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03x03 - The Document of C.

Posted: 01/14/24 09:00
by bunniefuu
[TERRA] Well, well, well.

What is the matter?

Why ever did you stop? Please amuse me some more.

[TERRA] Precedence!

The motion of the spear will be lower.

The air will be higher.

[ITSUWA gasps]

[KAMIJO yells]

[KAMIJO] Crap, I missed!


I'm still alive?

But how?

Was that attack different from the previous one?

[ITSUWA] Flour? Is it symbolic?

Meant to signify the flesh of God?

Oh, my.

Even an easterner like you can tell that?

By any rationalization, there is no way

a mortal man would be able to k*ll the Son of God.

And yet, the legend says that it was His fate

to be crucified by mortals in order to take

the original sin of man upon Himself.

To that end, there was an alteration

to the order of precedence performed

between man and the Son of God.

It is this esoteric procedure of changing

the order of priority to fulfill mythology

that is my technique--

It's called The Light's Execution.

That's it.

He prioritized a spear made out of flour

over the outside wall, which is why it had

such a destructive force.

And because the air had priority over the spear,

Itsuwa's attack was stopped dead in its tracks.

Is this the power of the Right Seat of God?

So in the face of that technique,

all the strengths and weaknesses

of any opponent become irrelevant.

Oh, dear, you're looking troubled again.

Either try to find a way to defeat me or run away,

but don't just stand there.

I am going to give you ten seconds.

I expect you to use it to come up

with your plan of attack.


That is, assuming there is one that actually exists!

[TSUCHIMIKADO] In ten seconds, I could come up

with at least three plans!


Magic is lower, and skin is higher.

[KAMIJO gasps]


[TSUCHIMIKADO] Sorry to keep you waiting so long, Kami.

Ha! I hope you're not going to tell me that that was your

big breakout strategy.

[TSUCHIMIKADO] Unfortunately for you, I've got you cornered.

This next move will be checkmate.

[TERRA laughs]

Do you really think you can fight me with that toy?


b*ll*ts are lower, skin is higher!

Heh, it's like I said.

You've been checkmated.

[CROWD yelling]

I didn't need this.

[TERRA] I see, so that's how it's going to be, Aleister?

There's just a regular spellcaster using

the Document of C in the Papal Palace.

It would be quite bothersome if they were att*cked

by a large-scale military force.

So you leave me no other choice.

Hold it! [yells]

Are you okay?

Come on, Kami, we gotta head to the Papal Palace, too.

They're from Academy City, those powered suits.

But they weren't supposed to make a move.

We need to go after Terra right now.

At this point, the Right Seat of God

is about to wage an all-out w*r,

so if we want to stop the Document of C,

we have to do it now or we're gonna lose our chance.

Why would they target us?

You guys go on ahead to the Palace. Leave.

I'll stay here and deal with these Academy City idiots.

You'll be okay?

[TSUCHIMIKADO] Yeah, it's not like they're entrenched enemies

or anything.

I think I can find some room for negotiation.

Now go!

Damn it!

[ITSUWA] Looks like they're knocking out rioters

and removing them from town in those balloons.

Tsuchimikado wouldn't pull something like this.

Are we just supposed to accept this kind of v*olence

as a way of doing things?

It doesn't look like there's anybody here.

I have to wonder.

Where did those powered suits come from?


And what the hell is Academy City planning to do with them?

Hey, Misaka? Is this a good time?

[MIKOTO] Are you kidding me?

You can't send a single text and now you're calling

out of the blue! What do you--

Can you look at the news? Either TV or internet?

I need you to check and see if there's anything going on

in a city called Avignon.

Huh? Are you serious?

Avignon is all they're talking about.


They're saying a religious group made weapons

of mass destruction and violated international law.

Apparently, Academy City is helping to carry out

a mopping-up operation.

Wait, where are you right now?

Hello? You're, uh, cutting out.

--What the--? --[MIKOTO] Hello?

[KAMIJO] That sound... It's gone now.

Itsuwa, did you...?

[ITSUWA yells]

[TERRA] Well, this is a fine mess.

While trying to stop the chaos of the riots,

you create an even larger disturbance

and get caught up in it.

I suppose we're seeing just how serious

Academy City is about this.

He has the Document of C!


The ordinary caster enacting the spell

was being targeted by Academy City forces.

So I thought it prudent of me to recover this first.

I am not able to perform mortal spells,

and average spellcasters hold me back.

Therefore, I think it would be wise to cut things short.

You think I'm gonna let you walk away?

Suit yourselves.

You can stay here and fight to your heart's content.

After all, I much prefer to keep things interesting!


You blockheads have one job, so make yourselves useful.

And act as a shield!

That's not the kind of side effect you can ever really

get used to.

Now wake up, ya' bastards!

Smash it all up so we can go home laughing!


I surrender.

You can do whatever you want with me.

Go on.

Let's see what you're capable of, shall we?

[TSUCHIMIKADO] Wondering how I did that?

Those H-S-P-S-fifteens are equipped

with fancy new stand-alone auxiliary drive units,

which is a mixed blessing.

See, they're still prototypes with a lot of bugs left to fix.

When you give it any contradictory conditional input,

its decision-making functions freeze.

What's worse--for you at least--

is that the onboard databank functions

are overdeveloped.

So if one suit malfunctions, all of them are affected.

And now, you've all been stopped in your tracks.

Those are Academy City's supersonic stealth bombers--


[TSUCHIMIKADO] What are you thinking, Aleister?

It'll take more than that to eliminate the Document of C.

Or is there another trick up his sleeve?

Operation A objective accomplished.

B is next. Get your parachute.

[ACCELERATOR] Don't need it.

So now they're opening fire on the outside, too.

[BOMBER TECH A] Commencing Operation B.

[ACCELERATOR] Heh. With just three kilograms of iron sand,

these Earth Blades could slice up all of Eurasia.

You've cooked up quite an item.

[BOMBER TECH A] Isolating operational area.

Switching to aerial bombardment.

There's a change of plans.

The target is the Papal Palace, right?

Then concentrate your main attack there first.

But we can't.

[ACCELERATOR] Change it now!

There are several types and levels of "evil,"

you know.

And a truly world-class villain

will never target the lives of innocent people.

[KAMIJO] You have no intention of handing it over nicely,

do you?

Now Precedence.

The air lower. Flour higher!

[KAMIJO gasps]

Stay here.

[TERRA] Precedence.

Blade lower. Skin higher!


[TERRA] Precedence.

Flesh lower. Flour higher!

[TERRA] Is that all you've got?

Looks like I have a leg up on you, literally.

And you've finally exposed yourself.

That spell has a weakness.

There was something unnatural about what you just did.

Is that so? How troubling.

It's unfortunate that you won't have any time to make use of it.

[TERRA] Precedence.

Ceiling lower. Flour higher.

--[ITSUWA yells] --[KAMIJO] Itsuwa!

[TERRA] Well, I suppose that's to be expected.

Damn you!

[TERRA] Imagine Breaker.

The name raised my expectations.

But I never imagined it could be so flawed.

Had you restored its original capabilities,

you might actually have been able to defend

that sorceress.

[KAMIJO] What are you talking about?

Oh, my. You really don't know?

But how is that possible when by all rights,

you should have--

You haven't by chance forgotten anything you shouldn't have?

[KAMIJO] Why, you...!

[TERRA] Does that mean I'm right?

And have you been keeping this memory loss hidden?

But for what reason?

Maybe your sorceress friend knows?

I bet it would be fascinating to discover why

you've lost your memories.

[KAMIJO] I won't reveal it.

For her sake.

I've made it this far without telling anyone!

Well, I suppose it doesn't matter

since you're about to die.

[KAMIJO] I won't let him get to me.

I have to figure out what his spell's weakness is.

[TERRA] Oh, no, does this mean you won't be coming for me?

In that case...

[TERRA] Precedence.

Stone lower, skin higher.

[KAMIJO] Now how could that be?

You deflected Itsuwa's spear and Tsuchimikado's spell.

So why couldn't your Precedence defend

against a simple wallet?

Now that I think about it, it's strange.

Even after taking a direct hit from that blade,

Itsuwa and I are still alive.

You've got no reason to hold back on us,

or allow us to escape.

Which makes it all very simple.

It's not that you decided not to k*ll us.

It's that you couldn't!

The spell won't work on more than one target at a time!

Or am I wrong?

There are still some kinks to work out, you're right.

But what good is knowing that gonna do?

It's going to take a whole lot more than that

to successfully defeat Terra of the Left!


[TERRA] Precedence!

The floor lower, flour higher!

[KAMIJO grunts]

What is your reason for taking things this far?

To drag a whole city in like this?

You really think it's worth it?

[TERRA] Ha, I believe Academy City is to blame

for the majority of this commotion.

Which reminds me of something I've been wondering.

Is mankind currently worthy of the ultimate goal

set by Church of the Cross followers--

The Holy Kingdom?

And that's the extent?

That's your salvation?

I don't believe the God of Roman Orthodoxy

spread his teachings to give rise to this conflict!

[KAMIJO] If you're going to redefine salvation

just to gratify yourself,

then allow me to lay that fantasy to rest.

Right here and right now!

[KAMIJO yelling]

[TERRA] Precedence!

You're just too slow!

[TERRA] Why, you damned heathen monkey!

[TERRA] Precedence!

Body lower, flour higher!

[KAMIJO] You can cut the body.

But I guess you just couldn't cut the shotgun.

Ya know...

It really is the most sorry excuse for a power!

You aren't that strong at all.

Just some jerk pretending to be.

All while hiding in your comfort zone.

Itsuwa and I can hold our own on the b*ttlefield.

No way in hell are you stronger!

[KAMIJO gasps]

[TERRA laughs]

Look at that.

It seems your Imagine Breaker is incompatible with us.


It almost feels as though our efforts are being rejected.

Aren't you going to ask?

About your right hand's Imagine Breaker?

[KAMIJO] You know about it?

[TERRA chuckles]

If you're asking me for confirmation,

then it would seem you really have lost your memory.

It's fairly simple to explain.

Your Imagine Breaker is actually--

[KAMIJO grunts]

What the--?

[TERRA yelling]

[KAMIJO] Terra!


If I don't find anything in the next ten minutes,

I'm out of here.

You guys can keep searching after it cools down a bit.

[LIDVIA] Now that they've eliminated the original sin

that binds them to humanity,

they are searching for a method to become like angels.

[STIYL] All right, and what does that have to do

with the Right Seat's name?

The word "right" in this sense means Equivalent.

The angels Lucifer and Michael were a pair,

until one defeated the other.

And thus obtained the power that allowed them

to sit on the right, or equal, side of God.

So then you're saying that their ultimate goal

is to attain the place occupied by Michael?

Well, no. That is...

They want the seat, but it's not their endgame.

Once they possess that power, they can use it

to transform from angels into something more.

Or so they seem to believe.

"La persona superiore a Dio." Or "Kamijo."

[ACQUA] I hear Avignon has been torn up.

But you seem to be all right, Terra.


As long as the att*cks are all the same type

or are delivered one at a time,

my Precedence serves me quite well.

I also heard the Document of C was lost.

Yet, despite that failure, you seem to be in good spirits.

[TERRA] Acqua.

I'm sure word has reached you by now,

but I've heard the Russian Church has officially decided

to ally with us.

Our foothold for the invasion of Japan

is about to become a whole lot stronger with their support.

We should consult with Fiamma of the Right

to decide how we need to deploy our forces.

[ACQUA] Very well.

But before we do that, I need to have a word with you.

I've heard some disturbing rumors I'm hoping

you can clarify.

These reports are saying you're using children

and tourists in Roman suburbs to improve

the alignment of your spell?

Oh, yes. Of course.

Is that really something to fuss over, though?

It works.

I'm sure.

I just thought you were supposed to be representing

salvation for all people of the world equally.

[TERRA] I'll have you know.

I've only ever used heathens as my test subjects.

They've been a blessing, thanks to their contribution,

I've discovered new improvements and realignments

that my Light's Executioner needs.

[ACQUA] But first...

I'm afraid there's something more pressing

that needs to be done.

[ACQUA grunts]

[TERRA groaning]

[ACQUA] Just so you know, there is absolutely no way

God will ever choose you as one of His own.

He knows everything you've done, Terra.

You can ask Him all about it yourself at Final Judgment.

[ROMAN POPE] This is the Basilica of San Pietro.

As a member of the vaunted Right Seat of God,

one would hope you would have better manners

than to destroy it in the presence of the Roman pope.

[ACQUA] I apologize.

Tell me.

What is the next move you're going to make?

[ACQUA] Vento is unable to act, and Terra's been purged.

So that leaves only one course of action.

And what could that be?

You're planning to attack Japan by way of Russia as Terra said?

[ACQUA] This incident has taught me something.

Civilians should not stand on the b*ttlefield.

Only soldiers need to cross swords.

I see.

You're saying it will be you.

As a member of the Right Seat of God,

and one who bears the qualities of a saint,

you will step up.

Acqua of the Rear.

[KAMIJO] You know about it?

[TERRA laughs]

If you're asking me for confirmation,

then it would seem you really have lost your memory.

[MIKOTO] What's going on?!



[KAMIJO] In a city on the verge of its law collapsing,

an organization lurks in the darkness.

Who will slip through the tangle of outcry

and b*ll*ts to survive?

Next time, "The Dark Side of Academy City."

When science and magic cross paths, a story is born.