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04x18 - South by Southeast

Posted: 01/15/24 09:07
by bunniefuu
That passport ready?

I'm not going anywhere.

I'm not Terence Halsey.

You're on
the passenger manifest.

He's on the passenger
manifest. I'm on the airplane.

ROCKFORD: I don't even know
where I'm going.

Beautiful. Gorgeous.

Who are you?


Get her out of here.

You're out of it.
That's official.

Do you really have to
go back today?

Rocky's tired
of feeding my cat.

I'd like to meet your cat.


This is Jim Rockford.

At the tone, leave your name
and message.

I'll get back to you.


MAN: Bill Skelly with ICO.

I'd like to interest you
in some new
private detection equipment,

including the 44O A
Telephonic Bug.

We'll demonstrate it
in a friend's home

for one full week,
at no charge.

Not again.

Oh, damn.



Would you like to come in?

Agent Bast.

The car's waiting, sir, and
we're running a little late.

You're a little fast, too.

You want to back up,
start all over again?

I'm Agent Bast, I'm here
to take you to Agent Frazee.


Because he's waiting for you.

Is that supposed to be
an answer?

I'm afraid
I'll have to insist.
Now hold on a minute.

I have never
seen you before,

I've never heard
of Agent Frazee.

That doesn't mean
I'm not willing
to cooperate.

But what does
he want with me?

I'm afraid I couldn't say.

Is it a tax beef?

You'll have to talk
to the agent in charge.

Well, look, I have a...

I have an appointment
at Northwestern Mutual.

It's an account
I've been trying to get

and is this going
to take very long?

You will have to talk
to the agent in charge.

You're a half hour
late, Bast.

Are you the agent
in charge?

They closed off two lanes
on the Santa Monica Freeway.

I lost a good

And then
he didn't want to come.
I see.

Well, just go in there
and have your picture taken.
No, no, no.

Not until I know
what this is all about.
Now you see what I mean?

I don't understand
this change in attitude.

What change?

And I haven't got time
to deal with it.

The government
wants your picture.

That good enough for you?

Not without some answers.

First the picture
then the questions.

All right, gentlemen,
what's the story?

I'm not at liberty
to say, sir.

Agent Muir's in charge.
You'll have to speak to him.

But I thought
you were the agent...

Okay, where do I find Muir?

Ask Agent Kleinhoff.
He's out on the field.

Newley, that passport ready?

I'm not going anywhere.

We're on a timetable, sir.

Yeah, well,
that's your problem, buddy.

Hey, I'm just doing
a command performance here.
I didn't ask in.

You just present this
to Agent Kleinhoff
with whatever complaints,

second thoughts,
questions, what have you.

Whatever the problem is,
it can be straightened out.

You're late.

Tell Whittaker to let
the control tower know

we're ready for takeoff
when cleared.

All the briefing material
is in this envelope.

It'll answer
all your questions.

Hey, I only have one question.
Where's Agent Muir?

He's out with the flu.
We'd better get you
on the plane.

I have to see Agent Muir.

That really
isn't necessary.

Briefing is complete
in every detail.

We have your bags
on the plane,

change of wardrobe,
toilet articles.

And you have your passport,
Mr. Halsey.

Oh, hey, is that
what this is all about?

You think I'm Terence Halsey?

Mr. Halsey, we're running
behind schedule.

You don't know
how far behind.

My name is James Rockford.
James Scott Rockford.

You guys have picked up
the wrong man.

That isn't possible.

You reside at


Male, Caucasian,
approximately 6'2".

Brown on brown,
that makes you
Terence Halsey.

That's what we have
on our records.

There's been
a computer foul up
or something.

Somebody pulled
a wrong switch,
crossed wires.

I don't know.

But I've been getting
Halsey's magazines.

I reported it
to the post office.

That's on their records.

Well, I don't know.
Agent Muir is the only one
in the L.A. Office

with a one-on-one
relationship with Halsey.

He's the only one
who can verify
your identity.

I can verify it.
I have my driver's license,
my PI license,

a half a dozen credit cards
with James Rockford on them,

which coincidentally,
is who I am.

You get Agent Muir,
he'll verify it.

We're a little high profile
standing around out here.

Would you mind
waiting on the plane
while I check this out?

I'll wait
anywhere you want.

You just
check it out
with Muir.

He says
his name's Rockford.

You mean
that's not Halsey?

How would I know?

Muir's the only one
who ever saw Halsey
face to face.

Well, maybe we should give him
a call back at Langley.

You any idea how late
we're running on this?

Besides, how's he
going to identify him
over the telephone?

No. We'll follow
the scenario as written.

Let them worry about it
at the other end.
I hate sloppy work.

Hey! Hey!

Hey! Hey, you guys. Hello?


Good afternoon, sir.

You really think so?

Hey, couldn't be better.

What was your name?

Yeah, well, Whittaker,
there seems to be a problem

that no one has
come to grips with.

I'm not Terence Halsey.

You're on
the passenger manifest.

He's on the passenger
manifest. I'm on the airplane.

Now I know
this isn't your fault.

And you'll notice,
I'm not even angry,

but I want you
to turn around
and take me back.

I can't do that.
You've been shipped.

I mean, there's nothing
I can do about it.

You can get on the radio
and tell them
they've made a mistake.

No, sir, I couldn't.

I'm sure everything
will straightened out
at the end of the line.

Look, I don't want to
take this out on you,

but I gotta tell you,
I want to take it out
on somebody.

Does it look like
it's getting
straightened out?

I could get you
a cup of coffee.

I don't even know
where I'm going.

I hope you're not too hungry.
This coffee's it.

Some snafu,
we didn't get a food delivery.

But it's not
that long a flight.

Whittaker, you know
what this is all about?

No, sir. I'm transportation.

Well, what it's about
is setting up a meeting

between the feds
and Christine Van Deerlin.

No kidding? You know her?

Of course not.
I mean, not personally.
I guess Terence Halsey does.

I've heard of her.
But then, who hasn't?

You know what really burns me?

I blow an appointment
at Northwestern Mutual

for some jet setter
who spent 30 grand

buying a flock
of pink cockatoos.

Yeah, I think
I read about that.

Some big bash over
in Paris or some place.


Skiing at Kitzbuhel, Ascot...

Ah, now, here we get down
to the hard news.

Was that
the divine Van Deerlin

dancing barefoot
in the parking lot
at Leone's?

Who cares?

Well, anyway, it's nice
having you aboard, sir.

When we land,
there'll be somebody along
to pick you up.

When we land,
wherever it is,

I'm hitching
the first ride home.

Señor Halsey?

Do you speak English?
You speak English?


Oh, no, señor.


Well, then, I guess I'm...
Si, Señor Halsey, si.

Si, Señor Halsey.


Yeah, well, gracias.
Muchos gracias.






Señor, could you tell me
where I am? What country?

Panama? Cuba?

Mexico? Peru?

Cuando. No, no, no,
I don't mean cuando.
Scratch that.





Señor Gurolla.
Señor Gurolla.


All right, let's start with
what you're doing here.

You're not Terence Halsey.

What a mess.
I noticed.

You think Jorge
could drive me into town?

I think the American embassy
is probably my best bet.

If there is one here.
I don't even know
what country I'm in.

Oh, what a
monumental mess.

They didn't even
check your ID?

No, they just took it.

The only thing I got on me is
this do-it-yourself passport

with my picture
and Halsey's name on it.

That ought to be worth
a few years in Leavenworth.

I have a straight shot
at Christine Van Deerlin,

and they send me
the wrong man.

Did they brief you
at all?

They gave me some papers.

I glanced at them,

but Mrs. Van Deerlin
isn't a subject
I'm interested in.

That's all
that jet set bull.

Once you get past that,
it gets pretty fascinating.

I'll save it
for a rainy night.

Mr. Rockford, you have
every reason to be angry,

and very little reason
to want to cooperate.
But I need your help.


Now, look, Terence Halsey
would have been perfect,

but who knows
what happened to him?

He and Christine
go way back.

They were even engaged
for a while in '68.
She trusts him.

Then I suggest
you go find him.

We don't have time.

We have to contact her.
Tomorrow would be
the opportunity.

Now who knows
when we'll have
this chance again.

Did you ever try
the direct approach?

Or is that against
company policy?

Oh, I can't get
anywhere near her.

My cover's been blown
down here for seven years.

Everybody in Tecolote
knows I'm a fed.

Oh, is that where we are?

Tecolote, si.

Look, it started right
after her marriage
to Jon Van Deerlin.

He dumped all her old friends
and substituted
his own people.

She's a virtual prisoner.

Oh, come on.
She's all over the place.

With Van Deerlin
at her elbow the whole time.

And lately, she's becoming
more and more inaccessible.

I think that's why he set up
that photo session.

What photo session?

The one where
you make contact.

Christine sold 50,000 shares
of Beller Aircraft
to an Arab country.

And she never would have
done that on her own.

Her father founded
that company,

he taught her
better than that.

Beller Aircraft?

Yeah, they're working
on our m*ssile program.

And that makes it
your business,
Mr. Rockford.

Beller Aircraft
isn't a tenth
of her holdings.

She's inherited
electronics firms,

plastics, an ethylene plant
in South Carolina.

Do you know what she means
to the basic economy?

Not to mention the strategic
defense of the United States?

I have some idea.

Mr. Rockford, by tomorrow,
I can give you
all you need to know

on Christine Van Deerlin,
Terence Halsey,
everyone concerned.

Now what do you say?

That's it. Beautiful.


That's it, that's it.

Right there.

TOMMY: Good, good.
Now hold that.
Gorgeous. Beautiful.

That's fine.
That's perfect.

TOMMY: Hey, lady.
Lady, you're in
the background?

Señor, señor, no...

TOMMY: Give me one of
those "Come hither" looks.
Oh, glowing.

Oh, don't lose it.
Beautiful. Beautiful.

Oh, that's beautiful.

Gorgeous. That's just it.
That's it.

Oh, they're gonna be
eating their hearts out.

Yeah. Beautiful.
Hey, hey, hey...

Hey, you lost it.

What happened
to that beautiful mood?
Shut up, Tommy.

I have a headache.

We have half a dozen
more outfits to go.

I'll make it.

What's the matter,
love? You nervous?

I'm just awfully tired.
I don't know
why I agreed to doing this.

Ah, it's your public.

Does that mean
we have to throw me to them
every few months?

You're a natural candidate.

All right,
listen up, everybody.

Now, look, we're
bugging Christie.

So, what we're gonna do is,
we're gonna go down
two blocks and hang a right,

and the margaritas
are on me.

Jon, you didn't
have to do that.
MAN: All right!

Now, they aren't gonna
miss that much.

The piano player
down there
has a spitz dog.

You know how rare that is?
They're practically extinct.

You two
have a lot in common.

Stay with her.

Hey, look,
is something wrong?

Nothing I want to read about
in Women's Wear Daily.

I'd like to change
out of this
if you're finished with it.

Yeah, sure.
I got plenty.

Hey, look, we're gonna
move over to the market now
for the three-piece suit.

We're gonna have lot of fruit,
lot of vegetables,
lot of whatever they got...





Is there
some problem?

What kind of
damn fool question
is that?

Of course, there's a problem.
He just ran into my trailer.

Would you like me
to call the police?

Would you check the trailer
and see if there's
any damage, please?

Mrs. Van Deerlin,
they didn't hurt your trailer.

Oh, do you mind
if I get a second opinion?

Yeah, well, I had them
stage the accident

so I'd get a chance
to talk to you.

You did what?
That's all right,
I need a minute with you.

What I want to talk to you
about is Terence Halsey.

What about Terry?
Not here.


Who are you?

Well, aren't you
interested in Halsey?

Is that why you stopped
writing to him
about six months ago?

Who are you?

A friend. At least,
I'm trying to be.

I don't believe you.

Terence Halsey
was worried about you.

He was on his way here
to see you, he's disappeared.

You still holding a grudge
'cause he stood you up in '68?

You told him it was
the smartest thing
he ever did.

What kind of trouble
is Terry in?
Well, hard to say.

Well, if it's just a matter
of not showing up
for an appointment,

I mean, Terry's not
all that reliable.

He's not necessarily
in trouble, is he?

Well, I wouldn't
really know.

I thought you said
you were a friend?

Well, I have a tendency
to exaggerate.

I'm just a messenger,
Mrs. Van Deerlin.

I don't know
any of the answers

and I'm a little shaky
about some of the questions.

It's all right, good-bye.
No, no, no.

Don't you want to
find out about Halsey?

All right.

[SIGHING] But if he isn't
in plenty of trouble, you are.


Señor Gurolla.

I had to see you,
Ms. Van Deerlin.

This has nothing
to do with Terry, does it?

Just all a lie,
just to get me out here.

Mr. Halsey has disappeared.

But I have a feeling
it was his own idea.

He had second thoughts
about wanting to help us
set up this meeting.

Well, I'm very glad
to hear that, Mr. Gurolla.

Because I have an idea
that I know what you want,

and I'm not
going to discuss it.

Fifty thousand shares
of Beller Aircraft?

That's a lot
to put in the hands
of a foreign country,

Ms. Van Deerlin,
even a friendly one.

I said I'm not
going to discuss it.

Would you please
take me back to town?

Well, look,
you've come this far,
why don't you let him finish?

I don't think
you wanted to sell,
Ms. Van Deerlin.

I think you were forced to.

Please. There are
people waiting.




What's he saying?
Get down, get down.


Is this what
you want, Gurolla?

No. This is all a mistake.

Get her out of here.

[g*n FIRING]


If we'd stayed
I could have had a ride
back to town.

Or to the hotel.

Gurolla could be
dead, you know.

They wouldn't sh**t him.
Jon hired them to protect me.

Just doing their job.

Probably thought
I was being kidnapped.

By the feds?

You knew
who Sam Gurolla was.
Everybody knows.

Why don't they want you
talking to the feds?

I can't walk
in these shoes.

Then take them off.

Just think of this
as the parking lot
at Leone's.

I would like
to be left alone.

Do you think you could
communicate that
to your superior?

I have no superiors.
Few peers, and no superiors.

Well, then, you don't work
for the government?


I don't understand
your involvement in this.

Neither do I.


My feet hurt.

Well, think about
what a great story
it's gonna make.

You can hold them
absolutely spellbound
at Maxim's.

I toil not and
neither do I spin.

And that just bugs
the hell out of you,
doesn't it?

Oh, sure it does.
It bugs the hell
out of everybody.

I don't make the money,
I just spend it.

[SIGHING] Oh dear,
what I wouldn't
give right now

for a big aspirin
and a giant
drink of water.

Sounds like a hangover.

So what?

You know,
since you're the reason
I'm here,

do you think you could work on
being a little less rotten?

Is that what I'm being?



I'll work on it.

Is that a bus?

Is it going
in the right direction?

Who cares? At least
we'll be sitting down.

Do you have
any money on you?

Oh, hey,
you can't do that.

I also can't walk
another step.

Rings I can get.
Feet are harder
to come by.


Does that feel good.


How much
did that ring cost?
A couple of grand?

What does it matter?
People worry too much
about money.

It's just a system of barter.
It's blue beads.

Oh, I'll have to remember that
the next time I try
to refinance my trailer.

You live in a trailer?


That sounds charming.

Well, I don't know.
It's convenient, it suits me,

but I don't know
about charming.



No, I mean, you can pick up
anytime you feel like and go.

Oh, no, it's not
that kind of a trailer.

You'd need a rig
to move it.

A semi...
You need a truck.


It's not that much trouble.

My dad's an ex-trucker.
He can always borrow a rig.

Are you very close
to your father?


Children study my father.
Did you know that?

He's in all the textbooks.
One of the movers.

An all-American
success story.

Well, he was a great man.

Making money with one hand
and giving it away with two.

Guess that could be
a little tough trying to...

Live up to him?

You may have noticed,
I don't even try.



This is not
the end of the line.

It's not
the end of anything,
it's the middle.

What do you think
we should do?

We can follow that guy
with the chicken.
He's going somewhere.

I sure hope
it's to a restaurant.

Yeah. I haven't eaten
in 24 hours.

Dinner for two,
and a nice, cold
Mexican beer?

Ah, no. No, no, no.

This is on me.

Food's better here
than it is at the resort.

I would have settled
for refried linoleum.

You must have
been ravenous.

Didn't it show?

Oh, a little.

But then I'm a fine one
to talk.

You laugh like
you're out of practice.

I do?

Oh, it's a good laugh.
It's just a little rusty
around the edges.

Hey, hey, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to say that.

It just kind of popped out.

It was honest.

Oh, well, honesty can
sometimes be a little
difficult to live with.

And impossible
to live without.

You're not what I expected.

Please don't tell me
what you did expect.

I don't think I'm ready
for that much honesty yet.

I suppose I ought to do
something about
the density of my skin.

No, no, no.
That... That would
be a big mistake. No, no.

You know, I would say
that it's just about right.

Are you sure
you want to go back,

That's not
a fair question.

No, I never promised
to be fair.

Do you want to go back?

I have to.

It would help
if you went with me.


To explain to Jon
how all that business
with Sam Gurolla came about.

You can explain that

It would help
if it came from you.

'Cause Van Deerlin
wouldn't believe you?

I... I just don't want him
to think that
I initiated that meeting.

you're afraid of him.

Don't be ridiculous.

No, you are. Why?

If you can't do me
a simple favor without...

Just forget
I asked, okay?
Let's go.

Muchos gracias.

Señora Van Deerlin?




I didn't kidnap
Mrs. Van Deerlin.

Now why don't you
ask her?

'Cause I'm asking you.

You tell me your story,
she tells me her story.

Then I examine
the both of them

and I decide
what I believe.

Would you believe
in an agent of the
United States government?

Señor Gurolla?

Everybody does know
who he is.

I would believe
Señor Gurolla.

Well, fine, you call him.

If he's still alive,
he'll straighten
this whole thing out.

I don't have
his number, but...
I have it.

You say,
"If he's still alive."

I hadn't known
he was in ill-health.

It came up very suddenly
this afternoon.


He hasn't heard of
either one of you.

James Rockford
or Terence Halsey.

Oh, you know
why he said that?

He's still playing those
cloak and dagger games,
you know.

He's still acting like
he has some cover.

I have your story,
and now I'll ask
Señora Van Deerlin.


Lieutenant Cohelo,
my wife has had
a terrible experience.

Now we want to
press charges, of course.

But I would like
to take her home.
She needs rest.

I understand, Señor.
Just a few questions.

Are you comfortable, Señora?

May I have
a glass of water, please?

Of course.

You really have the guts
to press charges?

Oh, you can count on it.

Well, then, you prepare
yourself for a counter charge

of as*ault
with a deadly w*apon.

Those two g*ons
who were potshotting at us,
they were on your payroll.

Please, some consideration
for the lady.

Thank you.

Now there was a kidnapping
or there was not a kidnapping?

There was a misunderstanding
for which
I take full responsibility.


My husband filed
the police report
in good faith.

But he was wrong.

You'd better think
very carefully about
what you're saying, dear.

And Mr. Rockford and I
met this morning

while I was doing
the photo session.

He just happened to mention
that he knew a gentleman

who specialized in
fine quality amethysts.

Jon knows how I feel
about amethysts.

So on the spur of the moment
we drove into the country
to meet with this gentlemen.

We had just started talking
when my bodyguards arrived,

and I guess they assumed
that I'd been taken there
against my will.

They started sh**ting
and Mr. Rockford and I
panicked and we ran.

Señor Rockford or Señor Halsey
did not mention amethysts.

He did mention the
United States government
agent you met with.

[STUTTERING] Oh, well,
I'm sure he didn't mention
the amethysts

because I was given
reason to believe

that the transaction
wouldn't have been
entirely legal.

Thank you, Señora.
You're free to go.

I'm terribly sorry for all
the trouble you were put to,


Señor Halsey.

Hi. Glad to see
you made it.

Señor Halsey.


No, not vamonos.


You can tell Señor Gurolla...



Okay, get in.

Get in. You drive.


You sent for me?

Mr. Rockford.

I know you're upset.
You don't know anything.

You assume I'm upset.
By Ned, you're right.

I couldn't admit anything
to Lieutenant Cohelo.
You understand that?


I have to at least make a s*ab
at maintaining my cover.

Cover? You don't have
any cover,
you're September morn.

You're hiding
in broken down buildings,

you're living in
this antique store.

You're not fooling
anyone, you know.

Well, you obviously
worked things out.

If you hadn't,
I'd have stepped in,

I'd have seen
to your release.

I'm not reassured.

I have your passport,
all in order.

One first class airline ticket
back to Los Angeles,

$1,000 for
your inconvenience,

and we'll assume
all the charges
at the hotel, of course.


That's $1,000
American, huh?

What about Christine?
What about her?

She lied for me tonight.

She was scared to death
and she lied for me

with her husband
standing there,

looking at her
like she was dog meat.

The Beller-Van Deerlin matter
is on hold at the moment.

Well, you talked
about protection.

How about a little
put up or shut up?
I think she needs it.

All right.
I'll fill them in
at Langley.

That's it?

I can't move
without authorization.

Now you are on the 5:30 plane
tomorrow afternoon.

Don't try to see, telephone
or in any way contact
Christine Van Deerlin,

either prior to,
or after your departure.
And that's official.

You guys carry those things
in your bathrobe?

That's official.

Yeah. Well, I don't think
a thousand bucks
is quite enough.

I hate being underpaid.

Mr. Rockford.
You know, I love you guys.

You stir the pot
until it boils
and then you walk away.

I'll keep an eye
on the situation.

What makes you think
Van Deerlin's
gonna hang around

while you do that?

Because they're celebrating
their fifth wedding
anniversary tomorrow night,

and people will be flying in
from New York, Biarritz,
you name it.

Van Deerlin cannot leave
with her before that.

I'll get I myself
an invitation to the party

and I'll see
how things look.

Why, it ought to be
a snap for you.

After that little sh**t
this morning,
you're practically family.

Mr. Rockford,
you're out of it.

You go back to L.A.
And forget it, huh?

And that's official.
Uh-huh. Yeah.


Hotel Tecolote.

Yes. Would you get me
Mrs. Van Deerlin's room,

I'm sorry. Señora Van Deerlin
is not accepting any calls.

Well, she was asleep,
she was out at the pool,

now she's not
accepting any calls.

I've been trying
to get hold of her all day.

I'm sorry, Señor.

I'm at the airport.

I'm gonna leave any minute
and I have to talk to her.

Do you think you could
ring through, give her
my name and...

Our instructions
are not to ring the room.

Whose instructions?

Señor Van Deerlin.

Oh, yeah. Thank you.



Señor Brennan.

Do you have any idea
how easy it was for me

to get through that guard
at the gate?

I beg your pardon.
I just waltzed right through.

I told him my name,
I wanted to see you
and that was it.

No ID check, he didn't ask
to see my invitation.
I could have been anyone.

I'm afraid
I don't understand.

If Elton ever heard
about that,
he would absolutely platz.

I guess the party's in here
from the sound of things.

Why don't you show me where
you have your men stationed,

and I'll just take it
from there.

Señor Brennan, I don't know
what you're talking about.

You asked to see me
on a matter of importance,

but you did not state
what it was.

Elton John's security.
Ace Brennan.
I'm on permanent retainer.

I'm with Mr. John
on all his concerts.

He shows up at a bash
this size,
I check that out, too.

But Señor John
isn't expected
this evening.

I certainly hope not,
it's a surprise.

As the manager of this hotel,
you should have informed me.

Elton doesn't have
enough on his mind?

Look, Elton and Van Deerlin
are real tight, you know?

Now, if Van Deerlin sees me,
we blow the whole gag.

He said I should
clue in the missus.
Is she down yet?

Oh, I don't believe so.

Ah, that's better.
Actually it's really better.

Maybe you can show me
a back way to her room,

and that way I won't run up
nose-to-nose with Van Deerlin.

I'll fill her in,
you and I can nail down
the security.

There is nothing wrong
with our security.

The guard at the gate?

Look, we don't have
too much time.

They're gonna be landing
in 45 minutes.

We got a lot to do
in that time.
Now, which way?

[SIGHING] This way.

Really love the place.



Emiliano Rivera, Señora.


Come in.

Señora, a gentleman
to see you.


Oh, I hate that name.
Everybody calls me Ace.

She has to
keep it formal.

I'll see you in your office
in about 10 minutes,
all right?

Christine, you look awful.

Trying to cheer me up?

What is it?
What happened?

Oh, it's just that headache.
I just can't seem to shake it.

It just seems to be
getting worse.

How long have you had it?
I don't know.

It didn't bother me
that much until last week.

But I've got
this burning sensation
in my stomach now

and I feel...
I just feel so cold.

Have you seen a doctor?
For a headache?

I'm not that spoilt.

[SHIVERING] Would you
just get me one of those pills
and a glass of water, please?

Yeah, sure.

Where did you get these?

Oh, I don't know.

Jon picked them up
at the local pharmacy.

They don't seem to help.
I guess I'm not taking
enough of them.

Come on, Christine,
I'm taking you to a doctor.

No, Jim. Jon would...

Jon would what?

What is he threatening you
with, Christine?

Whatever it is,
is it worth your life?

My father was a great man.

That's what you said.
That's what the textbooks say.

What do you say?

He created the best legend
money could buy.

You remember
the Haggerty Fund

Your father had
something to do with that?

He had everything
to do with that.

He was responsible for it.

He was a thief, Jim.

A robber baron.

I could tell you
exactly how he piled up
all those millions.

I did tell Jon.

All he wants for his silence
is everything you've got?

My father
was a terrible man.

He was totally,
totally unscrupulous.

And I loved him.

I wanted it to be the way
he tried to make it.

I almost don't care now.
I almost don't care at all.

If it all comes out,
all those ugly details
come right out...

Does your husband know
you feel that way?

I told him.

I don't think
he believed me.

I'm afraid he did.

Let's go.


Let them rewrite
their textbooks.

You can't celebrate
an anniversary
with half a couple.

Christie's just waiting
for someone to persuade her
to come on down.

Marge, go on back
to the party.

Now I'm gonna go upstairs
and check on her.

If she's feeling better,
she'll join us.

Otherwise, we'll keep
the bubbly flowing
until she does.

What do you think
you're doing?

Get out of my way
and get them
out of it, too.

Call security.
Hold it.

You call anyone you want,
your wife's going
to the hospital.

Put her down.

If she needs
medical treatment,
I'll see to it.

What's the matter
with Christie?

Mrs. Van Deerlin
needs help.

You two interfere,
you're cutting yourself in
on an attempted m*rder rap.

Kind of interesting medicine
you've been giving her.

I'd like to see
how you handle things,

now you won't have
Christine's money
to buy your way out.

You want to call an ambulance
or shall I call the police?


You should have
thrown the book
at him.

He was trying
to k*ll you.

That was arsenic
he was feeding you.

I know it's none
of my business

but let the court system
handle him.

You know
it's better this way.

Yeah, it keeps
daddy's legend alive.

It would cost a fortune
to revise all those textbooks.

Jon's out of my life,
that's all that counts.

And I've got the government
off my back, too.

No more strategic sell-outs?

I'm just hot a power broker.

Neither was Jon.

He just needed
some easy money.

I guess
I can't fault him for that,

since it's all
I've ever known.

So, what next, huh?

Cote d'Azur? Acapulco?
Terence Halsey?

Ah, they found him,
you know? Very contrite.

Well, he always is.

He's always trying
to please everybody.

And then he finds out
that's impossible,

so he hides out
until it all blows over.

Do you really have to
go back today?

Rocky's tired
of feeding my cat.

I'd like to meet Rocky.

I'd like to meet your cat.

Anytime you're in L.A.

You don't want me
to come, do you?

Oh, Christine...
What I make in a day,

when I'm lucky enough
to be working,
you pay for a haircut.

I could let it grow
long and shaggy.

I wouldn't like it
that way.

Wouldn't work, would it?

Too many blue beads.

But if I ever hit
the mother lode,

yours will be
the first number I call.

