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05x10 - True Colors

Posted: 01/14/24 11:26
by bunniefuu
Back to the fairy tale. Back to the show.

Back to the wall. And there's nowhere to go.

Hopeless and desperate. All pass it first.

Things looking bleak and about to get worse.

Helpless and tortured. There's no way to.

Goals are achievable. Phase one is dead.

Possible. And that's when you learn you've

been messing with God and in your primp.


The whip over all. We need a miracle. We go.

Okay. They can bring back would.

For sure we will.

I don't know if I will be the voice for just the.

Things aren't looking good. Oz. Ever the optimist.

While I would not say our current predicament is ideal,

I think we can both agree that

the situation could be much worse.

Humanity is a resilient force. Us.

Pro Huntsman like that. Don't just bite it all at once.

Salem's powerful, and it seems like her

reach is growing by the day.

What does that say about humanity?

That there are indeed a misguided few

who have filled their hearts with malice.

It doesn't take a great number of people to cause harm,

but I still believe there are far

more people in this world willing to prevent it.

Um. Excuse me. Ms.. Miss Rose, join us.

We were just about to gather everyone

to discuss our next steps. Oh, great.

Something on your mind, kiddo? Oh. If. If it's okay to ask.

Of course. Well. We've been talking about the relegate Haven

and the Spring Maiden. But what about the fall maiden cinder?

Does that mean Salem has the beacon relic?

Very astute. Ms.. Rose. I was wondering

who would be the first to ask.

No, thankfully she does not. It's true

that the relic at Haven is very much at risk,

and for now, that should remain our primary focus.

Let's just say I made Finding the Relic

at Beacon a bit more challenging than at the other schools. Oh.

That's good to hear. It is. But let's

not forget the challenges that still lie before us.

Now. Is there anything else we can help you with?

Uh, well, I did have one more question.

No. My cane is not a relic. I have no more questions.

Yes, well, this cane is indeed very precious to me.

It is also just that precious to me.

Well, I admit it still has a few more tricks up its sleeve.

I can firmly say that being a relic isn't one of them.

Now, why don't you run and get the other students?


Okay. Yeah, we'll be there.

Who was it? It was. Leo says

he had a breakthrough with the council.

Thinks he might be able to get

together a small raiding party for the bandits.

He wants us to meet up at the school

tomorrow night to walk us through it.

Really? Oh. That's great. I'll go get the others.

Hmm. That sounds drastically different from your

original conversation, does it not? It does.

Interesting. Things aren't looking good for us. I know.

I still have questions for you. You're not alone in that.

You know, I never expected you would be the one

to have the guts to betray Oz.

Which makes me wonder, what does she have on you?

I'm helping her for the same reason you are.

I'm afraid. We. We can't stop her. No one can.

That's why I tried to leave when

I did. I'm not afraid. I'm smart.

You can call it whatever you want. It doesn't really matter.

We are here helping her.

I've crossed a line.

I've done things that Aspin will never forgive and he shouldn't.

I don't know where I go from here.

Man up. You did what you had to do to survive.

There is no shame in that.

Who are you trying to convince?

Do you have a better idea? Do.

Quiet now.


Did you come in here to hide?

I told.. You I didn't want this.

But you're still here. I don't have a choice.

Of course you do.

Just stay out of my way.

Nuh nuh. Why do you feel like

we have to hurt people to get our way?

Because it works. That doesn't make it right.

Stop lecturing me.


Why couldn't you just leave? Because I run away too much.

Sorry, dad.


Huh? Huh?

Find me like you mean it.

You used to see things the way I did, the way Adam did.

If no one's going to do anything

to stop the humans that attack us,

then the only choice we have left is to attack back.

Oh. You're wrong. There's always another choice.

Ilya. Please. You're a good person, but

you're making all the wrong decisions.

Shut up. Is this really what your parents..

Would have wanted? I don't know what else to do.

I don't know what else to do.




Mm. Eliot, what are.. You doing? Bite.



Go help Blake on it.



Please. Is it?


What have you done? You've ruined everything.

You're everything.


Back! Everyone stay back!

We've got people inside doing their best. Look.

Get in there. Search for any stragglers.

We came as soon as we got the call.

And Finnic.

Was it worth it?


Humans didn't do this. We did this for us.

We did this to ourselves.

We are just as capable of hate and v*olence as the humans,

but I don't think any of us would

jump at the chance to point that out.

So why are we letting Adam do it for us

by doing nothing and staying silent? We let

others speak and act in our place.

And if we're not proud of the choices they make.

Then we have no one to blame but ourselves.

This is the message Adam Torres will

bring to the world if no one stops him.

But we can stop him. You have

to understand that all of you are looking

for simple answers to a very complicated problem,

and I can't give that to you.

I don't know how to make hate go away, I don't.

But I know that this kind of v*olence is not the solution.

I understand that to ask you to leave

your homes and protect Haven Academy is asking

you to put your lives at risk.

But that's what's at stake. So I'm going.

And I'll stand by myself if I have to. I'll stand with you.

If. If you'd have me.

Isn't that the white finger? I thought she'd feared the.

You're not going anywhere. Let her come. Huh?

You're just going to forgive her after everything she did.

I am.

What does she think she's doing?

She's learned a.. Lesson that evaded

me until I was much older.

That there is strength in forgiveness. I'll go.

I'll go to. I'll stand with you.

Yeah. Me too. Me too.

It looks like we've got.. Work to do. Thank you.

You stabbed me. I owe. There. Let's just call it even.

We have about two weeks before Adams attack on Haven.

We're going to need shields, training, whatever

we can do to protect as many people as possible.

We'll need transportation, too, for everyone.

I think I know a ship captain who owes us a favor.