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03x24 - List of Prohibited Books (Index)

Posted: 01/14/24 09:18
by bunniefuu
[LAST ORDER grunting]

[KAZAKIRI] Look at that.

You might just pull it off somehow.


[ACCELERATOR] What the hell?

September th.



It's happened before.

My friend Index helped her.

She was able to remove the virus that was inside her mind.

Her method for healing involved having the patient listen

to a very specific song.

That song's content is within my mind as well.

Buried within.

Once you transcribe its parameters,

I'm sure she'll be okay.

That said, if you wish to treat her with the same song,

you must find it.

Somewhere inside her mind.

Use your understanding of its parameters.

Are you alive?

[MISAKA WORST chuckles]


[ACCELERATOR] Then you heard all of that craziness, right?

She listened to a song and the virus was purged,

and the data from this same song

is buried somewhere within Last Order's memory space.

So if you extract it and play it, it'll help purge the virus,

is that right?


Which means, we still have a sliver of a chance.

It should be easy.

All you have to do is burrow into the Sisters Network

and figure out where her memories are backed up, right?

[MISAKA WORST chuckles]

Let's suppose Misaka is able to locate this song.

Where exactly are you planning to get

the additional parameters needed to modify it

for this particular virus?

[ACCELERATOR] Academy City and the other techniques

that exist outside of it.

If I combine the two,

there's a chance it will lead to the perfect solution.


Answer me! Come on!

[TAKITSUBO] Hamazura.


[TAKITSUBO] Hamazura.

Long time no see!


[HAMAZURA] No way.


[MUGINO laughing]


[HAMAZURA] Ability crystals? Really?

After everything, you still wanna make Takitsubo--


[MUGINO] Takitsubo?

How foolish of you to think I want anything to do

with your pathetic little friend.

[MUGINO] Tell me something.

If the fourth ranked Level Five

were to suddenly start malfunctioning

and spinning hopelessly out of control,

how much greater do you think the damage she did would be?

[MUGINO laughing]

[laughing continues]

[HAMAZURA] There's no way to get close enough to her.

Damn it.

It would be like walking toward a blast furnace,

or the sun or something.

[MUGINO laughs]

Hamazura, I've already given up a lot at this point.

I have paid a considerable price--

all for this very moment.

So if you think you're getting out of this

without giving something up, too, you're sadly mistaken.





[MUGINO screaming]

--[squelching] --[MUGINO coughs]

[HAMAZURA] That's right.

The last time I saw her,

she was having a hard time even standing.

[MUGINO] Why? Why now?

Damn it.

Where the hell did my ability crystal go?

I only needed it for ten more seconds...

...and then it would've all been over.

Don't you dare look down on me, damn it!

I'm going to k*ll you myself-- I don't care what it takes!

It all started when you shot me at that plant.

From that moment on, everything has gone downhill!

[MUGINO] How was it possible for me to become

this hideous of a monster?



[MUGINO] What do you think you're doing?

I've had enough.

I don't get why we all have to be out

for each other's blood like this.

You, me, Takitsubo, Kinuhata, even Frenda...

We used to get along so well, didn't we?

I'm not just talking about the way you flipped out

and k*lled Frenda, either.

The higher-ups in Academy City,

if they were the ones who were in control of all the fighting,

then they set us up to choose v*olence when we felt cornered.

They wanted us to k*ll each other!

If you just wanna see me miserable, then open your eyes.

If that's what you need to stop all this fighting, then fine--

whatever it takes!

Come on.

What do you say?

Let's stop tryin' to k*ll each other.

What the hell are you even talking about, Hamazura?

After all, you chose Takitsubo, didn't you?

You shot me two times to save her.

Her life was more important to you than mine.

So why would I believe that after all of that...'d suddenly want me to live?

Okay, you're right. I did choose Takitsubo.

I swore on my life that I'd protect her,

and nothing has changed about that.

I had no choice but to abandon you to keep my promise.

[MUGINO] You self-centered bastard. I'm not an idiot.

I k*lled Frenda,

and I tried over and over again to k*ll Takitsubo.

You wouldn't save me if your own life depended on it.

I never said you'd get off easy.

Neither of us will. There are amends to be made. By us both.

You can start by apologizing to Kinuhata.

Show Takitsubo you're sorry, too.

You can still shed tears on Frenda's grave

and beg for forgiveness.

And then...

And only then, we can become ITEM once again.

I know we can!

But in the meantime,

I'll do my best to safeguard your life.

I'd risk my own life to get us back to the way we were.

Don't you want ITEM back, too?

I know you do, so get up!

Come on, Mugino. Rise up on your own just one more time!


You expect me to believe a Level Zero

can somehow protect a powerful Level Five like me?

Are you freaking kidding me?

You've got some nerve disparaging me like that.

[engine roaring]

I guess it was always my fate to be expendable.

That second plan is starting to fall into place.

What will you do, Hamazura?

Like I said, I'll risk my life.

How heroic.

[STIYL] Ill effects from the remote magical item?

Because of that pointless intrusion into her mind,

her accuracy and speed are coming up short.

Which means...

[INDEX] Chapter thirty-two, verse forty-four.

Counter attack measures are currently active.

[SASHA] In my humble opinion,

there's a very good possibility that Fiamma

and the Star of Bethlehem are magically linked.

If I can attack this star indirectly...


You're that lady from the Russian church, aren't you?

Looks to me like you're sailing up a rough creek,

so I'm here to tell you about the payment plan.

[LESSAR] If you look over there,

you'll see some emergency escape pods.

I figured... with the way Fiamma works,

he would probably ditch the Russian sorcerers

as soon as he was done with them.

So I thought I could show 'em a way outta here.

[SASHA] Question one, if I may:

What payment plan?

Well, it wouldn't be with money.

If you will make a pledge to help Britain out

the next time they find themselves in a tight spot,

we could call things even.

This is my first answer:

Gather everyone who wishes to leave the front lines

and take them away at once.

I have no intention of leaving here... until I get back at Fia.

Heh, heh, heh!

Fine! As you wish!


Were you saying you wanna get back at Fiamma?

My second answer, if I may:

I am not obligated to respond to you.

[LESSAR grunts]

[BOTH gasp]

The Star of Bethlehem is among the heavens.

With the power of Gabriel,

I've manipulated the celestial bodies.

Each of the four elements have returned

to their proper positions.

The arrangements have all been made.

So now, I think it's time I claimed your right hand.

Then we can finally declare Project Bethlehem complete.

Oh, can we?

That's how badly you want the Roman Orthodox Church to win?

[FIAMMA] I couldn't care less about that organization.

Everything I've done has been for one reason.

And that one reason is me!

[KAMIJO] Can I cancel him out?



I see you've learned not only how to zero out an attack,

but also to fend it off.

[FIAMMA] Is that an Academy City optical w*apon?


As I've demonstrated before,

my right arm optimizes its output to match the difficulty

of whatever trial I might currently be facing.

So optical weapons, or anything else they may have...

...are simply a waste of time.

They're no match for me.

This is ridiculous.

On the other hand, you should be proud.

My fist appears to be at somewhat

of an uncharacteristic loss in that... doesn't know how hard to hit you.

Warning. Chapter twenty-two, verse one.

Eli Eli Lama Sabachthani is now activating.

It does seem to have its disadvantages

as a straightforward spell.


[FIAMMA] Warning.

Chapter twenty-nine, verse thirty-three

is currently activating.

[KAMIJO groaning]

[KAMIJO] Damn it.

He's using Index's knowledge

and combining it with his Right Seat of God skills.

Warning, this is chapter thirty-five at verse eighteen.

"Brimstone Rain Shall Burn the Earth" now activating.

[FIAMMA] How terrible.

It strayed from its theoretical value.

I think I'd feel bad using it on any adversary

who was dragged out into the open like this.

So I'm an adversary now?

Enlighten me.

What can I say? This world is twisted.

It feels like it's aging, in the same way that humans do--

breaking down and going mad.

And that's despite God supposedly having arranged

all the gears so that everything turns correctly.

[FIAMMA] How did things become this bent out of shape?

The answer is simple.

It's because a number of these gears

have already reached their limits.

So I'm restoring them to their original form.

[FIAMMA] I'm altering the mechanisms,

exchanging the gears, and eradicating the contamination.

Bathing the world in the ways of the church of the cross

as it was intended,

and restoring it to its former graceful motion.

[KAMIJO] So basically, you're going to use magic

to alter other people's minds however you see fit,

is that right?

It's much simpler than that.

I desire only to teach them a lesson.

Look, all I have to do is wield my perfect arm one time

and humanity will finally see

how tragically outmatched they are.

That's when they'll realize:

The only thing required of them is to obey,

and right before their eyes, I, in turn,

will save every single person in the world.

Just wait for that instant when the Star of Bethlehem

lights up the night sky.

That's the moment when it will become clear to everyone,

and we can all celebrate the new age that has already begun!

[KAMIJO] You're gonna save the world, huh?

The only way that makes sense is if you just haven't had time

to get out and look at the world.

Have you seen their smiling faces?

What are you trying to save them from?

Interesting view.

And I'll think on it.

But not now.

We'll have to catch up at another time,

as I've got a world to save.

[KAMIJO screaming]

[FIAMMA chuckles]

Got it.


Imagine Breaker may have started as a type of purification

that was naturally instilled within the sacred right arm,

but as it takes on my power-- one of its original components--

that unnecessary function's role comes to an end.

My right arm will finally be complete.

The only thing left to do is wield the full power

that rightfully resides within me

and I will provide salvation for all.

People may start referring to me as Kamijo,

the "Person Superior to God," but I don't care.

As long as this power can be used to save the world,

I will succeed.

[FIAMMA] The time has come.

I will save the world.

Hey! Be grateful!

At least you had the opportunity

to do something good with your life!

What? No.

[FIAMMA] I've assimilated your right arm,

so how can it be possible for you to deflect me

without any power?

[FIAMMA] What is he doing?

Something's happening. But it's invisible.

[KAMIJO] That's it.

I don't know who you think you are

or who you're supposed to be.

It's not a mystery worth solving to me.

I couldn't care less about what you're trying to do.


...whatever it is, drop it!

I'll handle everything from here!

What? No.

You renounced it--willingly gave up that much power,

and reclaimed your Imagine Breaker from me?

[KAMIJO] I'm finally starting to understand some of this.

Oh? Do tell.

Why did you have to construct the Star of Bethlehem

on such a large scale?

If you, Fiamma of the Right, really were some almighty being,

you wouldn't have had to scrounge up different parts

from churches and cathedrals around the world,

now would you?

Why go to so much trouble to cause World w*r Three?

Your power changes to match the difficulty level

of your opponent.

And because of that, the amount of power you're able to use

is completely dependent on someone else's strength.

But what could you possibly want to achieve

that requires that much power?

Were you so desperate that you had no choice

but to team up with other sects?

And if you're so invincible,

why would you ever need to have people working for you?

Admit it. You were terrified, weren't you?

Because the truth of the matter is that you actually

don't know if you'll ever really have enough power in you

to save the world.

The world has never come to an end before.

And unfortunately for you,

I haven't heard anything about it falling apart

in modern times.

Unfortunate because... that's why you can never tell

if you have enough power to save the world or not.

It's like my Imagine Breaker.

There's no way to know what it can do

unless I'm surrounded by espers and sorcerers, right?

So then... if you've never been put in the position

to save the world, you can't accurately claim

to have the power that's required to do it.

And that's the real reason you had to take things this far!

[FIAMMA] So what if I did?

What right does someone like you have to condemn me for it?

Or are you trying to tell me that you've experienced

the kind of power it takes to save the world?

Of course I have!

And yeah,

it may have been something seemingly unimportant...

...but I have saved others.

Even when doing the smallest of tasks,

I've witnessed the moment

when a single individual's "world" was saved.

Someone who thinks they can save the entire world

will only destroy it.

Our world isn't as fragile as you think.

It doesn't need to be saved by some bastard!


[MIKOTO sighs]

Well, it looks like that's it.

Luckily, tanks are a lot faster than I expected.

"Seeing you singlehandedly run over them,

Misaka can't keep from feeling inferior,"

Misaka says, as she looks at you dejectedly.

What are you talking about?

All of you put together could destroy me!

"You are referring, of course,

to our collective strength while individuality is something

Misaka would desperately like to have.

You could not possibly understand how that feels,"

says Misaka, mumbling bitterly under her breath.

Anyway, if I'm right, you do have some knowledge

on how to operate the weapons installed here, don't you?

[MISAKA ] If needed,

it is possible to access extra information

from the Misaka Network.

[MIKOTO] I'm not sure if they were using this

for aerial combat or transportation or what,

but there's a VTOL fighter over there, right?

I bet we could use that.

If so, we can fly right up to that fortress in the sky,

can't we?

[KAMIJO] People don't just have malice,

they have benevolence, too.

They fight, pray, and stand up for those they wish to protect.

And they don't need any other reason.

Next time, "Wings."

When science and magic cross paths, a story is born.