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06x10 - Stealing from the Elderly

Posted: 01/14/24 11:54
by bunniefuu
Stay close for fast.



But we can.

Our mountain.

You get back from anyone?

The wheel of life and days and learn.

And asylum, said day.


I was relieved to hear that you came to your senses, McNee.

Many of us were devastated when we heard

you would be attending Beacon Academy.

Knowing that she'll be returning to Atlas just warms my old heart.

It was time to get my act together and go back to my roots.

Oh, I can't wait to see you follow in your sister's footsteps.

Absolutely. I'm sending two of my best guards to personally escort you.

Make sure General Ironwood hears that part.

Allow me to assist you with your bag.

Oh, hi. What a heavy bag. That's all right.

Nonsense. Allow me to assist as well.

I can take care of it by myself. Huh? Just like we practiced.

No, look at that. He's just going to miss you so much.

You should hurry on out of here.

A crying child, we must cancel it. Boop boop boop boop.

That was close. Is everything okay? Oh, me. Heavy. It's all muscle.

I'll show them a thing or two about on board.

All right. We'll all watch our scrolls.

The second Weiss is out of range of the comm tower.

That'll mean she's out of range of the radar, too.

And that's when Blake steps in. We're

almost at the drop off. How can you remember one?

The radar box is separate from the rest of the communications equipment,

so if you disconnect it properly, it won't

take out comms for the rest of the city.

Two, this conversation never happened. Don't worry.

This isn't the first time I've disabled Atlas Security. Never happened.

Are you sure I shouldn't come with..

More intruders means we're more likely to be

seen. Besides, stealth isn't exactly your.

I mean, you're great, and I'll hurry back.


Heading out on foot. Won't be long. Yes, it's..

All going to plan.

I mean, Roger.

This is going to work.


Miss Missoni, for your own safety, we must request greater.

This parachute won't excuse you of your treachery.

And you're sure you can fly this, missy?

I was the Grim Reaper. What part

of best Huntress of her generation don't you understand?

Right. But your eyes.


You are saying that..

You said your eyes were in desperate need of repair.

All right, guys, this is it. Blake. You're up.

Blake. Mhm.

Yay! What's going on?

I don't know.

Ma'am, we've got something on radar.

And who would be foolish

enough to enter our airspace unannounced? Apparently us, ma'am.

Mantle five one. This is Argus Base. We see you circle back.

What's your status? Over. Why can..

They. Somebody dropped the ball. Don't worry.

I've worked with Atlas forces before. I know their jargon.

Argus base, this is Manta five one.

Feel free to gaff off. Thought we

were going to scrub due to FOD,

but we're back up in green, across the board. Over.

And if five one return to base immediately..

Or you will be treated as hostile. Over.

I thought you said you. Then Dargan was fine.

But our pilots aren't elderly women.

Oh, well, they got me there. Oh, my mind really is going.

Why would you kids let me fly this thing?

Calvera, you and those insolent children are up to something, aren't you?

You thought you could undermine my authority.

If you don't return my ship this instant,

I will make an example out of you.

I will show you the true might of Atlas.

Do you hear that, Gordo?

The sound of me not caring.

Ruby, we're in trouble. Cuartos onto us. And Maria isn't helping.

Why is the radar still up? We don't know.

Blake isn't responding. What do we do?

Keep the ship in one piece.

Maybe we should fly over to help you and Blake first.

Damn it! Court is going to scramble our fighters.

We've got maybe s before they're in the air

and all over Weiss and Maria. This is all my fault.

What are you talking about? Your semblance.

Every choice I've ever made has led me here.

I dragged you along with me

as myself. The others. We're responsible for

the mess the world is in now.

I shouldn't have come. I shouldn't have let

any of you come. What was I thinking?

We're all in this together and we're

all going to do the best we can.

That's all anyone can do. And I know

it's what you've always aimed for.

We would have come whether or not you'd let us.

So stop talking like we're your responsibility. We're not.

But we could still use Crow Bronwyn on our side.

Huh? How did you grow up so fast? I had good role models.


She's not sending fighters.

Clearly the people have forgotten..

That they live in peace thanks to the awesome might of.

Is cordovan piloting that. Consider this.

Are you okay? I am, but she's clearly lost her mind.

And that was merely a warning shot.

All Atlas personnel stand by..

And watch how your leader maintains order.

It's time you ask yourself.

Do you truly wish to defy? Me.

Hurry back. Weiss. I need you on the ground.

If we're going to take this thing down. Why is the radar up?

We don't know. Blips and funding.

It's nice to finally have time to ourselves.

Don't you think? Leave me alone.

But I've waited. So. Long for you to be away from them.

Huh? Why did you have to come

into my life and ruin everything?

You stalked me across Anima. I don't

want anything to do with your life.


Let go of the past. Adam. Do it for yourself.

Just forget it all. Is that what you did to me?

You just threw our memories away. Adam.

I let you go once already. Blake.

I'm never making that mistake again.