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05x14 - The Sting

Posted: 01/14/24 18:33
by bunniefuu
And Emily didn't say
where she was going,

or what time she'd be home?

Carol, please, I've told you
everything I know.

She just said she was
going out with friends.

Friends? She's been back
in town a few days.

Where did she get friends?

I don't know.

Maybe she had some frozen
before she left.

You know, daddy,

you seem to have forgotten
how cavalier Emily is

about these situations
she gets into.

No, I have not forgotten.

I remember when she tried
to form a committee

for gay animal rights.

I mean that was idiotic!

That was me, daddy.


Hi Harry!

Um, this is Zack hennessey.
Zack, my dad.

- Don't get up.
- I can't stay.

I just wanted to make sure
Emily got home all right.

Well, good night, Emily.

I really enjoyed talking to you.

Yeah. Same here.
Thanks for the ride home.

- Sure.
- Bye.

Well, he seems
like a nice young man.

Yeah, he is.
He's very interesting.

Good! What's he do
for a living?

He's a bookie.
'Night, dad!

♪ I'm always here

♪ for anything you need...

♪ ...rain or shine

♪ I'll be the one

Morning, dad.

- Emily.
- Yeah?

I want a word with you,
young lady.

Is this about Zack,

the guy that brought me
home last night?

And that you're worried
because he's a bookie,

and you don't think
I should associate

with people like that?

Well, I was gonna
beat around the bush

a little more than that, but...

- No problem, Harry.

I wasn't planning
on seeing him again anyway.

Anything else?
- Yes,

I think it would be best
if you didn't see him again.

I just said that.

I know, but I had
a steam built up

and I just couldn't stop.

I'll see you, dear.


Just my luck.

First guy I meet in Miami who's
not a member of the hair club.

He turns out to be a crook.


- Emily Weston?
- Yes.

My name is Clifford McGraw.
I'm with the FBI.

I wonder if I might have
a moment of your time?

FBI! Wow!
Sure, come on in.

Miss Weston, I'll get
right to the point.

Do you recognize this man?

Yeah, that's you holding a fish.

Oops! Sorry.

This is my vacation.
Big sucker.

- Yeah.
- Yeah. Here it is.

What about it?
Do you know him?

That's Zack hennessey.
I met him last night.

Yeah, well, he may be
Zack hennessey to you,

but to us, he's...


Zachary hennessey.

We've got quite a file on him.

Maybe this,
maybe this clipping will...

Maybe this...
This clipping will explain.

This is about
a diamond robbery in Lisbon.

Right. We have reason
to believe hennessey is going

to be smuggling the diamonds
into this country.

Whoa, I can't believe it!

Wait till you hear this part.

We think he's gonna ask you
to be his courier.

Me? Why me?
I barely know this guy.

Well, it's how he works.

He strikes up a friendship
with an innocent young girl,

dates her a few times,

then asks her to make
a quick trip to Europe

to pick up a package for him.

- And what do you want me to do?
- Play along with him.

Well, if he makes the offer,
you go get the package

and that's where we step in,
and make the arrest.

- Cool!
- This is so exciting!

It really is.
I can't wait!


This is my first real case.

I've been playing cards
with noriega

for the last three years.

Well, don't worry.
You're doing a fine job.


What do you say, miss Weston?
Will you do it?


If my father finds out,
he'll k*ll me.

No one can find out!

I need to get your promise

you won't divulge anything
I've told you.

Even if you turn us down.

Shouldn't you
have asked me that first?

Yeah, I was supposed to.
I screwed up.

Are you gonna be
in charge of this case?

I'm sorry.
That's classified.

I'm not at Liberty
to give you that information.

You're a good egg.
Yeah! It's me!

I want it! It's mine!
Give it back to me!

Now I'm tellin' you, boys,
for the last time,

either share that truck
or no one gets it.

- I had it first!
- Nuh!

All right! That's it!
If you can't act your age,

you're gonna have to wait
for the doctor out here.

Now come on!

Now give him back the truck!

- No fair, I had it first.
- Nuh!

I hope you have to get a shot.

I hate to bother you,

but there's someone out here
you gotta see.

- Is it an emergency?
- I'd say so.

He's got less
than one minute to live.

All right. You excuse me.
I'll be right back. Okay.

what are you doing here?

Harry, I need your help.

My cruise line
has a stupid new rule.

All employees have
to be certified in cpr.

Like I'm gonna give
some old geezer mouth to mouth.

What does this
got to do with me?

Well, I just need you
to sign this form,

swearing that I'm qualified.

That way I won't have to sit
through those boring classes.

Charley, you're asking me
to lie for you.


Just sign right there.

Charley, you're not qualified,

and that's all there is to it.
You'll just have

to go through the regular
training program.

But I'll fail.

I'm no good
in classroom situations.

That why I never went
for my master's degree.

Or my high-school diploma.

Then maybe what you need
is a private tutor.

Now, as it happens, Laverne
is certified cpr instructor.

Not if you rolled me
in ground beef,

tied me to a string
and used me to go crabbin'.

Laverne, if I don't get
this certificate,

I'm gonna lose my job.

That's you're own lookout.

Well then I'll have nothing
to do with my time,

but hang around
your waiting room,

and play with the toys.

Be here Friday.

Bye! Have a nice night.
Don't wait up.

Wait, wait, wait!
Hold it, hold it, hold it!

Talk to me a minute.

Dad, I'm running late.

Where are you off to?

Well... i... I have,
I have a date, kind of.

A date kind of?
With who?

This guy, sort of.

Is this the same guy, sort of,

that you've had a date with
kind off

every night this week?

Sorry, dad.
I'm really running late.

Good night!
- Yeah, well, have a good time.


What's going on with Emily?

Why is she so secretive
about this man she's dating?

Daddy, you are so naive!

She's seeing someone famous
who's married.

He loves Emily,
but he's too weak to break away

from his wife
because of her father's money.

She told you all that?

Not in so many words,

but my therapist told me
I'm very insightful.

- He said that?
- Well, not in so many words.

I wonder if Emily
is seeing that young man

who brought her home
the other night?

What young man?

He said he was a book maker.


I have been searching
high and low

for a leather-bound version

of the poems
of Henry Wadsworth longfellow.

You know?

"By the shores of gitche gumee,

"by the shining big sea water,

"stood the wigwam of nokomis,

"daughter of the moon nokomis.

"Dark behind it Rose the forest,

"Rose the black
and gloomy pine trees,

"Rose the firs
with cones upon them...

- Well, this is it.
- Yeah, right.

No, I'm serious.
This is it.

This is what? You said
you were taking me

to the best restaurant in Miami.

No, I said I was taking you
to the best dinner in Miami.


Hey, can we get some service
out here, or what?

Pipe down! Will ya?

Hey, where were you raised?
In a barn?

No, upstairs,
and you did a lousy job of it.

Hi, baby.
- Hi.

Aunt Helen, I want you to meet
my friend Emily Weston.

Emily, this is my aunt Helen.

Hey, nice to meet you.
Zack's told me...

Absolutely nothing about you.

So, what are we talking here?
A June wedding?

Aunt Helen, please...

Come on, you two, sit down.
I'll fix you something to eat.

Hey, Zack.
You got a phone call.

It's a...
Mr. Hialeah calling.

- That was smooth, Floyd.
- That was really smooth.

Um, I'll be right back.
- Okay.

So... you're Zack's aunt?

His mother is my sister.

One day she asked me to,
you know,

look after him while she went
shopping for a while.

That was 27 years ago.

I'm starting to think
she ain't coming back.

Well, he's really lucky
he had someone like you

- to look after him.
- Thank you,

but I think right now,

at he really needs
is someone like you.

A sweet sincere girl
who'll settle him down.

I got a real good feeling
about you.

What's the matter, dreyf?
Can't you sleep either?

Goodnight, darling,
and thank you.


Don't ever do that!

I guess I don't have to ask you

how things are in the garage.

And thank you!

Patrick was just showing me
his latest sculpture.

Yeah, well, they all have
nicknames for it, don't they?

Why are you up, anyway?

I couldn't sleep.

Emily, something's been
bothering you lately.

Now don't want to intrude,
but I can't help you

unless you tell me
what the trouble is.

Carol, it's really
personal, please?

- Okay. Good night.
- Good night.

I'll never get to sleep
unless I at least have

an inkling
of what this is about.

Carol, we have been
through this before.

Now there's some things

I'm just gonna have
to work through myself.

Why can't you just accept that?
- All right, all right.

I accept it.

Good night.

At least tell me this much.

Does it involve this mystery man
you've been dating?

Just give me a simple yes or no,

and I promise
that will be the end of it.

- All right! Yes!
- Fine, fine.

That's all I wanted to know.


He's married, isn't he?

Now, here comes
the important part.

Without oxygen, it only takes
about three minutes

for brain damage to occur.

That's funny.

Once when I was a kid my oxygen
was cut off for four minutes.

I would've guessed five.

So much for theory
let's get to work, Charley.

Meet gertrude.

Meet her?
I think I went with her.

Where's the rest of her?

That's all we need.

Speak for yourself.

I'll give you 30 bucks
for the bottom half.

Charley, do you have any idea
how low down nasty you are?

Is that gonna be on the test?

Then, let's get on with it.

Cpr is the application
of mouth-to-mouth breathing

alternating with
rhythmic manual stimulation

of the chest.
You got that?


First base, second base.
First base, second base.

All right.

Now lets say you come along
gertrude here,

and she ain't a-breathin'.

The first thing you do
is clear her air passage,

then introduce two quick breaths
into her lungs.

Okay? Try it.

I've never danced
with a bookie before.

That makes two of us.

You ever been kissed
by a bookie before?

I'm always willing
to take a gamble.

Zack, I want you
to come to dinner

and get to know my family.

How's this Saturday for you?

You know, I'd love to, but um...

I gotta go out of town
this weekend on business.

What do you mean?
Where out of town?

Well, actually, I gotta take
this little trip to Lisbon.

You're going to Lisbon?
Zack, don't go.

Well, what do you mean don't go?

I have to go.
I've made commitments to go.

No, you see, I've got
a bad feeling about this.

If you go,
something's gonna happen.

No, Emily, it'll be fine.

I'll be back in a week.

Zack, I know about the diamonds.

The FBI knows too.

- What are you talking about?
- I've been working for them.

They thought you were gonna
ask me to get the package.

Now they're waiting for me
to tell them when and where.

I can't believe it.

Are you telling me that this
whole thing was a set up?

Well, yeah,
that's how it started but

boy, what a jerk!

You have been conning me
from the beginning.

Well, isn't that
what you were doing to me?

All you wanted was someone
to run your errand for you.

Well, yes!

At first...

But then something
I didn't count on happened.

I fell in love with you.

Something happened to me, too.

Is that what the FBI
told you to say?

- No! They...
- Emily, Emily.

Emily, wait.
Wait, just...

Look, why don't we just deal
with this when I get back?

- Zack, don't do this.

I have to go.

You're gonna get caught.

Not if you don't
tell them I'm going.

The question is...
Do you love him?

Love him? Love him?
The man's a criminal.

He's against everything
I stand for.

Yes, I love him!

Hey, Carol.
What's going on?


Emily is talking to daddy.

She's in love with a criminal.

It is the most romantic thing
I've ever heard.

Carol, I'm surprised at you.

You know, I've done
a lot of shameful,

disgusting things,

involving a lot of shameful,
disgusting people.

But even I wouldn't stoop
to eavesdropping.

your moral compass, girl?

What do I do, dad?

I mean, if I turn him in,
he'll go to prison,

but if I don't,
I'll be covering up a crime.

Then I don't see
that you have any choice.

Honey, come on.

I raised you to know
right from wrong.

You know what to do
without my having to tell you.

You're right, I do.

But tell me this...

How am I gonna live
with myself after I do it?

He trusted me.

I'm sorry, dear, I just don't
see any alternative.

Carol, what about you?


Yeah, she's been listening
through the door.

Carol, anything?

No, but I'll work on it.

Thanks, Zack.

I think I got a winner
this time.


I'd like
to see Mr. Hennessey.

My name is Carol Weston.
- You wanna make a bet?

Well, I certainly ought
to know my own name.

A bet.
Yes! Yes! I'll do that.

Customer, Zack.


Do you take cash,
or do I need chips or something?

You're not a professional
gambler, are you?


My name's Carol Weston.
I'm Emily's sister.

I'm sure she's told you
all about me.

No. Actually,
she's never mentioned you.

She's talked about her dad,
and Barbara,

and Laverne down at the office.

And dreyfuss of course.

And Charley next door,
and well, his brother dieter

all right! All right!

Mr. Hennessey,
the reason I'm here

is that a terrible tragedy
is about to occur

that may well plunge
my sister into a pit

of bottomless despair
there to wallow

in the muck and mire
of remorseless self-loathing.

- Carol!
- Yeah, she did mention you!

Yeah... um so,
what can I do for you?

Is Emily all right?

Emily is most
assuredly not all right.

If you make this trip to Lisbon,

her conscience will force her
to turn you in,

and you'll spend the next

She really has a problem.

Did Emily send you here?

God, no, if she knew I was
here, she would k*ll me.

Why don't we give her a call?

Mr. Hennessey,
you don't wanna go to Lisbon.

It's hot.
It's muggy.

You need to buy a converter
for your electric razor.

I have to go to Lisbon.

If I don't come back
with that package,

some very mean people are
going to be very angry at me.

Then I see only one solution.

I'm listening.

Turn yourself in.

Don't you see?

You'll spare Emily a lifetime
of gut-wrenching guilt,

and, and it'll do wonders
for your self-esteem.

At... at least you'll be
able to look at yourself

every morning in that... that
cracked prison mirror.

Pacing four steps this way,
four steps that way,

four steps...

You're not gonna hurt me,
are you?

God! This whole thing
is so tragic!

My baby sister torn
between love and the law.

What a wonderful way to be torn.

I'll get it!

All right, now.

Let's be gentle with her
when she comes in.

I could hear her all night
in her room

crying her eyes out.

That was me, daddy.

What is it?

It's from Zack.

It's a letter,
and a ticket to rio.

De janeiro?

He says he doesn't want me
to live with the guilt

of turning him in,
and on the other hand,

he'd rather not spend
the next 20 years in jail,

So he's gone to Brazil
for an extended vacation.

"I'm enclosing a plane ticket
if you'd like to join me."

God! Can this get
any more romantic?

Hey, wait a minute!

How did he know
I was gonna turn him in?

The mysterious insights
of the criminal mind.

"And I hope this spares you
from the muck and mire

of remorseless self-loathing?"

Carol! You told him?

You actually had the nerve
to stick your nose

into my personal business?

Well, I meant well.

After everything I told you,

you went
and interfered in my life?


Thanks, sis.

Hey, westons.

Charley, what happened?

Word to the wise.

Don't ever try cpr on Laverne.

- There.
- I can't believe

you're doing all this for me.
- Shhh.

- It's very nice.
- It's my pleasure.

My leg is really k*lling me.
I don't think I can move.


"By the shores of gitche gumee,

"by the shining big sea water,

"stood the wigwam of nokomis,"

"daughter of the moon, nokomis.

"Dark behind her
Rose the forest,

"Rose the black
angloomy pine trees,

"Rose the firs
with cones upon them

"bright behind it
beat the water,

beat the clear
and sunny water."