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05x12 - Overboard

Posted: 01/14/24 18:31
by bunniefuu
Carol, what are you doing?

I'm making some notes for a job.

Thank god.

I thought you were
writing down your feelings

so you could read them
aloud again.

No, daddy, Patrick and I have
this incredible opportunity

to work together.

You both have a chance to work?

Take it!

Well, don't you want to know
what it is?


Do you remember Diane Brewster?

The lawyer
who handled your divorce.

Well, she's not
just a lawyer, daddy.

She's also
a close, personal friend.

Anyway, she's opening up
a new office

take it.

And she needs
a sculpture for her lobby

and a caterer
for the grand opening.

Take it!

Have a good look westons.

Before you
stands the most miserable,

human being in Florida.

Does this mean you
go to the nationals?

All right, Charley,
come on, what's the matter?

Aw, I'm working a cruise
for ten days

with a bunch of religious nuts

and their leader, krishna baba.

Krishna baba, the pundit
of the divine way?

Divine way,

translation... no Tequila night.

Charley, come on,

look at it as a challenge
to your intellect,

to your spirit.

Get real, college boy.

The only aspect of religion
I'm interested in

is finding a believer
and slippin' her the bishop.

Let's... let's move
while he's gone.

♪ Life goes on

♪ and so do we...

♪ by one

♪ we fill the days

♪ I'm always here

♪ for anything you need...

♪ ...we share it all

♪ as life goes on

Patrick, what are you doing?

Diane Brewster's coming
Thursday morning.

You're supposed to be working
on your idea.

- I am working.
- You're watching television.

Carol, when I'm watching
television, I'm working.

When I'm taking a walk,
I'm working.

When we're making love,
I'm working.

Patrick, Diane Brewster
is a very

"when we're making love"?

You don't understand
the artistic process.

Ideas don't just
magically appear.

I see what's going on here.

You're blocked.

I am not blocked.

I just haven't found the idea

that will satisfy
the integrity of the space.

Patrick, it's a lawyer's office.

They have no integrity.

Well, I do. And I'm not
gonna do something

just to please Diane Brewster...
That's not the way I work.

No, you watch television.

Patrick, in the real world,
where I live...

One has to learn to compromise.

For instance,
I once had a client

who wanted cajun shrimp.

I wanted osso buco.

So we settled on cajun buco.

Patrick, I'm willing
to help you.

I have ideas, thoughts.

I know... perhaps I can read you
some of my feelings.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Look, Carol,
I know how I have to work.

All right, but just remember...

Brilliant ideas,

Don't you worry about anything.

I got it all under control.

I haven't got a clue!


Are you watching TV or working?

I'd like to talk
about something personal.


Daddy, I don't know what to do.

I think Patrick's blocked.

Well, there are some excellent
over-the-counter remedies.


No, daddy, we're meeting
Diane Brewster tomorrow.

My proposal's in, but Patrick
hasn't done a thing yet.

I don't know what to do, daddy.
What do you think I should do?

- There's a picture...
- That's Charley's ship!

The unexpected squall
swept two men overboard.

They were identified
as aniat Singh, a passenger,

and the ship's port purser,
Charles dietz.

- My god!
- Charley!

They were last seen on a raft,

but dense fog is hindering
rescue efforts.

Now, tonight's
top sports story...

Charley, poor dear Charley.

I know, I mean,
they'll find him.

They got to find him.
But, god, poor Charley.

Daddy, I just remembered
all those awful things

we've said to him
over the years.

I know we've been
pretty hard on him.

But let's not... let's not talk
about that now.

Of course not.

Let's... let's talk about
the things Charley has done

that are good.

- Good idea.
- Okay.

Great news...

I just talked
to the cruise line.

Charley's fine.

Coast guard spotted him.
They're on their way.

- Great!
- Thank god!

Now I can stop trying to think
of a good thing he's done.

Listen, I'm late.
I'm late, I'm late.

Good luck with Diane Brewster.

Thanks, daddy.

There she is.

I know you're gonna like Diane.

During my horribly
painful divorce,

she was really there for me.

We bonded like sisters.

Hello, I'm Diane Brewster.

Would you tell
Carol Weston I'm here?

Diane, it's me, Carol.

Carol, I didn't recognize you.

You're not weeping.

And you must be Patrick.

- Hi.
- Hello.

- Have a seat.
- Thank you.

I'm sorry we couldn't meet
at my office.

The painters were supposed
to finish ten days ago.

I'm slapping a lien
on their truck.

So, Patrick, I got
your drawings this morning,

and I'm very impressed.

Yes, yes, yes, yes!


I liked everything
but the iron pedestal.

Make it marble. Now...
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, marble?

Patrick, sweetie,

marble is the material
of compromise.

But marble would violate

the integrity
of the entire piece.

- But I like marble.
- But iron speaks.

See, it's a metaphor

for the marriages you deal with.

Although iron
is strong and heavy,

it rusts, corrodes,
and disintegrates

into a pile of crap.

- But she likes marble.
- I heard her, Carol.

Diane, thank you
for giving me a shot at this,

but maybe I'm just not
the artist you're looking for.

I'm gonna be
in the garage working.

Do you know
where the TV guide is?


It wonderful to see someone
with such strong convictions.

Do it your way.

Okay. Great.

Okay, now, Carol,

about your proposal
for a boeuf en croute,

I was thinking
of something simpler,

like finger sandwiches.

Finger sandwiches?

Boeuf en croute speaks.

Anything else would violate

the integrity
of the entire ambiance.

But I want finger sandwiches.

Well, Diane, thanks
for giving me a shot at this,

but maybe I'm just not
the caterer

you're looking for.

I'm going upstairs now.

You know me, Diane.

I'm a culinary artist
who has strong convictions.

And I admire you for that.

Thank you.

Good luck, Carol.
It was nice seeing you.

- Wait. What?
- So, Patrick

wait a minute.

If Carol is not catering,

then you can count me out too...
We're in this together.

Patrick, that's not necessary.

But, Carol...

Patrick, this could be
the piece that launches you

into greatness.

I insist that you not sacrifice
your future for me.

I don't know what to say.

Okay, I guess.

Very well, then.

Patrick, why don't you come by
the office tomorrow?

Great. Thank you.


Are you sure
you're all right with this?

I can be supportive.

All I can think of
is how happy I am for you.

I'm so lucky to have you.

"Once again, I feel...

Anguish, pain, betrayal."


I want to read you
some of my feelings.

Um, I'm kind of busy...

I'll get it!

"Once again,
I feel daddy's rejection."


Char... Charley.

Thank god.

Charley, what are you wearing?

What you see before you
is the new Charley.

Coming so close to death
has brought me closer to life.

Come on, Charley,
you're pulling our leg.

No, I don't pull
anything anymore.

Hey, Charley, you're back!
Great to see you.

Charley, Charley,
come on, sit down.

Tell us what happened.

Well, after I fell off the ship,

I spent to days on a raft
with brother aniat Singh,

who made me realize
what a waste my life was

and how I could live
in a better place.

Yes, my furry brother?

You're on his spot.

Sorry, my furry brother.

By the way,
I, borrowed your dog collar

a couple of years ago
for other purposes.

Charley, no one is buying this.

Carol, come on, now,
give him a chance.

Charley, why don't you stay
for dinner?

- No.
- I couldn't impose.

This is getting scary.

Think what you will,
but I'm... I'm no longer a taker.

In fact, I've begun
to rid myself

of all worldly goods.

Every day I practice the ritual
of the burning of my money.

Here, watch how easy
it is for me.

I mean no disrespect
to you, brother Abe.


Well, if you'll excuse me...

All right, Charley,
that was a very good show,

but I am not buying this act
for one minute.

I love you, my sister.

I understand
your pessimism and anger,

but there's nothing you can say

that will disrupt the calm
I feel within myself.


The girls at the health club
call you "tiny Tim."

That was a close one.

- Good morning.
- Good morning, honey.

Did you hear that?

He couldn't just say,
"good morning."

He had to top me with,
"good morning, honey."

It was the way he said it,

as... as if he has a job
and I don't.

Carol, why don't you just tell
Patrick how you feel...

That you're angry

because he got the job
and you didn't?

I am not angry!

You're absolutely right.

I know this from therapy.

I'm misdirecting my anger.

I'm taking it out
on people in the wrong way.

Well, I'm not going
to do that anymore.

- That's good, dear.
- Shut up, daddy!

I'm sorry.
I'm doing it again.

I'm gonna go in there right now

and tell Patrick
exactly how I feel.

Leave the knife.

- Hi.
- Hi, honey.

"Hi, honey"?
Give it a rest.

Patrick, there's something
very important

I want to talk to you about.


I just came in here
to say that...

Your feet are
on the coffee table.

That's what you wanted
to talk to me about?


I just wanted to tell you...

You're getting
eraser schmutz all over!


You know very well
that eraser bits

are impossible
to get out of the carpet.

Carol, what's going on here?

There's no coaster
under this soda can.

You're gonna leave a ring
on the table.

And you're always changing
the mirror in my car!

And I'll have you know
that south pacific

was a rotten show!

What the hell
are you talking about?

Wouldn't you like to know?

You two talk?

I don't understand her.
She makes no sense at all.

She's completely irrational.
She's insane!

Good. You talked.

Laverne, I'm getting
tired of this.

Come on, doctor!

I gotta learn
these new insurance codes.

Ask me another.

- Whooping cough.
- 1017.

- Very good. Sinusitis.
- 1878.

- Correct.
- Okay, keep them comin'.

No, come on, Laverne,
some other time.

Come on, I ain't done yet...

Just two more.
- That's it. That's enough.

All right.

I hope you get a 107
on your 2311.

You, watch your language.

Hello, Laverne.
Hello, Harry.

Well, look who's here...

Gunga din.

Hi, Charley.
What brings you here?

Just continuing
to get my life in order.

- Here, I brought you this.
- Thanks. What is it?

These are the ashes
of the $300 I owe you.

If you wanna wait,
I'll burn you a receipt.

This is just the beginning.

My next step is to get rid
of all my worldly possessions.

Charley, I don't know
if it's such a good idea

for you to give away
everything you have.

Besides, most of your
worldly possessions are...

My worldly possessions.

Then you're becoming
a better person, too, Harry.


Look, Charley,

I think it's great
that you're turning over

a new leaf, but...

I mean, is this
the way to do it...

Burning money
and giving everything away?

Harry, all I know

is I never felt so good
about myself.

Here, Laverne,

if you're going up
to the third floor,

would you mind taking those
to the nurses' lounge?

Kind of an apology
for past indiscretions

who do you want me
give these to?

Better make it
the whole third floor.

Would you keep it down in here?


Mr. Innocent.

You're driving me crazy

with your incessant polishing,

As if people don't have
to get up

and go to work in the morning.

I am not gonna go
through this again.

You're just mad at me
because I got that job

and you didn't, right?

No, no, no, no.


Yes, I am mad.

I'm miserable.

Carol, I felt terrible
about what happened.

I was ready to walk.

You're the one who told me
to take the job.

Well, if you really loved me,

you wouldn't have listened
to me.

What are you doing?
- I'm calling Diane Brewster.

And telling her I quit.

If you're unhappy, I'm unhappy.

Believe me.

You would do that for me?

I wouldn't even have this job

if it weren't for you.

I wouldn't be as happy as I am
if it weren't for you.

We're a team.


I am so moved.

I am so touched.

I'm so full of emotion
right now.

Do you have something
I can write on?

- Sorry.
- I forgot to knock.

Wh... who is it?

It's me, Charley.

Come in!

So, Charley...


How's it going?

I got a big problem, and
I don't know how to tell you.

- Just say it.
- Well, all right.

Harry, it's just that I...

Saw a toaster today.

I'm gonna need
a little more than that.

Well, what does a toaster
remind you of?


And what does toast
remind you of?

Morning, getting up,
looking over

and seeing someone in bed

and not remembering
how she got there.

Then remembering
how she got there

and wondering how fast
you can get rid of her.

You know.
- Right.

Both: A toaster.
- You got it.

Well, Charley, you have
to have some Patience.

I-I guess it's natural
to slip a little.

No, Harry, I'm slipping a lot.

Last night I found myself
standing on top of your TV

trying to look down
Connie chung's blouse.

I'm sure others have had lapses.

None like that, I'm sure.

Charley, why don't you talk
to one of the members

of your group about this?

Well, as a matter of fact,
they do have counselors

to help people
with this kind of temptation.

I don't know.
What do you think I should do?

Well, Charley, it seems
like a lot of the things

you're striving for
are admirable,

so you have to ask yourself
one question.

Do you really want to go
back to that life of depravity

you were living before?


My bottom half does.

I'm not gonna make it, Harry.

Everywhere I look
I'm reminded of sex.

Charley, the place is empty.

You got rid of all
your calendars and magazines

and your videos and movies

Little telescopes
with girlies inside.

Stop it. Stop it.
You're tearing me apart.

Easy, easy, easy, now.
You're gonna make it.

The guy from the divine way
is gonna be here any minute.

I'm not gonna make it.
I'm not gonna make it.

All right, easy, easy.
Here's your counselor.


- Who was that?
- That? No one. Wrong house.

Stop it, you darn kids!

Hello, I'm sister Sasha.



Don't worry, brother Charles.

I have a perfect record.
I'll take care of you.

And I'm afraid
I'm gonna want to do the same.

No, no. Come on, Charley.
Charley, listen to me now.

You can do this.
I have faith in you.

Yeah, okay, okay.

All right. All right.

Nice meeting meeting you,
sister Sasha.

Be gentle.
This is his first time.

I know what you're thinking.

Because of the way I look,
you think you will be tempted.

Does it show?

My looks are one of the reasons

I can do this work
so effectively.

I will help you
eliminate temptation.

Now, brother Charles,

please assume the position.

Could you use
a different expression?

When we finish our work,

you will be able to look
at me completely unclothed,

yet see only my spirit.

As you wish, spiritual leader.

Now, close your eyes
and trust me.

That's what I usually say.

Think of yourself having
a peaceful, lovely dream.

Now, picture a storm,
like the one at sea.

The storm is coming
from inside you

and will destroy
that peaceful feeling.

Do you want that?


Do you want to lead
a life of tranquility

and fulfillment?

I think so.

Then keep the thought of peace.

Do not let the storm ruin it.

Hey, I think
I'm starting to get this.

Let us continue.

Let us go deeper
into the peaceful state.


Daddy, do you actually think
Charley can do this thing?

Well, the woman
has a perfect record,

and they've been working
some time now,

and Charley hasn't given up yet.

Charley, how did it go?

It was quite wonderful.

Brother Charles.

In here, sister Sasha.

Sister Sasha...

I thought you never failed.

So I'm 37-1.
Sue me.

Charley, this doesn't
work at all.

You got to stand
a little closer.

I'm telling you.
It's technically impossible!

Here, use the footstool.

This doesn't make
any sense whatso...

Well hello, Connie chung!

My turn, my turn, my turn.

Okay, that's enough.
My turn!