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05x12 - Texas Whatever (aka Small Town)

Posted: 02/06/11 06:29
by bunniefuu
We had a deal.

I screw up my life, you fix yours.

How long are you gonna hold it over my head, man?

The rest of my life if I feel it needs to be.

I had another conversation with that Dana Weldon from Braemore.

They want me to come do that interview.

I'm just really confused, okay?

Tim's back, and I just have a lot of feelings that I just need to sort out.

There's only gonna be one football program in Dillon.

Which program are they planning on cutting, Levi?

He's in. The East Dillon Lions are going to State.

I want you.

We're offering you the dean of admissions.

Have a great night.

[Door closes]


Hey, honey, is that you?

Oh, hey, babe.

Ah, I missed you.

I missed you too.


I'm so excited to tell you about my trip.

Oh, I can't wait to hear about your trip.

Hey, I've got a surprise for you.

Oh, you do?

I do.


Honey, it's a pretty good surprise.

[Gasps, screams]

Shh, don't wake Gracie.

Gracie's sleeping.

What are you doing here?

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

You're not supposed to be back for another week or so.

I know, but I finished my exams early, so I thought I'd come home early.

Oh, you're here.


Hey, hey, can you please get off my grass, sir?

[Car horn honks]

Thank you.

I know you're just trying to do your job.

And, please, go sign in up front.

Thank you very much.

Hey, Taylor!

What in the hell is all this?

It's State, Levi.

Get used to it.

No, no, I'll never get used to this.

I bet you will.

[Car honks horn]

Hey, come on, you got to move around the other side!

Ma'am, can you get this gentleman...

Sir, get him off my grass.

I greatly appreciate it.

Help save the Lions.

Come on, everybody.

Sign the petition.

Come on, support your Lions.

As many people as possible.

Thank you.

If you can come to the hearing...

[Speaks Spanish]

Please bring a friend too.


Thank you so much.

Please come.

We need a babysitter, because all these...

All these women are moms.

And... and so if we had someone outside watching, then all these moms could go inside.

Yeah, that's great.

I mean, we could just get Jess.


Get Jess what?

Me? This Jess?

Yeah, you know anybody that could babysit so the moms could come to the hearing?

I'm looking at two pretty ladies who could babysit.

Why don't y'all do it?

Learn how to nurse a baby.

Get some milk...


All right.

I'll see ya.

No, but what we need to do, we need to start passing out these flyers everywhere.

Oh, yeah.

You coming down to Ray's barbeque to help us out?

I can't because coach set up a recruiting meeting for me.

That's... that's good.


All right, what... what college?

Warren Field State.

That's great.

It's a D-3 school.

They're putting together a good program and stuff.

Yeah, they got some good players, man.

Yeah. Thanks, man.


All right.

Okay, let's see what's going on here.

You see that?

That's our baby?




That's our baby, baby.


What do we have here?




It's twins.


We're having twins?

We're having twins?

You are.

Are you kidding me?





Tw... twins.



[Knock at door]

What are you doing on this side?

I snuck down here because...

I have not been able to talk to you about my trip, and it's driving me crazy.

Honey, they offered me the dean of admissions.

The dean?


They're suggesting that they will replace the present dean with me.

And I'd like to do it.

That's in Philadelphia.

I know.

I know.

Well, that's a long commute.

Well, we'd have to move to Philadelphia.

We live in Texas.

Honey, Texas...

Is where our friends and family are.

Texas is where I work.

Texas is where I have my job.

I know, babe.

But I feel like this is...

This is an opportunity of a lifetime and...

And an opportunity for us to think about how we make decisions for our family.

Also, it seems kind of like the timing might be good, in terms of...

Everything that's going on and...

I mean, I just think it'd be great for us to talk about.

I don't want to talk about this.

I can't talk about it right now.

How many times have we moved before...

For your job?



You think you could come over here and talk to me?


Could you please just come here...

You want me to talk to you?

Let's talk.

Yes, please.

Let's talk, Billy.

Talk to me.

Go ahead. sh**t.

You're my brother, okay?

And this can't keep going on like this.

It's stupid.

So just come home.

I'm moving to Alaska.

I'm gonna work the pipelines there when my parole's up.

What the hell are you gonna do in Alaska?

You're gonna freeze your ass off.

What, did you see some stupid infomercial the other night or something?

No, actually, a guy came to speak to us at the prison.

Said there's a lot of opportunities there, so...

There's no opportunities in Alaska.

What the hell are you gonna do there, Tim?

What, are you gonna sleep with a bunch of woodchucks?

There's no woodchucks in Alaska that I know of.

Okay, moose, Tim.

I don't know. Whatever.

All right?

It's frickin' ridiculous.

What are you gonna do with your land, hmm?

I'm selling it.

You're gonna sell your land, and you're just gonna leave Texas?


[Keys jingling]



Oh, come on!


Are you okay?

It's broken.

It won't close.


Hey, hey.

Shh, shh, shh.

Don't be nice to me.

I don't need nobody being nice.

I need people to be fair.

I wanted this my whole life.

And I finally found a coach who's open-minded enough to take a girl in without laughing at her.

He lets me learn from him and shadow him.

And he teaches me how to be a coach.

And now they gonna take it all away.

I mean, if the Lions are done, then I'm done.

Then we won't let that happen.

Oh, that is good pudding.

Yeah, I love a good pudding.

So we have an eight-game schedule.

We play most of our games in Arkansas.

But we do get to go to Oklahoma every other year.


Yeah, now, most of the boys, they do play both ways, too, just like you.

Matter of fact, some of the boys even play basketball.

Oak bluff's a great little town.

It's got a lot of heart.

We just got us a Costco last year, and they just put in a brand-new movie theater out by the reservoir.

Do you like to go fishing?

Um, yeah, pro...

I probably do.


You come out and see us.

We'll take you out there on the bass boat, all right?


Reel in some state records.

How does that sound?

That sounds perfect.

Now, here's the book.

Take a look at it, okay?


If you have any questions, feel free to just let me know, okay?

Thank you very much.

Yeah, yeah, we'd love to see you out there, though.

Yes, sir.

All right.

Thank you.

Let's go, boys.

Yeah! Let's go, boys.

Let's do this.

I know. I know.

Let's go.

Listen, we all know there's a lot going on off the field for this team right now.

It seems like the last couple days, though, Vince has really taken it upon himself to make sure this team does not get distracted.

Are you worried he's taking on too much?

No, I don't...

I don't have to worry about Vince Howard taking on too much.

He's taking over, and he's leading the team.

He's doing what I want him to do.

Look, the one thing about Vince Howard is that we haven't even scratched the surface on what the kid can do.

You know him.

You've talked to him.

He's a smart kid.

What... what about you?

Are... are you having a hard time staying focused?

I'm not having a hard time staying focused.

It's like herding cats...

A lot of emotions going on, but everyone's very fired up.

Hey, listen, I'll talk to you in a little while, okay?

I'm gonna get out here, all right?

Coach, thanks for the time.

Hey, Luke.

Yes, sir.

How'd it go with coach Buckley?




Well, you know, what was said?

Just... It was great.

They just had a real nice breakfast and everything.

What'd you...

What'd you talk about?

Did you talk about the program?

What's going on down there?

Yeah. Yeah.

Just really nice guys, and they were, like, passionate about me and passionate about the program, so...

You know, that's all you can ask for.




Thank you so much.


And it is going to be a battle royale at that town hall meeting.

How can the district say no to a school that has all the equipment, all the support, a jumbotron, for the love of God?

[Knock at door]

Buddy, I don't want to be here any more than you want to see me at your door, so just hear me out.

I know which way the wind's blowing on this whole budget thing.

And the bottom line is, come the fall, there's gonna be a Panthers, and there ain't gonna be a Lions.

Oh, yeah? Is that right?

That is right.

Yeah, well, how do you know that, Randy?

I know, Buddy, all right?

The reason I'm here is to fill you in on something.

It's Dillon.

Dillon is a Panthers town.

That's what the town is about.

That's what everyone's about.

That's what you're about deep down inside, if you have a look, and we believe you still are.

And we want you back, bottom line, 'cause changes are coming.

We got to make changes with Mac.

We got to get someone that's gonna be able to handle Vince Howard, 'cause Vince Howard is gonna be a Panther.

Your Panthers could be the Panthers you remember and love.

That chair at the head of the table is waiting on you.

Hey, Riggins, you forgot my beer.

You listening?

I've been waiting five minutes, jailbird.

Come on, man.

Listen to me, Bobby.

You call me that again, I swear to God I will end you.


I've been waiting for five minutes for my drink.

Hey, there, jailbird.



Both: Hi.


It was a long day.

I'm sorry.

This afternoon I, uh...

I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around this.

I understand.

I know how much you want this.

That's not lost on me.

I know how much this means to you.

I appreciate that.

But I am sorry.

We have got an obvious problem here.

I don't necessarily see it as a problem.

I mean, if you look at the situation right now with these football teams in Dillon, with the Lions, I mean, this could be a blessing, to have this opportunity to get a real good income in.

So you're rooting against us?

Is that what you're saying?

Against "who" us?

Me, against my team.

Oh, the... Oh, the Lions.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I should have known.

That's the team that I happen to be the coach of.

Of course you were talking about the Lions.

I didn't know if you meant us, you and I, or us the Lions.

Of course you meant the Lions.

You know what, honey?

I have been a coach's wife for 18 years.


Well aware of that.

Every decision this family has made has been based on your coaching career.

I don't see why we can't look at something else beyond football, especially because it's not just an opportunity for me.

This is an opportunity for our family.

Can't we even have that conversation?


Mindy's all mad at me since I've only been home to visit once since Stevie's been born.

So why don't you just come home more?

'Cause I don't like coming home, Tim.

Well, I guess she's gonna need help with the twins once they're born.



Billy didn't tell you?


We haven't been talking much.

Hey, look, I got to clock back in.

Hey, uh, it's good to see you.

And thanks for writing.

It meant a lot.

Billy didn't come see you?

No, he saw me.

He took real good care of me.

[Mindy sniffles]

What the hell are you doing, sweetie?

He's not gonna know who I am.


I'm gonna be knee-deep in infant-toddler crap... twins, and Stevie's not gonna even know who I am, and he's gonna grow up and not remember me.

And we don't even have any place to put 'em.

Hey. Hey.

We're gonna have to put 'em in a tent, and then we'll live in a tent, because we can't afford to have any more babies.

No one's going out and living in a tent.

We got a three-bedroom house here.

All right?

A-and second of all...

Everything's gonna be okay.


Look, I-I'm gonna be coaching again next year, and everything's gonna be fine.

How do you even know there's gonna be a football team next year?

Don't say that.

There's gonna be a football team...

All right?

I'm gonna take care of you.

Have I always taken care of you?



Hey, come here.

It's gonna be okay...


I know.


Hey, fellas, listen up!

Bring it in!

Listen up!

Listen up.

Good practice.

Let's keep working hard.

Go home and get your rest.

See you in the morning.

See you in the morning!

Let's go! Let's go!


Great practice, guys.

Looks like State champions right there.
Buddy, how you doing?

I'm good.

I'm good.

The team looks great.

They really do.

They look great.

Hey, I want to ask you something.


I just want to know if you've been thinking about it.

I just want to know what you think about if things don't go our way at the Town Hall meeting.

Well, I'm under the consideration that things will go our way.

Well, I am too.

I hope they do.

But if they don't... if they don't go our way, what I'm guessing is they're gonna take the best of the Panthers, they're gonna take the best from the Lions, and they're gonna create a super team, is what they're gonna do.

And I want you to just think about what that would be if we had the facilities, and we had the backing of Dillon.

Oh, I think Mac will do a fine job over there.

That's what I think.

Well, I think they're not gonna consider Mac at all, and I think you know that.

That's what I think.

I'm running late.

I got to pick up Gracie.

Nice, mom.


Quick question...

What's the plan, son, for next year?

You got a baby and two more on the way.

What are y'all gonna do for money?

Well, I was thinking I'd be coaching.

Well, I know, but I've been listening to the radio, and it doesn't seem like East Dillon's gonna have a team.

You need to stop listening to the radio.

We're gonna win State.

There ain't any way in hell that anybody in Texas is gonna get rid of a football team that wins State.

Luke says that the defense is unstoppable.

Yeah, well, Luke's right.

Who's Luke?

I saw Tim yesterday.


Oh, really?

He tell you about his, uh, plans to move to Alaska?


What... what is Tim Riggins gonna do in Alaska?

He's got some stupid-ass idea that he's gonna move to Alaska and work on the pipeline.

The kid loves Texas, all right?

It's not gonna happen.

He's just having a little tough time, you know, readjusting.

Whose truck is that?


Look, I need to talk to you.

There's a lot of things that I need to explain to you.

And I'd kind of appreciate it if you'd put the wrench down and listen to me.

All right, but I'm working here, so...

[Scoffs] Well, fine.

I'll make it quick.

You have no idea how lonely I was when I was living with my mom.

Half the time, it was like I was just in the way.

And it's not like when I live with Billy and Mindy.

It's not like home.

And then Tim moved in, and he talked to me, and he hung out with me, and he was a friend to me.

And when everything happened with me and you, he was there for me, and he helped me.

So, yeah, I love him for that.

And I put him on a pedestal for that.

But that's not real.

You are.

And I just think there's been a lot of misunderstandings.

Well, that's really pretty.

You should put that in a little poem.

Are you kidding me?

Just go to hell.

Go to hell!

I was being honest with you!

[Door slams, engine turning]

Don't speak until you're given permission to speak!

Last year, you only had 19 kids on your team!

Sit down!

I will close this entire meeting down if I can't get some control here!


Thank you!

Edward, sit down.

Sally, you've got the floor.

Thank you, Mr. Carville.

If we just look at this budget crisis as temporary and the ultimate goal is for both teams to make it through, then, you know, one of the teams doesn't really need the funding, because most of their resources come from booster donations.

[All shouting]

Our booster program's based across 60 years of winning tradition!

Sit down! Sit down! Sit down!

You've got the floor.

Thank you.

Some of us, on this side of town, happen to own our houses.

Saying inflammatory remarks...

When was the last time you all played football at this time of year?

We're going to State!

[All shouting]

State! State! State! State! State!

Would you get these people under control?

The meeting is adjourned! That is it!

Let's go. Shut it down.

Shut it down.

"Concerns about my financial future lead me to ask..."

Damn it.

"Concerns about my financial future in the football landscape of next season..."

Whoa, damn it!

[Tires squealing]


[Exhaling sharply]

Concerns about my financial future lead me to ask you where you see me in the football landscape of next season.

The football landscape's a little bit blurry right now.

I have twins coming on the way soon, so...

I know.

Damn it. I wish I could be more definitive, but I can't, and I'm sorry.

I don't know.


Thank you.

What can I do you for?


And a coke.


Anything else?

You and Becky, uh...

Are you in love with her?

Are you serious?



I'm not in love with Becky.

I care about her.

And I've been there a few times when no one else was, but that's about it.

Any other questions?



Are you sure?

Yeah, you ever hear of Warren Field State?

No. Why?

It's a D-3 school.

It's... it's pretty much my future.


I love football more than anything in the world, you know?

I love it.

But Warren Field State's not giving me, like, that feeling.


Let me give you some advice, Luke.

You're going to State, correct?


Nothing's gonna be bigger than that.

Play it that way.

Play it like it's the last time you're ever gonna lace up.

Then let it go...

And move on.

That's my advice.

[Knock at door]

Mr. Carville.

Come in.

Have a seat, guys.



I know you've been waiting a long time to talk to me.

But, please, just make it concise.

W-we were at the meeting last night.

But... but we're not here to argue or yell.

We just want to give you our thoughts.


That'd be refreshing...

Mr. Howard.

Okay, uh...

Before football, I was going nowhere fast...

Straight to juvie.

Playing for the East Dillon Lions probably saved my life.

I got a bond with my teammates that'll never be broken.

I got a coach that's been like a father to me.

He shows up and gives 100% every game, every practice.

Mr. Carville, it's more than just a game to us.

Football is our life.

Thank you.

This was the best part of my day.

So let me get this straight.

You're basically squatting on this land, living in a trailer that isn't yours, moving to Alaska, and not talking to your brother.

Was it really that bad?

If you're asking if I was r*ped in prison, Tyra, the answer is no.

Well, that's good to know.

Thank you.

What the hell is going on with you?

What are you doing?

Billy started the chop shop.

I had nothing to do with it.

We made it out to seem like I had everything to do with it.

Wait, so what you're saying...

What I'm saying is I went to prison for Billy.

That's what I'm saying.


Why would you do something like that?

He had a son, a wife, a family.

I had the opportunity to change something, to give something to Stevie we never had.

I gave him his father.


Hey, babe.

Are you okay?

So how come you're not with dad at the meeting?

He decided to go on his own.

So, um, when are they announcing the decision?

I don't know.

I don't know.

Sometime this evening.

It should be soon.

What are you hoping for?

I hope that the Lions get to stay put.

And I hope that I get to be dean of admissions at Braemore College.

Honey, you know your father and I love each other very much, right?


[Indistinct chatter]


Can I have your attention, please?


After careful consideration and after a called vote of five to two, the school board has decided that, due to budgetary concerns and effective this next year, there will be one football program for all D.I.S.D. residents to participate in.

And that will be the Dillon Panthers.

[People cheering]

The East Dillon football program has been eliminated.

Hey, coach.

Let me tell you something.

You're gonna be the star quarterback of the Dillon Panthers next year.

And you are gonna shine.

Still got one more game.

See you at practice tomorrow.

What the hell are you doing?

We need to talk.

[Car horns honking and shouting]


Welcome back to Dillon.

[Both laugh]

No place like it.

You know, it's kind of like this drug.

When you get outside of it, you see it for what it really is.

When you're in it, it seems like there's no other possible reality.

It's a hard place to shake.


Didn't see that one coming.

So, uh, whatever happened with you and Matty?

We're good.

I mean, we still talk every now and then.

He moved to Chicago.

I went to visit him a while back, and...

I don't really know what we are or aren't or...

I just kind of really miss him.

Life's harder when you really love someone.

You did your best.

The sons of b*tches.

Vince Howard is now a Panther.

The sons of b*tches.

[Car horns honking and shouting]

They got him, but you...

You get them.

You're gonna win the State Championship.

So next year you go with Vince.

They're gonna want you for Vince.

You go over there, they don't get you...

Let me tell you something.

I can never come back to this school and coach...


To hell with them.

That's not you.

It is me.

No, that's your pride.

That's me.

That's not my pride.

That's me talking.

Pretend this.

Just pretend this... Picture this.

Next year you got all the Dillon players.

You got the Lions with Vince.

You got the facilities.

You got all the money you'll ever need.

And you got the team you need.

And guess what. You've won two State Championships.

You'll win three State Championships when you win next year.

You got three rings in six years.

That's history.

Nobody's ever done that.

You got everything you want.

You're a son of a bitch.


[Tink shouting indistinctly]


Shut up and sit down.


It's just like Camelot, guys!

How is it like Camelot?

You don't read much, do you?

All right, guys.

I'm taking a piece of the grass home.


My blood, sweat, and tears is in this grass.

And, Tink, you're an idiot.

I'm gonna take a piece of it home and plant it in my front yard, so I can have it for a lifetime.

No, no, no.

No, I want one too.

Cut me a piece of this grass.

You know what? There's one thing they can't take away from us...

What we did on this field.

Tink's right.

Tink's right.

Blood, sweat, and tears.

This has been the best year and a half of my entire life, with y'all.

And now we're going to State, and we're going all the way, and nothing's gonna stop us.

And then I'm done with football.

Yeah, right.

You got Warren Field State.

You're going to Warren.

Man, I don't give a crap about Warren Field, man.

I've got State.

All right.

To State.

To State, then.

Coach Taylor, baby.

To the Lions!


The Lions!

Coach Taylor.

To the Lions.


That's what happens in Camelot.

[Laughter and shouting]

Oh, I got this.



Somebody try and stop me!


Get him! Get him! Get him!



You know, Tim, I can't imagine how much you'd have to love Billy to do what you did.

Just make sure you're really okay with losing him.

He's your family.

He's been your only family.

Not many people believed in you, Tim, but he has.



Don't go.

Please don't go.

[Sighs deeply]

It's not the Lions.

I know.

I heard.

I'm sorry, babe.

They want me to coach the new team.

What new team?

Dillon Panthers.

It's the best of both teams...

A conglomeration of all the best...

And everything one could wish for.


I'm gonna say to you what you haven't had the grace to say to me.

Congratulations, Eric.




Wake up.


I want you to take me someplace.

Mm. Where?

It doesn't matter.

I'll tell you when we're on our way.

Come on. Get dressed.

All right. I'm up.

Yep. Come on.

I'm up.

Come on.

I'm up.

Coach know you going through his stuff?

Oh, well, I was just, like, putting the folder there.

It feels like everything we worked for is just disappearing.

Yeah, I guess it does.

What about you and me?

You know, I was really proud of how hard you tried.

Thank you.

Well, I was a jerk, you know.

I lost myself.

Let a lot of stuff go to my head.

I'm sorry.

You know, Vince, you got something in you that I love.

And then sometimes some other stuff comes out.

And it hurts.

Well, what if I could promise that guy won't come back anymore?

You already got two strikes against you.

Jess, I was born with two strikes against me.

Alaska, Tim?

[Knock at door]



It's me.

Who is it?

It's me.

It's Matthew, grandma.



I got us...

Is that really you?

It's really me.

I got us a big Christmas tree.

Is that really you?

It's really me.


It's me. Give me a hug.

How are you?

Oh! Oh! Oh! Thank you!

Happy Christmas.

You okay?


Are you surprised?

I'm so surprised.


I didn't know you were coming home.

Well, good.

Did you tell your daddy you were home?

Did you tell everybody?

No, you're the only person who knows.

I'm the only one.

It's a surprise.

I'm surprised.

And I'm happy.

Me too.

Did you say it was Christmas?

Yeah, it's Christmas.

Merry, merry, merry Christmas.

I love you, grandma.

I love you too.

I love you.

I'm glad you're here.


[Knock at door]

Hey, Buddy.


How are you?

Oh, hi, gentlemen.

Might we be able to speak with Eric?

There he is.

Y'all come in.

18 years.

Can I get y'all anything...

Iced tea, water?