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02x19 - Amata Kihara (The Researcher)

Posted: 01/12/24 19:46
by bunniefuu
"Precautions for when angels descend into human form.

The greatest incident of telesma habitation in this world

was, needless to say, at the time of the Annunciation.

To pass the total volume of the Son of God, which is to say,

enough telesma to support and guide the world, into the womb,

took an unmistakably--"


Oh, are you reading these musty old books again?

Have you still not identified what went wrong with your body?

If not, I could give you a physical exam--

Sasha, I see you still don't know your own strength, huh?

Question one, if I may:

Which do you prefer, hammers or screwdrivers?

That's not the kind of question you ask after hitting someone.

Sasha, the telesma dwelling within you is that of Gabriel, right?

Normally, that would be unthinkable.

If things go wrong, the amount could be greater than the Apostles'.

Question two: So what if it is?

This power of God comes from the angel who saw to the Annunciation.

Moreover, having a power greater than that of the Apostles

squeezed into the body of one girl means...

There's a chance that your tummy will swell up--

Sorry, sorry. You're right.

Wearing such heavy, restrictive clothing on a regular basis, Sasha,

you couldn't endure breeding without the fun of it, huh?

Question three: Stop sullying even a single page

of the holy New Testament, you filthy jerk.

You know that I was forcibly made to wear these restrictive clothes

by you, as my superior, as an abuse of your power.

Oh, you really dislike them that much? Then,

let's change your outfit.

I've been looking into Academy City lately, you know?

They have their own particular culture there.

Tell me, Sasha,

have you ever heard of Magical Powered Kanamin?

Ah, come on, Sasha...

I'm always running after you

"A Certain Magical Index II" I'm always running after you

"A Certain Magical Index II" You are my ideal

You are me

There was a bird that could not fly any farther than this

It rebuked the blue skies on fine, flawless wings

This place is not that bad

That sky is not that high

This place is not that good

Afraid of the speed it would feel in its body

Everybody has a chance,

but they cannot go any farther

The truth is they cannot take flight

The truth is they want to take flight

Right now, beyond the wish I want to make come true

you shine

In my eyes I picture you

"Standing in the future, always strong,"

and that "you" is me

You are still blindingly bright

but in the same spirit, I reach out my hand

and the "I" who I am will someday grab hold to become

the you that I will be

"It's raining!" says Misaka Misaka, looking up at the night sky!

Sheesh, you're bugging me. Hold still where you are.

"Misaka wanted to see the moon, though,"

she says, dancing but still somewhat despondent.


I told you to stop scampering around, right? You dirty brat.

"Misaka came this far without being overprotected, and she's fine,"

says Misaka Misaka, seeking freedom and liberation.

What kind of frontier-spirit nonsense are you going on about?

And I'm not being protective.

"There you go again. You don't have to be so bashful,"

says Misaka Misaka, jabbing with her index finger.

"Why are you making such a tight fist now?"

asks Misaka Misaka, putting on a temper-alleviating bright smile!

"Rain, rain, fall down, fall down, and fall down some more!"

calls out Misaka Misaka to the night sky!

Are you that afraid to direct any good will toward others?

You seem to accept the good will shown to you by Last Order,

but you refuse to show any good will from yourself toward her.

It's because you're afraid it will backfire on you,

and there will be no undoing it.


"She fell down," reports Misaka Misaka, sitting on the ground.

Sheesh, I told you so.

"I may need some disinfectant,"

says Misaka Misaka, her eyes welling up a little.

Rub some saliva into it.

"I may need some disinfectant,"

says Misaka Misaka, repeating the last thing she said.

Look, let's just get back to Yomikawa's place.

"All right,"

says Misaka Misaka, accepting the situation.

"It hurts now, but I'll try to put up with it,"

says Misaka Misaka, plodding along, following after you.


says Misaka Misaka--

Wait right here. If you move without permission, I'll squash you.

This is just stupid.

It's by socking away this bullcrap that we pay back our debts.

Tch, damn it all.


You know, I thought some idiots like you would be coming along.

I don't know whether you're here because you have a beef with me,

or you're just trying to use me,

but I'm gonna k*ll you.

Ah, this is fun!

You're up the creek!

You've got me off my chain now, you son of a bitch!


Ugh, this is tedious.

Thanks for the show!

Be grateful I'm laying waste to you so spectacularly!

I told them so, didn't I?

You can't bring the kid down in such a watered-down fashion as this.

It's gonna take me, all right.

Hey, Kihara!

What kind of a coy entrance is that?

I can't believe you're the same intellectual-type

who was too spooked to look a person in the eye.

I was against meeting up with you again, myself.

Higher-ups' orders. What can you do?

They said it was an emergency,

and didn't have the luxury of being choosy about their methods.

So you see, I hate to ask, but would you let me destroy you here?

After all, who do you think it is that developed that power of yours?

Huh? What? What did you say? Are we brimming with duty and sentiment?

You're not, by chance, expecting me to return the favor, are you?

Man, you're hopeless. But then,

if you're gonna go crazy, do it alone.

It would take more than both my hands

to count the researchers who monkeyed around with my body.

Do you think I'm gonna keep around every last memory of you guys?!

You know, you really are a galling little punk.

Yeah, I'd love to k*ll you. I'd love to k*ll you so bad.

I knew I should have k*lled you way back then. My goof, my goof.

What did I think I was doing?

That's why I'm gonna k*ll you, you little punk!

What are you thinking, you idiot? Now, how should I--

My reflection... didn't work?!

Hey, little punk, I'll ask it again.

Who do you think it was that gave you that two-bit power of yours?

Come on, do you remember now?!


That ain't like you.

Well, we're gonna keep her in our care,

so don't you worry about her.

You can get beat here and become a stain on the wall, or whatever.

That'd be more like you, anyway.

Don't you... mock me... you...


This ain't gonna do it.

"A Certain Magical Index II"

"A Certain Magical Index II"

Don't tell me... you... developed an esper power... in yourself...!


No, no, that's not it.

That's a job for lab rats, you know.

I won't have any trouble crushing you

without having to resort to using that kind of ridiculous power.

These guys are really in the zone tonight.

Time for you to become a corpse, you son of a bitch!

I get it, I get it,

you thought the secret to my power is in these gloves, did you?

But actually, it's not!

How long are you gonna pretend you're the strongest,

you piece of scrap!

Your reflection is not some kind of absolute wall, you know.

It only alters the vectors of power directed at it the other way.

Which makes it simple.

All I have to do is yank back my fist a second before a direct hit.

Call it knowing how to stop short.

In other words, you end up purposely slugging yourself.

You understand now, my little masochist?

Maybe that's too hard for a little kid to understand.

It's like that wind you made earlier.

Your ability comes about as a result of vector formulas.

So all I have to do is disrupt them.

I can jam everything using special sound waves and whatnot!

I've got a firm handle on your characteristics, your formulas,

even your own Personal Reality!

I didn't develop this power of yours for nothing!

Tell me, Accelerator, do you understand what she means?

I mean, for Project Radio Noise, the rd-ranked Railgun was used.

Why wasn't it you, when you're st-ranked?

There's something there. Something you don't have the first clue about.

Damn you...

How poignant. Look. She's quite thrilled about it herself.

Recovery complete, I guess you would say.

Aww, they made it clear that we were to take the prize alive,

but can she really be, like that?

No way amI writing an apology letter for this.

She's still alive.

If she were dead, my sister's proxy calculations would be affected.

I've got no positive proof... but...

...if I don't do something, I'll never see her again...

Last Order!

Aww, man... She's not a golf ball, you know.

Don't go blasting people away for distances best measured in yards.

Sheesh, just who does he think is gonna recover her now?

Because it's not gonna be me.

What should we do?

Oh, you know what? Split up into three squads.

One of you, go after the prize.

The other two, stay with me.

But our first priority is to recover Last Order.


You're the one who was recently assigned to Hound Dog, right?

Er, no, I...

Oh, it's okay, it's okay. It's not like I'm doing a background check.

But you don't seem to know the rules, so let me educate you.

You guys are a collection of scum. You've got no human rights.

And scum can be replaced as often as it takes.

If you interfere with my precious, precious mission,

then I have no qualms about k*lling you. You understand me?

You're already dead once over.

Just to confirm, do you understand?

All right, then we're clear.

Search the rivers, reservoirs, and any other waterfronts out there.

He wouldn't have blown the kid away

without calculating where she would land.

What are we going to do? Recover him?

No, k*ll him. There's no reason to capture him.

Looking at this guy, after all the effort he went to, is irritating me.

Safer to k*ll the moody, self-satisfied punk right here.

Shut up.

Damn you... You'll never get it as long as you live.

Ha, oh yeah?

Well, I'm k*lling you now.

You're okay with those being your last words, right?

Damn it, somebody...

It's time for some luck. If you want the credit, it's yours.

I don't even care if you trample on me and laugh while you do it.

Somebody... anybody... the kid...

What are you doing over there?

Good grief, Index...

No sooner do I run into you than you disappear again immediately.

Toma, you're lacking in consideration.

The white-haired boy I met before I got here bought me a hamburger

without even asking what my circumstances were.

Toma, you have to be more like that nice boy.

Yeah, yeah. It's not like I've got nothing at all to do with this guy.

For that matter, did you remember to say thank you to him?

I'm someone who makes sure to thank others! Oh...

Hmm? What's wrong?

Come to think of it...

...he let me borrow these.

They're just pocket tissues.

Oh, but if he doesn't have this cutting-edge, daily use product,

won't he be bothered if he needs them?

Toma, I have to go return these to him now.

He'll be bothered if you do return them, won't he?


Sheesh, she's always, always like this.

Uh-oh, it's raining.

Come to think of it, Index didn't have an umbrella.

Seems to be more Antiskill out than there normally is.

I hope I can find Index quick, before there's any trouble--

I-Is something the matter? Excuse me! Excuse me!


What's going on here?

It doesn't seem to be life-threatening.

But what just happened here? the metro area. Repeat,

gate destruction confirmed. Intruders in the metro area.

We're under attack of an unknown nature--





Please, you've got to help him,"

asks Misaka Misaka, begging!

Hi! Aleister?

I know you secretly listen in on regular lines like this one, right?

It sure would delight me if you'd hurry up and engage me.

What do you want?

I just got done disgracing three members of the governing board.

Yet you still put up with it?

They can be replaced, as often as it takes.

Ha, I'd guessed that you were hiding

the entire governing board's consensus behind your views,

but it looks like my expectations were off. Oh well.

You know my identity, don't you?

I'm afraid not.

The Right Seat of God.

If you want to play dumb, that's okay, too.

Just so there are no regrets later.

Aren't you underestimating this city?

Oh, imagine that. You don't even know the status of your own city.

Antiskill and Judgment, was it?

You've ended up with your head in a noose so easily

because you relied on those rinky-dink outfits to protect you.

You have to at least know that you are finished, right?

If you think that's all it takes

to bring down Academy City's defense network,

then you are a hopeless idiot.

You have absolutely no idea what this city's true form is.

Oh, yeah?

I'm saying, you aren't the only one with tricks up your sleeves.

But then, you will likely be brought down before you realize that.

Whatever you say, I will crush anything that opposes me.

This has been written in stone from the moment I was born.

I am Vento of the Front, the final w*apon from among

the Roman Orthodox Church's two billion faithful!

I will crush everything in one night!

That goes for you, Academy City,

Imagine Breaker, the List of Prohibited Books--all of you!


It looks like a chance to finally use that has come along.

It may be too soon, but with the situation being tied to the plan,

irregularities are the greatest amusement.

Hound Dog, Kihara Amata...

This is Kihara.

Imaginary Number School District, Five-Element Agency,

the AIM diffusion field. It may be a bit early,

but we will crush them using Fuse=KAZAKIRI.

Once you have captured the escaped #,

bring her to the designated point.

Do it swiftly, but courteously.


Now then...

...for a long-awaited enjoyable showtime...

At a certain world's center,

I whispered that it was okay to be alone

I bent back the hands on the clock

and kept my eyes closed

You can't turn back time that has passed

but on that day, you showed me

that that's how it should be

The miracle of you being there as the seasons roll around

makes even the broken clock start up again

Right now, yeah, I may be a helpless piece of junk

but it's funny how I feel like I can change that

All because your voice is still here

for me, even now


"Preview" A running battle for Last Order had begun.

A running battle for Last Order had begun.

One will stand alone against them, all to protect one girl.

Next time, "Hound Dog."

When science and magic cross paths, the story begins.