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02x03 - Making Friends and Influencing People

Posted: 10/08/14 06:38
by bunniefuu
Coulson: Previously on Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

This device turns any moisture around it to ice very rapidly, at a great range.

Fitz: That's what you're trying to power ...
a bigger version of the ice machine?

This is very, very dangerous.

May: What will happen to him?

Coulson: They're moving him to the Sandbox.

They want to keep an eye on him.

Both: Ward!

Your attempt to cross off Fitz and Simmons failed,
but Fitz may never be the same again.

Coulson: Since Simmons left, he's only getting worse, talking to himself more and more.

I'm being overly discreet with this operation.

I know how long you have been searching for this,

Dr. Whitehall.

You have no idea.

2x03 - "Making Friends and Influencing People"


First time I drank this, I had just enlisted.

It was bland, immature.

But [sighs]
I had a hunch.

I bought a case.
[sniffs] Mm.

Mmm. [smacks lips]
$10 seemed so expensive back then.

And now one bottle costs over $2,000.

Goes to show you patience is most definitely a virtue ... something we've both benefited from.

[ticking continues]

I believe in second chances. I want us to work together.

I want you to become a valued member of our organization.

Surrender... and you will find meaning.

Surrender... and you will find release.

Take a deep breath. Calm your mind.

You know what's best.

What's best is you comply.

Compliance will be rewarded.

Are you ready to comply, Agent 33?

I will never work for Hydra.
[breathes heavily]

I expected it would be a long night.

Why I decided to treat myself.

[ticking continues] Mm. Mr. Bakshi, let's go again.

Where do we start? At the beginning?

Like the song says, a very good place to start.

You and I both know the Faustus method takes time.

And I've got plenty.

[warbling, crackling]

[birds chirping]
[clock beeps]

["God help the girl" plays]

[volume increases]

♪ There is no way I'm looking for a boyfriend ♪
♪ there is no way I'm looking for a scene ♪
♪ I need to save some dough ♪
♪ I'm a working girl, you know ♪
♪ I'll fend attention off,
I keep to myself ♪
♪ I love my room, I'm getting used to sleeping ♪
♪ some nights I really like to lie awake ♪
♪ I hear the midnight birds ♪
♪ the message in their words ♪
♪ the dawn will touch me in a way a boy could never touch ♪
♪ their promise never meant so much to me ♪
♪ you have been warned ♪

Morning, Theo.

# I'm warned to be contrary #

That smile. a breath of sunshine...

# backward at school # an otherwise dreary morning.

# I wrote from left to right #

Oh, you're too sweet. And you mix your metaphors.

Have a good day.

# teacher never cared for me #

♪ preacher said a prayer for me ♪

[elevator bell dings, door opens]

♪ god help the girl ♪
♪ she needs all the help she can get ♪
[elevator bell dings]

Ms. Simmons, you're here early.

Yes. You see, those samples you gave me are quite fasc...

I'll read all about it once you finish your report. Have it on my desk as soon as possible.


[shells clatter]
[exhales deeply]

I imagined they were all Ward.

Imagine they're all targets.

Don't get cocky. This is step one.

It's all about control...

Control. I know.

...over your mind, your body. Don't forget your mind.

In the field, you need to maintain control.

Whatever the situation ... hostages, bombs about to go off ...

So, what you're saying is what I just did was puny and sad.

61 beats per minute.

Consistent the whole time. Not that puny. [chuckles]

Skye: Speaking of not puny...

Yeah, I want you to get used to this. It's a sn*per r*fle. Huh.

Pardon me. Uh, just one quick question.

You went to S.H.I.E.L.D. academy, right?

May: You didn't.

If you did, you would have known better than to sh**t us.

Apology number 470 ... I am very sorry, Agent May.

Don't be sorry. Just wait.

Uh, we just have a little wager.

Uh, so, did you...?

Go to the academy? Yeah, no.

[sighs] No.

All right, well, have fun with the inventory.

And remember, Koenig likes them neat.

Oh, and, uh, none of those euro sevens with the lines through them.

Drives him crazy.

Coulson said you were a field agent with a badge and all.

More like a work-study thing.

Badge, I had for like a day before S.H.I.E.L.D...

[imitates expl*si*n]

You know, Hartley ... she loved her blade, hated g*ns.

Idaho ... if on a job someone ended up dead, he'd go to church, light a candle. Said it'd balance the karma.

See, I knew them, what they'd do, not do.

So, us being workmates and all...

You're wondering if I've ever taken anyone out.

Have you?

Not that I know of.

Hey. [knocks on glass]
Don't you have inventory?

I suppose now I do. Good afternoon, ladies.

Practice. I want you to get used to the recoil.

[door closes]

And for the record, experience doesn't make it any easier to cross someone off.


You're alone. Should I assume?

That the entire trip was a waste of precious jet fuel?

Yep. Assume that.

At least tell me that Agent 33 retired.

Nope. They got to her first.

It's gone from being a land grab to a talent grab.

And I'm getting damn tired of losing our best and brightest to Hydra.

Ms. Simmons, I need everything you have on the samples you're working on.

I'm not done.

I'm testing a second set of dn...

Right. Just whatever you have.

What I have is more questions than answers.

Okay, know what? I get it. You don't have time.

Neither do I. The time tables have moved up, and I have been called upstairs to fill them in.

No prep time, no powerpoint, just me, pants around my ankles, talking out of my butt.

If you want, I could accompany you, present my analysis.

Oh, no, y-you don't want to go up there.

The higher you go... the scarier it is.

Okay. Well, what you can say is that the cells have an abnormal ability to create trace amounts of liquid nitrogen.

That's odd.

[pen clicking]
What about the DNA markers?


The anomaly appears to be environmental, not genetic.

Is that ...

It's just another acquisition.

[Moroccan dance music plays]

[music continues]

I thought that was broken for good.

You clearly have a gift.

A degree.

I used to study engineering.

You know, I could help out around here.

Fix things in exchange for room and board.

It's been a while since I've liked being somewhere.

Marrakech has a long history of giving shelter to travelers hiding from their past.

[music fades]

Why would you think I'm hiding?

Who were you speaking to? Huh?

They threatened me!

They said you were dangerous and ...

Man: Mr. Gill. We don't want to hurt you.

Stand down, agent. Holster your w*apon.

Mr. Gill... we just want to talk.

If you would just hear me out.


I can't.

"Maribel del Mar."


Did you think I wouldn't find out?

Sriracha? Beer? That's all?

What kind of diet is that?

Well, I also have tea.

And if my diet's such a concern, then perhaps dead drops shouldn't involve fast food.

We'll revisit that protocol.

I picked up some groceries.

We've got... steak ... grass-fed ... fingerling potatoes, kale ... organic. It's basic, but I do good basic.

While I cook, you debrief.


Do you remember Donnie Gill?

From the academy?

I mean, I knew he was a gifted scientist, but you're saying he's... a gifted scientist.

Gill was struck by lightning while holding the device that created the storm.

Perhaps the electrical surge infused his system with a freezing agent?

It's just ... well, it's just speculation. [sighs]

They're keeping me sequestered in the downstairs lab.

I usually advance much more quickly, but they are intent on wasting my talents doing rudimentary biochem and molecular analysis on blind samples.

It's not about your intellect. Have you made friends?

Oh, sir, you don't need to worry.

I mean, it's been a tad lonely, true, but...

You weren't asking out of concern of my feelings, were you?

Undercover is all about the relationships you make.

If you're gonna move up in Hydra, you need to make friends.

Be like Ward?

I can't lie like he did.

You don't need to.

Selective truths. You're very likable. Use that.


So, how is everyone?

Fitz is okay. He's hanging in there.

You think they're trying to recruit Donnie Gill as a scientist?

That would be the best-case scenario.

Most likely scenario ... Hydra's looking for another w*apon.

From what we've been able to piece together, Donnie Gill had limited powers when he entered the Sandbox, but ...

While there, he was taught to control, amplify those powers.

Lovely. And who, exactly, do we have to thank for that?

S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra?

Your guess is as good as ours.

Hydra had scientists embedded at the base.

Explains how they took it so quickly.

A friend of mine was stationed there. He said it got bad fast.

Is that when Gill escaped?

I don't know.

What I do know is Creel wasn't an isolated incident.

I've been told Gill's next on Hydra's wish list.

Told by who?

I have a source.

A source you trust?

Very much so.

Now, I want us to bring Gill in before Hydra gets their hands on him.

Fitz, you know him better than any of us.

Got anything to help us narrow the search?

Um... well... the la... the last time that I saw him, he was, um...

Angry? On dr*gs?

Uh... friendly? Sleeping?



No. What ... the one ... the ... go back one.



Um... uh... no, he had trouble making friends.

[sighs] Anything else?

I don't know. Maybe ask Jemma if you have a contact number for her.

Okay. And if you think of anything ...

Yeah, we'll work on it.

May, you lead the search to find Gill.

Let me know as soon as you have something.

Scan satellite feeds for any temp...

Shouldn't Skye be here?

She's working another angle.

Well, they're not exactly what you'd call welcoming.

They don't give you a choice.

So, what do they give you?

Money? Threats? t*rture?

Combo platter?

They're good at convincing people.

Yeah, well, they suckered you in.

No. I was never loyal to Hydra. I was loyal to Garrett.

Oh. Garrett is the reason you're a cold-blooded k*ller.

I don't blame him for the choices I've made.

Right. I seem to remember you blaming your brother.

Or was it your parents? Man, I can't keep up.

My family tore me down.

Garrett built me back up... the way he wanted.

We're all aware of who your family is, Ward.

Not only are they respected. They're pretty much loved.

Well, every family has its secrets.

Yours does, too.

You ever wonder why ...

You know what? [clears throat]

My bad. I slipped. Talked to you like a normal person.

Let's stay on task.

You make the rules.

[inhales deeply]

Hydra's protocol on gifteds is pretty straightforward.

An acquisition team is sent out to convince or capture the gifted.

If those two options aren't possible, then they'll take them out.

Even if the gifted doesn't pose a threat?

A gifted that refuses Hydra is a threat.

And threats are taken care of quickly.

That's the difference between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra.

And that's why Hydra will win.

Because while a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent is considering right and wrong, Hydra's already taken the shot.

[man vocalizing]

Make friends.

[breathes deeply]

Mr. Turgeon, hello!

I was thinking of going over to salties.

Happy hour and karaoke could be a load of ...

Uh, Ms. Simmons ...

Call me Jemma.

Jemma, you are wanted upstairs for questioning.

Is this regarding my analysis ...

It's a security matter.

Uh, yes. These men will escort you.

What did you do?

Nothing. I haven't done anything.

Well, then I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.

Man: Madam, come with us.

Voice: Floor number 25.
[elevator bell dings]

Ms. Simmons. Have a seat.

Leave us. Stay close... in case there are consequences.

You've been lying to us, Ms. Simmons.

Not long ago, you were a level 5
S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

Yes, before S.H.I.E.L.D.'s fall. I was candid about my work history.

You left things out.

If I did, it wasn't intentional.

Stop... lying. You've been doing cellular analysis for project Blizzard, yet didn't inform your supervisor that you knew the subject.

I didn't realize it was Gill until yesterday, when I saw a photo in Kenneth's file.

I-I would have said something ...

Yet you didn't.

What else... are you hiding?

I didn't want to corrupt my analysis ... analysis which I'd done before I knew who it was.

I-I barely knew him.

You saved his life.

Only because I happened to be at the academy giving a le... a lecture.

You seem nervous.

[scoffs] Because I am.

I was escorted here by armed guards. I'm well aware of who I work for.

Hmm. Let's discuss your previous employer.

Why did you join S.H.I.E.L.D. in the first place?

I was a 17-year-old girl with two Phds and a million questions.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had the resources to help me answer them.

Now they don't, and Hydra does.

So your loyalties are with us?

My loyalties are with science.

So long as Hydra allows me to do the work I want to be doing, then, yes, my loyalties are with Hydra.

Well, loyalties can be tested.

Whitehall: Why cling to the founding principles of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

[electricity crackles]
Freedom. Equality.

Individual rights.

These principles make mankind a plague on this planet.

Think of a forest.

It dries up and catches fire with the first spark.

Now, mankind would fight that fire, believing every individual plant perfect in its own individual way.

But it's the fire that's perfect.

[metal clangs]


Now more magnificent plant species, like the giant sequoia, their seeds need the heat of that fire to crack open and be born.

To literally rise from the ashes.

And they will live for a thousand years.

You don't need to keep burning.

[breathes shakily]

Rise. Be born.

Sir, I hate to interrupt, but I'd like to evaluate one of our employees and act with authority.

Mr. Bakshi, I trust you to do what needs to be done.

Are you ready to comply?



Maribel del Mar. Anchored in the port of Casablanca.

It's a privately owned cargo ship.

Supposed to cast off this morning but didn't.

It's frozen in ice.

Iceberg in the middle east? Gill's not subtle.

Trip, how long till you can have the bus in the air?

15, tops.

You heard him.

You got 15 minutes to gather your gear.

Excuse me, but Gill wasn't hard to track.

If Hydra are looking, they'll find him.

The asset said Hydra would be ready to take him out if they couldn't capture or recruit him.

Which is why we have to beat them to it.

I'll coordinate from the bus.

Down to 14 minutes. Let's get moving.

They're taking the bus. You know what that means?

Means we got the night off.

Koenig's on assignment and won't be hogging the Xbox.


Man, why aren't you happier about this?

'Cause I should be going. I mean, I-I knew him.

No need to feel bad about it. It is what it is.

Skye's asset. Now Donnie.

They're ... they're keeping things from me.

Yeah, they're keeping you from an icy death. That's it.

Come on, now. Don't start getting paranoid on me.

Where are you taking me?

Thank you. Thanks very much.

[g*ns cocking]

Ms. Simmons. Do you have anything warmer?

I'll grab you something before we leave.

Leave? Where to?

We've found Donnie Gill.

We've tried bringing him into the fold before.

Now we have a second chance. With you ... a friendly, honest face.

Maybe we'll have better luck.

He's dangerous, isn't he?

Don't worry.

We'll have your back every step of the way.

Suit up. It's going to get cold.

You have no idea what you are bringing down on yourself.

We will find you.

I know.

I want to be left alone, but you people won't stop coming after me!

So I'm done hiding.

It's time Hydra learned once and for all...

I'm not interested. I'm not afraid.

I'm pissed off.

And every Hydra agent they send is going to feel it.

Fitz, please, this is ridiculous.

What, exactly, are you hoping to accomplish?

The asset Skye's been talking to ... it's him.

Oh, Mack was right.

You're sounding paranoid. Stop assuming the worst.

They're keeping things from me, and I just want to know the truth.

Fitz. You need to be honest with yourself.

You're barely holding it together.

There's a reason they're keeping things from you.

I don't think you should go in there.

You are not here.

[lock clanks]


I imagine you've got a lot to say to me.

[breathing shakily]


Look, despite all of this... [panting]'s really good to see you.

Fitz? Fitz, are you al...

Stop. Stop talking.


[breathing deeply]

I'll be listening to everything.

You run into any trouble, I'll be in your ear, talking you through it.

And what if he doesn't respond well?

Then I suppose there'll be a job opening at our laboratory.

Your first jump?

Second. First was with Coulson and Lola.

It's a car. It flies...

Yeah, this is my first.

It's okay to be scared.

I'm not scared. [clears throat]

Maybe you should be. I packed your chute.

And according to my ex, my folding skills are abysmal.


Nice thing is this is as scary as it gets.

[beep] Once you jump, physics takes over.

Yeah, I'm good. Thanks.

May: Trip says two minutes out.

Remember, Donnie Gill's a gifted.

He could be a formidable w*apon for either side.

Let's make sure it's ours.


[breathing heavily]


Ward: I didn't want to hurt you.

I tried to avoid it.

You tried to k*ll us.

No. I wanted to save you.

Garrett ordered me to k*ll you and Simmons.

He expected me to put a b*llet in your head.

But I couldn't.

I gave you a fighting chance to find a way out, like you always do. Like you did.

Save me? Do ... do you ... do you ... do you know what the, um... what you ... Okay.

I ... you know, I have trouble with words, so, um...

[sighs]'s probably best that I show you.

[beep] Show me what?


Found that one. That's what you did to me.





What are you doing?

I'm showing you... what it's like when you're deprived... [gasps] ...of, uh... [gasping] The oxygen ... b... the brain cells, they ... they re... they react first. They die.

Three minutes, damage is permanent.

[gasps] Where's Skye?

Gone. They're all gone after Donnie.

And I should be there with them.

But I can't be because of you, because of what you did to me!

I'm damaged!

Donnie ... Donnie ... Donnie Gill.

That's ... that's why Skye was ...

No! I'm not ... I-I don't ... I don't, uh ...

I don't answer, uh ...

Fitz. Listen to me. Listen.

You [gasps] they don't know what they're walking into.

Simmons: Hello?




I'm looking for ... I'm looking for Donnie Gill.


You may not remember me.

Agent Simmons?


It's nice to see you again.

Who ... who sent you?

S.H.I.E.L.D.? H-Hydra?

What ... what side did you end up on?

I'd like to think I'm on your side.

Get close to him.

Convince him you want to help.

I saved your life once. I heard you were in trouble.

Please, I... I need you to hear me out.


Coulson, we're not alone.

Not what I hoped, but not unexpected.

Proceed. Let me know when you have eyes on Gill.

Copy that.

Skye, you cover the door.

You don't give the orders, Trainspotting.

I'm not Scottish.

Skye, protect the exit route.

Roger that.


Fitz: Mack!

Come on, this time. Come on.


Aah! Come on!


Oh, my god.

Hey. Hey, hey!

What the hell, man?! I just took out the boomers!

Uh, the bus! The bus! We need to talk to the bus!

Simmons: Fitz would talk about you.

He described the blueprints he saw in your room.

He was quite impressed. And Fitz is very hard to impress.

Get him to trust you.

You're a lot like him. Like both of us, really.

We're scientists ... wired to solve problems.

Maybe before. It's different now.

Oh, I don't believe you. You must miss it.

Minds like ours ... they need to be used.

I'm tired of being used.

Don't let him get angry.

Repeat what I say. Take a deep breath.

Take a deep breath. And clear your mind.

Surrender and you will find meaning.

Surrender and you will find release.

Agent Simmons...

Take a deep breath.

Donnie didn't escape the Sandbox!

He took the Sandbox for Hydra.

Hydra recruited Gill?

Uh... the... the brain. The brain.

They brainwashed him.

And they're gonna re-trigger his programming if they can.

How do you know this?

I spoke to Ward.

We'll talk about that when I get home. Nice work, Fitz.

May, Hunter, do either of you have eyes on Gill?

Not yet.

Hunter: Target is talking to Hydra.

End that conversation. Now.

Copy that.

You know what is best. What is best is you comply.

May: Simmons...


You think I don't know what you're trying to do?

You're just like the rest of them. You liar!




What am I hearing?


Agent May shot me.


May shot me.

Man, I wanted to be the one.

Simmons is here. Repeat ... Simmons is on site with Hydra.

Do we maintain her cover?

Yes. Maintain her cover.

Your source?

My source.

That's crazy.

What about the primary target?

If we can't take him in, we take him out.

Do you copy?

Copy that.


Is he far behind?

Not far.

I'm sorry. I tried.

It's all right.

Conditions are better here, anyway.

Good afternoon, Mr. Gill.


Take a deep breath.


Calm your mind.

No. Please. Please.

You know what is best.

What is best is you comply.

I... Don't...

Compliance will be rewarded. Mr. Gill... are you ready to comply?

I'm happy to comply.

Prove it, then.

Keep us from being followed.

Lets move!

What just happened?

You laid the groundwork and gave us a second chance. He's with us again.

[ice crackling]

Let's head out.

Ice everyone inside this ship. No one leaves here alive.

May: Exit's this way.

[grunts] It's frozen. Let me.

We trapped.

[ice crackling]

[metal groaning]



[b*llet ricochets]

Let's go!

[inhales deeply]

[helicopter blades whirring]

The threat's been neutralized.

Hydra doesn't have him.

And Agent Simmons?

Her cover's been maintained. She's safe for now.

They're leaving empty-handed. But we're not.

Nice payload.

Too bad we couldn't make off with the whole cargo ship.

Want to take a bet how much tech's in the cargo? [chuckles]

Not gonna sucker me into doing your inventory, Mack.

Good try, though.

Trip, have you seen Skye?


[grunts] In case you're wondering, I'm all right.

Nasty-looking bruise on my shoulder.

Hurts like hell, but I deserved it.


So, we're even? Right?

We are.

[Trip chuckles]

[sighs] Oh, bloody hell.

What are you doing in here?

I don't know. It reminds me of before.


Should replace the glass if we're gonna take her out regularly.

I've been monitoring Moroccan law-enforcement channels.

They still haven't found Donnie Gill's body yet.

You okay?


I get why Coulson kept what Simmons was doing from us.

I understand he's protecting her, making sure no one compromises her mission, but you knew?

I knew.

I'm scared for her.

Simmons in Hydra?

She's a terrible liar.

I'm serious. I love her, but her trying to lie ... it is a horror show.

Maybe before, but not anymore. She can handle it.

She's good. She's not the only one.

[door closes]

We should talk.

First of all, I want you to know that I see your progress.

You're an important part of this team, and I don't want you to forget that. But I saw the recording.

Your conversation with Ward.

You almost k*lled him.

But I didn't.

I'm not a k*ller.

I can't look at him. I hate that he's here.

But we barely know anything about Hydra.

I need to do whatever it takes to understand the people we're fighting. Ward is one way I'm trying to do that.

Well, you should have told me.


I didn't want to add to what you were already dealing with.

And is, um ... is there anything... is there anything more?

That I'm keeping from you? Yeah.

I'm director. There's a hell of a lot more.

But there is one other thing you should know.

Simmons is on an assignment.

That's why she hasn't been in contact.

That's why she left.


And, um... did she ask to go on the assignment?

Did she want to leave?

What she's doing is very important.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s becoming a problem.

Do we know who's in charge?

I'm afraid not.

[elevator bell dings, door opens]

I'm sorry to interrupt. I was told to bring these.

Please, bring it here.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

Happy to comply.

Donnie's programming proved to be unstable.

Ultimately, it held.

One last thing.

There's a scientist in our downstairs lab.

I believe her talents are being wasted.

I'd like authorization to bring her up here.

So, you trust her?

I do now.

But if I'm wrong...

we'll make her comply.

Couson: We'll return in a moment.

Relieved it's not Fitz?

Happy it's you, that you're okay.

I'm, uh, glad I could help.

You said Hydra had a way of convincing people.

You were talking about brainwashing, weren't you?

It's not done often, but it's done.

It's a lot of work, and some people aren't susceptible.

It's mostly used on high-value targets.

Like you?

I wish I could say that's what happened.

But I swore I'd never lie to you.

No. I was never brainwashed.

Everything I did, good and bad...

I did of my own free will.

Do you believe I'm telling you the truth?

I just don't know why.

I don't know what you hope to achieve by ...

I don't hope for me. I hope for you.

I know something.

And I want you to believe me when I say it.

Your father is alive. He's looking for you.

And someday, if you let me, I'll take you to him.

We're done here.

[breathes deeply]
