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03x01 - Round One

Posted: 01/14/24 11:12
by bunniefuu
Hey, mom. Sorry I haven't come by

in a while. Things have been.

Well, things have been pretty busy. Oh,

dad's here too. He's. You know,

dad, he's still teaching at signal, but he told

me he's going to be going out on some mission soon.

I think he misses adventuring with you.

I miss you, too.

Haven't gotten kicked out of beacon yet.

So that's cool. I think being on a team with Yang helps.

I keep her in line. That was a joke.

She's actually a really great fighter. You can

tell she's learned a lot from dad.

Well, so are Weiss and Blake. Oh, they're my teammates.

Together we formed Team Ruby. And yes,

before you ask, that does cause a lot of confusion.

Anyways, uh, I made a bunch of new friends, and I met some.

Let's just say, uh, teachers. Oh, we've

also stopped some bad guys too.

I guess it's like they say, like mother, like daughter.

They still wonder why Osbourne let me into the school early,

but I guess he'll tell me one day. You know how he is.

It's funny. The more I get to know him,

the more he starts sounding like Uncle Crow.

Oh, looks like dad's back. I got to go.

He's dropping me off at beacon for the tournament

match before he goes on his next mission. Wish me luck.

It was good to talk.

Oh, it seems we have another astonishing bout ahead of us.

Wouldn't you agree, professor? Doctor? And yes,

Peter, I think it's safe to say

this match may be one of the closest

we've seen in the four and four round of the tournament.

For those of you just now joining us.

Welcome to the final festival tournament.

Broadcast live.

If this is your first time watching,

allow us to break down the rules.

The tournament is divided into three distinctive rounds teams, doubles and singles.

Age and school year are irrelevant in this tournament.

The only attribute being tested is skill.

Correct. The winners of this battle will

elect two of their members to represent them in the doubles round,

followed by the winners of that round,

choosing one member to advance once again.

The remaining combatants will then fight their

way through the final bracket in the hope

of achieving victory for their kingdom.

And yes, Peter, these certainly are some spectacular

spectacles on which to spectate on,

and I don't think anyone tuning in around the world

is going to disagree with me on that.

Oh, and why would they? Now let's

get back to the match between Team

Ruby of Beacon and Team Auburn of Haven.


Who's got yours?

Oh. Double whammy.

Rhys course is eliminated by Ring out and. Horror level.

Oh, she really should have worn a helmet.

You to.

Marques de Rubi is victorious.

We did it.

Anyone else starving? I may have worked up an appetite.

If only there were somewhere on campus to get food around here.

Oh, wait, it's okay. Weiss. I forget about the fairgrounds, too.

I was being facetious. Well, if you

were hungry, why didn't you say?

Oh, come on, I know just the place.

Hey. Might be hard to eat without this.

No no no no. Good to see you, Ruby.

Oh, thanks, Emerald. Oh, guess I dropped it.

Oh, girl. Pockets are the worst. What's up?

Just left the stadium after watching your amazing

fight. You guys were awesome. Oh.

Shut your stupid face. I heard your

team progressed to the next round, too.

You know, I feel like we never see our other teammates.

How'd they do in the fight?

Really well. That's great.

Why don't we all go out and get some food together?

Oh, gosh, that's so nice of you.

But my teammates are all kind of introverted.

Really socially awkward. Oh, yeah, I could see that. So.

Yeah. Looks like Merc and I are going

to be moving on to the doubles round. What about you guys?

Well, as the leader of this team,

I've thought long and hard about this decision.

We put it to a vote.

Yes, but I decided that we should put it to a vote.

We voted.. For Y.c.yang.

I will happily represent Team Ruby. Yeah, we're gonna kick some butt.

Well, if Mercury and I see you down the line,

don't think we'll go easy on you.

Wouldn't have it any other way. All right,

well, we're going to go catch some

more fights. Have fun. See you later.

So how are the new friends? I hate them.

Orders are orders, I just. How can

they be so happy all the time?

Did you at least get what we want?

It's the heiress and the bimbo.

All right. At least now we know who we're working with.

I'll have a bowl of the regular, please.

Ooh, I'll take the same. Mm. Do you have

anything with a low salt? Um. Okay.

Always. What's the occasion? Consider it. Thanks

for sending me to the doubles round.

What? How can my card be declined?

I was barely into my monthly allowance. Oh.

No. Maybe I could help.

Mirror. Oh, you don't have to. But she.. Could.

Well, I think you all earned it after

that battle. Mind if we join you?

Are you sure it's wise to have eaten before a fight?

Of course it will give us energy.

Uh, if I barf, I'm blaming you. Oh, aiming at the enemy.

That's disgusting. But if you do feel the urge.

Got it. Well, we should be off.

So you think you guys are ready?

Of course. We've got a world renowned fighter on our team.

What's basically a ninja? I can bench

five of me. John, we've trained all year.

Our weapons are awesome. Glenda barely yells

at us anymore. And, uh. John.

Are you going to take that? She's not wrong.

I'm kidding. He knows I'm kidding. Don't be so nervous.

The worst that could happen is we lose.

Then it's just a few more years

of walking around school with everyone knowing we're failures.

Our friends will slowly abandon us to preserve their social status.

We won't be able to show our faces in class.

No one will sit with us in the cafeteria.

If Red and I have no parents, we have no home left to go to.

We'll be officially renamed Deep Blue. For.

Yeah. So, yeah, we're feeling pretty good.

Don't fret. If anything, we should be looking

forward to a fight with actual guidelines and not, well, murderers.

Yeah, don't sweat it. We've all faced way worse before.

Let's see. Grimm invasions, violent extremists, a destructive sociopath.

And that's all. While we were still in training.

Oh. Think what it'll.. Be like when we graduate. Maybe then

I'll be able to pay for a meal.

Team juniper. Please report to the battlegrounds immediately.

Yes, like they were scheduled to several minutes ago.

Well, it looks like this is it.

Go get em.

I wonder who's going to win.

As if we didn't already know. Oh come now.

Even if you know how a story ends,

that doesn't make it any less fun to watch.

Team. Juniper of beacon verses. Team. Bronze of shade.


Baby Ransai.

Win. In the end, you fail to save them.


There'll be no.