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Been There All Along (2023)

Posted: 01/14/24 20:09
by bunniefuu
(Upbeat music)

Love is compromise.

Learning to balance the wants

and needs of another person.

Love is commitment.

The hard work of two people

coming together

to make something beautiful

that will last forever.

Love is over

for Charley Cooper,

founder and CEO of popular

dating app, Evermore,

whose former long-term

boyfriend has published

a post-breakup op-ed titled,

"I Dated the Queen

of Online Dating."

Evermore's stock prices

are plummeting

as users delete their accounts

left and right.

The app's user count

has dropped by nearly 40%

since the piece hit the presses.



(Phone rings)


Charley Cooper's office.

We won't be commenting

at this time.

(Phone rings)


Charley Cooper's office.

Ms. Cooper won't be doing

any interviews.

Or tell-alls, or features,

or exposes.

(Phone ringing)

You know what?

I'm just gonna

put this on silent.

Probably not helping

with the headache.

Oh, this is a nightmare!


Why don't you go get

some fresh air?

Clear your head.

I have to figure out

a game plan.

How about a coffee on me?


You know I'm easily swayed

by the prospect of caffeine.


Keep fending them off, Dominic.

You're doing great.

"No comment"

is my middle name.

How you holdin' up?

Um... yeah, I mean,

I've been better.

Every tech news outlet

in Seattle is...

No, I mean, how are you doing?

With the breakup?

You know, I am

completely over him.

- You sure?

- Yes.


You know, once you're past

something, then you can see

all the bad things

that you were blind to

in the moment.

You're describing

every relationship

I've ever been in.

So, you get it?

It was just so weird when Kyle

was ending things with me.

He said he never got the chance

to know the real me.

Ugh, well, if you ever wanna

drown your sorrows in ice cream,

or watch "Dirty Dancing"

on repeat, or burn his stuff

in a bonfire, I'm your girl.

Well, I do love

a good movie musical.

But ugh, I have bigger

fish to fry.

Right. Dying company

does take precedence

over my perfectly

curated playlist, I suppose.

Evermore isn't dying.

We are in a um...

A transformative period.

Oh, and what are we

transforming into?


I don't know yet.

I am supposed to be

a love expert, and now,

everything thinks

I'm a total fraud.

Don't worry.

This will all blow over.

People have gotten past

way worse scandals.

Not with this kind of timing.

If we don't get out

of this PR nightmare,

everything we've invested

in this new app feature

will have been for nothing.

This new app feature

that you need to pitch

to the board in four minutes.

If there's anything you can

think of to end this deluge,

I am all ears.

I can ward off journalists

all day, but this amount

of bad press

is way too much for me

to handle alone.

(Camera shutters snapping)


Back up!

No comment.

When we have a comment,

we will have a comment.

Now let a lady enjoy

her latte in peace.


(elevator chimes)

- Can you draft a press release?

- Only if you want the media

to pick up our

every word you say.

Maybe I'll start a new life.

Move to France.

Change my name.

What do you think

of Cosette or Winona?

They sound like characters

out of a romance novel.

- What about Indigo?

- No.


Okay, time to walk the plank.

Ugh, and I didn't even get a

chance to choose my last meal!


Here you go.

Keep it. I definitely

don't need any more caffeine.


Am I sweaty?

Do I look sweaty?

I feel sweaty.

You look great.

(Panicked breathing)

You are great.

The new feature is great.

Go k*ll it.

Oh, okay.

(Deep inhale and exhale)

Maybe a little sweaty.

Hello, everyone.

Bob, love the tie.

As always.

(Chuckles nervously)

(clears throat)

Thank you all for taking

the time to meet me today.

I know that Evermore is in a

interesting spot right now,

but I am very excited to pres...

Miss Cooper, shouldn't we

discuss this media attention?

Absolutely. And I definitely

will get to that.

But we don't wanna let

one or two negative pieces

cloud what the team

has worked so hard on

for the last several months.

So, without further ado,

allow me to introduce...

Been There All Along.


We've all pondered what could've

been with a missed connection.

An old friend you've lost

touch with.

A random electrician

who was undeniably handsome.

Now, Evermore users can find out

for themselves.

BTAA will sync your contacts

with people who have profiles

on Evermore to find out

if your perfect match

is someone you already know.

Whether that's a friend

you didn't realize

you were a match for, or a missed

connection you had only met once.

We have just started launching

our beta for internal testing.

Ms. Cooper...

We can't even think

about adding features right now

when the future of the app

is at stake.

But we can't let bad press

prevent us from making progress.

Been There All Along

could turn things around.

Infamy doesn't drive sales!

No, but tenacity does.

This company is not going

to bury its head in the sand

and stand by while

everything we've worked for

washes out from underneath us.

I have always been able

to make everything work.

When bots invaded the app,

I k*lled them.

When Tech Expo wouldn't give us

the time of day,

I started our own conference,

and that is what put us

on the map.

And I will find a way

to fix this, too.

Your track record

has bought you some time,

but this is your one

and only chance, Ms. Cooper.

Otherwise, consider

our shares pulled.

Thank you.

You won't regret his.

Meeting adjourned.

(Sighs quietly)

- Well, that was awkward.

- Maeve.

I can't believe the Board

doesn't see a point

in releasing the feature

right now.

But if I can't get

the dev team on board,

then there's no feature

to launch.



Okay, okay.

(Inhales deeply)

What if we bring in

a marketing consultant?

Someone to give us a little

outside perspective?

I know just the right person

to give Evermore a rebrand.

Great! Give 'em a call,

but don't commit to anything.

We've already put a ton of money

into this feature.

And with stock prices falling,

I'm trying not

to lay people off,

and use up all our extra

resources on one outside hire.

One meeting.

No commitment. I promise.

I can make some room

on the calendar.

- Thanks, you guys.

- Trust me.

One meeting is all you need

to get the full

Liam Hiett experience.

He's an expert

at big branding overhauls.

(Upbeat music)


Maeve Eakle!

Hi, my favorite person.

Oh, it's so good to see you.

How are you?

Better now.

Welcome to Evermore.

We are so glad you can make it.

How was the flight?

No, it was great.

You know, I do so many of these

cross-country gigs,

it's like I barely

feel it anymore.

I slept like a baby.


Well, let me show you

to the courtyard.

Charley's waiting

for us outside.

Hmm, lead the way.

Hey, Charley!

Liam, meet Charley Cooper,

Evermore's CEO.

- Lovely to meet you, Charley.

- Likewise.

- So, I hear Evermore's dying.

- Ugh, not dying!

Um, uh... ripe for...

What did you call it?

- Transformation.

- Transformation.

We need a marketing campaign

that will take the focus

off the breakup and back

onto Evermore,

in time to launch

our new feature,

so I look forward to seeing

what you have in store for us.

I like your directness,

Ms. Cooper.

Even if I don't believe

in dating apps, you know.


Excuse me,

you don't "believe"

in dating apps?

Are you even from this century?

Yes, I think so.

Did you tell him what company

he's pitching for?

She did. Look, just because

I think true love

is more than shallow facts

and some selfies,

doesn't mean I can't save

a sinking ship.

Oh, we are not sinking.

Uh, Charley, Liam has had

plenty of successful campaigns

with other companies that he didn't

always agree with their philosophies.

Oh really?!

And what part of Evermore's

philosophy do you disagree with?

Well, uh, my parents found

love at first sight

in their middle school

ceramics class.

They've never fought

a day in my life

and are still

as in love as ever.

I mean, it might sound cheesy,

but I want that same sort of

magical, movie-moment love,

and you can't get that

from an app.

Well, maybe you didn't

give it enough of a try.

Oh, I think when you know,

you know.

Well, my parents got divorced

after only a couple years

of marriage.

I don't even remember a time

when they were together,

and they didn't even try

and make it work.

Okay, is this couples' therapy

or a business meeting?

Can we get to the pitch?

- Yes. Fine.

- Happy to.

Right now, the media and

the market want something big

from Evermore:

commercial sh**t,

immersive marketing, billboards.

They know that Evermore

will do anything

to get the spotlight off of

the op-ed and back on the brand.

Everyone is expecting a pivot.

Well, great.

But I've built a career

on doing the unexpected.

Instead of pretending

the op-ed didn't happen

and sweeping the negative press

under the rug,

I propose that we give

the public not what they expect,

but what they want.




We'll have you use the new

"Been There All Along" feature

to publicize your journey

in finding love again.

What better way to prove that

Evermore can work for everyone

than its CEO using it

to get back on her feet?

You'll vlog the whole dating

process, from swiping,

to getting ready videos,

to date recaps,

in order to build organic

marketing material,

which we'll use not only

in traditional ad campaigns,

but also on the brand's

social media.

This way, we'll prove not only

that Evermore is for everyone,

but that the new feature

works like a charm.

Our feature launch will be baked

into the rebranding campaign.

Hmm. It feels like you're not

just doing this for the money.

It's a personal challenge.

I like to turn the impossible

into a success.

Absolutely not.

- What?

- The public already hates me.

And seeing me get back

on the dating train this quickly

will only make them come

at me with pitchforks.

I'm a very private person.

I don't even like the scripted

promo videos.

Uh, well you were

a private person.

Not anymore.

Uh, no. No.

My company is at stake.

And thrusting me

into the spotlight

will only make things worse.

No, I can't risk

the future of Evermore

on one ad campaign.

Look, you're already

in the spotlight.

Like it or not.

The only way around this sea of

bad publicity is through it.

Trust me, you've gotta lean in.

I'm grateful that you made

the trip all the way out there.

I trust Maeve's opinion, and

you're clearly very successful.

But I know my company best

and this isn't the right path

forward, so thank you very much.

Let's just hold on a second.

Maybe in the future

we'll work together,

but this is something

I'll have to fix on my own.

Maeve will show you out.

Have a great day.

Charley, wait!

Sorry 'bout that.

No, nothing to be sorry about.

You win some, you lose some.

Would've been great, though.

Can't we change the campaign

and still make it work?

I'll be in it instead.

Evermore for everyone

can work for POC, too.

Well, Evermore doesn't have

a diversity problem,

it has a Charley problem.

And if she won't be in the

campaign, we don't have one.

Is there anything

you can think of?

Maeve, I know that you think

that I can save this place,

and I am flattered.

I think I can, too.

But I get hired for my big ideas

because they work.

I really wanna do this gig.

I think it could be big

for all of us,

but I can't sacrifice

my own brand for Evermore's.

I'm sorry.

Come on!

(Sighs, exasperated)

(ship horn blaring)

I can't believe Maeve

thought that guy

was a good fit

for Evermore. Ugh.

His resume is pretty


I did some light cyber-stalking.

He rebranded a huge

fast-food chain

and turned dozens of smaller

companies from scandals.

Yeah, but our company

isn't like other companies.

That campaign would completely

destroy our brand.

I don't wanna speak

out of turn,

but isn't that what

we brought him here for?

An outside perspective?

It doesn't matter.

We're not doing the campaign.

End of story.


Why don't you start

researching new consultants

while I continue to brainstorm?

Will do.

(Upbeat music)


Yeah, okay, that's pretty good.




What? Why would I...


What are you still doing here?

I sent you home like,

two hours ago.

I could ask you

the same question.

I was waiting to see when you

were going to go home.

I'm not going home until I have a

plan that will save the company.

My two best ideas so far are...

(Clears throat)

Handcuffing two potential

matches together for 24 hours

or putting two potential matches

on a Ferris wheel

and stopping it at the top.

I think those are the plot

lines from '90s sitcoms.

And they're terrible ideas.

Ugh. You're right.

(Sighs heavily)

I'm gonna go home

and so should you.

You're not gonna come up with

anything running on fumes.



I'm not going home.

All right.

Have a good night.

Good night.



(phone ringing)

Charley, what are you

still doing up?

I'm still at the office.

I've been... brainstorming.

Good. What did you

come up with?

I uh... well...

(Clears throat)



I think I might have been

a little closed-minded

with Liam.

He does seem to have the

experience we are looking for.

So, you'll do the campaign?

I'm not saying that.

But I did shut him down

pretty quickly

and he deserves a chance

to explain his reasoning.

How long is he in town for?

Oh, he leaves tomorrow


Great! Then he can meet

at my place tomorrow morning.

9:00 a.m.


Sounds good!

We'll be there.

Thanks, Maeve.

Have a good night.


(phone rings)

Hey Mitch, how's it goin'?

Always a good day when I can

bring a new gig to my best client!

Hmm, what do you got?

Another day, another company

in need of a rebrand.

This one's back in New York.

Big toy company, going through

a massive recall.

- Oof.

- Yeah, tell me about it.

Are you in?

Isn't there anything out there

that's a little more...


I need something to put me back

on the map.

I'm getting kinda bored

with these smaller gigs.

Just feels like the same thing

over and over again.

I thought this app company

was gonna be some big,

trendy campaign.

You told me it had "viral"

written all over it!

Yeah, well, it's ending

a little sooner than I thought.

We can always get you a full-time

job with one of these companies.

I'm sure they'd

all love to have you.

No, no, freelance is freedom.

Committing to one company means

one stock dip and you're done for.

No amount of corporate perks

will change my mind on that.

Promise me you'll never

settle down.

I've seen so many talented men

like yourself

end their careers with

a white picket fence dream,

and you're just too good

to lose.

Yeah, well, I haven't been

on a second date in ages,

so I think we're safe.

Plus, I like to travel.

Every day's something new.

What's the rate on the toy gig?

Standard compensation, plus

ten% for your favorite agent.

- Yeah, sure, take it.

- Amazing!

This is why you're the best.

I'll start negotiating,

see if I can squeeze

a little more dough out of 'em.

Thanks, bud.

I'll keep an eye out

for the contract.

(Call waiting buzzes)

I gotta go.

Someone's calling

on the other line.



Maeve, what's up?

I know it's not the ideal time

to plan for a meeting,

but Charley wants to talk

to you again.


Charley didn't seem

to want my help.

She didn't seem to want

anyone's help.

Charley's been in her office

for 12 hours

trying to come up

with a new solution.

You're not really

selling me on her.

I wanna do this campaign

as much as you,

I think it could be really huge,

but I have a dozen

other potential clients

that are less of a headache.

Evermore's Charley's baby.

She... gets a bit defensive.

She did admit that she didn't

give you enough of a chance.

Fine. I'll give it

one more try to convince Charley

about this campaign.

But I'm not budging on the idea.

- Thank you.

- What time do you want me

at Evermore on Monday?

Oh, this can't wait

'til Monday.

Charley wants us at her house

first thing in the morning.

- What?

- Well, if you can convince her,

you stay, and if not,

then you'll still make it

for a lovely pre-flight lunch.

You're k*lling me.

You know you love it.

Good night.

Have a good night.

See you tomorrow.

(Exhales sharply)


(Indistinct dialogue on TV)

(knocking on door)


They're early!

Wow, jeans!

I thought she only wore

power suits.

Good morning, sunshine.

Good morning.

Thank you for meeting me

on a Saturday.


Okay! You two have fun.

- Uh...

- Maeve!

Well... come in.

- It's a nice place.

- Thank you.

(Indistinct dialogue on TV)

Reality TV.


Fun. You know, I never pegged

you for a reality TV...

(Television turns off)

Oh, come on, please,

leave it on.

Maybe next we'll learn

if she meets her dream

sheep shearer.

Did you come here to sell

yourself or to make fun of me?

- Both?

- Hmm.


Charley, I'm not here

to try to tell you

how to run your company.

I simply wanna help support you

and your vision,

and help Evermore

get back on its feet.

I thought you didn't believe

in dating apps.

Don't let my personal dating

style affect your perception

of my ideas and how they can

help Evermore.

Look, I don't care

if you use the app or not.

I just don't think shoving

a person the public hates,

in their faces, is going

to do us any good.

Especially when that

person is me.

Charley, if you'd just...

My company, my rules.


You see this?

I know, I have an addiction.


What's so funny?

You just proved my point without

me having to say anything.

That is the biggest

ad campaign of my career.

At one point, Planet Burger

was under fire for serving up

burgers that were only

around ten% real beef.

- And what was the other 90%?

- Chicken, turkey, filler.

Your basic school lunch

mystery meat.

- Yikes.

- When they hired me

to do their rebrand,

they thought a lot like you.

Pull focus away, lean into

the healthy options,

just make everyone forget

about the bad press.

Makes sense. Why would you want

anyone to remember your scandal?

Because all press

is good press.

Instead of shying away,

we used exactly what the company

was known for, and it worked.

In Evermore's case, that's you.

You're... you're already

in the public eye.

Sure, you can recede into the shadows

and let all the press die down,

but then, you and Evermore both

stand to be forgotten.

Or you can give the public more.

They're gonna come at me

with pitchforks.

It's up to you.

You can either fizzle out

or you can go down fighting.

I trust Maeve,

and Maeve trusts you.

So... okay.

Let's try the campaign.

Great, thank you. Thank you

for putting your trust in me.

I promise, I will not

let you down.

- Or embarrass me.

- Or embarrass you.

I have a reputation to uphold.

Or at least, I did.

Trust me, your trash TV

is our little secret.

Get out of my house.


Enjoy the rest of your show.

Oh, let me know if the goat lady

finds her perfect match.

All right, have

a good weekend. Yep.

Make sure you have your profile

built and ready for Monday.

I will.

Okay, thank you.

I can't believe you just

happened to have a Planet Burger

wrapper on your table.

I knew that campaign worked.

Well, I'll be adding this

to your NDA.


All right then,

I'll see you both later.

You got it, boss.


Rebel, what have I gotten

myself into?

(Rebel meows)


All right, back to business.

(Television turning on)

(indistinct dialogue on TV)

(television pausing)

Ugh, not the goat farmer

from Nebraska!

Step one: the perfect profile.

This is going to be key in landing

you some great matches with BTAA.

Did you get a chance

to make one?

- Yep. Dom?

- Locked and loaded.

All right, let's take a look.

Dream vacation, perfect weekend,

guilty pleasure.

Okay, hang on.


These answers are so generic.

How do you expect any of these

to get you your perfect match?

That's the beauty of being

the creator of the algorithm.

I know exactly how

everything works!

I'm not being generic.

I'm finding common ground

using common answers.

Do you want common matches?

My answers might not be

the most specific,

but they're still honest.

I've always wanted

to go to Europe,

I love a good game night,

and yes, I do eat

too much chocolate.

People like vulnerability.

The public would enjoy getting

to know the real Charley.

It might make you

more relatable.


I'm relatable!

A lot of those answers are

relatable to a ton of people.


This is what a profile

should really look like.

Now, I only downloaded Evermore

because Maeve sent me the beta

version to learn how it works.

I built a profile

so that I could see

what you and

all the other users see.


Look, I can't market something

I don't know anything about.

Plus, my profile

is completely private.

I can see other users,

but they can't see me.

Whoa, me thinks the consultant

doth protest too much.

I took building

a profile seriously!

I would want someone to know

about my bucket list vacation

to the border of Europe

and Asia in Istanbul.

It's a great

conversation starter.

I'm sticking to my g*ns

on this one.

Yeah, she tends to do that.

Fine, fine,

it's... your profile.

Next up: pictures.

Great! There'ss an album

in my photos.

Care to comment

on any of these, big shot?

Hmm? Oh... no, those...

(Clears throat)

The photos are great.


Okay, so there's about

five more albums,

if you could just scroll down.

We can look through all of them.

All right, you ready to go?

I just need you to give

a quick intro to the feature,

and then we'll film you swiping.

Been There All Along is ready,

but uh... I-I don't think I am.

I... I don't know

how to be in an ad.

I am the furthest thing

from an actress.

Well, that's okay.

We don't need you to be one.

Honestly, it's better

that you're not.

We wanna see the real you.

Some of the most successful

ad campaigns in history

use real people.

You've got a great product,

just be yourself.


Be myself.

All right.

We're rolling.


Hey, what's up?

I'm Charley,

and I own the place.

Okay, yeah, no.

No, no, no.

That's uh... you're not

a mob boss.


You're just a person.

Just speak from the heart.

How could I speak

from the heart if I freeze

every time the camera turns on?

I just wanna make sure

I say everything perfectly

so the media

can't twist my words.

Don't think of it like

you're talking to a camera.

Think of it like

you're talking to a friend.

But I'm not,

I'm talking to you.

- We're not friends?

- Colleagues.

Okay, fine. What would it take

for us to become friends?

Should I tell you about

the time that my date

to the 7th grade formal

dumped me on the dance floor?

Flip through some embarrassing

childhood photos?

Well, that wouldn't hurt.

Just wait until you see me

in my headgear.



See, there she is.

That's the real Charley!

Okay, now tell me

about the feature.

Like a friend.

Ready when you are.


Hi, I'm Charley.

You probably know that I

recently went through a breakup.

But I am using Evermore's

newest feature,

"Been There All Along,"

to get back out there.

That's... that's perfect.

That was perfect.

Yeah, okay.

Now for the fun part.

Time to swipe.

Ready when you are.

Okay. So, at the top

of your screen,

you can switch from "New Faces"

to "Evermore users

you don't know"

and "Been There All Along".

(Phone chimes)

Oh my gosh, Teddy Campbell!


I went to high school with him!

He was our star football player,

but the most humble guy

you'll ever meet.

Sounds like a great candidate.


Here goes nothing.

(Phone chimes)


It's a match!

I'll admit, I was a little

nervous to get back out there,

but I am actually

really excited.

Well, I'm happy

that you're so excited.

And look, if everything

goes well,

we can bring Teddy in

to be in the campaign.

So now, just use this

to record yourself

setting up the date,

and then upload it to me.

Okay, got it!

Look, Evermore might be

your baby,

but this campaign is mine.

I just wanna make sure

that it is as good

as it possibly can be...

For both of us.

I really appreciate that.

All right.

Uh... Liam?


I'm really looking forward

to that headgear photo.

I'm putting that in your NDA.

Hmm, well, mum's the word.

(Liam's phone rings)

But I-I actually don't know

how to use this.

- Sorry, I gotta take this.

- No, but I...

- You're gonna do great.

- Uh...


(Turns the television on)


Brought you the uh... jersey.

What is going on here?

I am brushing up on my...

Sports knowledge!

I'm gonna be the cheerleader

to Teddy's jock.

I've never seen you watch

a single sports game.

I could be sporty.

I just really wanna make

a good first impression.

(Maeve's phone rings)

Oh, I gotta take this.

Here you go, Tom Brady.


Yeah, I'll take it from here.

Okay, so first things first,

I can't let you go

on this first date

without knowing the proper way

to throw a football.

- Okay.

- So, here we go.

Okay. So, you don't wanna...

Throw it like a baseball.

Not that you would know how to

throw a baseball... or anything.



Um... You just wanna

make sure that your fingers

glide over the edges to like...

Give you that perfect spiral.

You know like... this.


Yeah, yeah. Got it.


- Do you wanna give it a try?

- Yeah. Let's do it.


Hey, that's not bad!

- That wasn't that bad!

- All right!

All right, here we go.



You okay? You good?

Never better.

You know, you shouldn't have

to change yourself

just to impress this guy.

Well, we all change ourselves

a little bit

when we meet someone.

You try a new restaurant,

or an activity

you might have never

thought to try.

Okay, if you say so.

I'm simply being open

to a new experience.

A new side of Charley

I didn't even know existed.



What's this team, anyway?


Okay, one more time.


(indistinct chatter)

Oh my gosh.




- Hi.

- How are you?

- Good. So good to see you.

- You too!

I don't think I saw you

at the reunion.

No, no, I couldn't make it.

Uh, but I wanted to, though.

It's just so crazy to see

where everyone has ended up.

But there's only so much you can

find out over social media.


Very true, very true.

I do wish I got to know you

more in high school.

Yeah, well, you were

too busy being Mr. Quarterback.

And you were

Miss Valedictorian.

That much I didn't forget.




So, you wanna throw

the old pigskin around

and relive your glory days?

- Sure.

- Yeah?

- Yeah, yeah.

- Okay. Okay.

You know, I never pegged you

for a sports fan.

I'm a little shocked to see you

so into football.

Yeah! Sports is definitely

a um... a recent interest.

But if you're the Teddy

that I remember,

this should be right up

your alley.

Well, I'm actually a lot

different now.

I'm a yoga instructor and I run

a meditation retreat.

- Oh uh...

- Yeah, after my football career

was over, I didn't know

who I was without competition.

But after I found

peace and love,

I realized competition is truly

the root of all evil.

And harmony is the only

truth path to happiness.




I am so sorry.

Had I known, I never would've

suggested any of this.

It's okay.

I know you just got into sports

and I don't wanna

ruin 'em for you.

- No... actually I...

- But if you do wanna get

your body moving,

I would be happy to show you

some yoga poses.

Yeah. Sure.

I should warn you though,

I can barely touch my toes.

Oh, it's a common


Yoga isn't about flexibility,

it's about marrying

movement with breath.

(Inhales deeply)

(chuckles nervously)

(sharp exhale)

Okay. Yeah.

All right, let's start with

a basic sun salutation.

All right, follow along.


Raise your hands high

above your head

and thank the sun

for the energy it provides.

Thank you.

Thank you, Sun.

No, silently.


Release to forward fold.


And flatten your spine.

Don't forget to breathe.


So sorry to interrupt but...

But I was wondering if I could

join, if you have room?

Who am I to deny someone

a flow on such a beautiful day?

As long as you're all right

with that, Charley?



- Great.

- Wonderful.

Let's all meet in downward dog.


Thank you.

So, my date with Teddy

wasn't great,

but that's part of the fun

of Been There All Along.

People from your past can be

different than you remember,

and sometimes in a good way.


A disaster date is the fun

of this new feature.

Nice pivot, quarterback.

I was taking your advice:

lean in.

Why didn't you just tell Teddy

you don't actually like sports?

I couldn't just tell him

I lied to him.

I would look insane!


(Upbeat music)


Like your yoga class

was much better.

Tell me about it.

I'm still sore.

Dom will catch up.

We need to be more selective

with your matches.

It was one date!

It's one date that we can't

use for the campaign.

For your next date,

let's find you someone

that you don't have

to study for.

I already found someone,

and he's perfect.

Date number two all ready

to go for tonight.

Meet Winston.

We interned together at my first

job in tech out of college.

We got along great. Just two

young nerds with big dreams.

I wonder where he works now?

His profile doesn't say.

And how old are these photos,

because he looks like

a teenager in them?

Yeah, he needs new headshots,

but that's definitely him.

We're set for a coffee date

tomorrow afternoon.

Well, as long as he doesn't

run an anti-espresso non-profit,

we should be in the clear.

Hmm, funny.

Yeah, I thought so.


(engine roaring)

(tires screeching)

(rock music)


Oh, oh, oh!


- It's been too long.

- Hi!

Hi! So long.

Uh, it's actually Tony now.

Oh! Yeah, I hardly didn't

recognize you with um...

You just look very different

than our intern days.

- Stop.

- But not in a bad way, just...

Just different.

Trust me, I'm not offended.

I may have changed my look,

but still the same me.

Just take a decaf Americano.

- Sure thing.

- Awesome.

- Wow, decaf.

- Yeah.

Last time I saw you, you basically

took your cold brew in an IV.

Yeah, no, it wasn't

doing me any favors.

Oh yeah.

I totally get it.

Anything after a medium,

I am up all night.

Although, it is beneficial

when I'm at the office

until one in the morning.

Oof, yeah, hours like that

are the main reason

I left my last job.

Um, my boss was so cutthroat,

he was totally taking advantage of

all the young software developers.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Just so you know, not all

start-ups are like that.

I'm usually the only one

there late.

No, no, I know. I'm sure

you treat your employees

like actual human beings.

I mean, I like to think so.

Before all this bad press,

we were the number one rated

tech employers in Seattle.

Oh, I know.

That's why your next programmer

should be none other than me.

(Mysterious music)

(chuckling nervously)

Look, I was thrilled when you

reached out to reconnect.

Um, well, Winston...

Um, Tony, I...

Really appreciate that

you wanna work for me,

but um, with everything

going on,

we're in a hiring freeze

right now.

Look, I can bring a ton

of experience to Evermore.

I can turn this company

around in no time.

Face it, you need me.

And I... I really appreciate

your confidence.

Um, can you excuse me?

I'm just gonna go check

on your coffee.

Maybe grab some more cream.

Sure, yeah.

- I'll just be right back.

- Yep.




What happened?

It was a disaster!

He only came to pitch me

on how his programming skills

could save Evermore.

I'd be more likely

to hire you full time.

No thanks,

not really my thing.

Okay, relax,

it was just an example.

But you're really missing out

on our insurance options.

I'm sure.

Look, with his kind of ego,

I doubt that he's gonna

take no for an answer,

so we have to find

a way out of here!

Don't worry,

we'll find a way out.

- How are we gonna find a way?

- I don't know, just...

Look, he's coming. Shh!

He's coming.



(Clears throat)

Hey, man.

You seen a girl around here

with a yellow dress,

shoulder length hair?

Yellow dress? Yes!

I did see her right over...

Whoa, hey!

What the heck, man!

Oh, so sorry!

Oh, it got all over you.

- Where?

- Yeah so, she went that way.

- All right.

- Can't miss her.

Just... all the way.


Did you see his face when

I spilled my coffee on him?


I totally thought

I was busted.


You know, I am never

going to find a match.

The campaign is ruined,

my dress is ruined,

the company is doomed, and I

didn't even get to drink my coffee.

Whoa, okay, let's just

slow down and breathe.

(Exhales deeply)

Okay, now what?

Right now, we enjoy the sweet,

sweet goodness of the

sodium-covered carbs.

You know, that line-up

was insane.

Your campaign really

did its job.

I'm impressed.

Okay, I'm gonna get

into some comfy pants

before we dive into that

ten% real beef.

So, take this...


- And I'll meet you over there.

- You got it.

You have a lot of cat toys.

Whew! That's much better.

(Television): I'm looking

for a girl who knows herself...


"Hitch or Ditch".


No judgment.

It can be fun to fall

into the fantasy,

but you and I both know these

people aren't actually in love.

I mean, maybe they are.

They get married after knowing

each other for like, a month.

When you know, you know!

Okay, there's over 300 episodes

of everyone just knowing.

Have you ever just known?

No. That doesn't mean

it'll never happen.

You know, you're more

of a romantic than I thought.

Are you sure you don't have

some star-crossed lover,

a high school sweetheart,

or the one that got away?

- No.

- No?

Not really.


I've dated plenty,

but... never works out.


I don't know, doubt is easy,

especially with my career.

I'm always the one

to leave town,

or always the one to say,

"Sorry I missed your call,

I was on a flight."

Or "Sorry I can't,

I'm on the other side

of the world right now."

There is always a reason

to run away...

You know, when things

aren't perfect.

Half the time, I don't even know

why I'm running.

Well, 'cause it's scary.

I mean, I know better

than anyone how terrifying it is

to show yourself to someone.

Because if they see

the real you,

and choose not to like you,

well, it's devastating.

But if they never see

the real you

and you never really

know what they think,

well then, you never

have to get hurt.

You know, we can watch

something else if you want.

- And miss the season finale?

- Yeah!

Absolutely not.

You don't have to pretend

to like it.

Oh, I'm not pretending.

I watch this on every flight.


And I wanna see if Nicki

hitches or ditches Rob,

so, watch it.

Okay, because I've been

waiting all week

and I can't wait.



(Upbeat music)

How do you like Jameson?

Why would you like Jameson?

I never said I liked Jameson.

- You said, "I like Jameson."

- No, I didn't.

Oh my gosh, there's James, Jim.

No, you were like,

"I like Jameson".

(Continues indistinctly)

- Yes.

- No.

- Yes.

- No.

Yes! You can...

You cannot look me in the eye

and tell me that Candace

and Brian do not have

undeniable chemistry

with each other.

(Indistinct chatter)

(soft music)

(shouting indistinctly)

Well, that was quite

the finale.

Best finale I've ever seen.

So, what are we gonna do

about the campaign?


We'll figure it out

in the morning.

I'm surprised I didn't get more

resistance out of you,

Miss Workaholic.

Hey... dedicated.


That you are.

Well... good night, Liam.

Good night, Charley.

(Clears throat)


- Thanks.

- You got it.

You know, maybe it's

the algorithm.

I'll contact the programming

team and see.

No, it's not... it's not

your algorithm,

it's your profile.

You said it yourself,

you made a pointedly

generic profile to attract

the most potential matches.

My profile is fine.

If you built

an authentic profile,

then you wouldn't need to search

for a needle in a haystack.

You would match with someone

who's right for you.

Okay, well who exactly do you

think is right for me?

If you don't start

going out with people

that you're compatible with,

this whole campaign

will have been for nothing.


Okay, you make a point.

I'm not looking

for a generic guy,

I am looking for the right guy.

Trust me, you'll still get

plenty of matches being you.

All right, bucket list trip.


"I have everything

I need right here in Seattle."

Perfect weekend?

"Celebrating a week of hard

work with my Evermore team."



Last one, guilty pleasure.

Late nights at the office.



- Yeah.

- Seriously?

Those are answers

that you would give

in a job interview,

not ones that you would give

on a first date.

There is no authenticity there,

and authenticity sells.

Oh, I'm aware of that.

It was my ex's "authentic" op-ed

that got him

his fifteen minutes of fame...

Oh, my God!

And my company

on life support.

Look, I just don't wanna give

any more reason

for the press to come after me.

If I...

If I talk about a vacation

that I wanna go on,

then I'm out of touch.

If my guilty pleasure

is fast food,

then I'm promoting

unhealthy habits.

If you give real answers,

people will know that you're

a real person, not a robot.

They'll like you for you,

I promise.

My work is a big part of my

life, so why not feature it?

I agree that we need to make

my profile more specific.

- Yes.

- But if I focus my answers

on my career, then the press

can't give me any more strife,

and I could still find

someone who's great.

Well, okay, no, you make

a good point, too.


Let's find you the tech bro

of your dreams.

Someone who is as much

of a workaholic as I am.


(Charley's phone chimes)

Will Tester has an Evermore?




Come over here.

- What's up?

- Will Tester has an Evermore.

I updated my profile

and he's my top match.

- No way!

- Who is Will Tester?

He's sort of her one

that got away.

We dated in college for like,

a hot second,

and then lost contact

after graduation.

We would like each other's

posts every so often,

but I always kind of wondered

what might have happened

if we stayed in touch.

What? He's in tech too?

See, this is why BTAA

is such a genius feature.

Just imagine: "Power tech couple

reunited by number one

dating app's newest feature."

Hmm. I appreciate that

in your fantasy headline

Evermore's back on top.

Of course, it is.


Oh, by the way,

a leadership meeting in five.


Yeah, wouldn't miss it.

Hey... hang on!

I love that you're

so excited about Will,

but if you dated in college,

don't you already know

that you're not right

for each other?

It was college! Plus, we're

totally two different people now.

And we both work in tech, so we'll

have a ton of things to talk about it.

You won't have to worry about

any more misunderstandings.

I'm matching with him.

Moment of truth!

(Phone chimes)


Yay, success!

Do you think I should suggest

Italian or sushi

for our first date?

What did he like

back in college?

Oh gosh, I barely remember

what either of us ate

besides frat party snacks.


Oh, can you find a restaurant

that has an open spot tonight?

Somewhere classy

but not overdoing it.

- No problem. I'm on it.

- Great! Thanks!

He's actually really cute

and that says a lot

coming from me.

Okay, well, don't get

ahead of yourself.

You should be vlogging this.

And they're gone.

Nobody cares. Great.

Ah, too casual.

Too formal.

Ugh, too dated.

Okay, Will definitely

used to work in tech,

so he's used to business casual.

But I'm not sure if he'd want

that or something different.

Change it up, you know?

Hang on.

Instead of worrying

about what Will likes,

why don't you just worry

about what you like?

Just be yourself.

I don't even know if I know

how to do that.

With my ex, I always felt

like I was performing this role

that I didn't even wanna play.

Just to impress him

and his family.

And well...

Combine that with being thrown

into the public eye, I...

I actually don't remember the last

time I was myself in front of anyone.

That Friday night bash seemed

pretty Charley to me.

You're never gonna let me

live that down, are you?

See, it's not anything

to live down.

It's you.

The real you,

which Will's gonna love.

You don't think it's a little

sad that I usually choose

to spend my weekends alone

with my cat watching reality TV?

No. Not at all.

I respect how much

you know yourself,

in and out of the office.

You are a fiery,

determined businesswoman

that cares a lot about

other people.

And you have a few pleasures

that you have no reason

to feel guilty about

because they're charming.

You shouldn't have to change

those things for someone else.

Thank you.

You're so confident

about yourself

when it comes to Evermore.

You should have that same kind

of confidence about you, too.


running a company

is a lot easier

than finding love.

You deserve to have high

standards in both.

You're worth it.

(Charley's phone buzzes)


(clears throat)


Oh, it's Maeve.

She's wondering if we're leaving

anytime soon.

Oh, yeah, just tell her

that we'll head out in ten.

- Um, I'll go change.

- Oh yeah.

Cool, cool, cool, cool.

(Clears throat)

Oh hey, you know, if uh...

If things go well tonight,

you know, we can start

brainstorming on additional

marketing materials...

And all that.

No time to waste, and all that.

(Clears throat)

A lot of cat pictures.

Hey, Charley, how ya doin'

in there?

Find anything?


Is this okay?

(Soft music)



I will take that as a yes.

Come on, we can get more

footage outside.

- Yeah.

- All right.


(Clears throat)



- Yeah, great. Oh, um...

- Yeah?

- Your necklace.

- What?

- It's just a little...

- What?

It's just a little

caught right here.

- Oh.

- Just right here.




We should probably get going.

- Yeah.

- Yeah. Hmm.

(Soft music)

(indistinct chatter)

Hey, Liam!

Where's Charley?

Is she coming?

Yeah, she's in

the parking lot.

She didn't want

to enter together.

Great. Well, looks like

our dreamboat's nice and early.

That's a good sign.


(Indistinct chatter)

Ah, there she is.


Charley, wow.



- You look amazing.

- Oh, thank you. So do you.


I got us a table.


Thank you.

Oh, isn't he perfect?

He was complimentary,

prepared, was on time.

Yeah, really, really perfect.

- Been a long time though, eh?

- Very long time.

I don't know when the last time

was that we saw each other?

Thank you.

Probably just when we finished

school, I think.

Oh, I guess so.

Straight outta college and...


- It's like no time has passed.

- Yeah.

You still look exactly

the same. Thank you.

You somehow look

even better and younger.

- Oh stop.

- I don't know how you do it.

(Both): Cheers.

- To the app, I suppose.

- To the app.

So, this new Evermore feature,

secret ploy to get us

to reconnect?

No, that was a total


I'm kidding.


Are you sure you're not

totally and completely

freaked out?

No! Not at all.

It's a genius idea.

Okay. Good.


I always admired

your innovation.

Even in college.

Oh, wow, thank you.

But what about you?

You worked for like, every major

tech company in Seattle,

so what are you up to now?

I actually just developed

an app of my own,

my own start-up, it's Vegistry.

I'm vegan and the app

helps people kind of,

with dietary restrictions,

find food that they can eat.

Wow. You know,

your raison d'etre

is how I felt about Evermore.

I never had any success

with traditional dating apps,

and so, I made my own.

And it's great.

I mean, you even got a total

nerd like me to use it.

Well, you're definitely

not a total nerd.

Still sounded like it was

pretty nerd heavy though.


A lot of emphasis.

- Maybe like, 91%.

- Comes with the territory,

I think.


(Charley continues laughing

in background)

(indistinct chatter)

They really seem to get along.

I know.

Isn't it great?


Every time.


So, our beta's

a little finicky,

but we just hired another

lead developer and so,

she'll set us back on track

and she's great.

That's great. That first beta

is always so tricky.

It's bugs on bugs on bugs, so.

Oh wow, we totally

lost track of time.

We did. Thank you.


No please, allow me.

Thank you.

That was absolutely delicious.

- Oh yeah.

- Thank you so much.

I couldn't eat another bite.


This was a... wishful

thinking there.


- Allow me.

- Oh! Thank you.


Shall we?

Yes, by all means.


Ugh, thank God.


Thought you were happy

for them.

They really hit it off.

I am happy for them,

it's just my jeans...

Were not the right choice

for pasta dinner.

I gotta go put my night

pants on now.

(Indistinct chatter)

You know, I think that's

the first time

I've closed down

a restaurant since college.


Well, hopefully this doesn't

sound too forward,

but since we didn't run out of

things to talk about in what...

Four hours...

Yeah, it's a long time.

Would you like to do this

again sometime?

Yeah, I would love to.

Okay, well then,

you're gonna have a calendar

invite in your inbox tonight.


Charley, slash Will, one-on-one.

- Oh.

- Sound too formal?

Nope. That is

the perfect amount

of corporate jargon for me.


- I wouldn't want anything less.

- Oh, no, no, no.

- But remember, less is more.

- True.

I will have to, you know, run it

by like, a test audience

at a workshop, but...


Well, this is me.


Good night. Um...

- Good night.

- Good night.

Yeah, well... drive safe.

You too. Bye.


Yes! That was amazing!

(Inhales and exhales deeply)

He's perfect for the campaign.

Oh my gosh.

Yes. Thanks, guys!

See you tomorrow.

Well, looks like

we've got a winner.

Good night.

Good night.

(Sighs happily)

Well, judging by the fact

that we could've binged

an entire season

of "Hitch or Ditch"

during that date,

I can assume things went well.

But I did wanna debrief with you

to see how you're feeling

about Will.

Well, in comparison

to the other two dates,

Will is practically

Prince Charming.

He's gonna be perfect

for the campaign.


You two really seem to connect.

Yeah! We're meeting again

this afternoon.


Yeah, way to keep

the train moving.

I just...

Wanted to say thank you

for suggesting

that I redo my profile.

You were right.

It's the least I could do.

I'm really happy that you

found someone.

Thank you.

I mean, hey, it wasn't all uh,

just because of me,

you know, you're the one

who charmed him.

Yeah. You're right.

You know, I am pretty charming.


But it was you who

encouraged me to be myself.

If you can't be yourself,

then it sets the campaign

and your relationship

up for failure.

I want what's best

for Evermore...

And for you.

Thank you.

(Indistinct chatter)

So, where are you two going

on your next date?

- Picnic in the park.

- Very romantic.

Yeah, as long as I shower

myself in bug spray beforehand.

Ah yes, a face full

of mosquito bites

would not be ideal

for the vlog clips.

- No.

- Though, I'm sure you could

still make it work.

Hmm, I'd rather not find out.

It sounds itchy.

Oh, speaking of the campaign,

why don't we see if Will would

be game to be in a couple clips?

I mean, if things

are going well,

it'd be great to bank

some organic content with him.

You don't think

he'll find it weird?

Well, I think we want him

to find it a little weird.

I mean, if he was too eager

to be in it,

it'd be a total red flag.

Hmm, yeah.

You have a good point.

(Distant laughter)

Oh, I have to hop

into this dev meeting, but I'll

let you know how the date goes.

Wish me luck!

You're gonna be great.

Just be you. And don't let

the mosquitos bite.

That is the perfect

picnic basket.

- Oh, it looks delicious!

- Bear proof.


Bear proof, that's good.

That's good.

How was your week?

You know, I have been

pretty cooped up in the office

all week uh...

Launching this new app feature

is no joke, especially right now.

Oh, then I'm glad we could get you

outside for a little vitamin D.

Yeah. Me too.

Oh, thank you!

Here we go.

Oh, this looks delicious!

Oh yeah!

Got some good options here.

- Oh!

- May I offer you

a dehydrated beet?

As a palette cleanser?

I... This might be

a weird thing to ask,

and feel free to say no,

but would you mind

if I recorded our picnic?

Mind if I ask why?

Well, uh, we are doing

a marketing campaign

for Been There All Along

and my consultant really wants

to feature me in it.


I realize that's a lot to ask

for our second date.

Oh, I mean, I'm not the best

on camera, but sure.

As long as your consultant

doesn't mind.

Oh... What do you mean

by that?

Well, I've had my fair share

of headaches from people

like that at my last company.


I mean, Liam's actually

really brilliant.

Sure, his ideas are a little

out there,

but his innovation

has been very helpful.

Sorry, didn't mean to offend.

No, no, no, no,

I totally get it.

But, I mean, had it not been

for Liam,

I would've never put up

this profile at all and...

Well, and you and I would've

never reconnected.

Oh, cheers to that, then!


Homemade kombucha?

Oh! Sure!

There we go.

Lavender's from my own garden.

The scoby's a, you know,

a Will secret.

Tester secret.


And then, there's some

elderflower in there.

Excellent. Cheers.



Yeah, before Vegistry, I had

to cook all my own food,

just because my limitations

of eating out.

- Mm-hmm.

- Enough about work.

I wanna get to know

off-the-clock Charley.

Well, I am...

I'm a total homebody.

If I spent the entire weekend

binge-watching reality TV shows

with my cat, I would consider

that a huge success.

I don't even own a TV.

- Oh.

- I know, I know,

I'm barely from this century.

No, no, no.

To each their own.

No, well, who knows,

maybe you could change

my mind about it.


That's sweet of you.

I also have

some candied jackfruit.

If you're interested,

that's uh...


nutritional yeast.



It's delicious.

Okay, date number two

all uploaded and ready to go.


And he was cool with it?

Yeah, absolutely. I mean,

he was a little camera shy,

but he did think it was

a pretty good idea.

Sounds like someone else

I know.

Hmm, yes, I did not think

the campaign was a good idea

when you first pitched it.

Oh, trust me, I remember.

How 'bout now?

Well, I don't wanna inflate

your ego, but I think

it's pretty genius.

Oh! What!


Okay, there it is.

Keep it goin'!


Oh, I will be using

that in a testimonial.

Yeah, make sure to use

your little dance, too.

Oh, I will!


You know, I think we should

hold a press conference

to release the new launch,

so that we can introduce Will

as a culmination

for the campaign.

The feature is ready to go,

and the clock is ticking

with the board members.

Well, that's a great idea.

Yeah, no, it'll be really good

for the press to see your

chemistry with Will in person.

They'll eat it up.

I'll have Maeve get some

reporters lined up.

Great. I will get Dominic

to print the materials.

Do you think you can get some

footage together?

Oh, absolutely. I'll start

working on this tonight.

Awesome. And I will

also set up another date

with Will so we can build

some more content for

post-conference launch.

And for... you know...



Never mind.

Uh... I am just talking about

the things you care about.

Oh, come on! No, I care about

your romantic escapades...

And stuff.

Yeah but, I mean, the fact that

they're keeping me employed.

That helps.

See, I knew it!


No, seriously,

I'm really happy

that you found someone.


You deserve someone

who not just accepts

but celebrates the real you.

You are driven,

steadfast, you're smart.

Dare I say, genius?

- Yes, genius.

- Oh!

- Wow!

- Hey, hey, hey!


Once BTAA and the campaign

gets launched, it should be

smooth sailing.

Not just for Evermore,

but for you and Will.

Well, I couldn't have

done it without you.

Happy I could be of service.


Before Vegistry, I had to cook

all my own food...


just because

of my limitations of eating out.

(Charley laughing)

I wanna get to know

off-the-clock Charley.


(Computer beeps)

Will Tester has an Evermore.

I updated my profile

and he's my top match.

Homemade kombucha?

Oh, uh, yeah.

I don't even own a TV.

No, no, no, to each their own.


Oh, yeah, yeah, I love my cat.

I'm super allergic to cats.


(phone rings)


Charley can't date Will.

He's not her perfect match.

Oh, my God, why?

Does he have a secret family?

Is he a scam artist?

No, no!

No, it's not that, it's... it's

this footage from their date.

I mean, it's... it's stilted

and awkward.

I mean, it is rough, Maeve!

Can't you edit around it?

I mean, I can, but are...

Are we really gonna

let Charley introduce someone

she has no chemistry with?

The press is gonna eat her up.

Maybe they were just nervous

or camera shy.

Liam, I think

you're overreacting.

Okay, Maeve, first of all,

I watched the f...

Liam... Charley's happy.

She did what you asked.

She found a match.

Just let her be.


Yep. That's...


Okay, so I've got

the caterers booked,

the banners are on the way,

and the media's confirmed.

All we have to do is decorate.

Earth to Charley!

I feel like

something's missing.

Something just

doesn't feel right.

I think we need to go bigger.

Bigger, oh... okay, how?

What if we did the conference

in the park by the pier?

Yes! The pier, I love it!

Oh my gosh! Okay,

I'll get started right away.

- Great. Thanks, Maeve.

- Mm-hmm.

- Feelin' ready?

- Yeah! Almost.

Actually, we just decided

to move the press release

to the park and I think they're

going to love the new feature.

I meant are you feeling ready

about going public with Will?

It's a big commitment.

Oh, I know the press

is going to love Will.

I meant... Never mind.

Yeah, no, you two are a total

power couple, you know?

I'm sure Maeve could pull some

strings with her Forbes contact

and get you two

a cover spread and...

Oh, um, let's not

get ahead of ourselves.

The app is still in beta.

Vegistry sounds like

a great app.

Oh, plus, it's a perfect

Evermore integration.

It could be a great way to

redirect users from both platforms.

- Yes.

- Will actually has

a really innovative structure

for the dev team...

Look, Charley,

do you even like this guy?

Or do you just see him

as the other half

of a potential power couple?

Of course, I like him.

What are you talking about?

Well, let's go to

the video tape, Charley.

SYou two could talk shop

all day long,

but you have no chemistry

outside of work.

We just started dating.

Takes a long time for two people

to get to know each other.

That's not what this is, no.

All I see

is you changing yourself

for someone else again.

Pretending to like

raw vegan food

and sunrise hikes

just to make this work.

I mean, you are not taking

any of this seriously!

I take this company

very seriously!

There it is! Yes, yes!

You take this company seriously.

Not you, not... your own heart.

No, you need Will

for the campaign.

You picked him

to save the company,

but not for your own happiness.

You don't even know

what you're talking about.

This disrespects everything

that we have been working for,

and even worse,

it disrespects you.

So now I disrespect myself.

Real nice.

You are making the same mistake

that led to your last breakup.

So, now you're just some

relationship expert?

You don't know the first thing

about love.

You just expect

the perfect woman

to fall in your lap,

and then book it

at the first sign of trouble.

No, I'm not saying

that I am perfect, I'm just

offering an outside perspective.


An outside perspective!

Your whole life

is an outside perspective

because you can't let anyone in,

and that's why you jump

from company to company.

You can't commit yourself

to one job or one person.

I think I've built

a pretty good career for myself

off of my so-called

lack of commitment.

You know, I'm not listening

to someone who's never been

in a relationship. I've listened

to you long enough and I'm done!

Just... consider

your services rendered.


Uh... fine.


on your new-found love.

My agent will send over

the invoice.

No need to contact me directly.

- Charley, what happened?

- It's fine.

- Everything was going so well!

- - It's just business.

Partners come and go,

and we have a lot to do

to make sure this conference

goes off without a hitch.

- But we need him.

- Drop it, Maeve.

(Dramatic music)


Good evening.

For you.

Fresh lilies from

the community garden.

Oh! Wow, thank you!

That is so very sweet of you.

Um... lilies are actually

really poisonous to cats.

- Oh.

- But they'll look great

on the porch! Rebel isn't

allowed outside anyway.

It's fine.

That's fine. There.

Uh, speaking of Rebel...

In the bedroom.

Don't worry, no allergy

att*cks tonight.



Um, so yeah, come on in!



Well, that's interesting


Yeah, it's basically

a family portrait.

He's my baby.

So, today was a rough day,

to say the least.

Well, I'm happy to be the one

that you wanna see

after a hard day.



Well, what are we watching?

I'm game for anything.

If anyone can open my eyes to

the magic of reality television,

I'm sure it's you.

Well, I'm flattered.

Okay, let's see what's on.

(Television turns on)

Ooh, "Hitch or Ditch"!

(Indistinct dialogue on TV)

Uh, so do you wanna order

something to eat?

Oh, yeah, sure.

Um, we actually just partnered

with this really cool

raw fusion place.

I recommend

the patchouli burger.

Now, just so you know, it's not

a traditional hamburger.

The bun is somewhere

between falafel and bao.

And the patty itself, oh, it's a

portobello artichoke mixture.

And you know, for condiments,

they have this gluten-free

hoisin sauce...

(Rebel meowing)

and this daikon relish

that's just sublime.

- I can't do this!

- What do you mean?

I can't pretend to like raw fusion

food for the rest of my life.

And I can't keep my cat

locked in my bedroom

every time you come over.

And I can't change

everything about myself

just to be with another person.

We have to have

something in common.

I mean, I thought we did?

The dates have been going well.

Yeah, when we talk about work!

Can you think of a single other

topic we've connected on?

Look, I have changed myself

to fit another person's

mold for years.

And I can't anymore.

I won't do it anymore.

Even if that means

my relationship

and Evermore are doomed.

I have to choose

my self-worth first.

And you should, too.

You might be right.

I mean, besides talking

about our career ambitions,

we don't really have

a lot to talk about.

You deserve someone

who loves raw fusion food.


And you deserve someone

who will binge-watch reality TV

with you, 'til the cows come home.

'Til the vegan beef

substitute comes home?

Oh! Very alternative of you.



I'm trying!


You know, maybe someday, we'll

make great business partners,

but when it comes to love...

We're just not a match.

But hey, if you ever have an

app idea you want to partner on,

I'd better be the first

person you call.








It's the cat hair.


Well, you take care.

You too.



(Phone rings)

Hey, you've reached Liam.

Please leave a message.


Hey, you've reached Liam.

Please leave a message.


Hey, you've reached Liam,

please leave...


(Maeve's phone rings)

Looks good.


Hey, Charley.

Shouldn't you be

on your date with Will?

The date is over.

Will and I are over.

What do you mean over?

- What's going on?

- I don't know.

I ended things.

What? You guys were perfect

for each other.

Is he married?



I think Liam was right.

Well, there's a first time

for everything.

I thought you liked his ideas.

I do! I mean, with you

agreeing with him.

I don't know, every time

Will opened his mouth,

all I could hear was Liam's

voice in my head.

I've prided myself

on maintaining my integrity

in my business deals.

And my personal life

should be no different.

My dignity is more important

than finding a match.

And even more important

than saving Evermore.

Sorry, Charley, we'll call off

the press conference.

Actually, don't!

What? Why?

You don't have a match

to present and you'll have

nothing to talk about.

I have an idea. Don't cancel

anything and don't tell anyone.

Okay. Leave it up.

Charley still wants to do

the press conference.

What could she possibly

be planning?


(announcement alert chimes)

Attention passengers,

apologies for the delay

due to fog.


Looks like we're flight buddies.

Howdy, neighbor.



You headed to New York

for business, or pleasure,

or a little bit of both?

Oh no, just work.

Nothing exciting.

Oh, that's too bad! You should

try to have a little fun.

Every trip I ever went on

I brought my kids

back a snow globe.


I don't remember much

about the work,

but I do remember

every last snow globe

from Anchorage to Zurich.

Are you um...

Are you travelling

for business now?

No, no, no.

I'm gonna see my grandkids.



So, uh, that's Kayden,

my son's oldest.

And that one there is Riley.


That is a good-looking family.

- Yeah, a happy house.

- Yeah.

My son and his partner are

lucky enough to work from home.

They don't miss a single moment

of those kids' lives.

Or each other's.

Sounds really nice.

I was a pilot for 30 years.

Barely saw my wife and kids.

I missed so many of those moments that

I see my son have with his family.

- Sorry.

- Ah, it was the job.

Came with the lifestyle

and I knew that.

But now with my grandkids, I'm

trying to make up for lost time.

And I... I think I'm succeeding.

- Do you regret it?

- Regret what?

The constant travel.

Always being away

from your loved ones.

I mean, if you could...

Do it differently, would you?


Life is about spending time

with the people you love.

Without them, what's the point?

(Chuckles softly)

Oh no.

I gotta go!

Uh... yep, I gotta go.


Sorry to cut our

conversation short.

It was really nice to meet you.

Have a good flight.

I'm gonna... Yep.

- Okay.

- All right.


(soft music)

(indistinct chatter)

- I handed out the press briefs.

- What's the plan?

Don't worry.

I have it all figured out.

- Are we shutting down?

- No!

Are we selling the company?

Please don't tell me

we're being bought out.

- We're not.

- I cannot have a CEO

that doesn't appreciate

my winning personality.

Maeve, Dominic, breathe.

I trusted you about Liam.

Now I need you to trust me

about this.


If you say so.

Thank you!

(Clears throat)

Hello everyone.

And thank you all for attending

this conference.

I know you're all probably expecting

me to present my perfect match.

Some triumphant victory

to show you that Evermore

can work for everyone.

But it can't.

Oh, this is the end.

(Indistinct murmuring)

What are you doing?

I'm looking for a new job.

We're doomed!

At the beginning

of my personal Evermore journey,

I thought I knew love.

But I didn't.

I knew how to make

someone else happy

and how to change myself to make

another person love me.

But that is not love.

Online dating requires more

vulnerability than I ever knew.

To find your perfect match,

you have to show others

who you truly are.

Not the "work" you,

not the generic you,

and not the promise

of what you could be.

And no app, not even Evermore,

can help you find love if you

aren't willing to open up.

And to that end,

I think it's time I show

all of you who I really am.

Not Charley Cooper,

CEO, just Charley.

To be honest,

I would rather watch grass grow

than to go on a sunrise hike.

I would rather watch paint dry

than talk about finance.

And I would much rather

have a concussion

than to sit through

an entire football game.


Genius. Pure genius.

What's my real

bucket list vacation?

Anywhere I could take

my cat on a walk

without getting strange looks.


What does my perfect

weekend look like?

Sitting at home in my PJ's

watching terrible

trash reality TV.

My real guilty pleasure,

a big, greasy burger

that's probably

less than ten% real beef.


I didn't find my true match

on Evermore

because there was a flaw

in the algorithm or design,

it was a flaw within myself.

One that I'm working on.

You got this.

(Phone rings)

Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, Mr. Hiett,

you about to head

to the airport?

Actually, I'm not going

to New York.

- What do you mean?

- Cancel the gig.

I'm not done here in Seattle.

Uh, if they're keeping you

more days,

they need to pay you

for more days.

Do I need to call their lawyer?

No, no, no, it's not the deal,

it's personal.

Oh, God, Liam, is this

because of some girl?

She's not just some girl.

Man, I... I have spent

my whole life running

and now I've finally found

someone worth staying for.

You're not gonna become

the mogul we know you can be

if you're stuck in one place!

No, no, Mitch, I'm not stuck!

Before this, man,

I couldn't see it!

I have never been

open to a real,

deep connection before,

and yeah, staying here

in Seattle might be

the biggest risk of my career,

my life, and I've never been

more sure about anything.

Think this through!

Oh, I have.

Bye, Mitch.

Now, I am pleased to announce

our new feature

that we are introducing

to Evermore,

and I am going to use my own

authentic profile to do so.

As you've read

in the press brief,

we are launching our new

feature: Been There All Along.

Now, Evermore will be able

to match me, the real me,

with the most compatible person

in my contacts, once I hit "save".

(Phone chimes)


I thought his account

was private?

It was.

Hi, Charley!





What are you doing here?

I'm committing.

I've been running

from gig to gig

and person to person for years.

And you helped me realize

that I was just doing that

because it was easy

and I was scared.

I'm not running anymore.

But your job?

My job is a part of my life.

A part of my life

that I love very much.

There is something... someone

that I care about even more.

And she is more important

than any ad campaign.

I think this is all I need to

prove that my algorithm works.


I always wanted you

to be my perfect match.

Really! Always?

Even when I said

that I didn't do dating apps,

or when I said that your company

was dying, or you fired me...

Okay, maybe not

always, always.


This is so much better

than any stupid ad campaign

that I could've come up with.




(soft music)