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03x07 - Turn the tide

Posted: 01/14/24 07:49
by bunniefuu
FEBRUARY 22, 9:55 PM

Right here, tonight,
we will change history.

Gathered here as guests for this event
are Tokyo's top hoodlums.

[all groan]

[Izana] Shinjuku's Speed Demons.

Kichijoji's SS.

Ikebukuro's ICBM.

Ueno's Night Dust.

And all the other hoodlums
who are confident in their skills.

How disappointing.

You're considered the best now?

[Speed Demons' hoodlum]
This guy Izana Kurokawa, he's a monster.


Crap! I wish I could run.

[Kakucho] Izana.


It's past 10 o'clock.

Toman's not coming.

I see.


We've absorbed their Sixth Division.

I took care of Second Division's Mitsuya
and Fourth Division's Smiley.

We had to go back and make sure
they could never recover...


...because Mochizuki
and the Haitanis are too lenient.

You mean you had your men fight dirty.

Huh? What's wrong with using my men?

Your damn men didn't do enough
to finish Third Division.

Then you handle it yourself!

All you can think to do is fight,
you gorilla.

Huh? What did you call me?

-Cut the crap!


[tongue clicks]

-Yes, sir!
-Yes, sir!

[g*ng member 1] Get up!

[g*ng member 2] Get on your feet and walk!

[hoodlum grunting]

As for First Division,

when Mucho recruited Kokonoi,
he put them out of commission.

You made a wise choice, Kokonoi.


And as for Mikey and Draken,

Kisaki took them out.

Right about now,
I bet it feels like a funeral in Toman.

I don't like your methods though.

You hear that, Kisaki?


Izana, Toman's through.

We, members of S-62,

the Vicious Generation,

had a dream that we lost sight of.

But with you and Tenjiku,

we'll make it come true.

[♪ ominous music]


[young Izana] From now on,

we can never lose.

If this is what you want,

then I will stick with you.

[Izana] Tenjiku will now advance
to a higher stage.

With all the hoodlums of Tokyo,
we will challenge the adult underworld.

Who cares if they're yakuza or whatever.

We'll destroy anyone who defies us

and control the whole underworld of Japan.

[Izana] And you'll be standing

right in the middle of all that, Mikey.

I'll make sure you suffer bitterly.

That Toman g*ng, they can't do a thing
without Mikey, can they, Ran?

That's for sure.

But I can't believe
none of them are coming.


He'll come.


Who do you mean?



[rumbles in distance]


[indistinct chatter]

Whoa! Seriously?

Well, well. They're coming.

Now this is more like it.

[tongue licks]


[Tenjiku's member] It's Toman!

Toman's here!


[background grunting]

Everyone, in position!

[♪ theme music]


[♪ electronic music]




[tongue licks]


I've been waiting for you,


So that damn Kisaki will watch
from up high.

That's the kind of guy he is.

I guess we can't get to him
unless we destroy Tenjiku first.

What a total weasel.

[Takemichi] Kisaki!

I swear I'll drag you down from there!

You're overwhelmingly outnumbered.
What'll you do about it?

This better be entertaining,


Let's start with a vanguard fight.


[chuckles] That brings back memories.

A vanguard fight, huh?

I like it.

Why don't you leave this to me?

[Shion] Back down, gorilla.

Huh? Why you bastard, Madarame!

I'll take today's vanguard fight!

Former ninth-generation

and one of Tenjiku's Big Four,
Shion Madarame!

[Shion] Who are you sending out, Toman?

A vanguard fight?

What's that?

It's a ritual that was popular
with S-62 Generation.

They start with a one-on-one,
that builds up to an all-out battle.

Wow. That's our g*ng Dex.

I see.

[Shion] I bet you have
no big sh*ts left though.

Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya and Smiley.

Not a single central member is left!

Tokyo Manji g*ng is just a rabble!



[Hakkai] Takemitchy.

[Takemichi] For today's battle,

the vanguard has to be me.


You'll be fighting me.


Today, you're the acting leader.

Stay back.

Tokyo Manji g*ng
Third Division acting captain,

-Ryohei Hayashi...
-Who gives a shit.

I'll k*ll every last member
of Toman myself.

This vanguard fight is crucial.

Whichever g*ng wins
will get a morale boost.

-So you realize how important this is?
-Go, Shion!

It's too late now though.

Don't wuss out, Toman!

That sucker's dead meat.

Madarame is Tenjiku's Mad Dog!

You b*stards keep yammering...

but you aren't making any sense!



Try speaking Japanese, you douches.

No way! What? It's over?


Taka once told me,

"Peh-yan may be a moron,
but he's got greater strength than me."


That dude took out
one of our Big Four with one punch!

Toman's that good?

I thought we took out
all their best guys already.

Looks like this will be fun, Toman.


The rest is up to you.

You give the signal to attack!

[Takemichi] Thank you, Peh-yan.

Okay everybody, you ready?



Okay, Captain.

[Takemichi] Izana Kurokawa...

You guys k*lled my Mikey.

[Takemichi sighs] I swear I'll stop you.

And you, Kisaki...

You, I swear, I will never forgive!

Takemichi Hanagaki...

[Takemichi] It's been a long battle.

Let's end it right here.

Today, we'll settle the score.

[soft grunts]

Let's do this!

Take them down!

[all shout]

[all grunting]

That hurts!

You okay, Takemitchy?

Out of the way! Out of the way!


He's hitting guys with other guys.

Oh, no!

[both grunt]

Keep your head in the game, Takemitchy!


Takemitchy, you're too far forward!

You're the acting leader,
so we can't lose you!

I know how you feel, Takemichi!

With all these guys,
you don't want to stay at the back!

If Takemichi goes in to fight,
then we'll open the way!



[Takemichi] You guys...

Takemitchy, follow me!

Akkun! Yamagishi!

Makoto! Takuya!

This way!

[Takemichi] Chifuyu!

[Chifuyu] Though I saw it coming,
we're at a huge disadvantage!

We'll go straight for Kisaki!

[Takemichi] He's right.

We're way too far outnumbered.

With things like this,
we probably won't even get to Izana.

In that case...

You make damn sure
you kick that bastard's ass!

[all grunting]

Damn it! How the hell did that jerk Kisaki
get all the way up there?

Manjiro Sano and Tetta Kisaki.

[Takemichi] The first time I saw him was
in that photo of him in the future.

I've come this far.

At last, I can kick your ass!

Hey there, hero.

I know for sure
you've been time-travelling.

That's why no matter how hard I tried,
the future never changed.

The other time traveller,


This time I swear I'll kick your ass

and change the future!

[all grunting]

[all shouting]

You're kicking ass, Toman.

This is what happens when you get cocky.


you haven't changed one bit in two years.

Just like when you took over for me

and lost to Mikey and let BLACK DRAGON
get crushed back then.

I don't think
it was because Mikey's strong,

but because you're so damn weak.

If you keep this up,
even Tenjiku will look weak.

I'm acting Third Division captain,

Ryohei Hayashi!

-Crap! What is this guy?
-Is he a beast?

[Tenjiku's member] Can't he be stopped?

I'll go fight somebody else.


[breathes heavily]

Fight me.


The leader's mine!




[all groan]

[indistinct chatter]



That stopped their momentum.


So that's what Izana Kurokawa is like.

[♪ ominous music]


[breathes heavily]


[exhales deeply]

[rasp breath]

[exhales sharply]

The only person who can lead us is you,


[Izana] Someday, let's all get together.

Until then,

become even more vicious.


Vicious Generation.

It's your turn.

You there, punk.

You call yourself the acting leader, huh?

[Takemichi] This guy!

It's that jerk who first att*cked us.

We of the Mizo Mid Squad will fight...

-[Chifuyu] Hold it right there!



Get up, you meathead gorilla.

You'll be fighting... me.

You in Second Division?


[Ran] The leftovers again, huh?

How's your captain feeling?


I get how tough it is
having an older brother who's famous.


[all shouting]


I won't let you knock me down
with one punch today, Takemichi.

I've been wanting to face you,
ex-captain of Fifth Division.


I'll k*ll you

and take back Koko.

[both grunt]


Why the hell did you come here, Takemichi?

-If you hadn't come, you could have...
-[Takemichi] Kakucho.


Did you know...

that Emma was going to die?



You actually don't want
to be having this w*r, do you?

Why did you tell me

there was a traitor in Toman?

You want to stop Izana, don't you?

-The Kaku-chan I know...

I've got nothing to say.

[Takemichi] All right.

We're going to kick
Izana Kurokawa's ass in this fight.

Then we'll take back Koko,

and I'll settle things with Tetta Kisaki
and crush Tenjiku.

"Settle things"?

Whatever that is,
you've got some serious guts.

But you can't take back Kokonoi.


He chose Tenjiku himself.

[Inui] What's gotten into you, Koko?

You can quit pretending
to be with Tenjiku.

I'm here to take you back.

Toman won't make me any money.

Come join Tenjiku, Inupi.

I've prepared a position for you.

Join us,
and you'll be an officer in no time.

A position? Money?

Grow up, Inupi.

It's clear Toman will lose.

Leave things to me today.

You won't regret it.

Get your hands off me, Koko.

I've put my life into Hanagaki's hands.


I have no intention of joining Tenjiku.

Be wise, Inupi!

-Same to you.
-[soft grunts]


you don't need money anymore, right?

Just how much longer

will you obsess over Akane?

[both grunt]


You're the one who's obsessed.


But what did you achieve?

You just made it rotten!


I'll accept

that it was me who ruined BLACK DRAGON.

But you've got to accept it too,

that I'm not Akane!

I'm Seishu!


[♪ closing theme music]