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05x12 - Burden of Proof

Posted: 09/04/14 14:16
by bunniefuu
[keys jingling, lock disengages]

[earrings clink]

[faucet turns on, water running]

[wood creaks]

[muffled screaming]

[glass shatters]

[glass shatters]

[screaming continues]

[screaming stops]

"Slippers for the stubborn."

[gasps] Mules.


Good morning. Coffee?

Yeah, I'd love some, but we have a dead girl in Kenmore Square.

We do? Oh.

My phone must have been off.

[buttons clicking]

Hi, Jack.

Jack: Morning, Jane.


He knows he can come out here, right?

Well, he can't, actually, until he finds his pants.

I've looked everywhere.


And on a school night, no less. Mm.

[door opens]




Maura, is Thursday still good to bring Allie by?

I'm looking forward to it.


See you, Jane.


Good ... good luck with your pants.

Don't you think that was a little terse?

I'm sorry. Men in kimonos make me uncomfortable.


It's a generic word, like "clothing." There's no plural.

And it's suitable for both men and women.

You know, in Japan, wearing a kimono is called kitsuke.

In America, we call it "walk of shame."

Do us all a favor. Buy the man some jammies.

Come on.


5x12 - "Burden of Proof"

Wait. Who's Allie?

Jack's daughter.

Her seventh-grade class is doing a career study project, and she wants to shadow me for extra credit.

That's pretty grown up for a seventh grader.

What do you mean by "grown up"?


Well, do you doubt my abilities to make forensics fun?

Did you hear that sentence that just came out of your face?

Well, if conversation lags, I'll vamp.

I'll talk about things that interested me at that age.

Such as?

My favorite books.

Or, you know, when I was her age, I did a science project on the antimicrobial properties of common foods. Garlic gets the most press, but the cruciferous family is not to be underestimated.

So, your plan "B" is "Anne of green gables" or broccoli.

Good luck with that.

[police radio chatter]

Danielle Mitchell.

Let me guess. 20-something?

How do you know?

Is there a law that requires people to decorate their first apartments with the same five posters?

10 bucks there's a "Breakfast at Tiffany's" poster on the wall in her bedroom.

Oh, you cannot know that.

Want to bet?

Taste is an individual's preference based on their specific cultural experience.

It is impossible to predict.

No, no, no, wait.

Marilyn Monroe, white dress, on the subway grate.

20 bucks.


[police radio chatter]

[camera shutter clicking]

Yes! Pay up, baby.

Maybe after.

All right, but don't think I'm gonna forget.

What do we know?

No forced entry. Doesn't look like she was robbed.

The neighbors didn't hear anything last night.

Anybody know what time she came home?

Guy across the hall works a night shift, said she got in late, couldn't tell if she was with anybody, though.

Maura: Rigor shows time of death around midnight, and lividity indicates she was moved into this position.

Well, the bag does suggest asphyxia, but i'll need to confirm it with the lab.

It's a pretty tidy crime scene, especially for somebody who's been strangled.

Well, CSRU couldn't pull a print off anything.

Korsak: It would take time to wipe the surfaces clean.

k*ller wasn't in a hurry, like they knew nobody was coming home.

Look how she's laid out and how deliberate it is.

Like they knew what they were doing.

Makes me think it's because they've done it before.

[door opens]

You owe me 20 bucks, Dr. Isles.

It is on my desk.

But just for the record, I do want to say that I think you are underestimating the merit of Danielle's posters.

What? You mean you're gonna get like a Bob Marley mosaic in y... No!

"Keep calm and buy shoes."

Ooh, that's good. I haven't heard that one.

Well, I'm not talking about taste. I'm talking about the evolutionary basis for cultural trends.

There is no evolutionary basis for beer hats and foam fingers.

Imitation is a survival strategy.

You know, the viceroy butterfly imitates the appearance of the less-palatable monarch, thereby deterring predators and ensuring survival.

For butterflies.

My point is that being unoriginal can have its advantages.

Not for Danielle.

Petechial hemorrhaging confirms that the cause of death was asphyxiation.

Yeah, that's what we were saying was the M.O. in our NCIC search.

Anything so far?

Eh, a few strangulations, a few girls in Danielle's demographic, but nothing that can prove that this was a repeat k*lling.

I need a special detail that can link her to the other victims.

Jasmine hess.

Okay. Uh...

Yeah, "Hess, Jasmine."

Found dead in Plymouth County about six months ago.

She was strangled, laid out on her bed.

Oh, no, no, her case is unique.

The M.E. ...

Found a cork... in her throat.

Well, it looks like there's something to your theory of imitation after all.

Imitation? What makes you think it's not the same person?

Because the guy that did this m*rder is already in jail.

This side is the Plymouth County case, and this side is Danielle.

Two girls k*lled the same way by two different people.

Assuming they got the right guy in the first case, this is either a coincidence or a copycat.

Tell me about our girl.

Well, she worked as a waitress in the back bay.

Her credit card records are all pretty normal.

Largest expense is a hotel reservation for next month in Hawaii.

Probably would have been a nice vacation.

Do we know who she was going with?

Still working on it.

Other than that, no serious debt, no weird activity.

What about the Plymouth County victim?

We find any connection between them?

Well, they're about the same age, but they didn't appear to know each other, no shared interests, no mutual friends, No connections at all.

Except they both wound up strangled with a cork in their throat.

Ah, except that.

In the trial records, the original k*ller had dated the victim.

Now, he said the cork was his way to shut her up after she tried to dump him, "I put a cork in it."

Subtle. Maybe Danielle had a boyfriend who used the cork k*lling as inspiration?

Possibly, but nobody in her building saw her with anyone.

Well, let's talk to her friends and co-workers.

If there was a guy in her life, somebody knew about him.

Already on it.

There is a connection between these girls. We just have to find it.

Mallory: So sad.

We were supposed to work a shift together tonight.

What can you tell me about Danni?

She was sweet... fun.

We worked every weekend together.

We used to hang out after closing all the time.

You used to?

Before the package entered the picture.

What's "the package"?

We think he was her boyfriend.

She stopped hanging out, was always on her phone during breaks, except out in the alley instead of in the back where the rest of us took calls. It was like some big secret.

When did that start?

A couple of months ago.

All she ever said about him was "he's the total package."

We teased her a lot about that.

And she never even told you his name?

No. I just thought he was into something illegal or married.

Do you think she was with him the other night?

I really don't know.

But if he did do this, I really hope you catch him.

[keyboard clacking]

Oh, man. [scoffs]

I never got the appeal of rhinestones on phones.

Nothing wrong with a little bling.

Come on. It looks like Hello Kitty threw up on My Little Pony.

You were saying?

[keyboard clacking]

Is that your...?

[mouse clicks]

Well, in ... you know, in ... that bling is ... is quite tasteful. You know, in ... in this context, I find that I am, uh, pro-bling.

You're pro-bling?

Bring on the bling.

I could do your phone.

Would you?


If your victim was taking calls out in the alley, they were either to her mom or the cable company.

There are no mystery numbers that point to a boyfriend.

What about her hard drive?

I cross-referenced the pictures on her phone and computer with the friends in her social-media network.

She's got a lot of friends, but no one that looks like our mystery man.


She was a lot less active online the last six months, fewer posts. If she did have a new boyfriend ...

She didn't want anybody to know about it.

Come on, Danni. Where are you hiding this guy?

There are a few password-protected files on her hard drive that I haven't cracked yet.

Any guesses? Did she have a pet cat or something?

People do that ... pet names?

Pets, their own birthdays, and the ever-popular "password."

You're kidding.


But I've tried all of those.

Try "package."

[computer beeps]

Newspaper clippings.

Every one is on the Plymouth County m*rder trial.

Why the sudden fascination with a creepy m*rder trial?

She did password-protect the file with her boyfriend's nickname.

And the co-worker said they met a few months ago.

That's when the trial started.

Her boyfriend's gonna get her wrapped up in this trial and he's gonna k*ll her the same way?

If that was his plan, it would explain why he wanted her to keep their relationship secret.

It's a weird plan.

Murderers are weird.

Is it possible the prosecution got the wrong guy and Danni was involved with the real k*ller?

[indistinct conversations]

Vince! What a surprise.

I'm meeting Angela for lunch. Would you like to join us?

Oh, thanks. I was just leaving, actually.

Are you sure?

What do you think of this place?

How do you mean?

Just in general.

What would you say about it if someone asked your opinion?

Too many sprouts.


Hi, Vince. We need to talk.

Maura: Oh, Jane. I didn't know you were joining us.

I'm here under protest.

She's here to back me up.

You have a problem, and, fortunately, I can help you.

I might have accidentally told her that you are meeting Jack's daughter tomorrow.

I am sorry.

Why is that a problem?

It isn't, as long as she likes you.

You have to impress her.

Okay, so, what do you suggest?

Practice talking about things that interest young girls.

I can do that.

I can! Okay, try me.

What are your thoughts about "Pretty Little Liars"?

I don't think it's good to lie whether you're pretty or little.

Do you know who, uh, Lady Antebellum is?

Is that a person?

How about Lady Gaga?

I am more familiar with "Lady and the Tramp."

Okay, this is worse than I thought.

Look, I took these from my nail salon.

Get busy.

How is anyone supposed to retain this?

Well, pretend that they're all dead if you have to.

But if you want to hit it off with Allie, don't stop until you know the difference between J. Lo, Cee Lo, and L-M-F-A-O.



I've combed through every website Danni clicked on in the last year. Nothing unusual.

The only chat room she was in was in a discussion about making meringue.

It's a delicate process.


So, unless the boyfriend was pastry chef, we have no idea how she met him.

Or how he factored into the Plymouth County case.

No leads from her parents?

No. They said she was chronically single.

And we have no other suspects, so this boyfriend is our guy, whoever he is.

I think I got something. We think there's a connection between the boyfriend and the case, right?

What we don't know is, did the boyfriend spark her interest...

Or was she interested in the case and that's what led her to the boyfriend?

Yeah. Either way, I figure somebody who collected every article about the case might have actually gone down to the courthouse and watched the trial herself.

[monitor beeps]

Jane: So you pulled security footage.

For the whole trial. Look.

Frankie: She's there every day. She comes out at recess...

[monitor beeps]

...sends out some texts, and goes back inside. She's always alone.

Nina, who is she texting?

It's got to be the boyfriend.

No record of texts matching the time stamps on this footage.

'Cause that's not her phone.

The pink bedazzled... that's right here.

This is just a plain black phone.

Burner, maybe?

Yeah, that's why we have no records ... she had a separate phone for him.

We ... we got to see what number she's texting.

[keyboard clacking]

[monitor beeping]

Okay, a reverse lookup should give us a name.

[monitor beeps]

That can't be right.

Her boyfriend is the Plymouth County prosecutor.

Start from the beginning, slowly.

Our dead girl...


...Danni, who was k*lled in the same way as the Plymouth County victim, also happens to be the girlfriend of the guy who prosecuted the Plymouth County case.


Prosecutor is Paul Wescourt.

Conviction put him on the map.

He's been a rising star in the D.A.'s office ever since.

He is also very married.


You ... You keep saying "okay," and, to me, it seems...

Like the opposite of "okay."

Well, I'm gonna ask a question that I don't really want to ask.

Do we suspect him?

Well, we can't rule him out, not until we talk to him.

I need to caution you against jumping to conclusions too early.


I'm trying to protect our relationship with the neighboring prosecutor's office.

Paul Wescourt has a sterling reputation and is, by all accounts, a good guy.

A good guy who cheats on his wife.

We're investigating a homicide here. We're not blowing up people's lives. I know going easy on a suspect for political reasons is not your style.

That's one way to put it.

Hence my concern.

About your ability to control your face.

I... I have excellent face control.

[Tommy clears throat]

Even with lying, cheating husbands.

Oh, yeah. You're like Buddha on the lotus.

Shut up. Traitor.

[cellphone playing ringtone]


Cool ringtone.

Are you talking?

I-I thought I recognized that ringtone.

Is that Katy Perry?



I can see why she thought that, though.

Yeah, it's kind of like "Roar," right?

[horn honking]

♪ Goodbye to the tiger ♪

That's not how it goes.

Oh, it isn't?

Forget it. [both sigh]

Two cupcakes, please.


Oh, girls, before you leave, I ...

Well, I'm doing some field research, and I was wondering if you could tell me how I could have made a better impression on you.

What do you mean?

Well, you know, just some tips, like, was I too pushy or too forced?

Too close.


And needy. [chuckles]

Great feedback.

Thank you.

Girl: Oh, my gosh.

Thank you. Hey, detectives. Paul Wescourt.

Mr. Wescourt. Vince Korsak.


And you must be Detective Rizzoli.

Yeah. Thanks for coming down so quickly.

Not at all. The grand jury will still be there in the morning.


What can I do for you?

Please sit down.

We need to talk to you about Danielle Mitchell. It's ...

It's not good news, I'm afraid.

Well, i-is she okay?

She was found yesterday in her apartment.

She was strangled to death.

No. No, not Danni.

No, there's go... got to be a mistake.


I'm sorry. We need to ask you about the nature ...

Oh, my god. [breathes deeply]

Oh, my god.

[breathing heavily]


I-I guess you know that D-Danni and I were... romantically involved.

When did it start?

Uh... a few months ago.

Listen, y-you're ... you're gonna find evidence at the autopsy if you haven't already.

We were together ... what was it? ... t-two nights ago.

[voice breaking]

Yeah, w-w-we were together.

Would you be willing to submit a DNA sample so we can confirm that?

Of course.

Can you tell us what time you left her apartment?

I-I wasn't in her apartment.

Look, we realize this is difficult for you, politically.

But the more truthful you can be with us now, the better this whole thing will go.

I've never been there.

She ... she had neighbors with ... with cameras.

We w-were careful.

Burner phone?

Yeah, and ... and meetings were all pre-arranged, and, um, we used to meet at a hotel just around the corner from where she lived.

She would walk home afterward.

What time did she leave the hotel?

Around 11:00. [sniffles]

Yeah, I-I spent the night there.

I-I went home in the morning.

We're gonna need the name of that hotel.

There's no easy way to ask this, but could you... leave my wife out of it?

Sh-she didn't know about Danni. She would be devastated.

Well, that seems more on you than on us.

Yeah, you're right. But I'm a public figure.

And... she doesn't deserve this. Please.

We'll keep it quiet for now.

Thank you.

I-I-I could use a minute.

Of course.

[door closes]

Well, he copped to the affair right away.

I'll give him that.

He might be a cheater, but he doesn't seem like a k*ller.

You say that 'cause you want it to be true.

Well, if he did k*ll our girl, it'll be a mess for our department, the prosecutor's office, in the press.

So, yes, I want him to be as innocent as he claims to be.

I want to check his alibi.

You're telling me you don't have a reservation list or a guest log?

I'm not saying we don't have one.

I'm saying that some of our guests prefer not to be in it, and we honor that.

What about credit-card records?

We take credit cards, but, again, some of our guests prefer ...

Pay cash. Yeah. Security cameras?

They don't record. [chuckles]


Do you recognize him?


Would you tell me if you did?

Look, my ... [clears throat] my clients are very private people.

My whole business depends on my discretion.

What you call discretion I call obstruction of a criminal investigation.

Now, I need to know if this guy stayed here two nights ago.

[printer whirring]

Security logs license plates of guests parked in the garage overnight.

It's the best I can do.

Better than nothing.

[computer beeping]

Looks like Wescourt's car was at the hotel the night of the m*rder.

Well, that's a good alibi, right?

For his car. Why do people cheat?

I mean, i-is there some sort of evolutionary reason?

Well, there is research that links infidelity to a variant in dopamine receptor D4.

Some call it the thrill-seeking gene.

So, cheating is genetic?

The variant is genetic, but the behavior can be modulated by the individual, though not in this case, apparently.

The semen was a match to the DNA swab that Paul Wescourt submitted.

Which we expected.

There's more. Because the surfaces were wiped, CSRU had to take extra-thorough measures at the scene, and they pulled the drain stopper out of the shower.


But worth it.

They recovered hair, which I did a DNA profile on.

Some of it was Danni's.

Some of it was Wescourt's.

So, Paul Wescourt's hair is in a shower drain of an apartment that he claims to have never been in.

And the DNA test is conclusive.

Well, why would he lie about this?

He told us the truth about the affair.

Maybe he thought he'd covered all of his tracks.

And if he is lying, that brings everything he's said into question.

How can we even know if their relationship was consensual?

It's almost impossible to prove forensically.


Not to mention the previous case.

I mean, this guy could have done both murders and put away an innocent man.

Well, it is possible that the hair was carried in on Danni's body and wound up in the drain when she showered.

It seems unlikely.

That's what I said, Which is why I sent CSRU back to the scene.

And this time, they got a print.

Want to guess whose it was?

So, his mistress is dead, his prints are at the scene, and his alibi is paper-thin.

Did he think he would just lie to our faces and get away with it?

Let's go ask him, shall we?

Yes, let's.
[knock on door]

Detectives. What a surprise.

I thought we agreed to discretion.

I thought you agreed to tell us the truth.

Can we, uh, talk somewhere else?

We found your DNA at the crime scene.

Would you like to come with us?

Should we do the whole perp-walk thing?


[exhales sharply]

Mrs. Wescourt, hello. I'm Detective Rizzoli.

This is Sergeant Korsak. Boston homicide.

Sorry to barge in on you like this.

Oh, it's no problem. Would you like some coffee?

No, thank you.

We just need Paul to come with us.

Why? What happened?

It's nothing. It's a mistake.

Would you like for us to talk to your wife about the details of the case?

Carol, please go in the other room while I sort this out.

No. Somebody tell me what's going on this instant.

Your husband is under arrest.

For homicide?


Listen to me.

Do not speak to anyone until you get Marty Ackerman on the phone. Do you understand?

Marty? You want me to call our lawyer?

But you say only guilty people get lawyers.


Carol, please, I'm innocent.

This is a mistake. I'll make bail.

I'll be back by tonight. Please, Carol.


Korsak: Paul Wescourt, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Danielle Mitchell.

[sighs] Oh, my...

[knock on door]

Dr. Isles?

My friends call me Maura.

Come on in, Allie. Can I get you anything?

Never autopsy on an empty stomach, I always say.


Uh, wow.

What do you mean by that?

I mean... this office is great.

I love tribal art... especially ritual masks of West Africa.

You do?

The idea that when you put one on, you conceptually lose your human identity and become the spirit represented by the mask ...

I mean, it's the definition of cool.


You do not know how relieved I am to hear you say that.

Um, why?

Oh, uh, well, I was ...

I was a little nervous that maybe we wouldn't have anything in common and you wouldn't enjoy hanging out with me. [chuckles]

You were worried about that?

I tried on a few masks of my own, in fact.

Oh, please.

But, you know, even though I should know better.

It's ... it's always best just to be yourself.

My mom says that.

I agree with her.

Easier said than done sometimes.

Tell me about it.

It's really hard, trying to fit in.


That's part of the reason that I spend my day with dead people.


[both laugh]

[door buzzes]

B.P.D. got a call about an altercation involving one of our suspects.

Do you know what happened?


But if he's being held here, technically, he's our suspect.

Ooh, isn't he helpful?

You got visitors, counselor.

You okay, Mr. Wescourt?


This man works in the D.A.'s office.

He might as well have had a target on his back.

It's all right.

Why wasn't he put in protective custody in the first place?

Guess the way we see it, you k*ll your girlfriend, you don't get special treatment.

I'm sorry about this.

Oh, it's the least of my problems.

My lawyer has been calling Carol nonstop. She...

She won't bail me out. She won't talk to me.

She's probably pretty confused.

And the phones in my office go right to voicemail.

My staff have jumped ship. I'm alone.

Apparently, my only friends are you two.

[chuckles] Put me in here.

Oh, hey, you put yourself in here when you lied to us.

I didn't k*ll her! I was set up.

By who? How?

I don't know!

[groans, exhales sharply]

All I know is that I loved Danni.

And whoever did this to her is out there while I'm in here.

Look who made bail.


[indistinct shouting]

Korsak: Guess the word is out. It's a zoo out there.

Ah, the press is calling him the "cutthroat lawyer," which is factually inaccurate.

Catchy, though.

I-I think we're gonna need to put up a barricade.

Better do it quick.


Nice job on the bruises.

A lady in processing took pity on me and loaned me some concealer.

Well, I hope it holds up. You got a lot of press out there.

[sighs] Poor Carol.

[scoffs] You should have thought about that before.

Let me ask you something.

Are you as convinced of my guilt as I am of my innocence?

It's not about my certainty.

It's about evidence, and it's about facts, like the fact that you lied about being in Danni's apartment.

I know how it looks.

But I also know that I am innocent.

[door opens]

[indistinct shouting]


Hey! Ho! Ho! Hey!

Get back!

Man: Mr. Wescourt!

Woman: There he is!

Did you k*ll her? Can you tell us where you were that night?

[indistinct shouting]

Was she your girlfriend?

Can we get a statement? We just want to ask...

All right, come on.

You can go through the morgue loading docks.

Are you sure?

Yes. Come on.

[elevator button clicks]

[elevator bell dings]

[elevator doors close, elevator whirring]

All right, what was Danni's favorite color?

Uh... sage.


She liked to look at the pottery barn catalog.

There's a lot of sage in there.

What was her favorite food?


Least-favorite food?

Shrimp. Okay?


It wasn't a fling. I loved her.

Well, then, why not just leave your wife?

I was trying to do the right thing for everyone.

Oh, I-I know how that sounds.

I just couldn't figure out an easy way to end things.

Maybe there is no easy way.

Maybe love always ends with someone getting hurt.

God, I hope not.

[elevator bell dings]

Me, too. For your sake, anyway.

You still here?


He really loved her, Vince.

Wouln't be the first man to k*ll someone he loved.

And we don't have motive.

He's a married man with a high-profile job.

Motive was probably what it always is ...

He wanted out, she threatened to expose him.

But she never even spoke his name to her friends.

And she encrypted files with articles about his case.

She wasn't trying to expose him. She was protecting him.

And look.

He's got a trip to Hawaii for a legal conference next month.

Three days at the Hyatt.

Mm-hmm, but the plane ticket is for a week.

Where's he staying the rest of the time?

Check out her credit-card records.

So that's who she was going on vacation with.

But why book a romantic getaway with a mistress you're planning to k*ll?

To make it look like you're not planning to k*ll her.

[sighs] Okay, say that's true. Why k*ll her this way, I mean, in the exact manner of a case he just tried and won?

I mean, if he wanted to get rid of her that badly, just sh**t her or push her off a cliff or something.

Well, maybe he's a sociopath who wanted to get caught.

It just doesn't feel right.

He lied about being in the apartment. His alibi is full of holes.

His prints were at the crime scene. It's a lot of evidence.

It's just... too perfect.

I know what the evidence says. I know what my gut says.

What's that?

Reasonable doubt.

Nina: This is the area between Danni's apartment and the hotel.

It's like a mile.

9/10 of a mile, to be exact.

Take about 12 minutes to walk.

So he easily could have parked in the lot, walked to Danni's apartment, k*lled her, and headed back to the hotel to stay overnight.

Nobody wants your gut to be right more than I do, but no matter how many times we go over it, he still looks guilty.

All right, well, what about the hair?

Can CSRU tell us exactly how much they found?

We can't say exactly how much washed away before we got to it, but that it was there at all...

He still looks guilty.

There's also the fingerprint.

That's where you got the print?

It was on the underside of the handle,
which is why they missed it in the first sweep, but it's a complete print.

Also an exact match.

Can you blow that up?

[keyboard clacking]

[monitor beeps]

We need to get back in that apartment.


Guess who, according to a reliable source, is the definition of cool?

Did you give Allie lipstick?


Her mother said something about her coming home with makeup on.

Well, Allie mentioned that a lot of girls in school have started wearing makeup.

Which her mother doesn't allow.

She mentioned that, and, um, I said that I agree with that rule.

But she is feeling the pressure just to fit in.

So you gave her lipstick.

Lip gloss. Just a little.

And I suggested that she try it on as a way to broach the subject with you.

But if I've overstepped my boundaries ...

What was that for?

For a week, I've known something was bugging her, and she wouldn't talk to me.

It has been k*lling me, not knowing what's going on.

It's hard to talk about. I remember being the odd man out.

Mm, I don't believe that.

Well, believe it.

I was ... I think the technical term is "weird."


I kind of like weird.

You're not wearing the lip gloss you gave my daughter, are you?


'Cause that would be a different kind of weird.

[chuckling] Yeah.

[laughs] I kind of ruined it.

Just a little bit.

Okay. Okay, go.



Reverse-thread nuts are always tricky.

If you turn the wrench the wrong direction, you can crack the porcelain.

Sometimes I forget you're a plumber's daughter.

[metal scraping]

You know, I never thought I'd say this, but... thank you, pop.

This handle does not belong with that toilet.

They're two different brands.

Maybe the landlord replaced it.

Yeah, but the newer handles are usually plastic or stainless steel.

This one's brass. Look.

Hmm. Nice.

A little too nice for a landlord to spend money on.

What if that handle was somewhere else when Paul Wescourt touched it?

Wouldn't take more than a wrench for someone to relocate it here.

The print was planted.


I'll talk to the super, verify he didn't replace this handle.

If you're right ...

I am. And so was Paul Wescourt.

He was set up.

We have new evidence in your husband's favor.

Can you tell us where he is?

You don't know?

I assumed that's why you're here.

The police are out looking for him right now.

What do you mean, the police?

How can you not know? This is all your fault!

Slow down. Tell us what happened.

I haven't seen him since you arrested him.

He just keeps leaving voicemail messages.

He's out of his mind.

All right, all right. What is he saying in the messages?

[voice breaking]

He's saying that ... that I ... that I don't deserve this, that he ... that he failed me.

I-I called the police after this one.

Paul: This is the last time you'll hear from me.

You'll be better off if I put an end to this. [keypad beeps]


H-He's gonna k*ll himself.

Not if we can find him first.

[exhales sharply]

Maura, the suicides that come through your office ...

Can you figure out how and where they occur?

Most of them.

Okay, can you use that information to figure out a place where someone like Wescourt might try it?

Well, it's not a straightforward formula.

Was he on medications? Did he have a history of depression?

The woman he loves is dead. His marriage is over.

His career is ruined.

I think it's pretty safe to say the guy's depressed.

Okay, I amplified the ambient noises from the messages he left.

So far, I've got what I think is a jet engine.

[computer beeps]

Paul: I'm not gonna drag you through the humiliation of a trial.

It's time I put an end to this.

[jet engine humming]

He's by an airport.

I-I wish I could be a better man. You deserve that. [rapid popping]

That sounds like g*nf*re to me.

g*nf*re and jet engines.

I just want you to know how sorry I am.

What is that?

This is all my fault. This is what I deserve.

[indistinct clanging]

What is that?

Could be car tires on steel grating, maybe a bridge.

[keyboard clacking]

There's a firing range on Moon Island.

The narrows bridge leads straight to it.

[computer beeps]

And it's adjacent to the flight path at Logan.

Remote bridge ... it's a perfect spot for a su1c1de.

You're not going alone.

Well, Korsak and Frankie are at the courthouse.

Then it's you and me.

That's his car.

Maura, stay here. I don't want to spook him.

Jane ...

No, I know this guy well enough to know he's not bluffing.

Be careful.



Listen to me, okay?

You're wasting your time.

No, just ... just listen.

I know you were set up. And we can prove it.

[breathing heavily] So?

[sighs] Please w... wait. Wait. Wait.

Okay, listen. I-I know that we said that there's no easy way to end things, but y... you can't do this, okay? You can't quit like this.

I ruined my marriage.

[breathing heavily]

Danni's gone.

My life's over.

No. No, it isn't. Okay, j... [sighs]

Just... hang on a second, okay?

Let me come down there.

Oh, Jane, don't.

I'll stay over here, all right?

We'll ... we'll ... we'll just talk from here.

Okay? I'm not ...

I'm not moving any f... any further, all right?


I know that you think that your life is over, and ... and ... and maybe I can't change your mind on that, but just ... please, for one second ... please, will you just think about Danielle?


I know you didn't k*ll her.

Okay? I ...


I-I think you loved her more than anything.

And I think that's why you... you were so conflicted about what to do. And that's why you cannot let whoever did this to her get away with it, okay?

Come on.

Paul, you said it yourself ... her k*ller is still out there.

Look, I...

[breathes deeply]

I ca... I can't bring Danni back.

Okay? And ... and ...

[breathing heavily]

I can't ... I can't give you any more nights flipping through catalogues and ... and ... and Indian food.

But ... but I can bring her k*ller to justice. I can do that.

Okay? Please ... please h-help me do that.

Doesn't she deserve that?

Come on.

[breathing heavily]






[yelling] Jane!

[yelling] Jane!

To be continued...