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01x10 & 01x11 - House of Discovery/Hyper

Posted: 01/15/24 09:48
by bunniefuu
More eggs anyone?
Yes, me please.

Did you hear about victor?
He fell down the stairs last night and broke his leg.

Don't exaggerate patricia.

EggzAggerate! Nice one trudes.

TerribleYoke Alfie.

It's a sprained ankle that's all.

A very painful sprained ankle.

Victor! How do you do that?
And with a limp too Someone sabotaged that floorboard on purpose.

Oh no.

That floorboard's been like that for ages.

I remember telling you about it last year.

Yeah, that's right, I've tripped over it myself a few times.

I haven't.

Someone is up to something.

And I intend to find out what it is.

And who.

Victor is onto us and I don't think we should go up to the attic again for a while.

We have to.

That key opens something fabian.

I don't know what it is, but I know I want to know.

You know, for someone so sweet and polite, You're quite a risk

Only when it's worth the risk.

Victor knows the key is missing, I heard him talking to trudy last night.

So we won't have much time to use it Amber was driving me crazy last night.

It was mick this and mick that.

It's sweet that they're back together again though.


What does that mean?

You like him don't you?
No! Eww! I can tell, you're blushing.

Well He is attractive.

Ah I knew it! And we started to get on really well when we were doing homework together.

So you were happy when you heard they had split up?
Well, I was sorry for amber, obviously.

But, if I'm being honest, yes I was.

I'm just not sure amber's right for him.

They've got absolutely nothing in common.

Why the long face?
Well let me see, I'm going to amber and mick's "getting back together" party.

- you still owe me a twenty.

I've told you
- patience.

I will deliver.

I just need a little bit longer that's all.

But in the meantime look, There are girls in there so get your best party gear on, Get ready to dazzle.

I know exactly what to wear.

I notice you've been a bit nicer to nina recently.


Well, I suppose I realise now, It was just a co
-incidence after all.

You know, her turning up the day joy left.

But, I don't totally trust her though.

Because she's american?
She's very Secretive.

She sneaked out the other night.

I don't know where she went, But she brought something back and hid it under the bed.

In fact, I've been waiting for a chance to have a look.

No time like the present.

Guard the door mara.

Don't go through her stuff paicicia! Just guard the door will you.

Fine, but some day you have to give me a job other than guarding.

Hmm, two keys.

This one's the one from the attic the other night.

I don't know what that one is.

Ohhh look, she keeps her diary in here as well.

Don't read it! Just a little peek.

Hey listen to this.

"fabian is kinda geek chic.

He's really sweet to me.

" Fabian
- "sweet"?
What else does she say?
"patricia is possibly the meanest person I have ever met!" What a cow! I did warn you not to read it.

And after I was nice to her that one time as well.



The party's started.

Alfie's down there teaching trudy how to pop and lock it.

Yeah, we were just going down weren't we patricia?

Look what I've got.

You're not seriously thinking about going up there now are you?

Of course you are.

I thought we said we needed to choose our moments more carefully.

And this is it! Victor won't be prowling; He'll want to avoid the party.

So let's go.

Unless alfie's dracula costume is all the fright you can handle?
You are very persuasive.

All right, let's do it.

Which one do you like?
Both of them.

Shall we ask them to dance?
To dance?
Alfie stop it, stop dancing! No, no, no, no.

Alfie, We are not going to ask them to dance.

Ok, no sweet moves.

So what do I do?
I want you to come up with an irresistible pick up line.

Such as?
Babe, if I could re
-arrange the alphabet, I'd put u and I together.

Hey man, you are good.

Thank you.

That's like poetry.

Go on then.


I've got it! Ha ha good luck.

Eurgh!!! Alfie! What was your line?
Fancy a bite?
Hiding in the kitchen?
Oh, hi.

No, just putting some more dips and stuff out.

I'll take some in for you if you like.


I know I havenít spoken to you properly since You know The friendship bracelet incident?

I just wanted to apologize if I made things awkward between you and amber.

No, I think we're cool now.


Looks good.

Do you ever stop thinking about food?
Hi mick.

Hi ambs.

We should cut the cake in a minute boo.

ErmI'll go through.

I want you to keep your paws off my boyfriend.

What are you talking about?
Oh don't play the innocent mara.

I know you like him.

I heard you telling patricia.

You were just flirting with him now.

II wasn't.

Hey what's going on?
Patricia, do you wanna swap rooms with me?
I know you don't like sharing with nina.

And I certainly don't want to share with mara any more.

What about this?
What are these?
I have no idea.

What about this?
It's really old.

Hey! My uncle is an antiques dealer.

I bet if we took the stuff to him, He'd be able to figure out what it was.

I don't think that's such a good idea do you?
Sarah was so secretive.

What was that?
Sssh! I think it was just a door slamming downstairs.

Ok well I've had enough spookiness for one night.

I'll meet you at the party.

I'm going to put these somewhere safe.


I wondered where you were.

You missed the cake.

Oh yeah.


Um, was it good?
Is that a jewellery box?
Um, sort of.

Oh I love jewellery.

Can I see?
No, no, ermYou wouldn't like it.

It's nothing expensive or sparkly.


I hope you're going to be a bit friendlier when we become roomies.

I'm swapping rooms with patricia.

We'll be sharing from now on.

That's great! Wait, was this patricia's idea?
No, mine.

I had a fight with mara.

So, about that chocolate cake Any leftovers?
Trudy's cake is to die for I knew it Nina, do you Do you want to dance?
Yeah sure, But I'm going to apologize in advance for the damage I am about to do to your feet.

Hey! Guess what I am?
A party animal.

Yeaaaah! Rarr rarrr! You're so dumb alfie.

Enough! Turn that racket off.

music stops?

Anyone who doesn't live here out! The party is over! And you How dare you mess about with that?
Take it off your head immediately.

Did you hear what I said?
I can't.

It's stuck.

Stop laughin I have had enough of you vermin.

Who has got the spare key to the attic?
I know somebody's been up there Tonight as a matter of fact.

Oh yes.

You think you're all so clever, but you are not as clever as me.

Who has it?
It's really hot in here.

I can't breathe.

Well then we shall just have to saw it off shan't we?
Oh yes.

The rest of you, wait there!!! What do we do now?
Actually, I think this head quite suits me.

Maybe I'll just keep it?
Sit down.

And maybe the ladies will go for the whole half man, half animal thing?
It seems to work for that jacob black dude.

And amber loves him Brute force is the only way.

This might hurt.

Maybe if you could look slightly less happy about it.


What's going on?
Victor, stop it, what are you doing?
What does it look like I'm doing?
I'm releasing an idiot.

Victor, we don't want to be sending alfie home minus his ears.


We need soap.

Wait there.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

You must have dropped this.

I found it by the door.

Right, this should do the trick.

Now, you're not going to get hysterical this time are you?
You left it on the floor?
I know it's not the best idea in the world.

But if he has it, he can't search us for it.

Trust me, guys.

And why should we take the rap for you?
Because you guys were the ones who made nina steal the key in the first place! Oh yes, very clever.

Very ever indeed hmm?
Who put this on the floor outside my office?
- Was it you?

- No.

- You?

- No.

- You?

- No.

I'm losing patience.

- Mick?

- No.

- You two?

- No.

- You?

- No.

Yes! Ah
-ah! No.

She's covering for me.

I did it.


Guilty as charged.


He's lying.

It was me.

Make your minds up.

Who was it?

I did it.

I did it.

Total key thief.


He's lying.

It was me, victor.

Oh yeah.

I mean no.

It wasn't her.

It was me.

I love to steal keys so much.

Actually, it was me.

Stop playing me for a fool.

Jerome, I know I can rely on you.

Who was it?
It was me.

That is it.

That is it! You are all grounded for the entire weekend.

Ah, don't tell me, you did it as well! Hmm?
No way! Did what?
You are grounded the same as the rest of them.

And as for your other little escapade.

Aw no, not the toothbrush.

I want to be able to see my face in that toilet bowl.

I'd love to see your face in that toilet bowl.

Alfie, don't be so disrespectful.

Come on.

So since we were all grounded, Guess who used the extra time to study those hieroglyphics.



Total dead end.

It's like they don't exist.

The internet has just never heard of them.

I was hoping it was going to be like before When the symbols led us to the 8th step.

Things were so much simpler back at the last clue.

Have you thought any more about taking all of this stuff to my uncle?
How else are we going to find out what they are?


Uncle ade?
Uncle ade! Customers, how wonderful! I haven't had a customer all week.

We're not customers uncle ade, it's me, fabian.

Hence the "uncle" greeting.


No, no that's not fabian.

Oh yes.

So it is.

I must get some new glasses.

And who is this fair maiden beside you?
Could it be your girlfriend perchance?
No, no, no.

This is nina, she's just a friend.

Don't they teach you anything useful at that school of yours?
Five years he's been there and I can count on the fingers of one hand.

The times he's been to visit his dusty old uncle.

It's not right is it young lady?
I try to stay out of family conflicts.

Especially as I make the best lemonade in the entire universe.

Would you like a glass?
And how about some lunch?
I've made some bubble and squeak.

I'll try anything once, Even though it's named after the guinea pigs I had when I was five Bubble and squeak is an english delicacy.

You'll love it.

Come through.

Tell me how I can be of assistance.

So why have you swapped rooms with patricia?
She didn't want to share with nina any more.

And mara?
Who cares what she thinks.

I thought you two were friends.


We've got absolutely nothing in common.

Unlike you and me, boo.


So, uhWhat do we have in common?
We both like going out with good
-looking people?
Yeah we do! Hi! Oh hi.

Is amber still not talking to you?
Unless you count when she told everyone to shut up at breakfast.

And I was in the room Don't worry.

She'll come around.

Aaagh! It's not in here! What's not there?
My french text book.

I'm going to have to go back and get it.

I won't be long.

How exciting.

These are phonographic cylinders and in extremely good condition too.

What are phonographic cylinders?
Well, these are exactly the same kind of thing as mini cassettes, Only from the beginning of the 20th century.

You mean, there's something recorded on those things?
There could very well be, yes.

Do you have a machine we could play them on uncle ade?
Unfortunately, no.

But I think I have a picture of one somewhere.

I'll go and have a look.

Now it's over here somewhere.

Here we are, yes.

There, edison's phonograph.

You know where we've seen this before.

The attic.

OhhThat's nothing.

Could I have it?

Very intriguing.

Do you know what it is?
I have absolutely no idea.


Do you think I could keep it for a couple of days I could?
No actually, it's um It's my grandad's.

Perhaps he could tell you something about it's history?

He's dead.

You and my nephew really are made for each other aren't you?
Anyway, must be off uncle ade we're due back at school now.

Thank you so much for your help.

Yeah, thank you.

Are you sure you don't want some more?
We'll just be off.

Um oh.

So has the whole joy issue gone away then?
Oh yes.

Yes, we haven't heard a peep out of any of them for days.

Your phone
-call did the trick.

Are you seriously still worried the betrayer might return?
We can take no risks.

Anyway, it's over now.


Joy is buried.

End of story.

So let us get onto the business in hand brother, The organization of the next gathering?