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01x56 - 01x60 - House of Hush/Spies/Sting/Never/Forever

Posted: 01/15/24 10:15
by bunniefuu
Not so fast.

Why aren't you in bed?
We wondered what the noise was.

It was an intruder.

But he's gone now.

You're all quite safe.

So go to bed.

You're letting him get away.

Go to bed.

All of you! I hope this is worth it.

It is.


I'm just sorry rufus got away.

Hey, no problemo, nina.

- Really?

- No, not really.

Now, listen up.

I have kept my side of the bargain.

I got you back that that thing.

Now you keep your side.

And you protect me from that that maniac.

Or else.

Or else what?
I am going to the teachers myself, And I am telling them everything that you have told me.

About the search, about the puzzle pieces, About that sarah woman, And about your little scooby g*ng.

Don't worry, nina.

Jerome's just bluffing.

Because he's scared of what rufus might do.

I can't say I blame him.

And here he is.

Good work last night, jerome.

Nice one, mate.

There's still this whole matter.

Of rufus getting away.

And the fact that he still thinks I've got the puzzle piece.

Yeah, there is that, but you could always say That victor confiscated it.

Right, and that's when he mummifies me.

Why don't we just give the piece back to rufus.

And get him off our backs once and for all?
Do you really think if we give rufus the pieces.

We're in a stronger position.

Than if we hold onto them ourselves?
Because I don't.

You need to speak to rufus again.

Play him along.

We hold the cards here, jerome, not him.

Maybe we need to try.

Putting these pieces back together again.

We're going to tonight.

I got a message on my profile.

Someone blatantly wants to be my date.

I'm glad amber's so focused.

Mara, I got a message on my profile.

From who?
Someone calling themselves king tut.

A king, mara! What?
He's so funny.

He said his tomb's a bit dead, So our prom sounds like fun.

Fake pharaohs are the way forward.

So who do you think it is?
Someone really shy?
And into ancient egypt.


Yeah, right, a teacher.

Anyway, I think he likes miss robinson.

Think about it.

King tut, tutankhamen, ancient history, Who else is into all of that stuff?
Apart from nina.

Yeah, and fabian.

- Uh

You're right.


Oh, he must have fallen for me.

Okay, this is awkward.

Amber, everybody knows he likes nina, You included.

Poor nina.

Don't worry.

I'm going to nip this foolish.

But understandable me crush in the bud.

So what was he looking for?
The elixir, possibly the ankh pieces.

But I thought he already had the ankh pieces.

We don't know that, do we?
This is what I'm trying to tell you.

What we do know is that those nauseating, arrogant, Interfering children are somehow part of this.

Do you sometimes think.

You might be in the wrong job, victor?
We must find out whether they have the ankh pieces.

Or if they know where they are.

What if they're in collusion with rufus?
What then?
Well, he kicked out patricia.

It's hardly likely.

I'm telling you, they know something! Okay, listen.

I didn't want victor to see me.

Or link me with you.

That is why I ran.

And to be honest, I thought you were right behind me.

Where is the puzzle piece?

- I need to hold onto it.

- I don't think so.

The other pieces are still in the cellar, aren't they?
And I need that one to open the passageway.

Besides, you can't risk going back to the house.

So let me go down there and get them for you.


I don't know about tonight.

I've got a physics assignment that's calling my name, So I am just going Time marches on.

If we miss our window of opportunity, We will have to wait another 25 years.

25 years?
The god anubis conceded to amneris.

That on a certain hour on a certain day.

Just once every 25 years.

That the descendant from the bloodline of amneris.

Would be given the opportunity.

To restore the cup to its former strength and glory.

And this date's coming up, is it?

Just get me the pieces.

And the elixir.

I need the elixir.

And I need some time.

Just do it sooner rather than later.

Look, do it, and you will be well

I promise you that.

But if you don't do it, I think you know what I'm already capable of.


Fabian! We have to have a little talk.

It's about your choice of prom date.

I have some bad news.

Oh, no.

She's not interested in me, is she?
I'm sorry, but she is a little bit out of your league.

Do you think so?
I know so.

Tut, tut, fabian.

Tut, tut.

It's okay.

I do understand.

But I could never be your date.

I mean, poor nina.

It's sweet of you to ask me, though.

Wait, I haven't asked anyone yet.

You're not king tut?

- King who?

- My prom date.

No! Why'd you think I would um Oh, that is such a huge relief.

Thanks, fabian.

That's a weight off my mind.

What Meeting tonight, 7:00.

Hey, meeting tonight, 7:00.

Okay, no probs.

Although I can't neglect my own little treasure hunt, The search for king tut, Which is proving to be surprisingly difficult.

What about you and fabian?
Has he asked you yet?
Shh! No.

He'sNot interested.

Take it from millington, he is.

Why don't you ask fabian?
Ask me what?
Um, if it's true, You pluck your eyebrows.

They're super shapely.

- What?

- She's lying.

Just ask him.

Amber, you are so funny.

You make no sense.

Oh, look, here's jerome.

Hey, jerome.

Great to see you.

So how'd you get on?
Oh, well, he still trusts me.

I told you.

And he has told me more stuff about the cup.

Okay, guys, can we gather around in a circle, please.

And we'll do some vocal warm

Ma, me, mi, mo, mu.

Right, left, right.

Right, left I have no idea what I'm doing.

Right, left, twist.

Ow, mick! I'm sorry.

No, you're supposed to twist me under your arm.

You're the man here, supposedly.

I can't do it.

You've improved, at least 2%.

Ahh! Ping! Yes! Another message from king tut.

He says, "looking forward to sharing the stage with you again, "this time, as prom king and queen.

Instant alpha couple.

" This is a big clue.

And luckily, I've become very clue
-y lately.

So who'd I share the stage with in the play?
Well, all of the boys at some point.

And mr.

Sweet when we took our bow.

- Ew

Maybe it's that man in the black, You know, that mrs.

Andrews chased off stage at the end.

No, don't even joke.


Still think we would have been safer going to the woods.

Or the bike shed, maybe even the shark t*nk.

It's almost dark out.

What if rufus is sneaking around out there?
What about jerome?
Shouldn't we involve him in this too?
Well, he was trying to blackmail us.

True, but the more involved jerome feels, The better it is for us.

I know we're gonna regret this later.

Go get him.

Tut is someone who's a little bit full of himself.

Yes! Who thinks he's all that and then some.

It's jerome.

It won't work.

Will you just shut up or leave the room?
We have to try, jerome.

Nina, I'm telling you, you'll never do it.

Jerome, watch us.



Is this supposed to be happening?
I don't know.

Ah! It's not the right time.

It's 8:00 p.


What's wrong about that?
Okay, listen.

I will tell you everything that rufus said.


In return, I want just one thing.

Before you ask, jerome, we don't have any money so Actually I just want in.

To your g*ng.

You want to be a sibuna?

You tell me everything, All your little secrets, And I will give you the info that you need How to put the cup together and when.

Okay, you're in.

Now tell us.

- Welcome aboard, dude.

- Cheers, mate.

Right, okay, so according to rufus, The cup can only be assembled on a very special date, Once every 25 years, And this date is coming up very soon.

- Soon?

- Yeah.

You got anything a little more specific?


Here I am.

Sarah, am I dreaming?
I gave you present, nina.

Why don't you open it?
What do mean?
Twinkle, twinkle, little star Sarah.

So do you think sarah.

Was trying to tell you something, nina?
I don't know.

It didn't really make any sense.

She said something about giving me a present.

The box.

What about the box she gave you after she died?

- Oh, yeah.

- What box?
Nobody here every mentioned a box before.

Look, remember our agreement: You tell me everything.

Guys, I've had a breakthrough.

Okay, peach, blush, or hazy blue?

- What?

- Prom dresses.

Peach or blue?
Get your priorities right.

Of course.

Uh, peach.


Blue it is.

Jerome, can I have a word, please?
If this is about prom dresses, I'm really not your man.


You're not.

I'm letting you down gently, jerome.

I can't be your date.

You are hilarious.

Me go with you?
Ugh, that's the most bizarre thing I've heard.

Since the fabian
-patricia rumor.

Guys, guys, listen to this No, jerome.


Amber has just asked me to be her date to the prom.

That's hysterical.

I did not.

That is not what I said.

I wanted to ask Not ask.


No, not even tell you.

About me and patricia being Oh, yeah.

Like I said, I'm cool with it.

No, no, no.

Stop, listen.

I don't know where I think you've got the wrong What I'm trying to say is I won't be asking patricia.

To be my date.

- You won't?

- No.

No, I was wondering if What is going on down there?
Have you seen the time?
You're late for school.

Move it.

Move it.

Nice weekend, jerome?
Rufus, ever heard of a phone?
Where are my ankh pieces?
I haven't had a chance to get them yet.

Victor's been on the prowl every single evening.

- I need them.

- I got that much.

This "special date" is coming up.

Yeah, that's right.

Well, maybe if you told me when it was I would know when the deadline is, And then I could Are you playing me for a fool?

Well, why the interest in the date?
Just curious, that's all.


Well, here's a deadline.

Tomorrow morning.

I get those puzzle pieces in my hand by tomorrow morning, Otherwise you are the one that is dead.

You understand?
Do it.

Hi, ams.

I was wondering if we could fix up another dancing lesson.

What's up?
I just got totally humiliated by jerome.

He actually laughed at the idea of being my date.

I mean, I'm amber millington.

I should be inundated with offers.

Come here.

You're drop
-dead gorgeous.

You know you are.

I do.

Very cozy?
Uh, amber's upset, mara.

Yeah, I have no one to take me to take me to prom.


So you were just offering a shoulder.

Quite literally, yes.

Oh, amber, you got snot on my top.


I'm a sad, lonely, singleton What about king tut?
Oh, yeah.

Good point.

He's still out there.

Maybe he's messaged me.

What is with her?

I think I just got so used to being jealous, I forgot how not to be.


Watch the snot.


What do you think you're doing?
I thought you wanted to be a sibuna.

I did.

I do.

You don't understand.

Rufus threatened me, And this time he meant it.

What happens now?
We find out when the special date is, And we take it from there.

Nina, can I have sarah's box?
Thank you.

Hey, look.

If we can keep protecting these pieces.

Until after this special date, Maybe we'll be in the clear.

For another 25 years at least.

But we don't know when the special date is.

It could be weeks away yet.

I think I found something.


It's a star map.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

Just something sarah said in the dream.

I don't recognize any of these constellations.

I'm going online.

I'm going to check this out.

I'm coming too.

What I don't understand.

Is how rufus was planning to put the cup back together.

What do you mean?
Well, it can't just be done by anybody.

It has to be someone special.

Someone special?
Someone chosen.

Well, yeah, someone from a specific bloodline.

Or born on a specific day.

It's all very, very specific.

This is definitely an ancient egyptian star map.

This is the constellation of osiris and this is !sis.

But what do the numbers mean?
Longitude and latitude.

Of course! What are you smiling at?
That little frown you always get when you concentrate.

Nina About this end
-term prom thing Yeah?
Guys, get this.

Every time.

The cup can only be put together by the chosen one.

By joy.

- What?

- Jerome just told me.

I have to call her and warn her.

Do we know the date yet?
Not yet.

But Yes.

They were coordinates.

And now we have a date and time.

Nice work.

When is the date and time?


The day of the prom.

This is it.

We have the ankh pieces.

We know the date and time; We know who the chosen one is.

We can finally put the cup together and finish the search.


Then that's what we'll do.

If you're sure.

Like, super sure.

We have to call joy.

They know about joy, They have pinpointed the chosen hour, And, most importantly, They have all the ankh pieces.

So rufus is no longer a threat.

I didn't say that.

Rufus is a desperate man.

We must still be on our guard.

Should we organize another search of the children's rooms?


We shall sit back and let the cup come to us.

How do you mean?
They're in touch with joy, So we shall with frederick.

And he can check her phone for messages.

Keep an eye on her.

Find out what they're planning.

I don't care.

I paid for the next
-day delivery, And it hasn't arrived.

If you ruin my prom, I swear I'll Okay, I'll hold.

Okay, I'm just worried about keeping the puzzle pieces safe.

Until after the chosen hour.

I know.

It's fine carrying them around with us, But what if the teachers.

Organize another bag search or something?
Leave that with me.

I've got an idea.

What is it?
I'll tell you later, okay?
Tell her what?
The less people that know, the better.

Loose lips.

I have told you, I am going nowhere near rufus ever again.

Oh, speak of the devil.

Literally, I'm surprised my phone didn't burst into flames.

What's he say?
It's not repeatable.


- Will you
- Dude.

Look, you're doing it all wrong.

Okay, look.

Let me show you.


So One, two, three.

And drop.

By jove, I think he's got it.


Nina, great.


Look, listen.

I was wondering.

If you would like to Yes.

You didn't let me finish.

I can't risk us getting interrupted again.

Morning, guys.


But now I don't know if you said yes.

To the thing I was going to ask, And you don't know if I was going to ask you.

What you thought I was going to ask you.

- What?

- Do you ever make any sense?
Patricia, could y you go out of the room.

For a second, please?
There's something I have to ask nina.


Yeah, sure.

No problem.

Okay, now I need you to hurry.

Before there's a earthquake or a swarm of locusts.

Or something happens that stops you from asking.

Nina, would you like to go to the prom with me?

- Yes.

- Yes.


Yes! Adorable.

Now, I am starving.

Fabian just asked me to be his date to prom.

No way.

I thought I was supposed to be going with fabian.

Uh Amber, delivery! Yes! Finally.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Is this what all the screaming and moaning has been about?
I half
-expected a car.

Or an elephant.

Not just a plain, old package.

Maybe it stretches.

Amber, that's a doll's dress.

I ordered a doll's dress?


There are no words.

Don't be so ungrateful.

You helped me pick this dress.

Yeah, well, it suits you, But is me we're talking about.

It's useless.

No good.

I can't go.

Go without me.

I would have wanted it that way.

Oh, amber's face this morning.

"I bought a doll's dress?
" You had the real one?
Yeah, it arrived yesterday.

Oh, come on.

I had to rufus off my mind somehow.

I cannot wait to see what kind of fancy dress.

She can scrounge off the other girls.

It's either geek, goth, or goodie two


Well, if you're ready Oh, man.

This is worse than physics.




Where where's prom queen millington?
Alfie, what are you doing?
Do not fear, amberella.

You shall go to the ball.

Is that Yep.

And before you jump to conclusions, it wasn't me; It was jerome.

Oh, alfie, thank you.

You saved the prom.

Shame I don't have a date, though.

Still no word from that king tut dude?
Well, maybe that's 'cause he decided to come in person.

He's downstairs?

He's here.

Ever gone out with a king before?

- You're king tut?

- The very pharaoh.

You're disappointed, aren't you?
Actually, no.

Now, go away downstairs.

I have six hours of beautifying to do in five minutes.

I hope we can get away in time to meet joy.

The teachers are going to be watching us like hawks.

I hope joy can get away from her dad.

Oh, my word.

Don't you all look so grown
-up and beautiful?
Oh, patricia, this was pushed under the door.

-minute date, perhaps.

Very romantic.

Where's amber?


I have nothing to say to you, Dress thief.

Somebody better pinch me.


Come on.

Let's go over there.

I want to try out my new moves.

Oh! It's mirror writing again.

Must be from joy.

Change of plan.


She wants to meet me earlier?
In the history classroom?
I wonder why.

Why did the chosen hour have to be on the same day.

As our prom?
The universe is so selfish sometimes.

Amber, we need to meet up with joy.

It's important.

Hey, guys.

Why are you not at the dance?
Why aren't you?
I am waiting for my date with miss robinson.

Patricia, what's in the bag?
I hope you're not trying to smuggle contraband.

Into the prom.


It's just girly stuff.

That girls use.

I can be really girly at times.


You won't mind if I take a look.

Red sutekh sand flies.

Very rare, quite vicious, And certainly deadly.

Now everyone do as I say, Or I break this glass.

You, get the blinds.

The rest of you, get over there.

Leave that there.

Now, you get me elixir and the chosen one.

I want them within the hour.

Or I break this glass.

You are insane.

Very observant.

Now go.

Oh, apologies, patricia.

This time the note was not from joy.

Sorry to disappoint.

But at least I get what I came for.

The ankh pieces, all seven of them.

What's this?
Where are my ankh pieces?
You will all pay for this.

Perfect, patricia.

They're safe.

Yeah, but are we?
Where are the ankh pieces?
Did you really think we'd be stupid enough.

To carry them around with us, today of all days, Knowing everyone is after them?
You gave them to joy, didn't you?
You do realize that she is part of all of this, don't you?

She's the chosen one.

We're not stupid.

Who wants the cup just as much as anyone else.

You have played straight into their hands.

No, no, no, no.

Trixy, don't believe him.

He's a liar.

He's playing you.

Oh, really?
Thanks for telling me about the purposed rendezvous.

With joy, jerome.

You've been a very useful spy.

I did not tell, you creep! I did not double
-cross you guys.

I swear I didn't.

Not this time.

It's okay, jerome.

We believe you.

Joy's on your side, and you know it.

That's why you knew we'd be meeting up with her, And why you'll get your pieces when jason brings you joy.

And the elixir.

Jason, are you in there?
I'm sorry I'm late.

I got a flat.

Amber, we're still on a date, right?
This still counts.

Of course.


I was kidding.

Our lives are in danger.

Where are they all?
I don't know.

Maybe they're outside.

I'll go look for them.

Hi, miss robinson.

I like your dress.

Thank you.

I don't suppose you've seen mr.

Winkler, have you?

Okay, I'm coming.

Hold your horses.

- Oh, mr.


- Is victor here?
Victor, are you down there?

Winkler, are you quite all right?
You seem a little crazy.

Enjoy the prom.

What's that?

Patricia, it's joy.

Where are you?
I've been waiting for ages, and it's almost time.

Call me.

Missed call from joy.

How interesting.

Call her back.

Tell her to meet here immediately with the pieces.


They look very angry, and so am I.

Patricia, call her.

Don't answer that, darling.

Don't look so scared, baby.

You're not in trouble.

You just need to come with us now.

You thought you had given your father the slip, didn't you?
But instead You were leading us to these.

It rang and rang, And now it's just switched over to her voicemail.

You're paying for that.

Sit down and shut up, all of you! Time is running out for you people.

Then I'm sorry for spending all my dad's money.

And for giving mara a hard time during elections.

And for all the thoughts I've had about david beckham.

Even though I know he's victoria's.

Amber! Not helping.

Really not helping.

You don't know that.

Wait for me down there.

We're still missing three people.

But everyone has been informed.

Of course.

Come on.

Greetings, brother.

Greetings, sister.

Our time has finally come?


Please, please, go down.

Victor, at least.

I've been looking everywhere.

Cutting it fine, aren't you, mr.

No, we have a real problem.

Rufus zeno.

At the school.

He has the children c*ptive in a classroom.

He's threatening to harm them.

Unless we give him what he wants.

If the children are holed up with zeno in the school, Then so much the better for us.



The hour's almost upon us.

No, we can't just leave them.

What is the nature of your medical condition again, Mr.

A degenerative illness, is it not?
Just think, eternal life could free you from all that.

- But the children
- Will be fine, I assure you.

The gods have chosen us to receive their gift.

The best thing we can do is to continue with the ceremony.

And then deal with zeno.



Well, they're not outside.

Okay, I'm worried now.

Amber's talked about nothing but this prom for weeks.

There's no way she'd miss it.

I think we should go to the house.


You've worked hard on this prom, too.

Just enjoy yourself before you organize a search party.

Plus, I've got moves you haven't even heard of.

We failed.

I'm so sorry, sarah.

Jason, I don't know if you're in there not, But if you are, hear this.

I don't respond well to getting stood up.

You're dumped.



Well, looks like we've all been dumped.

Your teachers have clearly abandoned you.

To your fate.

And so the seven followers of ankh.

Shall sip the elixir of life from the chalice.

The scales of life shall be tipped.

Life and strength shall flow into them.

From seven young acolytes, And thus death is conquered.

Step forward, chosen ones.

What was that about the seven young acolytes?
They are merely represented by these coins.

Just do it, darling.

It'll be okay.

It's over.

Why don't you just let us go?
It's not over until the hour itself is over.

They're probably putting the cup together as we speak.

Maybe they've already done it, Beaten you to it.

It's time to give up.

No, you're all still alive, So clearly they haven't drank from the cup.

Run that by me again.

Oh, yes.

Oh, victor and the others think it's all symbolic, The tipping of the scales The symbolic flow of life force from the young to the old.

Only immortality comes at a price.

And by price you mean It's a life for a life, my dear.

I think I saw your name down there in the sewer.

What's he talking about?
Fabian, those coins with our names on, the scales.

Nina, don't worry.

It's going to be okay.

I still have time to relieve victor of the cup.


You are coming with me.

Leave her!
- Quick!
- Gross.

- Go! Go!
- Now.

Throw it.

Throw it!
- You okay?

- Rufus.

It was him or us, nina.

We have to warn the teachers.

They can't drink from the cup of ankh.

They just can't.

What happens if they do?

- Someone dies.

- Dies?
Yeah, but there's no need to be scared.

Let's get over there and stop them.

No, guys! Wait up.

With the circle of light, I seal the circle of life.

It's not working.

I can't do it.

What is wrong with you, girl?
Do it.

Do it, for goodness sake! I can't.

Now, enough.

She's clearly not the one.

Perhaps she is the one.

These aren't the ankh pieces.

It's over.

Another 25 years at least.

The elixir is almost finished.

Most of us will be old or gone by then.

I tell you, it's over.

- The children.

- What about the children?
They're in danger.

Rufus! What?
You stay there, darling.

What now?
Leave me.

Oh, you're safe.

Joy, what happened?
Nothing happened.

I'm not the chosen one.

There is no cup.

They told you that being the chosen one.

Was something to do with your birthday, right?
Yeah, 7th of July.

Mine's the 7th of July too.

Joy, you were born 7:00 a.


, right?
The 7th hour on the 7th of the 7th.

No, 7:00 p.


I don't know.

Sometime early in the morning, though.

I bet it was 7:00 a.


The true 7th hour! It would be the american, wouldn't it?
Guys, it's quarter to 1:00.

We've only got 15 minutes of the chosen hour left.

Where are the pieces?
Still down there, I think.

- Nina?

- Nina, hurry.

You don't have long.

Make the cup.



Let's do this.

You are the chosen one, nina.

This is your destiny.

Make the cup.

You have to say the incantation: "with this circle of light, I seal the circle of life.

" With this circle of light, I seal the circle of life.

With this circle of light, I seal the circle of life.

Nothing's happening.

Why is nothing happening?
Nina, look, your locket.

Nina! That's the most beautiful accessory I have ever seen.

You did it.

I did.

And now I have to hide it for good.

Not unless I have something to do with it.

Rufus! I knew it.

The bad guy always comes back! Did you really think that I would expose myself.

To the deadly sutekh sand fly.

Without first equipping myself with an antidote?
And now I have the queen, Which I will put in this pretty girl's ear.

Unless you do exactly what I say.

You, give me the cup.

You, get the elixir.

Quickly! We only have a few minutes.


All right, pour it in.

All of it.

All of it! I am leaving nothing for those idiots.

Ah, finally, eternity is mine!
- No!
- Oh, victor! How lovely to see you.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

There's none left.

That's a shame.

No! Why, rufus?
We could have shared all this.

That was our plan.

No, that was your plan, victor.

I always had other ideas, Big ideas that your pathetic little society.

Would never even dream of.

And then when I found the true e meaning.

Behind the tipping of the scales, Well, I decided to go it alone.

Is anyone feeling poorly?
Actually, I feel a bit dizzy.

- Alfie!
- Alfie! What's happening?
The symbolic life force, It isn't symbolic, victor.

It really happens! That boy is gonna die.

And I I'm gonna live forever!
- Alfie!
- Alfie, buddy.

Please! Don't! Alfie?
Guys, listen up.

Please let him live.

I'll do anything.

Guys! Anything?
Like be my girlfriend even?
Yes, alfie, anything! Alfie, you can stop playacting now.

Fabian, you know what happens when someone drinks the elixir.

From the cup of ankh.

Except rufus didn't drink the elixir, did he?

- What?

- What?
He's not immortal.

He's not?

You know your little insurance policy?
Having two identical bags, Letting joy look after the pieces.


I had an insurance policy of my own.

I remembered our fake elixir.

I borrowed the spare cellar key from victor's office, Threw away the real elixir.

And replaced it with the fake one.

You threw it away?
You're a genius, fabian! I love you! So does that mean alfie isn't really dying?
Don't sound so disappointed.

I actually did feel a bit ill for a second.

Alfie, I was really worried.

And worrying causes wrinkles.

I guess it's all over.

I guess so.

Nina, it's not over.

What's that?
I knew it was too good to be true.

That sound.

- Nina.

- Nina?

I'll meet you there.

Uh You heard what the girl said.



What's happening?
Take the cup.

Now the cup has been restored.

The curse can be lifted.

We can rest in peace.

Take it.

Hide it.

Keep it safe.

My gosh, where were you?
I've been so worried.

I had to take care of a few things.

Okay, listen up, guys.

So I've decided it's time to announce.

Our prom king and queen.

We haven't had actually had a chance to vote, So I get to choose.

So without further ado, The prom king is fabian rutter.

And the prom queen.

Is nina martin.

Would it have k*lled you to brush your hair?
Now, dance, you two.

Dance! it's everything you want you're my shining star .

Well, that was embarrassing.



Nina, you Look ridiculous.

I was gonna say beautiful.

feel a strength inside .

So do you want to tell me what happened?
Did you just call me beautiful?

So why did you go back down to the cellar?
All that can wait.

This can't.