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03x17 - Dragon

Posted: 01/14/24 09:14
by bunniefuu
[TEÉCPATL] Since you're part of this dark outfit called GROUP,

the usual intelligence networks weren't able

to pin down your location.

We ended up using Shiokishi here at the core

of Academy City instead.

Here's the plan.

We're going to end your life.

Wait, is that...? [grunts]

Yes. It's the original text of the grimoire.

[UNABARA grunts, yells]


[TEÉCPATL] Normally, that kind of blast would have directly struck

celestial bodies.

Apparently, the rabbit bones used to fuel it

were of poor quality.

What the hell did you just do?

And what have you done to Tochtli?

Rabbit bones, remember?

Perhaps it might make more sense if I drew you a picture.


You have to admit it's entertaining.

I bet she's lost at least half her bones.

What is wrong with you?


Nice one.

See, this is the way all our fights should be.

Let's expand our knowledge

in seizing Aztec control.

[HAMAZURA] K-K-Kinuhata!

If you don't mind, I think I'll go ahead and k*ll you now.

Be my guest.

I'm not petty enough to take offense at the drivel

of other people, so good luck.




[SUGITANI] I happen to know that Amata Kihara was able

to break through your Reflection Barrier

by pulling his punch before impact.


Teitoku Kakine knew to utilize matter

that doesn't exist in our world.


I see.

I'd love to take a page from their exceptional methods

and duplicate them, but I cannot.

We call that a third-stringer.

Even though you've got modest skills of your own,

all you know how to do is follow that old man's orders.

A dude like you claims to be the heir

of those who fought in the name of justice.

You saying that bastard Shiokishi seems like

a good guy to you?

And now, for some reason,

you think you're in the right for following him?

Are you trying to make me laugh?

It's true, the word "good" always ends up

being exploited by those in power somehow.

Although, if your default is to relegate everything to evil,

is that really going to solve every last one

of the world's problems? From my perspective,

the only thing your brand of evil does

is scavenge the scraps that drop down from the table of good.

You scumbag, the moment you call any good deed

"table scraps" makes it obvious nothing good you do

is genuine.

You're telling me I'm not genuine?

As if you know someone good who is?

Damn right I do.

So good that it pisses me off how you caused me to remember.


And it is quite unfortunate that you will never see them again.

Because you're about to die right here.


By the way, your electrode has been modified

so that it can easily be controlled remotely when needed.

Once you are isolated from the Misaka Network,

your fighting strength drops to zero.

This is the "good" I've been talking about.

I'm amazed by the amount of struggle a man

must endure just to be good in a world full of miscreants.

[STEPHANIE grunts]

What happened?

[KINUHATA] Let's see, you were ultra-familiar with fighting

against espers, and you had the ability

to determine our weaknesses.

On the other hand, you didn't seem to understand

that I am also a person who has had to fight

ultra-hard to stay alive.

Oh, I almost forgot.

I am virtually unbeatable in close-quarters combat.

So the most dangerous thing I could ultra-face

is taking an ultra-precise attack from someplace

out of my reach.

But with the way you choose to fire at random,

Sunazara proved to be a much deadlier shot than you are.


[STEPHANIE] Is that supplementary liquid nitrogen?

[UNABARA grunts]

[UNABARA] The original text is streaming inside my head.

It may destroy me, but I must defeat this guy.

[UNABARA grunts]


You see, it really does require some experience, Etzali.

If you're going to use this as a w*apon,

then you need to take the necessary steps

to prevent the backflow of knowledge.

[UNABARA] So then, you haven't actually read

the original text, have you?

[TEÉCPATL grunts]


What just happened?

You don't know, do you?

Allow me to enlighten you.

The original grimoires favor those who can best

spread their knowledge.

[TEÉCPATL] You transcribed the stone tablet?

[UNABARA] You've never come face to face

with the original text's knowledge.

So what made you think that it would ever let you

get away with that?

[SUGITANI grunts] But how?

Well, since you asked, I'll explain.

This is a jamming device.

It's a what?

Just a simple electronic jammer.

It has the ability to affect the Misaka Network.

I analyzed the EM waves from before

and then calculated their inverse.

See, this is how evil's supposed to work.

I also could not name a single difference

between you and me.

The last word anyone would ever use to describe me

is "good."

You and I use the same methods,

and that makes you a prize-winning villain.

[KINUHATA] I think you kinda overdid it, there.

I can see how you ultra-got the g*n on your own,

but how did you get a six-winger attack helicopter?

I don't know what you're talking about.

If I could get an attack helicopter,

the obvious move would've been to attack you

from well beyond your range. Think about it.


Then who was it?

Is there someone else around who's ultra-out to get us?

No way!

[KINUHATA] Run, Hamazura!

Ultra-get out of here!

I'm pretty sure you're the one they're after!

What's that?

Come on! You heard her!

Wait! What about Kinuhata?

Just hurry!

Damn it!

[KINUHATA grunts]

Ultra-what is it you think you're doing?

[HEART MEASURE] Were you aware that Aleister is devising

and carrying out a very important plan of some sort?

That's right. As it happens, Toma Kamijo and Accelerator

are two of the irregular factors that fall within

the tolerance levels of this plan.

That's why they can be situated at the center

and be used as much as needed to make it succeed.

On the other hand, it's not the same for your friend Hamazura.

He appears to be a bit of a hindrance.

He was supposed to have been k*lled

during the conflict among our dark subgroups.

Shiage Hamazura is a Level Zero without any power.

He has no definite role to play,

so he's trying to achieve something all on his own--

perhaps he seeks a new kind of value.

Not even Aleister knows what to expect.

But depending on what it turns out to be,

it may or may not have the potential to damage

Aleister's plan.

Therefore, Academy City is marshalling

all of its forces to k*ll Hamazura

before he causes any destruction.

What do you think? Is he worth the trouble?


I'm sure you all have your own suppositions.

Oh, come on, you're not gonna try and tell us

you know nothing about it, are you?

Believe me, it would be easier to say I didn't.

But unfortunately, I did learn a few things.

It's something nobody should ever be forced

to lay their eyes upon.

We get that. Just tell us what it is.

Where is DRAGON, and what is it exactly?

You don't get it, do you?

DRAGON can be found everywhere.


Turn around and you'll see DRAGON behind you now.

What? Hey!



The name isn't exactly wrong,

but to be the most accurate, "Angel" would also apply.

However, if you want to be more precise

when addressing me directly, it would be prudent

to use the following name instead.

The name that belongs to the being

who once gave an eccentric sorcerer, Aleister Crowley,

the necessary knowledge in the necessary amount.



Hold on!


Hamazura, please.

It's the only way now.


[TAKITSUBO] If we continue like this, we'll both be caught,

so just go.

[TAKITSUBO] Hamazura.

[HAMAZURA] Be quiet.

Someone's coming.

I hear something.


Everything will be fine. Please go.

At least this way I can buy you some time.

You can't be serious!


[HAMAZURA] Please, somebody please find us.

Some kind of hero.

Just show up out of nowhere and save her life.


Hey, looks like we made it!

I have no idea who stepped in to help us,

but we survived this!


[MUGINO] Hamazura.


It can't be...

[MUGINO] Don't you dare let these two-bit bastards

come in here and take your life.

That would be so unfair, don't you think?

Besides, I've already decided that I deserve the honor

of tearing you limb from limb!

[AIWASS] Why do you look so mystified?

I don't believe my sudden appearance

could really be that incomprehensible to you.

It would help if you tell me what you are

and why the hell you would wrap yourself up

in a codename like "DRAGON."

[AIWASS] This is where I'm going to have to attempt

an explanation, isn't it?

My identity is not that big of a deal.

I'm an insignificant being and nothing more.


[AIWASS] Oh, dear.

It appears I'm not able to express that great a degree

of meaning in this world.

Are you perhaps familiar with the phrase



[AIWASS sighs]

Well, it is a being that is known as an artificial angel.

A mass of AIM dispersion fields.

It is also something of a production line

used to give me this form as Aiwass.

Just appearing for the fun of it is fine and all,

but now what do I do?

What would you like to do?

Would you like to upset Aleister's aspirations

based on the information only I can give you?

Why do I feel like you're just jerking my chain?

[AIWASS] I don't know.

I will not be the one who is upset

if Aleister's plan is derailed.

Whether it takes ten thousand years,

or even one hundred thousand.

I'll just wait for another opportunity to manifest.

Pardon me, "emerge."

Oh, and just so you know.

The plan that Aleister is undertaking?

It's already starting to come apart.


[AIWASS] Meaning the fractures are slowly starting to widen.

And if it keeps up, the keystone of his plan,

Last Order, is certain to disintegrate sooner or later.

[ACCELERATOR] How dare you!

I don't care if you are a mass of AIM dispersion fields

or some kind of dragon-angel or whatever.

If you maliciously intend to do harm to that kid,

I promise I will show you no mercy!

[coughing, grunting]

[AIWASS] Oh, no.

That was my mistake, I'm afraid.

Aleister, you messed with that structural virus, didn't you?

What a pity.

Goodness, I'm so sorry.

If you want to k*ll me,

you will first have to deal with these glowing wings

before you have a hope of success.

[ACCELERATOR] I'll k*ll you, you son of a bitch!

[AIWASS] Let's see, "Do what thou wilt,

shall be the whole of the Law."

Is that right?


[AIWASS] Is that all you have left?

I tried to draw you out by explicitly mentioning

Last Order, but alas.

[ACCELERATOR] I get it now.

What was it you said?

You appear by using AIM diffusion fields,

isn't that right?

And the only way you were able to control them

is by having that kid become infected with the virus

so you could create that Fuse=KAZAKIRI crap.

I'm right, aren't I?

Then if that's the case...

[AIWASS] Now you're using your head.

Looks like you've also reset it to work on

the entire Misaka Network.

But do you realize that in doing so,

you've also managed to personally cut the lifeline

responsible for keeping yourself alive.

Hey! I'm done with you!

[AIWASS] I see.

Then why don't you go ahead and show me...

...thy "Law."

[HAMAZURA pants, yells]

How the hell is she still alive?!

[MUGINO] Hamazura!

You still make as quick an escape as ever,

but are you sure you should?

What will happen to your beloved Takitsubo?

[TAKITSUBO grunts]

[HAMAZURA gasps]

[MUGINO laughs]

Ooh! What part should I burn first?

Aw. I'd love to see this precious face sizzle.


[MUGINO] Why are you trying to play the tragic heroine?

I thought you were supposed to be a simple, helpless princess.

What's wrong?

Now all of a sudden you don't have the strength to fight?

If you're too afraid to take the ability crystal,

you can run.

But be aware that Hamazura will be charred to death

if you do!

Feel free to leave him here to die!

Yes! That's it! Do it!

Hurry up and swallow your ace-in-the-hole crystal!

[TAKITSUBO] Hamazura...

[HAMAZURA] Mugino!

[TAKITSUBO grunting]

[MUGINO laughs]

What was that supposed to be, Hamazura?

I'm so confused--who was it that you were trying to protect?

Hey, if you prefer to finish her off yourself, be my guest!

[HAMAZURA] This is getting old.

But it looks like k*lling you only once wasn't enough

to get you out of my life.

No! Of course it wasn't enough, you idiot!

Once is never enough for anything!

Come back!

Are you mocking me now?

Smoke screen? Think you're a ninja? [grunts]

[MUGINO gasps]

Wow. I did it.

I got her!


[MUGINO] Hamazura.

[MUGINO] How could you ever think some common

mass-produced weapons would be anywhere near enough

to take down the fourth-ranked Meltdowner?

Come on, Hamazura.

[HAMAZURA yells]

[HAMAZURA grunts]

[HAMAZURA] This looks like an endurance testing room

for air racing.

Honestly, this is getting ridiculous.

Neither Teitoku Kakine nor I have been allowed to die.

It seems like the chairman of the governing board

just wants to use us for our Level Five abilities.

He wants it so badly, he did all this to our bodies.

Tell me the truth, Hamazura.

How was it possible for me to become this hideous

of a monster?

[HAMAZURA] Mugino.

That's what you want me to say, isn't it?

Tell me the truth!

[MUGINO laughs]

Why are you shaking like a little leaf?

I know, while you're at it,

why don't you give me one of those strange,

hilarious screams?

I'm going to coat you in melted iron and let it cool,

and then turn you into a weird, yet fascinating work of art!


[ANNOUNCEMENT A] This is a warning.

Experiment commencing.

What did you do, Hamazura?

Does that mean it's over?

[AIWASS] That Aleister is such a worrywart.

He was taking more precautions than usual.

He put up several robust barriers against me

that I didn't know about.

So? Damn you.

[AIWASS] I hate to do this to you after you've already put

so much effort into your fight.

But as it turns out...

I have the ability to change form.

Hamazura! You're alive!


[phone buzzes]

[KINUHATA] Hamazura, listen to me.

Get ultra-away from there right this instant!

[HAMAZURA] Kinuhata?

[KINUHATA] There's a detached force from Academy City

on its way.

Take Takitsubo and ultra-run as fast as you can!

Okay, but where are we supposed to run to?

[AIWASS] Aleister, Tell the truth.

You wouldn't happen to admire them, would you?

Those who follow the feelings that spring up within them

without being encouraged by anyone?

Those who keep moving forward?

Those who have committed great mistakes in the past,

and even while struggling with these sins,

continue to move with good intentions?

Do you envy those who, without being chosen,

and without being qualified, can miraculously become a hero?

If only for the sake of someone they love.

Each of these are people who may get beaten down

quite often, but they always search for a way

to get back up on their feet.

They seem to be well-equipped with something you do not have.

It appears that in your time of struggle,

all you could manage to do was crumble and lament.

As such, it is only natural for you to wish you were

more like them.

[ALEISTER] Aiwass, I will make use of anything I can

to survive.

Even if that manifests in my using you.

Allow me to say something to you as well.

Indeed, you have an advantage,

but there are no guarantees that your advantage is absolute,

or that it will last forever.

[AIWASS] The girl is a different matter.

She will most certainly perish at some point.

If you don't want to mourn her later,

you should proceed down a path other than the one

you are currently on.

Go to Russia.

Specifically, the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations.

Remember the term "Index Librorum Prohibitorum."

There will be an important item pertaining to it.

--[ACCELERATOR gasps] --[crash]


Is something wrong, or...?

No, I'm fine, really.

Please don't ever leave me.

You have my word.

Like I would leave you.

Damn it!

I'm never gonna leave you, all right?

[KAMIJO] Just you wait.

[KAMIJO] Academy City and Russia.

Everything becomes embroiled and it begins.

As for what, that much is obvious.

World w*r III.

Next time, "The Alliance of Independent Nations."

When science and magic cross paths, a story is born.