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03x05 - Dark Matter

Posted: 01/14/24 09:02
by bunniefuu

I asked you to let me out here.

So why don't you drop me off?

Asks Misaka Misaka protesting as hard as she can

with her hands on her hips.

I've already been paid to take you

to a specific destination. No unscheduled stops.

[LAST ORDER] Misaka steals this chance to run away!

Hold on, Miss! Please!

--[TAXI DRIVER A sighs] --[horns blaring]


'Scuse me.

It looks like you might be having some trouble.

[UIHARU] Let me see.

What was her name again?

Hey, Crazy Haired Girl!

I'll have you know Misaka's alias is Last Order,

says Misaka Misaka with fists in the air!

[UIHARU] "Lost child?"

I think we might want to look over there,

says Misaka Misaka making a prediction.

I have a tickling feeling in this part of my head,

she says with confidence, adding some important

and fascinating sensory information.

Yeah, okay.

So, who exactly is this lost child we're looking for?

[ACCELERATOR] End of the line, huh?

Good enough. Get lost.

[CITIZEN A sighs]

Looks like it's still a few more kilometers

to the satellite antenna.

I'll have to walk from here.

[SARAKU] Well, well, well.

Looks like I found your weakness, didn't I?

If I can keep you from accessing your switch,

you won't be able to use your ability.

Who are you? Are you with BLOCK?

Guess again.


I'm not from BLOCK. I'm MEMBER.

[DOCTOR] It would be a shame if we were to lose one of our

level fives.

You're either with GROUP or ITEM.

The question is which one?

Neither, actually. I'm from MEMBER.

[BABA laughs]

Teitoku Kakine and Accelerator!

We got two level fives at the same time!

That just proves MEMBER is the greatest!


[SARAKU grunts]

[ACCELERATOR] So you're a teleportation esper,

but you can only attack others from behind?

Wow, that is one piss-poor ability.

[SARAKU yells]

You can't even activate your ability

until you calculate where somebody else

is going to be located.

It's like you're controlled by your own power.

And this is coming from the guy who's dependent

on an electrode.

[WORKER A] Hey! What are you doing?

[WORKER A gasps]

[ACCELERATOR] You lack aesthetic.

You don't understand the values of a villain

or what it means to be evil.

[SARAKU yells]

[ACCELERATOR] This g*n's aim must be off.

The precision of my power is a far cry better

than this mess.

You can run if you'd like,

but you better believe my next move

will be to obliterate you.

I can see you trembling with fear,

so go ahead and run, you swine.

But first, I'd like to teach you something

about aesthetics.

This is what a real world-class villain looks like,

you son of a bitch.

[DOCTOR] Allow me to introduce you to a modest little invention

I call "mimosa."

What you see in the air before you are ultra-tiny grains

of a reflective alloy designed to react

to specific frequencies.

They're attached to bacteria in the air,

and depending on how they're manipulated,

they can slice through concrete or even pluck out

human cells one at a time.

It was during the winter when I was years old

that I gave up all hope in the arts.

At the time, I had a passion for European architecture.

But I found it overwhelming.

I couldn't wrap my head around the time and manpower

required to create just one work of art.

Now I much prefer mathematical formulae.

They are fully functional without a waste of energy,

and they have the poetic beauty of a haiku.

[DOCTOR groans]

Just like when you were twelve,

feel free to give up all hope again right here.

[BABA panting] Damn it!

[XOCHITL] What's wrong?

The Doctor and Saraku!

They've got me locked in here!

What am I supposed to do now?!

[XOCHITL] I have my own opponent to go after.

I don't have time to clean up your mess. I'm sorry.

Wait, don't hang up!


[BABA] What's going on?

Hey! Let me out! Please!

Can you hear me? Help!

[UNABARA [YAMATE]] All right.

All I really need to do is destroy that computer.

[TESHIO] There's been some activity in the twenty-third

school district.

Several Antiskill officers at the site were taken down.

The subject appears to be heading toward

the ground antennae.

What do we do?


We just wait and hope that they're successful!

[UNABARA [YAMATE]] These guys couldn't be after...

...control of the optical w*apon that's mounted

on the Hikoboshi II satellite?

They want to paralyze Academy City's

surveillance capabilities?

Time to go.

There are five thousand mercenaries on the other side

of that wall, waiting for orders to charge in.

Seems pretty heavily guarded.

Can't we just muscle our way in there?


If anything happens, unmanned attack helicopters will rush in.

The latest six-wing model.

If they spot us, we'll be up a creek.

In about another ten minutes, the patrol rotation will switch.

This is a crucial gap time right now because

the aerial surveillance is suspended.

What is it, Yamate?

Are you worried?

[UNABARA [YAMATE]] Five thousand mercenaries.

I wonder where exactly they're planning to attack.

There's no point in holding back now.

What the--?

[SAKU] Yamate!

[alarm blaring]

[ARMY gasps]

[ARMY yelling]

[SAKU] Up there!


[TETSUMOU screams]

We have to grab the mercenaries and get out of here!

I can't believe five thousand troops wasn't enough!

I should've known it was gonna be impossible

to try and stop all of them.

Venus's angle and my obsidian knife

are in perfect alignment.


You just let the intruders waltz right in here.

What kind of useless idiot does that crap?

I managed to use my Spear of Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli.

It cut the intruders down to a hundred.

That's not useless.

How nice for you. That reminds me of an expression I know.

"A miss is as good as a mile."

We can't stop the operation, not after all of this.

All right. How 'bout a question?

Do you know where BLOCK is currently heading?


They're going to a juvie hall in the tenth school district.

Why would you even consider attacking a place like that?

It wasn't about the place, exactly.

Our target was Move Point.

We were investigating.

And we received intelligence that some of her friends

were being held there.

We figured we'd capture them,

and then use them to negotiate with Move Point.

To get into the building without windows.


BLOCK figured out that Move Point was the secret guide.

Since it can't be destroyed from the outside,

we were assigned to learn how supplies were delivered,

and use that information to blow the building

up from the inside using synchronous composite bombs.

Is that so? Interesting.

Do you even know who's standing in front of you

right now?

No! You can't be!


Time to go. Are you ready?

Check it out.

It's the world's one and only esper internment facility.

They've installed AIM jammers in there,

so you know what that means.

Yep, sure do.

It means none of us will be able to use

our abilities inside.

[TSUCHIMIKADO] It's not that you can't use them.

But it's possible they could spin out of control.


Sounds like it's best for us to refrain

from using ability mode.

[TSUCHIMIKADO] Makes sense now.

I wondered why it was so quiet around here.

Looks like every one of these guys k*lled themselves

with their own weapons.

[XOCHITL] There you are.

[ACCELERATOR] If you're here, then that must mean

you're with BLOCK.

Not true. I'm from MEMBER.

I was just using those guys.

Etzali! The reason I did it was to find you!

This girl is Xochitl.

She's an Aztecan sorceress from my organization.

The one I used to be in.

A sorceress?

You filthy traitor.

I abandoned everything to come here today

and dispose of you. I don't care about the rest.

You guys go ahead.

I'll stay here and clean up this mess.

I can't believe we're cornered here like this

while BLOCK's inside.

You guys need to hurry it up and get going.

I move the slowest out of all of us,

so I'll stay here and hold them off.

Tsuchimikado. Make sure you've got Musujime's back.

Let's get movin.'

[TESHIO] Won't we get hurt when the blast goes off?

[SAKU] Not at all.

It's rigged to direct the expl*si*n into the door.

There're kids being detained here.

So it's really not gonna make any difference

if we blow up one or two of them.

You didn't mention that before!

Heh. Don't tell me you've got a soft spot for these kids

all of a sudden.


[ARMY yelling]

What a bunch of morons.


I haven't finished packing the expl*sives yet,

which means the results could be unpredictable.

I'm afraid I can't guarantee the kids' safety.

Don't you dare touch that detonator.

Awaki Musujime, the famous Move Point.

That saves us some time.

Tell me something, GROUP.

The incident on September th sure was something, huh?

You learn anything from it?

What are you talking about?

I know I certainly learned a lot.

I always thought Aleister controlled every corner

of this world, but he doesn't.

It turns out there's a way to get out from under his thumb

and places to flee where his authority isn't recognized.

So you're traveling to the new world on the backs

of others?

Honestly, that's not something I'd brag about if I were you.

Nothing wrong with hoping for a Heaven

or a paradise that doesn't exist for us yet.

It's something we all have in common--

[TESHIO] That's enough.

[SAKU] Huh?

[TSUCHIMIKADO] Don't move!

What are you trying to pull here?

Believe me when I say I have my own reasons

for wanting Aleister dead, but I will never take hostages!

I'll keep roughing you up personally

until I have the information!


[MUSUJIME yells]

[MUSUJIME gasps]

This is how a pro does it.

We don't need magic abilities or cute one-liners.

[MUSUJIME yells]

Just years of experience and fundamental tactics.

We rely on rational methods.

[XOCHITL] Tell me, Etzali.

Does it look different when it's that close?

[UNABARA] She takes control of the w*apon.

And then uses it to k*ll the enemy without getting

her own hands dirty.

I guess you could say it's like a su1c1de spell.

[UNABARA grunting]

You dropped something.

Aren't you going to pick it up?

What happened to you?

You shouldn't even know about spells

with this kind of power.

No, wait.

Didn't you take the position to never be involved

in violent acts?

Tell me what's going on with you!

And what the hell is happening in the organization

right now?

[XOCHITL chuckles]

A macuahuitl? No way.

[XOCHITL yelling]

[XOCHITL grunting]

A w*apon like that is not very becoming of you.

Then let's see what it says about you

and what you've become.

You, who abandoned us.

And now you just want to hide your face

and undermine the peace?

[UNABARA yells]

You're finished!

[UNABARA yells]

[XOCHITL grunts]

You lured me in!

[UNABARA] The Aztecs have no way of processing metal

into their weapons,

which means your sword really isn't as sharp as it looks.

So if I was willing to be cut to the bone,

I could actually stop it with my own limbs.

Like I said earlier.

That particular w*apon doesn't suit you.

I have no desire to take your life.

Please go somewhere and disappear.

[MUSUJIME yells]

We can stop as soon as you're ready to share

the service route for the building without windows.

Tell me.

What's got you so angry with Aleister

you'd be willing to go this far?

Like so many others,

I've experienced serious tragedy in this city,

and I deserve to find out if he was involved in it.

I want answers. That's all.

Trust me, I know what it's like to be fixated

on finding out the truth about something.

But... Nothing he'd say would provide peace of mind.

You would be suspicious of any answer he gave you.

Is that so?

Then how do you find peace?

[MUSUJIME] The trauma I've sustained is keeping me

from transporting myself,

and I can't sh**t her or fight hand to hand either.


It's because this is my constant mindset.

If I don't change it, I'll never be able to protect anyone.

You're gonna use it?

Yeah, and I hope you're ready,

'cause I'm gonna go all out.

[MUSUJIME] I'll overcome this.

I can overcome this.

I can overcome everything about these infuriating scars!

[TESHIO grunts]

Pretty bold. Good job.

I know it's unfortunate.

But this is the kind of leadership

that's expected of me these days.

Xochitl. What in the world?

If you ever try to compensate for lack of abilities

with a grimoire,

this is the kind of thing that can happen.

You could learn from me.

What? You mean you read one?

[XOCHITL] No. It's worse than that.

What are you saying?

That you've fused with the original grimoire text?

You tried to gain more power by making it a part of you?

Any spell that distorts your own body will fail!

You had to have known that much!

Sure, but it doesn't matter as long as I'm still able

to k*ll you while it's consuming me.

If I do it before I die,

then the organization's goal is achieved.

The organization that I knew was already terrible enough.

But what the hell's been happening while I've been away?

You won't die. I won't let you.

The original text will display its knowledge

to anyone who desires it.

I'll have to visualize it consuming me.

And that should allow me to draw it completely out of her.

Of course there's no precedent, so if I fail, it'll k*ll me.

[FRIEND A] I always believed in you.

FRIEND B] I knew trusting you was the right call.

Thank you so much for coming.

[FRIEND C] It's enough that you're here.

[FRIEND D] Okay, go on. Get going.

You're sure about this?

I am. It's for the best.

[ACCELERATOR] Damn, you're slow.

Guess it's about that time.

Back into the darkness.


[FRENDA grunts]

[KAKINE] Come on.

Damn, you're pretty tight lipped for someone

who's got no chance of leaving here alive.

Looks like I might just have to start cleaning a little house.

[FRENDA] No, please don't.

Fine, I'll tell you everything.


You've got a pretty cushy base here, huh?

[KAMIJO] Those who have power survive.

White wings spit upon conventional principles,

and sneer at common knowledge.

Next time, "Super-espers."

When science and magic cross paths,

a story is born.