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01x36 & 01x37 - House of Rendezvous/Rescue

Posted: 01/15/24 10:03
by bunniefuu
- Nina, Amber!
- Oh!
- Such a shame we had to leave our five
-star warehouse.

I'm not scared of you.

Doesn't matter where you take me.

My friends will find us.

Oh, and I wonder how they're gonna do that, considering they're locked in the warehouse.

Oh, it was clever of them to track you down, I suppose.

It's just a shame they won't be telling anyone.

Come on, Patricia.

Your limo awaits.

Can we smash a window.

They're all barred up, Amber.

Did you bring your phone?
Of course.

This is me we're talking about.


Um Oh, no.

I forgot.

I used up all my minutes.

Voting on celebrity pop idol last month.


I hope your contestant won.

No, can you believe it?
After all I did for her.

We'll have to use your phone.

Nice one, Nina.

Okay, where would they be?
Where would they be?

-out tree.


Or maybe not.

Keep up the good work, son.

Ah, parents, eh?
I thought I had it bad.

No, yours are way worse.

No offense.

Okay, bro.

I think I feel a prank coming on.

Oh, yeah.

"But the most painful thing of all "is knowing I've lost your respect.

"I'm hoping that one day, "you might find it in your heart to forgive me "and that we can be friends once more.

Love, Mara.

" Quick.

He's come back.

Grab something.

Fabian! Some welcome, guys.

I followed the oil leak from the van.

I didn't know whether I was on the right track or not.

I don't think I've ever been happier.

To see anyone in my entire life.

Okay, we need to go.


And what have we here?
Mick's case containing all his lovely designer gear.

Soon to be replaced by Amber's lovely designer girly gear.

- Good
-bye, track suits.

Hello, floaty dresses and micro


What are you two doing?
We were just trying to help Mick with some of his packing.

But it looks like he's gone for a run, so Ti t to run for it ourselves.

Why are you in here?

What are you doing?

I'm just holding A skirt and some really pink pajamas.

What is wrong with you, Mara.

Do you really hate me that much?
No, I don't hate you at all.

The opposite, in fact.

I only came to give you this.

And if you're looking for your gear, I suggest you ask Jerome and Alfie.

They were messing with your case when I came in.


Well, why didn't you say?
Did you get the elixir?
I want you to know that I am totally against.

Negotiating with the enemy.

- You told him.

- I had no choice.

You see what Zeno is doing?
Once again, he is creating divisions within the society.

Nevertheless, Victor, I need the elixir.

To give to Rufus in exchange for Patricia.

Absolutely out of the question.


I see.

Well, in that case, I'll have to give him this.

Where did you get that from?
Oh, relax.

It's fake, just like the address I'm going to give him for Joy.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Daphne, please.

Daphne, wait.

Victor, we can't let Daphne.

Go in alone with no bargaining tools.

She could be in great danger.

She is a necessary sacrifice.

No one person is bigger than the society, Eric.

That is something you must learn.



What on earth?
We know Patricia's been kidnapped, Mrs.


We know Rufus has got Patricia, and we also know that you know he's got her.

How Where did you get all this information?
We know so much more than you think.

We're totally up to speed.

We just want to get Patricia back safely.

As do I.

Okay, so what is the plan of action?
The plan is that you go back to your house.

And get ready for bed, and I promise you, by the morning, all this will be resolved.

You're going to meet him, aren't you?
Keep out of this, Fabian.

We want to come with you and help find Patricia.

We're not scared of Rufus.

You have no idea what you're walking into.

And besides, I couldn't possibly allow children to get involved.

Well, then you better have a time machine, because we're already really, really involved.

And you can't go alone.

He's far too dangerous.


And that is why you have to stay here.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get my girl.

What do we do now?
We get on our bikes, and we follow her.

We'll show her.

I've come to say sorry.

I'm the one who needs to say sorry.

I'm so sorry, Mick.

I know.

You said it 17 times.

But it's my turn.

I shouldn't have blamed you for the suitcase.

Imagine what would have happened.

If you'd got to the trials.

And had to wear Amber's sparkly leotard.

It might have improved my chances, I suppose.


Right, I better go.

Early start tomorrow.

Yeah, okay.

You better not be apologizing again.

I'm glad we're talking.

I want you to drive exactly one mile further down this road.

You'll see a clearing.

You got that?
Now let me talk to Patricia.

All in good time, Mrs.


Now get off the phone and go to the clearing.

Back to the bikes.

You know what we need right now?
A car.

A convertible, actually.

Well, we have to make do with what we have, Amber.

Ah! No! Oh, come on, Amber.

There's more to life than new shoes.

We have to help Patricia.

Well, well, well.



It's been too long.

I can't say it's a pleasure.

Clever of you to fake your demise, though.

We all thought you'd died.

Wishful thinking, Daphne.

If I spot anyone, then I'm out of here, and it will be the worst for Patricia.

I've come alone, as you asked.

Now, let's get on with this.

No, hold it there.

Lock, your car.

Lock your car.

I can't see Patricia.

She must be in the back of Rufus' van.

Now throw me your keys.

Okay, we all know what to do.

Let's go.

We do all know what to do, right?
I want to talk to Patricia.

Have you brought everything I asked you for?
It's all in there.

Put it on the ground and walk back to where you came from.

- Oh, come on.

- It's locked.


Are you okay?

Get me out of here.

Hang on, Patricia.

We're on it.

Hurry up, please.

Come o I want Patricia.

When I have checked everything out.

And everything is okay, then you get Patricia back.

You're going back on our deal.

No, I am being careful.

How dare you cheat us! No! Come on.

Please! Quickly.

Can you get the door open?
No! No! No! No! How on earth?
Oh, Patricia, I've been so worried about you.

Yeah, right.


Come on! What's the big mystery?
Why is Rufus after Joy, and where is she?
Tell me, or I'm going global.

Don't thr*aten me, Patricia.

You have no idea what you're getting into.

Don't thr*aten me, Daphne.

I'm already in it.


Now, have you got everything?

Where is that taxi?
I'll just give them another ring.

All set, then?
Um Yeah.

No twinkly leotards in there?
No, although I do want to stand out from the crowd.

I just wanted to say good luck.


I'm gonna need it.

No, you won't.

Oh, I think that's for me.

Oh! Is that your taxi?
Yeah, I think so.

Oh! Bye, my lovely.

Have a great time.

Oh, I'll just tell him to wait.

Bye, then, Mara.

Yeah, bye.

- Sorry to gate
-crash your tender good

We just wanted to wish you good luck, dude.

Sock it to 'em.

Oh, cheers.

Will do.

Do you think I overstepped the mark, demanding answers?
No, you were amazing.

Who's ready to bring these suckers down?


Okay, settle down, quickly, please.

Thank you.

Now, it has come to our attention.

That some of you are not as occupied.

As you might like outside of class.

You can say that again.

Bring on the new girls, miss.

So we've decided to run elections.

For a school representative.

What's all this about?
The school representative.

Would be an ambassador for the school.

And would also act as a conduit.

For relations between staff and students.

Yes, Patricia?
I don't like the school rep idea, Mrs.


But I might be interested in starting a school paper, the gossip, the news, the scandal, the truth.

What do you reckon?
I think you'll find, Patricia, that that little matter is already in hand.

Now, about the school representative.

Do you think Mick's feeling nervous?
I wonder when he'll get there.


- I said
- I'm sorry.

I'm gonna have to go and talk to those guys.

Sorry, Mara.

Aw, Mick's away, and Mara's got no one to play with.

Mara, you can hang with us if you like.

No, thanks.

That would be weird.

"Bring in the new girls, miss.

" Looks like you're happy with the old ones.

What, Mara?
You have got to be joking.

No, she's the ice queen, icy queen of ice.

But what do you think she meant.

By the matter being in hand?
You are to come with me.

If you want to know the truth.

Where are you guys going?
What if they stuff us in a hole.

With no food or drink or mascara for 62 days?
Oh, wait for me.

Your turn now, sweetheart.

Very quiet today.

Very quiet every day.

Oh, you lot look terrible.

What are you doing.

Dragging them here in the middle of the day?
Don't let us keep you frfrom your duties, Trudy.

Supermarket, yes?
Come, come, my office.

Up, up, up, up, up.

Off you go, Trudy.

Don't want to fire you again.

Once a term is quite enough.

Patricia, are you all right?
We need a paper bag.

We need a paper bag! I can't I can't breathe.

I need to get out of here.

Let me out! Victor, you heard her.

Let her out.

Me too! I'm too young and too pretty to die.

Let me out! Let me out! You wanted answers.

Well, here they are.

Patricia, are you there?



No, it's just a card from my parents.

Wishing me luck for the play.

Well, at least you got a card.

I don't think I ever met your parents, Jerome.

That'll probably be because they never actually visit.

Ow! Jerome, you're meant to be helping me.

With my b
-boy moves.

I've almost cracked the caterpillar.

"Almost" being the operative word.

Don't you see them in the holidays, then?
Anyway, look, I've got to go.

Hey, Jerome, I need you to hold my legs.

For the jackhammer.

Sorry, Jerome.

Did I say something?
No, just places to go, people to see.

I got your card, Joy.

I came to find you, but you They wouldn't let me meet you.

Too dangerous.

Hey, it's okay.

It's not your fault.

So when are you coming back?
Hey, is that Amber?
Hey, Joy, I have so much to tell you.

Mick and I split up, and he's totally devastated.

But pretending not to be.

And Nina started the school.

She's American.

Hi, I'm Nina from America.


So you're the new me.

Um, well, sort of.

So do you want to tell us where you are?
No, she does not.

And Fabian's here.

Hey, Joy.



So when are you coming back?
I'm not.

Why not?
I can't say too much, but my dad says there's someone after us, so we have to move away and change our names and stuff.


I'm still your best friend, Patricia, and I always will be, but it's just too dangerous for me to be there anymore.

Off the Cam now, please, princess.

Guys, I have to go, but listen.

Victor and the other teachers Joy.

They're protecting me.

You can trust them, okay?
Joy, don't go.

I miss you.

I miss you too.


Happy now?
But why is Rufus after Joy?
He's not after Joy.

He's after me.

Hello, Patricia.



I work for the government.

Zeno is after some top
-secret information.

Which we cannot let him have.

It's a matter of national security.

Sorry, but that's all I can tell you at the moment.

Very well, boys and girls.

Let's wrap it up now.

And there's one more thing.

From now on, you are to go straight to school.

And then directly back to the house afterwards.

No one is to go anywhere without my knowledge.

Rufus Zeno is still out there.

Now go.

I can't believe Victor's put us under house arrest.

I can't believe he's one of the good guys.

He has such evil hair.

But is he good, though, really?
Yes, you heard Joy.

At least we know Joy is safe.

It's pretty scary, though, having to reinvent yourself to get Rufus off your back.

She's miles away, Patricia.

He can't get to her now.

It's not her I was thinking of.

Guys, wait.

Give me a minute.


Are you still there?
Do you think they bought it?

- Yes.

- Good.

But I don't think we should allow any more contact.

I agree.

After all, we don't want anything to distract the chosen one.

From fulfilling her destiny, now, do we?