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07x21 - Or Get Off the Pot

Posted: 01/13/24 13:27
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Sometimes the world
looks perfect ♪

♪ Nothing to rearrange ♪

♪ Sometimes you just
get a feeling ♪

♪ Like you need
some kind of change ♪

♪ No matter what
the odds are this time ♪

♪ Nothing’s going to stand
in my way ♪

♪ This flame in my heart
like a long lost friend ♪

♪ Gives every dark street
a light at the end ♪

♪ Standing tall ♪

♪ On the wings of my dream ♪

♪ Rise and fall ♪

♪ On the wings of my dream ♪

♪ The rain and thunder
the wind and haze ♪

♪ I’m bound for better days ♪
♪ Haa ♪

♪ It’s my life and my dream ♪

♪ Nothing’s
going to stop me now ♪

[instrumental music]

Well, look what I found in
the white zone at the airport.

Welcome home, oh!

Oh, it’s so good to be home.

Well, Jennifer,
you look exhausted.

Why don’t we, uh,
go upstairs and take a nap?

Larry, I‐I’m not sleepy.

Yeah, but, Jennifer, you know

every time you come back
from a long trip

we take a nap.

Oh, oh, a nap.

Well, I’m a little hungry,
why don’t we have lunch first?

You’re in luck,
I have plenty of cold yak loaf.

Uh, uh, Jennifer,
it’s, uh, been two weeks

since I’ve had a nap.

I mean, if I were
any sleepier, I’d explode.

Well, alright.

I should have eaten
on the plane.

Oh, great.

She prefers airline food
over my yak loaf.

I love your yak loaf.

Well, if nobody cares
about my yak loaf

I’m just gonna put it away.

Balki, Balki, hello?


I’m sorry, I, uh

my mind was somewhere else

my little gravy boat.

Come, sit down, sit down.

I want to hear
all about your trip.

How was San Francisco

Honolulu, Tahiti, Sydney

Auckland, Sydney, Tahiti

Honolulu and San Francisco?


I brought you
a present from Tahiti.


This is the biggest gummy bear
I have ever seen.

‐Balki, Balki!
‐Mm? Mm‐hmm.

It’s not a gummy bear.

It’s a Polynesian marriage God.

The legend says
if you give it to someone

you’ll be married to them
by the next full moon.

This is gonna come in handy
in case I ever meet anyone

I want to marry.

I’m worried about Mary Anne.

Larry, all she talked about
on this trip was Balki.

She really wants to marry him
but he just doesn’t get it.

Isn’t‐isn’t this something

that we could talk about later?

Mm, la‐later is good.

‐Mm? Mm.

Oh, later is no good.

Alright, alright. Look,
you’re right. You’re right.

But this is not a‐a new problem.

I mean,
Mary Anne has wanted Balki

to marry her for a long time.

It’s much worse now

it’s gotten to the point
where every time

she sees a woman
with a wedding ring on

she breaks down.

W‐w‐well, don’t worry.

I mean, they’ll work it out.

Yeah, they’ll work it out.

Oh, there’s no way
they can work it out.

Larry, this is
really upsetting to me

and you know I can’t nap
when I’m upset.

Okay, alright,
alright, alright, alright.

I’ll tell you what
I’m gonna do, alright?

I’m gonna do downstairs
and‐and talk to Balki

and‐and tell him that Mary Anne
wants him to propose.

Then I’m gonna come back
and we’ll take a nap.

‐Maybe two.
‐Larry, you can’t do that!

Oh, sure I can,
it’s been two weeks.

No, come on, no.

What I mean is a woman

wants a man to propose
because he’s in love

not because someone told him to.

I want you to go talk to Balki

get him to realize
how much he loves Mary Anne

how much she loves him

and how perfect
they are for each other.

But don’t use
any of those words.

[instrumental music]

There is a certain woman

who is interested in you

in a romantic way.

you have not realized it.

Realize it...

...take care of it,
see you later.

Who could that possibly be?

"Who could that possibly be?"

"Who could that possibly be?"

Balki, open your eyes!

No, no.

I mean, it is obvious.

Who is it?

I can’t tell you her name.

Oh, this is a game.
Is she living or dead?

Balki, this is a woman

who is always making excuses

to be with you, huh?

If you’re in another room,
she finds some

lame reason to go in there.

Alright, she’s always
asking for your help.

She’s blonde.

She lives in this house.

Give me a hint.

She is in love with you.

Please, take care of it
because it is starting

to affect my marriage.

I...I‐I had no idea.

I’m‐I’m so sorry.

Don’t worry about it.
Just talk to her.

What‐what will I say?

Just tell her
how you feel about her.

‐Everything will be fine.

I sure hope so.

Dimitri, did you hear that?

Jennifer is in love with me.

Oh, Jennifer! Good news.

I talked to Balki.
Everything is fine.

Oh, great.

‐Where are you going?
‐You were subtle, weren’t you?

He never knew what hit him.

Why are you going downstairs?

B‐I‐I‐I have to go
fold the laundry.

W‐well, yo‐but‐but‐but
you told me to hurry

and I did, I hurried and‐and
shouldn’t we hurry upstairs?

Well, I can’t,
I’m still a little tense.

I need to be relaxed
to take a nap

and folding laundry
helps me do that.

Okay, okay, it’s a little weird

but it worked on our honeymoon.

Fold, fold away.

‐Hi, Balki,
‐Hi‐hi, Jennifer. How are you?

What are you doing down here
in the kitchen alone with me?

I was just gonna
fold the laundry.

Whatever you do,
don’t leave me alone with her.


Would you give me
a hand with this?

Look, look, Jennifer

I don’t think
this is a good idea

for either one of us.

I need you.

So, uh, did, uh,
Larry talk with you?

Yeah, yeah.

He did.

And do you
understand everything?

Yeah, yeah, I think I do.

I‐I would have said something
to you earlier but

I just didn’t feel comfortable
talking to you about it.

Well, I can understand that.

It just seemed better
to have Larry tell you.

Yeah, yeah, that takes
the pressure off of you

but how you think
Cousin Larry feels about this?

Oh, he’s all for it.

"He’s all for it?"

Here, grab the ends.

Yeah, well, Larry’s always said

that if two people are in love

then nothing should
stand in their way.

Come to me.

Now that you know everything

don’t you think
you should make your move?

‐Jennifer, Jennifer, please.
‐Oh! Oh!

Please, look, look, look,
now listen to me. Listen to me.

I know you have your heart
set on things being different.

‐I do! I do with all my heart!
‐Oh, God!

But in this turbulent
sea of emotions

you and I can only be two ships

that go bump in the night, okay?

You are anchored
at Appleton Harbor

and I am

what I am, okay?

And that’s all that I am.

I’m Balki,
the sailor man, toot, toot.

[imitating Popeye]

What the hell
are you talking about?

Oh, I knew it.
This is k*lling you.

Jennifer, look,
we have got to stop this

before innocent people get hurt.

What do ya, what,
do ya think you’re the first

married woman
to ever go goo‐goo over me?

Stop it.

Just stop it.
Don’t kid yourself, baby.

‐Look, look, look.

I‐I‐I don’t often
speak about this

because it’s one of the reasons
I had to leave Mypos

but Stavros is on
the other side of the island

and you innocently offer to milk

his wife’s goat
and all of a sudden

she gets all hot and buttered.

‐No, no, Katarina! It’s wrong!

Balki, we need to clear up
a big misunderstanding.

‐That’s right. Now you go back.

‐Back! Back! Back! Back!
‐Balki, no, no, no.

Back up against the stove.

There’s only one thing
that you have to understand

and that is that even though
you have feelings for me

your place is with your man.

‐Balki, please, please...
‐Don’t beg.

It’s just not
gonna happen, baby.

You go back to Cousin Larry

you forget me
and the power I have over you.

And don’t you ever
speak of this again.

Oh, believe me, I won’t.


Larry, you are an idiot.

Oh, good.

We’re gonna play
strict schoolmarm

and naughty student again.

Teach me.

No, I mean,
you’re really an idiot.

You completely botched
your conversation with Balki.

He thought
I wanted to marry him.

Balki thought
you wanted to marry him?

You remember last summer,
when Balki and I were out

on a lake alone in the rowboat?

I should have k*lled him then.

Larry, you have to go
talk to him again.

Jennifer, I would love to see
Balki and Mary Anne get married

but we can’t force it.

I know how women think.

Mary Anne has waited this long

if she has to,
she will wait a lot longer.

I can’t wait any longer.

Balki’s never gonna ask me
to marry him, so I’m moving out.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

‐Cousin, look.

I want you to know
I talked to Jennifer

and‐and that everything’s fine.

But I really want you to know
that I did nothing

to reduce her
to a quivering mass of desire.

And I appreciate that.

Thank you.

But as long as we’re here

why don’t we talk about...
another problem?

Cousin, another dirty little
problem like the last one

and we could end up
on "Sally Jessy Raphael."

Listen to me.

Listen to me.

There is a woman...

...who lives in this house...

...not Jennifer.

Not Jennifer...

...who has something
she wants you to know.

‐Mary Anne?
‐I didn’t use those words.

‐Not Mary Anne?
‐Yes, Mary Anne.

But you didn’t hear it from me.

She loves you.
She cares about you very much.

And you’d better talk to her
because in a few days

it will be too late.

‐Why would it be too late?
‐Because she will be gone.

Oh, God.

Oh, cousin, oh, cousin,
I got to talk to her

before it’s too late and...
and she will be gone.

Yes, you do.

And you don’t have
a moment to lose.

And neither do I.

Dimitri...brace yourself.

Mary Anne only has
a few days to live.

Is today’s newspaper here?

I wanna read the funnies.

Laughter is the best medicine.

Mary Anne, Mary Anne, Mary Anne.

I want to talk to you.

Oh? About what?, and how you feel.

Oh, suddenly you care
about how I feel?

Yes, I do. I do.

And‐and I’m so sorry
I didn’t realize sooner

what was going on.

Well, I hinted at it.

But maybe I should’ve just
come right out and told you.

Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve.

Mary Anne,
let’s not conjugate our lives.

What’s important is that
I want you to know

that I want to spend
every minute of the rest

of your life with you.

Doing everything that I
possibly can to‐to make you

as happy as you can be.

Balki, this is the happiest
day of my life!

[Balki sobbing]

Well, you certainly do have
a good attitude about this.

Now, when the big day comes

do you think we should
make a major event out of it

or should we just keep it
small and intimate?

Well, that’s kind of up to you.

A‐after all,
it‐it will be your day.

Then I want
a lot of people there.

It’ll be wonderful.
My mother will cry her eyes out.

Well, of course she will!
I’ll cry my eyes out!


Oh, Balki, you’re so sensitive.

Well, who wouldn’t be?

I’ll wear the same dress
my grandmother wore.

And I thought
we had some weird customs.

Let’s go tell
Jennifer and Larry.

Jennifer’s going
to be so excited.

Well, I suppose so.
She does look good in black.

Jennifer, Larry!
Come down quick!

And I want to get a really
good band so everyone can dance.

‐What is it?

We have some really big news.

Well, couldn’t it have waited
just a few minutes?

The big news?



Ah, ya crazy kid, you! Ah!

You nut!


Larry, isn’t this great?

What a party
we’re going to have.

It sure is. I can’t wait.
I’m gonna dance all night.

What is it with you people?

What are you talking about?

Dancing? Partying?
Are you crazy?

You should be ashamed
of yourselves!

Talking like this when Mary Anne
only has a few days to live.

I only have a few days to live?

Why didn’t anyone tell me?

Mary Anne,
you’re not going to die.

What did you say to him?

Well, I don’t know
what I said to him.

But I didn’t use any
of the forbidden words.

If Mary Anne...isn’t dying...

...what are we talking about?

We’re talking about
our wedding.

Didn’t you just ask me
to marry you?

I thought I just agreed
to oversee your burial.

But then again, it’s been
a very confusing afternoon.

Balki, it’s really
not confusing at all.

I’m moving out of the house.

Mary Anne,
I don’t want you to move out.

If you want me to marry you...

...I‐I will.

You’d marry me
just to keep me from moving out?

Sure, if it would
make you happy.

Balki, marriage is something
that’s supposed

to make both of us happy.

I’ve been dropping hints for
months, but you never got it.

And now I realize it’s because

marriage is something
you haven’t even thought about.

We seem to be headed
in two different directions.

It’s better if I move out
and just get on with my life.

[instrumental music]

’We’re gonna miss you,
Mary Anne.’

Well, um,
we’ll just let you say goodbye.

I found this in my wallet.

It’s your season pass
to the reptile farm.

I’m gonna miss you.

Me too.

But we can still be friends.

Yeah, we can.

And‐and we can still go
to the reptile farm together.

Yeah, we can.

And if we can...if we
can still be friends...

...then we can still make...

...we can still make shadow
animals on the wall together.

But friends can’t do that.

No., they can’t.

Goodbye, Balki.

Goodbye, Mary Anne.

[theme music]

[music continues]