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03x10 - Sky Bus 365

Posted: 01/14/24 09:09
by bunniefuu
[ITSUWA] Seriously?

The key to a long-distance relationship

is in whether or not the couple remains

in each other's memory.

"Steal his love Special?" Tip number one:

"A stronger woman's charms will overwrite his memory"?

The sexy fallen angel outfit!

So then the whole thing was an all-out mental,

technical, and physical boob tactic?

Well... It's hard to compete with the Priestess.

I have to turn things around! [gasps]

That product I heard about.

The Great Fairy Revealing Maid outfit!

[ITSUWA gasps]

What am I even saying?

I could never wear something that revealing!

[KNIGHT LEADER] As for the events happening in October,

I believe the most suitable one will be the ball

held at the Queen House.

Though the social class might be a bit dodgy.

Wait just a minute, Knight Leader.

Going to those kinds of soirees and balls with you

sort of has the implication of being a date.

I assure you, I was simply responding

to your request that I instruct you in English behavior.

I had assumed you were starting to explore

how to live like a lady.

Wherever did you hear something like that?

Hmm... Well, that's interesting.

So the bit about the fallen angel sexy maid was false?

[KANZAKI gasps]

No, but I was only...

I would not consider such conduct to be ladylike.

[KANZAKI coughs]

Well, anyway.

Can you tell me what's happening with the Eurotunnel?

We don't know when it will be restored.

[KANZAKI] How unfortunate.

I've been hearing that tensions with France

have been rising, too.

I'd say that's accurate.

They seem to be having trouble convincing the hawks

in Parliament to forgo their anti-French

pre-emptive strike.

We also have a number of domestic organizations

who are wanting to take advantage of the chaos

to stir up unrest.

[KNIGHT LEADER] Enemies without and within.

We've both got a lot to consider right now.

[MIKOTO] That was a completely ridiculous thing for me to say!

Listen. I know all about it, okay?

I know you have amnesia.

I can fight too, you know.

I'm serious! I can be of help to you!

[MIKOTO yelps]


Oh, hey, Zapper.

I don't mean to interrupt. What're you doing?

Just the usual, not that it matters.

You know, kicking vending machines. Hmph.

Right. Okay.

So, how are you doing?

Are you over your injuries already?

Yeah, close enough.

So you, uh...

I guess you really did find out, didn't you?

I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anyone else

if that's all right?

Yeah. Sure.

And about this vending machine-kicking hobby you have.

Maybe be a little more discreet if you're gonna do it

in public while wearing a skirt.

You're being unusually quiet about this.

[MIKOTO] What is happening right now?

Why am I so uncomfortable?

My heart feels awkwardly cozy.

Um, hey...

[MIKOTO yelling]

[KAMIJO] Was that necessary?!

What is going on with Misaka lately?

Wait. I hope this doesn't mean Index

will be acting out of sorts, too.

[TV ANCHOR A] The fallout from the expl*si*n in the...

And Index is exactly the same.

Toma, what are you making us for supper tonight?

A cup of yakisoba. It's been a long day.

A long day how?

Give it a minute. It'll be ready soon.

[pounding noise]

What... What was that loud noise?

Uh, don't worry about it.


[INDEX] Toma...!

You're the biggest klutz that's ever lived.

Here, this one's for you. It's yummy.

[KAMIJO yells]

[phone buzzing]

Yeah? What's going on, Tsuchimikado?


This is kind of a long conversation.

Is now a good time?

Actually, no, I just witnessed a miracle.

Keep it short, would ya?

[TSUCHIMIKADO] Sure, I can do that!

In short, get yourselves to Britain right now.

Wait, why?

[BOTH gag]

[KAMIJO] What is this?

Knockout gas?

[INDEX] Do I want beef or fish? Do I want beef or fish?

Do I want beef or fish? Do I want beef or fish?

I know you're excited about the food.

But could you please try to keep it down?

[INDEX growls]

Hey, you never explained why we had to drop everything

and go to Britain right away.

Oh, yeah.

Well, I was told they were in some huge

magical trouble over there,

so they thought it'd be best to call you in

as a state official.

And I'm sure there was a reason they wanted me

to come with you, but I don't know what it is.

Know what I just remembered?

We're getting airplane food!

What time is it gonna be here?

Sometime after nine o' clock, I'd guess.

We got the later meal because it was cheaper.

It's better than getting on that plane

that Tsuchimikado sent for us!

[INDEX growls]

[FLIGHT ATTENDANT] Due to the impact of the Eurotunnel...

So does that mean we're not in Britain yet?

I think they said France.

I heard them talking about this on the news to--


Do you see that man out there in the work uniform

eating a big sandwich?

It's not fair! I want to eat something too!

[whines] I'm so hungry.

[FLIGHT ATTENDANT] Excuse me, sir?

Yes ma'am?!

What seems to be the trouble over here?

There's no problem. We're okay!


[KAMIJO] I have to wonder, though.

Is it worth it to transport daily necessities on a plane?

These particular items are coming from

overseas countries.

So apparently there are a lot of things

they cannot always procure in Britain.

From what I can tell on this flight,

I get the impression the container includes liquid foods.

Liquid foods?

[FLIGHT ATTENDANT] Yes. I don't know what it's called,

but there's a disease that renders those affected

unable to eat solid food,

so they get their nutrients from liquid options.

Nutrients. Food.

Airplane. Inflight.

Do I want beef or fish?

No, beef and fish! Beef and fish!

[KAMIJO] I told you it's either one or the other!

[FLIGHT ATTENDANT] I'll bring you something right away!

[MUSSET] Damn, the seat was taken by someone on

the waiting list.

What do I do?

Is my food ready yet?

It's been a while.

What the--?

Isn't that door supposed to be closed?

Does that mean you saw it?

[KAMIJO grunts]

Captain. Emergency.

What do you mean, t*rror1st?

I mean that we've received a warning

from the control tower that a member of

a French anti-English organization

has managed to board the plane somehow.

And if certain demands aren't met right away,

the plane and everyone on it will crash and burn.

[KAMIJO] Seriously?

Yes, these t*rrorists are demanding

that the major airlines' customer management systems

be destroyed.

Their goal is to completely eliminate

all of the routes into England.

The blood spatter you saw earlier

came from one of my colleagues.

We believe the t*rror1st was responsible for that.

Wait a minute, you're not trying to suggest

I'm the culprit here, are you?

No, of course not. No one was thinking that.

Do you think just the two of you can handle

finding this criminal?

Seems like you'd need as much help as possible.

I'll back you up.

I don't want this chaos to keep spreading.

Last thing we need is an amateur milling around

on his own.

Could you take responsibility for the lives

of five hundred passengers?

[CAPTAIN A] Go ahead and toss him in.


What the--?

It doesn't seem like Toma could've gone very far.

Damn it!

How did the connector get broken?

If I can't feed the crash stabilizer the disrupt program--

[INDEX] Did you say "crash?"

What are you doing with that?

[MUSSET] You know what's nice about knives carved

from animal bone?

They don't set off airport security metal detectors.

Get up.

If you give me any trouble, I'll s*ab you.


[MUSSET] Get in there!

Unless you'd rather be stabbed!

--[INDEX yelps] --[KAMIJO] Is that Index?

Damn it!

[KAMIJO grunts]

[KAMIJO yelling]

[INDEX gagging]

[KAMIJO grunting]

[MUSSET grunts]

[KAMIJO] Hold it!

[INDEX coughs]

[KAMIJO] Index!

You again! Hey!

Tell me what the hell just happened here!

[CAPTAIN A] So he's attacking the passengers now.


What is this t*rror1st trying to do?

"The crash stabilization device."

What do you mean?

I think Index overheard that guy saying it.

This aircraft is built with sensors

that can auto-detect the shocks from a belly landing.

It will instantly shut down all the engines

to prevent an expl*si*n.

So then, if that malfunctions...

The aircraft would crash.

I get the gist of what happened here.

And I'm sorry we couldn't get to you

before that creep did,

but I'm glad it didn't end up worse than this.

I don't want to risk the passengers' lives

by sending them into a panic.

I can't have them making assumptions.

So we'll have to keep you sequestered for now--

You've gotta be kidding me!

Risking passengers' lives, my ass!

I stayed in this closet and did everything

you jerks asked me to, and look what happened!

My friend was assaulted and could've been k*lled!

And now you want me to wait here until he comes back?

The witnesses are the ones in the most danger!

[KAMIJO] Where is he?

[KAMIJO] Where did he go?

[KAMIJO] Damn it.

I could spot him right away if he'd just

do something suspicious.

[KAMIJO] All right.

[alarm ringing]

Does anybody know what's going on?

What's with the alarm? Are we losing altitude?

[COPILOT A] No sir, the alarm was sounded

from a manual button in the cabin.

[COPILOT A] Emergency, Captain!

[CAPTAIN A] Great, what is it now?

I don't know, damn it, but I'm losing control,

and I can't do this alone!

Can you come back here?

[COPILOT A] The fuel gauge!

It shouldn't be dropping like that!

My only guess is there's a hole in the t*nk!

At this rate, we're not gonna make it to the airport!

Worst case scenario, we'll need to prepare

for an emergency landing on a highway!

Captain, instructions?

Damn it! Just hold on, I'll be right there!

It sounds as if that illusion you set up

is finally starting to have an effect.

Creating an illusion with just the gauge reading

is much simpler than it may seem.

So they're not landing at an airport.

You're going to force them down on a country highway

with few buildings nearby?

Yes, unless of course

you'd prefer to have it explode in the city

or a residential area.

Where can they make an emergency landing?

It would have to be a major highway

that leads from London to Scotland.

Let's see...

Between Kendal and Carlisle.

[LAURA] Then we'll need to block the pertinent highway

as soon as we can,

and shut down all the roads that feed into it, as well.

I don't mind that you're speeding things along,

but what are you going to do if that airliner

breaks up in midair?

If that happens, we'll have to at least recover

the List of Prohibited Books, who is currently aboard.

And we'll be able to catch at least one person

on the ground.

Speaking from the bottom of my heart...

I hope you die an early death.

[LAURA chuckles]

What's going on?

We're losing altitude now.

Not good!

[MUSSET] Increase our altitude!

Unless you want me to k*ll all your passengers,

you'll regain altitude immediately!

[CAPTAIN A] I can't.

At this rate, we won't make it to Edinburgh Airport!

In fact, it's very possible the engines themselves

could explode!

[MUSSET] Damn it! I'll k*ll you!

Listen very closely.

If you don't regain altitude in exactly three minutes,

I'll k*ll every passenger one by one!

[LAURA] Well, this is unusual.

What do you mean?

It appears that the airliner has gained altitude.

I assume this means they've aborted their landing.

Archbishop, there's an emergency!

We've identified a large-scale obstruction

coming from Scotland.

Obstruction? What kind?

[SISTER B] It appears that our illusion is being intercepted

by a third party.

It's being nullified from within Britain of all places?

This oversight is entirely on you, Archbishop.

Yes, I understand that.

Just to be safe,

I'd like to put things into place with Sky Bus .

Be sure we have everything.

All right.

I'll need a transport.

The altitude. It's been restored.

[KAMIJO] So this is where you've been!

You're mine!

[MUSSET grunts]

You have a problem with that?

[CAPTAIN A] Attention passengers,

we are safely headed for Edinburgh Airport.

We are terribly sorry for any inconvenience

this has caused you.

Is something wrong, Toma?

I don't understand. Why now?

Why did he wait to act?

Wouldn't it be because he was looking

to create a problem over British airspace?

[KAMIJO] If he had done it right away,

he could have given himself more time to negotiate

and still shaken Britain up a bit.

He's gone now.

So it doesn't matter anymore, right?

Should we still be worried about him?

There has to be a reason he waited until the end

of the flight to cause any kind of disturbance.

There's still another one.

The cargo hold!

He waited until we were finished loading cargo

at the airport in Paris.

Then he att*cked.

And that's because he was waiting for his buddy,

who was tossed on with the cargo.

He was waiting for insurance.

Is there only one way to get in?

Uh, yes.

This stowaway t*rror1st is most likely armed.

So that means we shouldn't charge him

right after opening the door.

[FLIGHT ATTENDANT] But there aren't any other ways in or out.

Could we use that air duct?


It's not like in the movies.

There's not enough space for a person to get through.

No, it's just right.

What are you going to do, Toma?

There were coffee and tea bottles

in the free drinks station, weren't there?

Do you think you could bring me some of those?

But I need you to make them as hot as possible first.

Negotiations must have failed.

Not my problem. I'm bringing this plane down either way.

[EIKER] Is that tea?

[KAMIJO] Hey there, t*rror1st!

Ever heard of thermal expansion?

[KAMIJO grunts]

[EIKER yells]

[KAMIJO yelling]

I'll take this plane down!

Back off!

Thanks to the Eurotunnel expl*si*n,

our great France has been forced to sustain

some massive losses!

And that's why we will stop at nothing

to make sure they suffer the same damage!

We're not just blocking their land routes,

they'll lose their air routes, too!

Forget about whether it's Britain or France

who's at fault!

Allies like you shouldn't be fighting each other!

Did you know those are all full of liquid food?

France is sending it to sick people in Britain for relief!

They're trying to help!

Isn't that the relationship Britain and France have?

There are still idiots wherever you go.

I'm not willing to let these idiots off the hook

just because you say they're mixed in

with some good people.

No, don't!

[EIKER laughs]

[STIYL] For crying out loud.

Ever the amateur, I see.

[KAMIJO gasps]

[EIKER grunting]

[STIYL] It's ten minutes to Edinburgh Airport.

I think he should be able to survive for that long.

[EIKER gasping]

For heaven's sake, you're supposed to be watching over her

in some fashion or another.

I'd appreciate it if you'd at least show that much resolve.

Hang in there.

[RADIO HOST A] Now for an update.

The jumbo jet Sky Bus has just landed

at Edinburgh Airport.

Didn't expect that. Sounds like the plane landed safely.

And at the airport.

Well, yeah, but only because of the stealth transport

that was sent in using Academy City's technology.

I think Britain may be stretched to the limit.

Whenever I channel any magic, my body starts

to get tingly all over!

Put on your game faces.

It looks like we're about to break up

the very paradigm that is Britain.

[KAMIJO] Multiple threads intertwine around

ceremonial accouterments.

The true purpose of the sorcerers known as "New Light"

is revealed.

Next time, "British Labyrinth."

When science and magic cross paths,

a story is born.