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01x50 & 01x51 - House of Lights/Allegiance

Posted: 01/15/24 10:10
by bunniefuu
Help, let me out! I'm young! I'm over privileged.

I have a lot to give.

- Nobody double
-crosses me.

Help! Alfie, is that you?
Let me out.

What are you doing in there?
Please! Lucky I was here, eh?
Oh, you saved my life, man.


I saved it right up.

Do my eyes still look like an albino rabbit's?
These late nights are really playing havoc.

With my beauty regime.

Has anyone seen Alfie this morning?
I hope he's okay.

Here he is.

Alfie, how are you?
How did you do last night?
Did you find anything?
Oh, well done.

Yeah, good job, Alfie.

What about the other thing?
The demisphere?
I looked everywhere, But I couldn't find anything that looked right.

Maybe its' not down in the cellar after all.

"unleash the power.

And light your way to the demisphere hidden below.

" You okay, boo?
Why did you all disappear and leave me last night?

- What?

- We didn't.

We only went back to our rooms.

When we knew you were safely back in your room.

How did you know I was safely back in my room?
Because you told us.

I did?

- Over the walkie
-talkie, a

- The walkie

Wait a minute.

Did you pretend to be me last night.

And speak to Nina and the others on the walkie

Well, somebody did, And it definitely wasn't me, Because I didn't radio them.

The whole time I was down there.

- It was the walkie
-talkie that woke me up, Because you dropped it.

I didn't pick up or speak to anyone though.

Are you sure?
Alfie, I'm pretty sure I would remember something like that.

And look, it's here, where you left it.

I cannot believe that you are accusing me, Your best friend.

Hey, let's just forget it, yeah?
I'm sorry.

You really hurt me, man.

Jerome, I didn't mean to.

Here, you can have my Danish.


We okay now?
So what were you all up to last night then?
Looking for the cup of ankh?

- How do you know
- Gotcha! I know plenty, Alfie, But I need to know more.

I have got someone paying me big bucks for this information.

So come on.

Tell me what you know.

Hey, Alfie.

We've been talking.

We've got some great news.

How would you like to become an official member.

Of the sibuna club?

It was a really brave thing you did, Getting the elixir from the cellar.

Oh, yeah.


Is that it?
I thought you would jump up and down or something.

It is great.

Yeah, look.

I'm pleased, yeah.


Initiation ceremony today after school.

By the burnt
-out tree in the woods.

See you then.


I've been waiting to hear from you.

Yeah, sorry.

Nothing concrete to report yet, But I do have someone working for me on the inside.

Well, I hope so, Because I don't take too kindly to silly boys.

Messing me around, Especially not when I have.

Given them rather a lot of money.

In advance.

Yeah, yeah.

You'll get what you want.

Make sure I do get what I want.

By tomorrow, mid
-day, same place.


Now throw the hat on the fire and repeat after me.

Do I have to?
This is my favorite Jester's hat.

Without it, I am nothing.

It has to be something special.

I, Alfred marmaduke Lewis I, Alfie Lewis Promise to protect the treasure of anubis house.

And all its secrets.

Promise to protect the treasure of anubis house And all its secrets.

And all its secrets.

You're now officially a member of the club.



Unleash the power.

What did you say?

Light the way, light the way.

Light the way.

What are you talking about?
Are you okay?
I think so.

Uh, I don't know.



I need to tell you Mick, it's okay.

You don't have to say anything.

I know.

You do?
And I'm cool about it.

Well, it was supposed to be a surprise.

You wanted your new cheerleader girlfriend.

To be a surprise?

I think I know how I can clear this up.

What's this?
Just felt like treating my best buddy.

That's all.

Go on, try it.


I actually need a new hat, weirdly.

Thanks, dude.

Yeah, it suits you.

So what have you got for me?
I haven't actually been shopping.

I didn't know we were exchanging gifts.

I'm not talking about material goods, Alfie.

Oh, yeah, right.


Yeah, well, They've got this elixir stuff.

And what's this got to do with the cup?
Well, if you drink it from the cup, It keeps you looking young or something.

Have you got some of that stuff?
You have, haven't you?
Fabian's got it.

Steal it for me.

I can't do that.

Steal it for me and prove.

That you are still my friend.

Alfie, I saved your life.

- "s" to the "o" to the r

I don't have an alibi.

I knew my cheating bad
-boy sleaze.

But take me back before someone sees.

Nice moves, Mick.

Yeah, you're very impressive, Mick.

Thanks very much, Amber.

Total humiliation! Mick! Unleash the power.

And light the way, and light the way.

What is so very fascinating up there, miss Martin?
Nothing, nothing.

I'm so close, Sarah.

I can feel it.

Be careful! I almost knocked Victor flying.

Oh, he was changing the light bulbs in the old chandelier.

- No!
- What?
I think the next clue is hidden in there.

We have to stop him now! Hurry! What are we gonna do?
Okay, make sure you catch me.

Victor, I don't feel very Ahh! Oh, Victor, quick! Amber has fainted! She's been on another one of her fad diets.

Oh, I feel terrible.

Oh, my heart is racing, and I have a fever.

But I'm really cold and faint.

Oh, my ankle hurts a lot.

You, go and get Trudy now.

Come on.

On your feet, up, up, up, up.

Through here.

And find the demisphere.


And find the demisphere hidden below.


The riddle! What are you doing?
Where is Trudy?
I was just looking for her.

Now, where is that kitchen again?
I give you one simple instruction.

Now, where is Trudy?
Go and get her.

Move! I said move.


The room started spinning, And I think my ankles are swelling up.

Trudy will be with you presently.

Oh, Trudy, yes.

I'll go get her.

Trudy, quick! Amber's fainted.

My goodness.

Poor Amber.

What are you doing, miss Martin?

- Fabian.

- What gives?

Where did you find this?
The demisphere, Which was basically the bottom of the chandelier.

"inside the core of my enemy's pride.

Is where the final relic hides.

" "final relic.

" Yeah.

But whose enemy?

What's up, guys?
Sleuthing or flirting?
Oh, ha, ha, ha.

No, Nina has found another puzzle piece.


Um, just out of curiosity, You know the elixir I brought back from the cellar, What did we do with it, exactly?
It's under my mattress.


No, that's all.

I just wanted to know it was somewhere safe.

Strange, even for Alfie.

Talking of strange, How did you know where the demisphere was?
Well, you know my weird intuition moments?

- Mm

They've been getting stronger since Sarah died.

In what way?
This is gonna sound crazy, but I've been hearing voices.

You're wondering if I'm insane.


I'm wondering if they've gotten it wrong.

About Joy being the chosen one.


Don't say that, okay?
It freaks me out a lot.

I Nina?
I can't take it tonight.

It will be too suspicious.

Why can't we wait a few days?
Because I haven't got a few days.

I have to give my client something concrete by tomorrow.

So during supper, I want you to go into Fabian's room.

And steal the elixir.

No, he'll know it's me.

Well, fine, I'll do it, then.

No, then he'll think it's me.

What, then?
There are the puzzle pieces.

They're like clues that lead to the treasure.

Nina found another one tonight.

They're really, really important.

Can you get your hands on these puzzle pieces?

But I can draw them.

Draw them?
Show your man these.

He'll realize you know what you're talking about, And then I'll get you the elixir on laundry day or something.

When we can pin the blame on Trudy.

Okay, keep sketching.

Keep sketching, Picasso.

You're obviously feeling a lot better, Amber, After your fainting episode.

Yes, I'm better.

Thanks, Trudy.

It was terrible.

And terrifying.

And also frightening.

Thanks, Trudy.

Where are you going?
Places to go, people to see.

Thank you.

- So, Mick, are you joining the school pom
-pom squad?

Why would you think that?
Wasn't that your cheerleading audition piece earlier?
Very funny.

Amber, we're on kitchen duty.

Be with you in a sec.

Lost your appetite, Alfie?
Yeah, it was delicious.

Thanks, Trudy.

Would you like to swap chores with me?
Why would I want to do washing when it's your turn?

I know stuff, lots of stuff, And I know that you just need to get into that kitchen.

And sort it out.

The guy is crazy about you.

No, just crazy.

Then you're perfect for each other.

Now, just go.

I know you want to, And I've just had my nails done, so everyone wins.

Come on, guys.

There you are.

Jerome, we agreed we'd wait a few more days.

No, you agreed.

It's not there.

Your new buddy is obviously feeding you.

False information, Alfie.

They don't trust you.

I told you they weren't real friends.

Yeah, well, how come they swore me in.

As a platinum member of their club?
They're just using you, Alfie, And you used to be such a good judge of character.

What about your new "friend"?
Who is this guy?
How do you know you can trust him?

- So blue and white pom

What about them?
They suit you.

I would have maybe added some matching hair bows.

Don't you start.

Didn't you used to have a sense of humor once?
Didn't you used to go out with me once?
I knew you hadn't lost it.


- Do you surrender?

- No.

Not bad, Alfie van gogh, not bad.

These should keep Rufus happy.

For a while, at least.


Rufus Zeno?
That's who you're dealing with?
He's a total nut job.

He kidnapped Patricia! Yeah, right.

I think we'd have noticed if he kidnapped Patricia.

At the very least, it would have been quieter around here.


I can't let you do this.

Alfie, give them back.

No! Hand them over, Alfie.

Alfie! Ah! Do you surrender?

What am I gonna show Rufus tomorrow?
You'll have to draw some more.

No way! I need them.

He's paid me money.

So now you've signed away your soul?
Just give it back.

- I can't.

- Why not?
Because I've spent it all.

On stuff like your headgear.

You're in big trouble, dude.

This is not a joke.

"inside the core of my enemy's pride.

Is where the final relic hides.

" The final relic.

I can't believe we're so close.



You sound just like corbiere, Amber.

Core! Core! That's it.

Patricia, Amber.


I know! Why?
Corbiere is the pride and Joy.

Nice deduction.

You guys are so good together, Like Scooby and shaggy.

Thanks for that, Amber.

So the final clue is inside corbiere?
I think so.


It's me.

We need to have an urgent meeting.

What about?
The brats in this house, They have the ankh pieces.

Are you sure?
Well, put it this way.

If they don't actually have the pieces already, They certainly have the information.

To point us in the right direction.

I'll contact Daphne immediately.

Good, I'll come over now.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Let's go.


Isn't this a picture of the object.

That got stolen from your safe, The one we assumed Zeno had taken?
And these other items, Are they what I think they are?

Well, what are we going to do.

I need space and time.

To search the place thoroughly from top to bottom.

We can't just search the place.

The students and the parents would be up in arms.

Unless, of course, we have good reason to search.

I have an idea.

Try turning its head.

Excuse me?
I saw this film once.

Weird taste in films you got.

Okay, I'll try wringing the bird's neck, but I don't Oh, gross.




What does that mean?
Maybe it means.

We've come to the end of the search?
So where's the cup?
Victor's back.

We need to hurry.

But how do we get the head back on?