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01x38 & 01x39 - House of Arrest/Hoax

Posted: 01/15/24 10:04
by bunniefuu
I'm taking these to school with me.

I know Joy said Victor was one of the good guys, But I still don't trust him.

Oh, Fabian, be a love.

Give these letters to Victor.

I'm off to the supermarket.

If I don't go now, I'll miss my bus.

And then lunch with your Uncle ade.

Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?
This one's from the hospital.

It must be Alfie's toxicology report.


The hall is not an area for loitering! Just, uh, letters, Victor.

You need to relax, Fabian.

You basically have to trust Victor.

Remember what Joy said.

Did you just say you spoke to Joy?
Is she all right?
Joy is fine.

She just said she doesn't want to come back to the school.

And And she doesn't want to talk to any of us anymore.

When did she say all of this?
I'm sorry.

Was that your foot?
Yes, more importantly, that was a very special shoe.


Uh, yeah.

Yeah, Joy hates us all.


I hope I didn't upset you earlier.

About what?
When I mentioned your parents?
And you got very odd and ran away.

No, I didn't.

You did actually.

Honestly, Mara, it's fine.

Okay, good.

Do you know, I've been at boarding school since I was Five years old?
I didn't.

That's so young.

Even Harry Potter didn't go till he was 11.

You just learn how to hide your emotions.


Who'd have thought it?
You have a sensitive side.


I'm sorry.

It's just, I'm used to you and Alfie goofing around.

That's all.

There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?
I'm actually a very deep person, Mara.

For example, did you know that I am the current.

Anubis house jellybean
-eating champion?
The what?
That should really be an olympic event.


I know that Joy said we need to trust Victor and the teachers, But there's still the little issue.

About the puzzle pieces.

And the photo of Victor in 1925.

Looking exactly the same as he does today.

And the elixir.

And just the general all
-around creepiness.

I know, but the elixir Alfie drank.

Wasn't elixir, though, was it?
It was cleaning fluid.

Victor said it was cleaning fluid.

But the toxicology report may say something different.

Do I spy Victor going into sweetie's office?
And Trudy's out romancing Uncle ade, which means Anubis house is empty! I am pleased to report.

That everything appears to be back under control.

Except we no longer have the ankh.

Rufus Zeno took the pieces from my safe.

On the night of the school play.

I am convinced of it.

How will we get them back?
Well, let us remember that the ankh by itself is useless.

We still have things he needs.

He'll show his face again.

I'm sure of it.

And this time, we'll be ready for him.

Okay, you are way better at this.

Than jellybean challenge.

Why am I not surprised?
Oh, I'm a guy of many and varied talents, Mara.

Why don't you come to the school chess club?
Oh, right.



That's more like the Jerome I know and love.

- Half
-pipe, here we come.

Check the new deck, bro.


Aw, come on! You?
Skate park?
Knee pads?
It's gonna be awesome! Busy, Alfie.


Okay, we haven't got long.

I'll check this side.

What are you doing?
Seeing ifYes.

They're still here.

Look at these, Fabian.

They've got our names on.

I saw them last time I was in here.

Oh, that is creepy.


Let's see what else he's hiding.

Oh, oh, oh! Here it is.

Here it is.

Definitely wasn't cleaning fluid.


Look at this.

Victor Rodenmaar senior with Victor Rodenmaar junior, That's Victor's father.

But that means the voice on the cylinders.

And the photographs They weren't of Victor.

They were of Victor's Victor's dad?
What does the toxicology report say?

Ginseng, angelika, cinnamon bark, It was just a herbal concoction.

So there's no elixir of life?
So Victor isn't 120, and there is no elixir, And the voice on Sarah's recording is Victor's dad?
That's insane.


You really were listening.

I know! I find it helps to imagine I'm Mara, But only for, like, a second because then it's weird.

So there is no mystery.

But none of it adds up.

You guys aren't giving up on me, are you?

No, no, no, Nina, I was just thinking No, it's okay, Fabian.

You don't have to say anything.

Maybe I was wrong.

I have been this far.

No, I didn't mean Okay, guys, all our year has to meet in the drama studio, Mrs.

Andrews has some big important announcement.

To make apparently.

Hey, maybe they found the thief.

That stole the stuff from Victor's safe or something.

Okay, quieten down now everybody's here.

I just want to let everyone know.

That we are officially moving ahead.

With our idea of a school representative.

And that person will be chosen from this year group.

Is that it?

I thought it would be some exciting mystery.

Be careful what you wish for.

So do we have any nominations?
I nominate Mara Jaffray.

Very good.

Any other nominations?

- I nominate
- Don't you dare! UmAmelia pinchers.


She seems qualified.

Any other nominations?

So nominations will close in five days' time.

Thank you very much.

Welcome to "we love mara" land, Jerome.

Calm down.

I had no idea you were into "brace face.

" Shut up.

She'll hear you.

Amelia! You can run, but you can't hide, mate.



No, no, no, no, no, no.

Where's the other one?
Lights out now! Sarah?
What are you doing here?
You're not giving up on me, are you, Nina?
No! Never! Good, Because it's just beginning.



What does that mean?
1101 0119 15.

What does it mean?
You little fool.

Another nightmare?
No, just how I like to greet the morning.


You okay?

Why wouldn't I be?

- You had a bad night.

- I'm fine.

I didn't sleep too good either.

I was up all night looking for u.








They're coming, trust me.

And then everybody will come running to Alfie.

For his alien expertise.

Alfie Lewis, Champion of the earth.

We're doomed.

Hey, um, I need to talk to you about something.

Yeah, me too.

Tell me the numbers again.

11, 01, 01, 19, 15.

And this was a dream?
Well, I must have been dreaming.

I mean, it wasn't like any dream I've had before, But it felt so real.

It's weird.

Yeah, well, add that to the list.

Of weird things that keep happening.

Anyway, what did you want to tell me?
Um Look, look, I know.

You're going to think calmly and rationally about this.

But the thing is, I've kid of misplaced one of the latest puzzle pieces.

I, too, have been thinking calmly and rationally about it.

And I think it fell out of my bag.

When I shoved it up there yesterday.

I thought there was gonna be a bag search.


It's not here.

It must have been swept up last night.


What's that?
Notes for a campaign speech, school rep.

I think I could be good for this place.

Commendable, but if you really want to ace the election, Mara, You're gonna need a red hot campaign manager.


I'm intrigued.

And completely frightened at the same time.

So that's a yes, isn't it?
I will get it back.

I don't know.

But I will.

I promise.

Okay, settle down, everyone, quickly, quietly, please.

I want to talk numerology.

Sir, this is a serious class, not new age crud.

Today we would look at something like this chair.

And say it isn't alive, But the ancient egyptians believed everything was alive.

They believed everything was made up of living particles And that every person, every object.

Could be reduced down.

To what they believed were divine numbers.

The God osiris represents the first perfect odd number, Three, Whilst !sis represents the number four.

The result of the two was their son, horus, Who's represented by the number five.

Patricia, are you listening to me?
I said it's time to come home.

Guess that's class dismissed.

Yo, trixy.

I'd know those biker boots anywhere.

Alfie, what are you doing?
Get off my foot.

So what's up?
What's with the freak
-out in class.

And the hiding
- in
-room business?
Fell asleep in class.

I had a bad dream.

End of story.

Tell me about it.

Oh, shut up, Alfie.

No, I mean, tell me about it.

Since my trip, you know, "look behind you.

Creepy dog face.

Something horrible.

" Wlahhhh! So what do you do to stop the nightmares?
I don't know.

I've got kind of an evil dream survival Kit, You know, torch under the sheets, Play music to get me to sleep.

And also, I try to hang around other people.

As much as possible so I'm never alone.

That's pathetic.

But sweet.

Except Jerome's kind of abandoned me for Mara recently.

Okay, here's the deal.

I'll hang out with you if you hang out with me, And then hopefully, whatever's giving us bad dreams.

Can fight it out between them.

You're on.

Hey, Patricia, can I show you something?
You never know; it might be connected with our dreams.

It's about aliens.


You're not still going on about aliens.

I just finished reading this book, right, About aliens and how they came to our planet.

In, like, 3,000 years b.


And then I found this.

How weird is that?
So she's definitely all right.

Yeah, took me ages to find her.

She's a bit embarrassed.

That's all.

So when she comes in, no one mention it, okay?
Fine by me.

I've had enough scary talk and screaming for one day.

Listen up, you guys.


Winkler said the egyptians were really big on numberology.

And I happen to know.

How to work out your perfect love match.

By working out your numbers.

Any takers?
No, thanks.

There is no science behind that whatsoever.


Sarah's numbers, what if they're coordinates?
How can you even begin to think about that.

While the puzzle pieces are still missing?
I'm sorry.

Look, I will not give up.

On Sarah, the quest, and certainly not on you.


That means a lot.


Is it hot in here?

My perfect love match is old sweetie?
Sorry, Alfie.

Like I said, the numbers never lie.

It's science.

Nina, let's work out your number.

And then maybe Fabian's.

Lost something?
Where did you find this?
Patricia, I could kiss you.




Alfie Lewis! Whoa! Oh.



's gone home.

Does anyone know.

If Robert pattinson's got any middle names?
Guys, where's Alfie?
He's supposed to be helping me.

Amber, I was wondering.

If you could do my numbers and Mick's.

Is that too weird?

No, not at all.

I am so, like, over Mick, It's almost like I'm in another universe.

So, um, write down your full name and date of birth.

I thought you weren't into all that hokum, Mara.

Oh, Jerome.

Didn't see you there.

It's just for giggle.

So Mick's a four, which means he's gonna be really successful, Which is why I got with him in the first place, Even though I'm a nine, Which means I'm a little more creative.

And not really suited to a four.

Anyway, it's not about me.

Uh, so, um Let's see.

You're a What?
You're a four.

Perfect match.

Don't they say to go.

To someone who's different from you?
Not in this chart, no.

So congrats.

Well done.

GoGet him.

Okay, so here is a map of the house.

If Sarah's numbers are coordinates, We'll be able to use this to pinpoint a location, Which, in turn, may lead us to another clue.

They're not coordinates, Fabian.

They're not?
Sarah's an 11, The same as me.

It's Sarah's numerology number and her date of birth.

What was that?
I don't know, but it's freaking me out.

It's 10:00.

You all know what that means.

You have five minutes precisely.

Guys, I don't want to alarm anyone, But I think the house may be Coming to life.