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01x40 & 01x41 - House of Time/Aliens

Posted: 01/15/24 10:06
by bunniefuu
Did you hear that little earthquake yesterday evening?
That was no earthquake.

Definitely an alien mother ship taking off.

Patricia believes me.

Don't you, Patricia?

So I've been thinking about the fourth puzzle piece and how Sarah's numbers opened it.

Whoa, rewind.

You've opened another puzzle piece?

- Shh.

- Without me?
So rude.

As I was saying before I got interrupted I can't believe you did that without telling me.

Rude, again.

The fifth puzzle piece looks exactly the same.

So are we assuming Sarah's numbers open that one too?
Maybe we shouldn't try it.

Those noises terrified me.

Hang on.

You mean, that wasn't an earth tremor?
What did you do with the riddle?
Riddle, what riddle?
We have another riddle?
Amber, will you stop repeating everything?
Well, no one tells me anything, apparently.


"My father's father stands tall.

"His face and hands together turn circles "around !sis and osiris, and horus the son reveals me.

" I thought these things were getting easier.

- And the library's actually not that well

I'm campaigning for a much larger periodical section on sport and the arts, which will also mean more magazines with David Beckham and Justin bieber on them.

Mara, I was just gonna run this by you.

Alfie is gonna be my kind of assistant.


That seems like a pretty bad idea, doesn't it?
Right so, that'll be one for the posters.


You, yes.

You, no.

Sorry, Alfie.

Much as I love you, you're just too Alfie for my campaign, sorry.

Sorry, Alfie, you know what?
You've either got what it takes, or you don't.


Yeah, but did you hear that?
"Much as I love you.

" Me, not you.

I so knew she was into me.


Alfie, isn't that Amelia pinchers over there?
'Cause, you know, I'm sure she could use some help with her campaign, and you nominated her.

You know, I'm gonna call her over.

Don't you dare.

Laters, Alfie.

Hey, Mara, how do you fancy going out for lunch with me somewhere off campus?
Are you asking me out on a date?
Because I'm still trying to solve the whole Mick equation, which is complicated Mara, Mick's a meathead.

And look at you.

You're bright and pretty.

And you've got a future, like me.

Are you actually ready to throw all that away on a loser like Campbell?
It's school rep, not westminster or the white house.

Think small, stay small.

I guess that's a no to lunch then.

"My father's father stands tall.

"His face and hands together "turn circles around !sis and osiris.

And horus the son reveals me.

" !sis and osiris.

Sun and moon.

Day and night.

It's the clock.

Ticktock, ticktock, ticktock, tick.

Oh, my father's father stands tall.

Oh, man, seriously loser lyrics.

Even I could come up with something better.


You're not gonna wash your hands?

Hey, that's my alien artifact.

What are you doing with that?

It wasn't yours in the first place.

Jerome, about earlier Mara, look, I was out of line.


Well, I have to apologize to Mick about 50 times before he even thinks about Talking to me again.

Look, Mara, it's called a guilt trip, and I can't be dealing with that.

Probably because I can't be dealing with feeling guilty in the first place.

Who has the time, right?
Come on.


My father's father stands tall.

His hands together turn circles around !sis and osiris.

And horus the son reveals me.

A triangle.

90 degrees.


Twang! No! Who's there?
What are you doing?
Um, I I was I needed to know the time.

Did you break this?

Don't lie to me, boy.

What were you doing?
Well, Victor, it's like this.

I thought it would be a bit of a fun if I pulled a punk on everyone and put the clocks back so everyone was late for dinner and stuff.

You got to laugh, eh?
Toilet duty.

That's like five times this term.

You need to get a new punishment.

Like, make me watch 48 hours of tv or something.

I hate tv! Now, Mr.





Is is Victor gone?
Uh, yeah.

What are you doing down there?
It's a long story.

Where is he?
He just went upstairs.

Keep watch.


It's empty.

There's nothing here.

I think it's time for another sibuna meeting, don't you think?
Okay, so what's so urgent?
We need to talk about the house, the relics, the earthquake.

I thought as much.

What do you know about the relics and the quakes?
Where have they come from?
Or should I just ask Victor what's going on?
Look, Alfie, look.

The thing is You were right.

You've been right all along.

The thing you found is a real alien artifact, and we're scared that aliens may have infiltrated the school, and we don't know who they are, what they want, or if they want to harm us, right, guys?

- Yeah.

- Totally.


It's really, really important that we keep this to ourselves.

Well, how about I do some research on the Internet, see what we need to do to protect ourselves?
Yeah, that is a great idea.

And take all the time you need.

I know we can count on you, Alfie.

Aw, I feel really mean.

He's been so nice to me the last few days.

You are mean, but I was mean, and that's unusual.

We're protecting him.

It's better that he spills some ludicrous story about aliens than about the you know what.

Okay, guys, can we get back to the reason we called this meeting in the first place, please?
The puzzle piece we found in Victor's safe, I think maybe that was the one that was hidden in the clock originally, Fabian.

Which explains why it wasn't there just now.

Yeah, but I don't think Victor managed to open and find what was inside it, because he wouldn't have known the numbers.

Sarah's numbers.

He might have.

Sarah's numbers don't open that piece.

I think these do.

Whose are these?
Now, I'm not crazy about this, but Mine.

Okay, sibuna club's back on.

Okay, guys, I don't know what's gonna happen when I open this, and who am I kidding?
It's probably gonna be pretty horrifying.

So I just want to make sure, are we all still on board?


0, 7.

0, 7.

19 Wow, that was much less scary than I thought.

Is that it?
Do you think Victor did open it and seal it back up again?

What is that?
Is that it?

"Awaken the voice"?
What does it mean?
I have no idea.

Where did these come from?
They're horrible.

Why, Mara?
You look amazing.

That's not me.

Why does it look exactly like you?
The face is.

The body definitely is not.

Uh, where's hot Mara gone?
She seems to have been replaced by a potato in a cardigan.

That is so low.

Somebody's obviously trying to ruin her chances.

What are you wearing?

From Amelia pinchers?

- No, aliens.

- Oh.

- If it works on brace
-face pinchers, great.

Oh, that explains your all
-night Sci
-Fi marathon last night.

Dude, you look wrecked.

Hello, Sarah.

Tears of glass.

How do you know about that?
I put it back.

Put what back?
It's so odd.

Two steps forward, three steps back! I let daddy down.

I couldn't find them.

But you will, I know, because you have the power.

What's the power, Sarah?
Tell me about the power.

I can hear it, you know.

It whispers.

Who whispers, Sarah?
Who whispers?
The house.

There was this tv show in the '8os about these lizard aliens who had human skin and ate people.

I was up all last night watching reruns.

Now, this poem is a personal favorite of mine.

Listen to the language, the scaliness of the words.

"A snake came to my water trough on a hot, hot day.

" See, random reptile mention.

I always knew there was something not right about Andrews.

- "His yellow
-brown slackness soft
-bellied down over the edge.

" She's talking about aliens, isn't she?
Lizard lady.

"In a small clearness, "[echoing.]

He sipped with his straight mouth.

Softly drank through his straight gums.

" Alfie, wait.

What's got into you?

- Show yourself, lizard lady.

- Alfie! Alfie! Alfie Lewis, get off! You have to follow the voice within.

Trust it.

Listen to it.

Is that what "follow the voice" means?
The house knows.

You once told me that the house was evil.

Oh, you misunderstood me.

It's the guardian who's evil.

Who's the guardian?

They tricked me.

They both tricked me.

I thought they liked me.

All they wanted was the secret.

Well, I wouldn't tell them.

I don't want to live forever.

Mick, you're back.

We weren't expecting you till this evening.

Did you get the scholarship?
Oh, I don't know.

Probably won't know for a few weeks.

Is Mara around?
I thought you and Mara were, like, over, finished, done, sayonara.

I don't know what me and Mara are.

It's complicated.

It was never like that with me and you, was it?
No, it wasn't.

It was really easy and super fun most of the time, and we looked so good in photos together.

Yeah, I know.

I miss that sometimes.

You do?
Anyway, I best go and say hello, I think.

I'll catch you later, ambs, yeah?
Amber, have you seen Fabian?
Get this, Mick's back, and he seriously missed me.

I mean, why wouldn't he?
I give it 24 hours, and I bet we're back on.

Thanks for listening.

Now, who would put up a picture of you looking so terrible?
It's basically sabotage.

- I did those.

- Oh.


Well, it's not that bad If you squint your eyes And then shut them.

It's okay.

Have you seen this?

- You know, I thought it might be you fly
-posting these.

Credit me with a little bit of taste, Mara, and better graphic design skills.

This is so clearly not your body.

Okay, thanks.

We've established that.

Let's move on to policies, shall we?


Trixie, a bit tight on the collar.

Alfie, we haven't been entirely honest with you.

Oh, no.

Oh, I should have seen this coming.

It's always like this in the films, and I didn't see it.

You're the aliens.

Oh, how could I have been so blind?
We're not aliens, Alfie.

There aren't any aliens.

That's exactly what an alien would say.

We just made it up to get you off our backs.

But what about the alien artifacts?
They're puzzle pieces.

They lead to some kind of relic or treasure.

Is it alien
-related, and how much is it worth?
And I missed you so much.

I swear.

I never stopped thinking about you.

That is one of the sweetest things you've ever said.

That's one of the most nauseating things you've ever said.


I thought you said you and Mara were too complicated.

No, I don't I thought you said you miss what you and me had, easy, fun, photogenic.

That's what you said.

Well, no, I didn't actually mean that You are unbelievable, Mick.

Have I missed something?

Forget her.

Mara, I need to know Will youGo out with me?

I'm here.

Sarah said I should listen to the voice.

It's Nina.

So come on, what did you want me to find?
No way.

"Boarding school founded on anubis estate.

"Victor Rodenmaar Jr.

, son of the late Victor Rodenmaar sr.

, "had founded a new school on the anubis estate "with help from his benefactors, Mr.

Rufus Zeno and miss Sarah Frobisher

" How come Sarah's aged and Victor and Rufus haven't?