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03x13 - Curtana Original

Posted: 01/14/24 09:11
by bunniefuu
[KAMIJO, FLORIS panting]

Are you okay? It looks like we managed to

successfully get away from them.

Uh... huh?!

Successfully?! If you mean despite plunging into the water

and bouncing all over the place while spinning around,

then sure--what a success!

Hey. We're still here.

We're alive, aren't we? And safe, safe!

Huh? You think we're safe?

That isn't the issue here!

[horse galloping]

Are those horse hooves?

They found us!

Oh, it's you.

[KAMIJO] You're the third princess.

[AMAKUSA MEMBER A] I've located the third princess.

[TATEMIYA] Outstanding. Hurry and escort her here.

[AMAKUSA MEMBER A] The thing is...

So you're saying the Imagine Breaker is with her?

What on earth could possibly be going on over there?

Tell me, have you ever heard of the Norse warrior

they call Thororm?

He used magic, and allegedly had the power

to cancel out the sharpness of his enemy's swords.

Wait, you can't mean...

[KNIGHT LEADER] Taking a page from this legend,

I've formulated a spell that zeroes out the attack force

of anything I might recognize as a w*apon.

That is, after I took a brutal sneak attack at Dover long ago.

[ACQUA grunts]







That again? I zeroed this out earlier.

Does this mean you're running out of tricks already?

History is currently on the move.

Unless you can turn back time,

it is abundantly clear which leader has what it takes

to be the most beneficial to the country!

So why cling so tenaciously to that powerless

and pathetic Third Princess?

You still don't understand, do you?

[KNIGHT LEADER] It can't be.

[KNIGHT LEADER] It just can't be!

The three animals on the coat of arms.

The royalty, the knights, and the puritans.

The fields of blue symbolizing England, Scotland, Wales,

and Northern Ireland-- the entirety of Great Britain.

Are you serious?

Do you truly not see the absurdity of a plan like that?

You want to strive for a perfect harmony

within the body of the United Kingdom with the queen

and the three sisters, and without anyone else

there to support you?

As I said before...

Why talk when you can fight?

A true warrior acts on his beliefs

rather than speaking about them.

[KNIGHT LEADER screaming]

[ACQUA yells]

Zero out!

[KNIGHT LEADER] He launched that himself?

But once I've noticed it and recognize it as a w*apon,

it's over!

Zero out!

[KNIGHT LEADER] Is there enough time?

Zero out!

[KNIGHT LEADER] How many hidden blades do you have?

Imagine meeting the same fate as Thororm.

In the same way ten years ago,

being bested by another sneak attack.

[ACQUA] Well, I am a shameless, washed-up mercenary scoundrel.

I can fight with wild abandon

in a way you stiff knights never could.

But as fate would have it,

I do not have a blade in my possession

with which to k*ll an old friend.

[KNIGHT A] The captain! Fall back!

[KAMIJO] I've got a nasty feeling that won't go away,

but I'm not gonna get anywhere unless I keep moving.

Luckily, the Amakusa are guarding the Third Princess now.

[KAMIJO gasps]

Quite a devil of a face to come across once again.

It's Acqua?

But how?

He's still alive.

Is that Index?

If rescuing her is your goal, then get it done quickly.

In some ways, the danger here is greater than in London,

though the city has already fallen.

[CARISSA] Huh. The Knight Leader has been vanquished, has he?

You're causing me so much grief.

I'm overwhelmed, honestly.

And functioning without my vanguard means

I'll just have to deal with you bottom feeders myself.

Not to worry, your grief will end soon.

Because your coup d'état is about to come to an end

right here and now.

I advise you not to underestimate me.

I have the Curtana Original in my hand right now,

so don't you forget it!

[KAMIJO] Whoa...!

Now, ordinarily, this is something that separates

the United Kingdom from the rest of the planet.

That is to say, it manages and governs it.

But by applying its special attributes,

it can do this as well.

When you cut through three-dimensional matter,

its cross-section becomes two-dimensional.

And if it's two-dimensional,

the cross-section will become one-dimensional.

In the same way, if you cut through a dimension

of space higher than three dimensions,

its cross-section is put out into the world

in three-dimensional form.

In other words...

I hold the power to produce cross-sectional wreckage

of this level any time I want.

It's a pan-dimensional fragmentation spell.

However, there is a drawback to it.

This spell makes it way too easy to put an end to things.

So it's just not as fun as it could be.


I need some time.

Keep her occupied.

While you do that, I'll smash her item

with my right hand.

[CARISSA] Oh, how frightening.

If I recall correctly, your patented move

was called Imagine Breaker, was it not?

In that case, allow me to show you an applied technique.

It's perfect for it!

[KAMIJO grunting]

[KAMIJO yelling]

[KAMIJO] Damn it! What now?

Hold on, Index!

[ACQUA] Grab onto me, unless you'd prefer to die.

Ow, ow, ow, ow.

[ACQUA] Here. Catch.

Thank you.

But why'd you save us?

I had to.

The one who was responsible for the union

between the Roman Orthodoxy and the Russian Church

is called Fiamma of the Right.

Wait, Fiamma of the Right?

That is correct, and he has a plan in place

that relies upon two things: your right arm

and the wisdom of the List of Prohibited Books

needed to fully exploit its powers,

which left me no choice.

Make sense?

Saving one of you without the other

would make the plan ineffective.

Fiamma would be sent into a panic if he lost

both key elements.

And that in and of itself would carry the risk

of even more senseless destruction spreading.

So here we are.

I have no other choice but to destroy the scourge

within the scourge.

However, the need arose to quickly put an end

to this petty quarrel.

A quarrel that spun off of the actual scourge

before I ever had a chance to attack, you see?

Wait, a petty quarrel?

You mean the coup d'état?

I don't understand.

Can it be stopped?

Carissa and the knights' new order relies solely on Curtana.

Which means they're more vulnerable

with only one true w*apon.

But striking at weaknesses is not how I operate.

I don't have to trick anyone.

I challenge my opponents upfront, out in the open.

[g*n fires]

[KAMIJO] Acqua of the Rear. Damn.

[KAMIJO] Index! Are you okay?

Are you hurt anywhere?

Toma, are you the one who rescued me from the knights?

You'd think so, right?

I only wish things had worked out as easily as that.


Well then, that must mean you came here

with yet another girl you've known for ten seconds.

You'd think so, right?

I only wish things had worked out as easily as that.

I'm glad to see you're still your usual self.

Um... Toma, I'm hungry.

Will you feed me?

Maybe too much your usual self.

[aircraft approaching]

[KAMIJO] Prevent Curtana Original from functioning?

We received a report that the Second Princess

has just returned to Buckingham Palace.

It can be assumed that the reason for this

is because Curtana Original's power is too great

and therefore unstable and in need of fine tuning.

Then now's our chance.

With Knight Leader defeated, the alliance is fragile.

The knights and the Second Princess

were only ever united by mutual interest.

If we can eliminate Curtana,

then this coup d'état will fall apart.

Acqua did mention something about how the knights

and the princess were vulnerable because their plans

were centered solely on Curtana.

Do you think shutting Curtana down is really a possibility?

There's a subway under Buckingham Palace.

[KANZAKI] There was a backup system created in a rarely-used

underground branch line.

A special car with magic cast on it is standing by.

It will activate should Curtana ever get out of control.

Essentially, it's a failsafe put into place in order

to check the sword's power.

We believe Carissa returned because she needed

this system to counter Curtana's growing instability.

[KANZAKI] We plan to use this to our advantage.

We'll forcibly disrupt Curtana Original via the subway,

and then expend a tremendous amount of magic power

from the English Puritan's aerial fortress

to cast a large-scale flash spell.

This should stimulate the sword to run away with itself.

I see.

I mean, I don't really understand

the exact theory behind it,

but if you say it works, then I'm all in.

I apologize. I didn't expect that,

and it's quite a relief to know we have your support.

The truth is, you see, there are very few people

who'd be able to carry out this mission.

[MIKOTO] I wonder...

What is going on with this restaurant?

I just came in here today by chance.

It's like touring Big-boob country!

Wait a minute!

If everyone in here looks that way, then maybe there's

something in the food that makes you grow!

[phone buzzing]


[MIKOTO] Seriously? What does he want?

Why in the world would that idiot be calling me?

Yeah, hello?

[KAMIJO] Sorry to bother you, Misaka,

but I need to sneak into a subway.

Do you know how to open an electronic shutter door lock?


[KAMIJO] Sorry to bother you, Misaka! But I need--

I heard you, but I was ignoring it!

Get a clue, you idiot!

Okay, tell me:

Why do you need to break into a train station?

And where are you, anyway?

[KAMIJO] London.


Do you have any idea what kind of crazy hoops

you'd have to jump through just to get out

of Academy City?

[MIKOTO] But then again, wasn't he in France earlier?

[KAMIJO] I know it sounds weird, but I'm in London.

And I really am staring at a shutter door

that I need to get through.

You'll need to tell me what kind of lock it is.

[KAMIJO] You know, the fact that we've made it this far

so easily confirms that the strength of London's

security network is stacked more towards magic.

Yes, so it would seem.

Oh, well, Index and I are disconnected from magic,

so we won't set anything off.

But you're a British princess, aren't you?

I am, which does mean I've acquired a certain level

of education as a member of the royal family.

But as far as magic goes,

I refused to obtain any knowledge or skills

that could be applied toward v*olence.

Sorry. I can't help.

I was asking because the subway partition

has to be opened by someone with royal blood,

so I thought you could give it a try?

Ah! Well, I don't have much experience,

but if Index will help me, I will certainly do my best.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

Hey, Toma,

I'm detecting some sort of marking in this area

that was created using magic.

If I had to guess, I'd say it's probably so sorcerers

who maintain a magical item can keep track of this location.

Oh, yeah?

What are those?

[INDEX] Toma!

Stay back there. I'm serious!

That magical item is based on the construction

of the Moökkurkálfi used to fight Thor!

It's a fabricated clay giant from Norse mythology!

[KAMIJO grunts]

Damn it! Did I get him?

[KAMIJO] Come on! Really?!

[KAMIJO] This is bad... I can't move!


[VILIAN yelling]

[VILIAN] This trap is probably simpler than it seems.

I bet my sister could set it with less magic

than she holds in her little finger.

No matter.

That's not the issue here.

If even the smallest amount of force will harm those

who are trying to support me...

[KAMIJO gasps]

[VILIAN] I will resist it!

I will resist it to the bitter end!

I'll do whatever it takes!



You must obey the one who bears the blood of royalty!

I demand you open up at once!

[KAMIJO] Thanks. You saved me, Vilian.

I can handle it from here.

I'll stop him for good this time!

[KAMIJO yells]

We did it.

[phone buzzing]

[ITSUWA] Oh, thank goodness I got through!

Itsuwa? Is that you?

[ITSUWA] The mission was a success!

Thanks to Princess Vilian releasing the lock

on the magic partition, we found the special car

and were able to access its power source!

But that's why I'm calling.


[ITSUWA] You have to get out of there right away!

[CARISSA coughs]

[CARISSA] Somehow, I managed to contain it.

[KNIGHT B] Princess Carissa!

Don't worry. I'm fine.

This was an attack from Coven Compass.

Recover the railway car and reseal it.

[KNIGHT B] Right!

[TATEMIYA] I'd say things went quite well overall.

Curtana's power has been dampened at last.

Now we just wait for the countercoup forces

we called in to start assembling.

Then we charge the palace.

Once we have control of Carissa, the coup d'état will fall apart.

Almost done. Which means...

Which means what?

[TATEMIYA chuckles]

You can't take what's not yours!

Ugh! I can't believe you ate my meatball!

I did not!

[AGNESE] Light salad is not an option!

We still have to fight, so don't eat too much!

[SISTER A] More food! I demand you give me more,

no questions asked!

[TATEMIYA] You know what we have to do before a big battle.

You and I must fortify our bellies, of course!

[KANZAKI] Aren't you going to eat?

I was, but everyone's fierce determination

to stuff their faces distracted me.

Oh, come on! You need a break!

Let me take over for you!

Uh, no thanks. It's really not a good time.

See, we just got done fighting and I was sweating a lot,

so I'm afraid my outfit might be smelly.

Then I've got the perfect Cinderella mission

for you, Itsuwa!



Looks like opening night for the premier

of the Great Fairy Revealing Maid outfit!

Tatemiya, why would you bring that horrible

doomsday w*apon here?

[TATEMIYA] And Priestess, you'll be please to know

I also carefully saved your precious bridal outfit.

I never asked you to do that for me!

Why would I even need that thing?

Oh, really?

Does that mean you have something better,

like a hyper-fallen-angel sexy maid outfit?

Wow, you go above and beyond, don't you?

[KANZAKI] I do not!

Sister Agnese.

The far east denomination seems to be saying something

about not letting good breasts go to waste.

I see. So who among our camp would be the most effective

in serving as a counterargument for this?

You can count me out for sure.

There's no way I'm doing something like that!

I saw this and instantly thought it would look lovely

on you, so I brought it here along with that pedestal.

I never asked for either! Don't you judge my goth outfits!

[ORSOLA] Then you leave me no choice.

I will wear it so it doesn't go to waste.

You idiot! Stop that at once!

[KNIGHT LEADER] It appears that Curtana Original was overloaded.

Was that your doing?

Well, no.

But my guess would be that it was the work

of magical specialists within the country.


And as a result, the knights are on the verge of collapsing.

Is that so?

If it is, it can be set aside with your return, can it not?

Are you having second thoughts?

[KNIGHT LEADER] I offer you a warning before you leap into

the jaws of death.

In our fight earlier, I could only control

one fighting pattern at a time.

As a result, I was defeated by you.

Second Princess Carissa and Curtana Original

are equipped with each of these patterns.

She can produce an attack that cannot be avoided,

blocked, or countered.

If you truly mean to bring her down, be prepared.

[ISAHAYA] Deputy Pope!

Coven Compass has arrived at the designated coordinates!

Attention! The time has come at last!

Ready to go?

You bet!

[RIMEA] Oh, dear, it appears that we didn't make it in time.

[ELIZARD] I Can't believe they left us behind.

And they made me run into my calculating

oldest daughter whom I had no desire to see.

How rude to call me calculating.

Why not refer to it as an intelligent,

level-headed decision made in the event

that Carissa slipped up and released Curtana Original's

full power.

A matter of self-preservation?

That is what calculating means!

Keep going, horsie.

I've got important business to take care of back in London.

So, have the arrangements for that flag been made?

The one in the British Museum?

I would say we are about halfway to completion on that.

Not many would recognize it as a magical item

after being mixed in with the other general artifacts.

Now if Charles Conder from the museum does exactly

as we discussed, and I fully expect him to,

then it should prove to be quite useful to us, indeed.

[ELIZARD] My word, with the fate of the United Kingdom

on the line, they're charging into the final showdown

without so much as a plan-- just their pluck and their guts.

Bloody fools!

Well, well.

I must say, your tone doesn't match the smile

on your face...

Dearest mother.

[KAMIJO] Are men powerless in the face of overwhelming

military might?

No, they're not.

Everyone fights for the United Kingdom tonight!

Next time, "Heroes."

When science and magic cross paths, a story is born.