from you. Where are you?

Oh, well...

Oh, you're still at work? Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to bother you.

Oh, no. So what is the favor?

Mm, I heard from one of the underclassmen

that there's going to be a surprise room inspection.

I was hoping you could hide some of my personal things.

Sissy, you are still out, too?

Well, that's okay. I'll try asking someone else.

You should get back soon, too. Word is it's supposed to rain

starting tonight and all day tomorrow. Bye!


I will not allow Sissy to turn to anyone other than me for a favor!

This calls for me to teleport right back to the student dorms--


Who are you?

A teleporter?

My, you figured that out already?

Leave it to the same type of esper to understand so quickly.

My power is Move Point. Unlike you, who can't do so,

I do not need to touch the objects with my hands.

Well? Don't you think that's amazing,

Judgment Branch 's Miss Shirai Kuroko?

It will take more than that!

Like I said, it will take more than that!

I told you.

I don't need to put my hands on the objects. It's too bad.

Even if she is backed into a corner,

I did not think her to be someone to drag an underclassman

into one of her personal affairs--

Misaka Mikoto, that is.

Why would you bring up Sissy's name just now?

"A Certain Magical Index II" Why would you bring up Sissy's name just now?

"A Certain Magical Index II"

"A Certain Magical Index II"

Why would you bring up Sissy's name just now?

Oh, you didn't know?

But then, it doesn't seem like she would use you without you knowing.

The Railgun of Tokiwadai is quite noble-minded, and all.

You didn't think it was awfully convenient

that my people were caught up in that traffic jam?

You can't tell me that you don't know what kind of esper

that Tokiwadai's Ace is, now can you?

What are you going on about?

The Remnant--though you wouldn't know what that means, huh?

Is "silicorundum" too much for you, too?

I know. You'd understand if I said the wreckage of Tree Diagram, right?

The supercomputer that's said to be the brains of Academy City?

And though derelict, its computational core

still has tremendous potential remaining within it.

Ridiculous. It is still in its satellite orbit.

This is an attachment to the report about it being shot down.

Quite rare, you know.

Tree Diagram was destroyed quite some time ago.

That is why the whole world wants its wreckage--the Remnant.

It must be rough for Misaka Mikoto.

Thanks to someone destroying Tree Diagram for her,

her nightmare would have been over.

If it can be restored, the experiments will be held again.

I can understand why she would be trying to resist that.


You still don't get it? You really are out of the loop, huh?

August st.

If you've managed to make it this far,

you and I might have become friends.


...goes Misaka Misaka, jumping into the bathtub!

Then, splashy splashy splashy,

kicks her feet with a sense of freedom!

You know,

just because you're small, don't go indulging yourself

by acting like this cramped bathroom is spacious--

"Must be inconvenient, not being able to use your Reflection,"

says Misaka Misaka with a look of pity.

"Also, what's the deal with an esper brought to tears by shampoo,"

wonders Misaka Misaka in shock!

These aren't tears!

And if I could use your network to calculate my Reflection, I'd--

Yomikawa! Why do I have to take care of this dirty little brat?!

What choice is there?

Man, that Kikyo! Dumping her problems on me yet again...

Well, these kids don't seem to require that much care, though.


I've determined the name of the esper you fought, Miss Shirai.

Musujime Awaki. She's a nd-Year from Kirigaoka Girls' School,

and a Level . Her ability is called Move Point,

and as you reported, she is able to relocate objects at a distance--

or in other words, spatial replacement from coordinate A to B.

Did you... find anything else out?

Well, she flunked blocking other espers of the same type.

Also, she seems to have second thoughts about teleporting herself.

Presumably because she was badly injured doing so two years ago.

And another thing, though this is unconfirmed--

she is supposed to be one of the "Guides."


To the building without doors or windows.

The Academy City Governing Board Director's home office?

But that is just an urban legend--

Miss Shirai? Are you all right?

Never mind, just keep going.

Right. According to Antiskill's intel,

the black-suited men who were att*cked are secure.

As for their identity,

it says they are couriers who were hired by School District .

A psychometrist read their memories,

but they knew nothing about what was inside the case.

So in short, while School District was delivering the contents

of that travel case to some other research facility,

they had it stolen from them by Musujime's group.

Remnant... Tree Diagram...

It must be rough for Misaka Mikoto.

Her nightmare would have been over.

But just be sure to come back early tonight.

The weather might turn bad come evening, after all.

Miss Shirai?

Um, why don't you let Antiskill take over this case already?

Somehow, it seems like it's more than we can handle.

I have to go.



What is it, Sissy?

You're in the bathroom? If you're home, at least turn the room light on.

J-Just conserving energy.

I am a girl who is kind to the earth.

Hmm... But Academy City is mainly powered by wind energy,

and CO isn't even a factor, is it?

Oh, Sissy, you tease. I was thinking of using it as a pretext

to invite you into some lowered mood lighting.

What's the big idea?

Sissy, where have you been?

Oh, I guess you could say I've been out collecting accessories

that I haven't been able to buy up to now.

I just can't seem to find them.

I just came back to get something I'd forgotten.

I'll be heading out for a bit again.

I hope you do not get rained on.

You cannot rely on the weather forecasts these days.

Yeah. Thanks for worrying about me.

I'll try to be home again as soon as I can.


August st...

That evening, an unexplained windstorm swept through,

a rail switchyard in School District was devastated,

and the next day...


Musujime's group is mixed up with an organization

outside of Academy City.

Can you run a simulation of the escape route?

I am sorry, Sissy.

You bear a distress deeper than the rest of us can only imagine.

You are trying to keep us from becoming involved in it.

That is why I will apologize now, upfront...

...for putting a stop to the nightmare that Musujime mentioned

by sticking my nose into your business in my own humble way!


Come on out of there, you coward!

How long do you plan to sneak around?!


You're in quite the hurry today, aren't you?

Are you that afraid of the Remnant being reintegrated?

Or is it that the experiments will be restarted, I wonder.

You be quiet!

Hmph, you could just leave them alone.

They were created for the experiments to begin with.

Why not let them be destroyed, like they were meant to be?

Do you really mean that?

In the end, you're fighting for your sake, aren't you?

Your regrets, your misery, and your anger...

All for your own petty self-satisfaction.

You're right...

I am aggravated.

So aggravated that I could burst the veins in my head.

That idiot...!

Did she really think I wouldn't notice?

Just hearing her voice through the door was so...

...was so terrible...

Yeah, I am aggravated.

At my over-perfect, ridiculous underclassman,

the scum sitting in front of me,

and more than anything, the one who created this situation--

which would be me!

You're so bighearted, it's sickeningly sweet.

If you had complained that you were the victim,

we wouldn't have to fight now.

In any case, I cannot allow myself to be caught right now.

I am going to make my way out of here, no matter what I have to do.

Do you really think you can get away?

I already know everything you've got up your sleeve!

Your shield is too flimsy!

A question for you--

How many ordinary people who have nothing to do with this

are mixed up in here?

It looks like it is now my turn.

Well, here you go, Shirai Kuroko.

Into the very heart of the b*ttlefield,

to make sure you make it back.

"If this is true, then I must hurry,"

says Misaka, tipping up her own set of priorities.

"It is already past curfew, but I cannot just remain here,"

says Misaka, invoking her emergency excuse on herself.

"Even at this very moment, matters are rapidly going downhill,"

says Misaka...

Karamatta unmei mo kaete ikeru kara

subete wa kono te no naka ni aru!

Dare nimo makenai chikara ga koko ni nai nara

imajin nante kowashite shimaeba ii

Harimeguru shisutemu bakkappu insutooru wa OK

Kami sae mo shirienai fiirudo ga hiraku

Juuman no deeta mo isshun no mirakuru sae

suisoku fukanou na "ikite'ru katachi" dakara

In a Magic∞world exciting time or space there's no limit

Dareka wo mamoreru chikara ga hoshii

Karamatta unmei mo kaete ikeru kara

subete wa kono te no naka ni aru!


"Preview" Shirai Kuroko and Musujime Awaki--

a battle between teleporters has begun.

The Sisters also set out after the Remnant.

And also, her...

Next time, "Move Point."

When science and magic cross paths, the story begins.