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06x06 - Call Me Indestructible

Posted: 01/13/24 13:17
by bunniefuu
* Sometimes the world
looks perfect

* Nothing to rearrange

* Sometimes you just
get a feeling

* Like you need
some kind of change

* No matter what
the odds are this time

* Nothing's gonna
stand in my way

* This flame in my heart
like a long lost friend

* Gives every dark street
a light at the end

* Standing tall

* On the wings of my dreams

* Rise and fall

* On the wings of my dreams

* The rain and thunder

* The wind and haze

* I'm bound for better days

* It's my life and my dream

* Nothing's gonna stop me now *

* Who's got the pain
when they do the mambo?

* Who's got the pain
when they go ooh?

* Who's got the pain
when they do the mambo?

* I don't know who do you?

* Someone must be sick
of the heat

* Or stepping
on everyone's feet *

Hi, cousin!

binki-ninki baklava?"


Want a big bite, booby?

Better not, buddy.


Bitter, Balki?

You bet your bibbi-babkas
I'm bitter, baby.

I broke my butt baking
these itty-bitty binki-ninkis.

And believe me,
I banked on a bit

of basic
brotherly bolstering.

Balki, buddy, baby.

I've had a lot on my mind.

Wainwright gave me
a very tough assignment.

I've gotta do a
"Whatever Happened To" piece

on 'Ace' Atkins.

Oh, I'd love
to know where he is.

I'd love to know
who he is.

"Highly decorated
Korean w*r pilot.

"After the w*r,
he became a test pilot.

"Currently owner and operator
of an air charter company

and a Mister Softee
ice cream franchise."

Wow, cousin, you're good!

Can you find out whatever
happened to Mr. T?

"I pity the fool!
I pity the fool!"

Wainwright wants me to go up
in Ace's plane tomorrow

so I can do
a firsthand account

of what it's like
to fly with him.

Cousin, cousin, cousin!
Please! Can I go?

Please take me
to the friendly skies!

Balki is ready
when you are.

I love to fly
and it shows.

Well, you can go
if you want.

You can tell me
what it was like,
'cause I won't be there.

Cousin, how you can write
an article about flying

with Ace unless
you fly with Ace?

Balki, I'm a writer.

I wrote a very
comprehensive article

about the sexual revolution.

I think you owe your readers
a little more than that.

Cousin, you have
to go up in that plane.

Balki, I don't like
small planes.

They tend to fall out
of the sky.

Cousin, it's your duty
as a journalist.

Ted Koppel would go.

Sam Donaldson would go.

Clark Kent would go.

Of course he wouldn't
need a plane, but...

Balki, you can't
change my mind.

I'll tell Jennifer
you sleep with a night light.



That particular move
is the reason for the invention

of the air sickness bag.

Can you tell me
why the white zone

is for loading
and unloading
passengers only?

Well, do we have to be
up so high?

Oh, give me an airplane,
and an unlimited ceiling

and I am a happy man.

Give me a flight
of stairs and a Slinky

and I'm a happy man.

You are not alone there,
my friend.

Tower, calling
Nancy 7-8-3-5 Romeo.

Nancy 7-8-3-5 Romeo,
come in, please.

Oh, shut up!

Who, who was that,
the a*t*matic pilot?

Nah, it's them jerks
in the tower.

Well, shouldn't
you answer that?
It might be important.

a flight plan.

Hey, I don't know where
I'm goin', why should they?

We're flying with a lunatic!

Say, would you like to fly?

I would love to fly!

But I'm not sure I have
the upper body strength.

The plane?

Hold it, Balki!

for anybody but Ace
to fly his plane.

Oh, there's too damn many
of them rules

and regulations,
if you ask me.

So he fails a couple of 'em
psychological tests, who cares?

Look at me,
do I look unstable?


Not at all. Well, I think
I've got enough

for my article anyway.

Why don't we call it a day?

Not before we have us some fun.


Ooh, don't you just love it
when all the blood is rushing

to your head, and you're just
this close to blackin' out?


drinking a cold soda
real fast while blindfolded?

Oh, I love that!

Have you ever held your breath
and put your head

in a tub of Jell-O?

Oh, don't get your
shorts in a bunch!

I've got everything
under control.


Looks like we got us
a situation here.

I can't seem to pull her
out of the dive.

We're gonna have
to bail out.


Cousin, cousin,
cousin, come on.

It's going to be fun,
we get to, we get to

jump out of an airplane.

Just put 'em on,
jump outta the plane

count to three,
and pull this here doohickey.


I'll see you boys
on the ground.

At which time,
I will give you both

a valuable coupon
worth five cents
toward purchase

of any
Mister Softee item.

Wait, wait...

No, no, no.
Oh, not good
on Saturdays.

Uh, uh, pu-pull the doohickey,
uh, jump, then count to three.

No! Uh, Balki,
I don't remember
what he said!

He said the coupon's
not good on Saturday.

The parachutes!

There are no parachutes.

Yeah, just a note that says,
"Borrowed a couple of chutes.

Hope you don't mind.


"Hope you don't mind?"

No, I don't mind, actually
I prefer the front seat.


the plane ourselves.

What are you doing?
You can't fly this plane!

Well, well, cousin,
how hard can it be?

Mr. Ace said he could fly it

with both eyes
tied behind his back.


You see, cousin?
I made us stop
falling out of the sky!

Now, we are so happy,
we do the dance of joy!

Balki, that's
not good enough!

We've still got
to land this plane!

Cousin, don't take
your shorts out to brunch!

While, while
we were taking off

and you were breathing
into that paper bag

I watched everything
that Mr. Ace did.

Now, if I can just
do it backwards

maybe I can land the plane.

Oh, my Lord,
we're gonna die!

No, cousin,
we're not going to die.

The first thing he did,
he, he, he called the tower.

Suck wind, bozos,
I'm bringing her in.





I never thought
I'd see this
apartment again.

Look at this apartment!
I love this apartment!


Look at this couch,
I love this couch!


Look at this hand,
I love this hand!


Look at that face!
I love that face!

Cousin, cousin.

You've kissed everything
from here to the airport.

I don't think that policeman
was that happy

when you planted
one on his horse.

Balki, I'm just happy
to be alive.

Do you know what happened?

and the next, you made
a three-point landing.

Somebody was lookin' out
for us today.

Of course!

Teflonos was with us today!

The Myposian
God of protection.

Any relation to Levolos,
the God of window treatments?

Scoff if you will, cousin,
but once Teflonos puts

his protective,
non-stick shield around you

for the next phase
of the moon,
you're indestructible.

Oh, cousin!

to put my head
in a lion's mouth!


Balki, there is
no such thing as Teflonos

and if you put your head
in a lion's mouth...

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I am going upstairs

to tell my fiance how close
I came to death today

and while she
is comforting me

why don't you try and get in
touch with "Realitos?"


Teflonos, I know
you're with me.


Here goes.



This is going to be fun!




Good morning, cousin.
Good morning, Balki.


You're not still thinking
about putting your head

in a lion's mouth,
are you?

The circus don't come to town
for two months

and I'm only indestructible
for one.

Balki? Balki?


What are you doing?

Bungee cords, cousin.

I'm going to, to dive off
the fire escape

and see how close
I can get to the ground

without actually hitting it.

Uh, uh, Balki,
I have seen

bungee cord jumping
on television.

It is very dangerous.

People have been k*lled
trying it.

Well, they were foolish
to try it

without Teflonos's

Ah! No, no, no! Balki!


Well, cousin,
you can't stop me.

No! No, no.

No! No. No.

All right,
Balki, Balki.

Listen to me.
Listen to me.


Well, cousin,
that's where you're wrong.







What a rush!


What a thrill!

What an experience!

I have never felt
anything like it

before in my life!

You're falling
and then suddenly


You stop...

Inches from certain death!

That bungee cord
shouldn't have been
able to hold our weight,

but it did!







You know, Balki...

That was incredible!

Yeah, it sure was!

Now, let me
get this straight.


For the next 28 days

we can do anything we want
and not get hurt?

Ah, that's right, cousin.

What death-defying,
life-threatening stunt

is first on your list?

Well, you know...

I've always had
this secret desire

to go right to the top
of the Sears Tower

and go right ahead
and look down!

Yeah, well,
I can, I can see

why that would be
a big step for you, cousin

but while we're
under Teflonos' protection

why you don't
think of something
a little more daring?

Well, there is one thing
I've always wanted to do.

No, I can't,
it's ridiculous!

Well, of course you can!

Do be ridiculous!

Balki, you're right!

Let's do it!




This is great!

I'd say this
was the best time
I ever had!


Oh, Balki,
I got a great idea.

Why don't you
drive for a while?

That's a great idea!






Cousin, cousin,
I love the new
spontaneous you!

What's next on our list?

Well, we're scheduled

to get shot out
of a cannon at 4:00

but that might interfere

Maybe we could get the cannon

to sh**t us
into the shark pool!

Great idea!
But it has to be
at feeding time!

Oh, yeah, right.



Cousin, I was thinking

tomorrow might be
a good time for you

to get over your fear
of small planes!

Great idea!

Cousin, you don't know
how to fly a plane!

Well, I don't know how to drive
a motorcycle, either!

That's a good point,
very good point.

Let's hang two!

Well, what's that sign say?

Freeway ends
in 300 feet.




Cousin, that was great!

You wanna go back
and buzz Wrigley Field again?

Maybe this time
we can get
the ball autographed.

Okay, my turn!



Ah, that was great!


Oh! Oh! Oh!



Whoa! Nice maneuver, cousin.

Uh. Oh, I thought
you did that.

Oh, no, no,
that wasn't me.

More than that
kind of serpentine,
uh, type of thing.

Okay, well, pull her up.


I can't.
Just pull back on the stick.

I'm getting
a strange feeling.

Well, of course
you feel strange.

but we are safe,
thanks to good ol' Teflonos.

Just pull her out of this.

Oh, my God!

What if we're not
indestructible anymore?

Well, Balki,
that's not possible.

and it's only been a week.

Yeah, but, but maybe

to protect two people.

Maybe he can only
take care of one of us.

Cousin, if I leave,
you'll be saved.

No, no, Ba-Balki,
don't do this!

But, cousin,
it's our only chance!


Suppose Teflonos decides
to protect you

I'm gonna hit the ground
like an overripe cantaloupe!

Teflonos, if you can hear me

I want you to stay
with Cousin Larry.

Goodbye, cousin.

Oh, no. No, no, no!
No. Uh, Balki.

Well, no, wait.
Wait, wait, Balki.

Balki. Oh. Balki.
Don't do this! Balki. Balki.

Oh, no. No.

Hey, Balki!

I guess Teflonos decided
to stay with me!

See you on the ground!

You can wake up.
It's all right,
it's all right.

Where am I?

Why are you beating me up?

(STAMMERING) And, uh...

We went into a dive
and, and you fainted.

Yeah, you passed out
before I could tell you

I was just kidding about
that bailin' out business.

Well, that's your idea
of a joke?

Now, you see, that's
the trouble
with you civilians.

You ain't got
no sense of humor.

Just like them tough butts
at NASA.

You mean,
you didn't bail out?

Balki didn't
land the plane?

We didn't drive
a motorcycle?

I don't think Cousin Larry
is playing with
a full deck chair.

It must have been a dream.
Why, it seemed so real!

Balki, we did things
you wouldn't believe!

Well, Mr. Ace says
he can do some things

you wouldn't believe.

that makes almost
all the blood
go below your knees.

Show him, Mr. Ace.
All right!


Well, cousin, except for
the screaming and the fainting

you had fun.

I guess you've gotten over
your fear of small planes.

Balki, I'm never going up
in a small plane again.

I guess I was wrong.


You know, sometimes
a little fear is a good thing.

I'm going to bed now.


You know, tomorrow
after I finish my article

I'm going to spend
the rest of the day

enjoying some nice, safe

leisure activity.

Cousin, cousin.

Here's something
you might like.

"Bungee jumping.
Take the plunge."

Uh, may I see that?
Oh, sure.

Oh. Uh...

Thank you.
You're most welcome.