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02x04 - New Car Smell

Posted: 10/25/12 07:17
by bunniefuu
President Reagan: Air and naval forces of the United States launched a series of strikes against t*rror1st facilities...

Reporter: Pan Am Flight 103 crashed into the town of Lockerbie.

Reagan: He has sanctioned acts of terror in Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

President George H.W. Bush: This will not stand, this aggression against, uh, Kuwait.

Reagan: This relentless pursuit of terror.

President George H.W. Bush: We will make no distinction...

Reporter: The USS Cole was att*cked while refueling in the port of Aden.

This was an act of terrorism.

It was a despicable and cowardly act.

The next samba we're going to swing for you is one of the good old favorites.

...until something stops him.

Carrie: I'm just making sure we don't get hit again.

Man: That plane crashed into the World Trade Center.

Thousands of people running.

We must and we will remain vigilant at home and abroad.

(speaking Arabic)

Saul: What the f*ck are you doing?


Carrie: I missed something once before.

I won't... I
can't let that happen again.

Saul: It was ten years ago.

Everyone missed something that day.

Carrie: Everyone's not me.

Previously on

I got your text.

The CIA-- they're very close to finding out about our friend in Gettysburg.

Brody: The tailor? - You need to go there now... and move into a safe house.

I am giving a speech at a dinner for wounded veterans tonight.

If you go there now, you'll make it back easily.

You think, if they caught me, that I would talk?

They're not gonna catch you now.

Carrie: I'm sorry.

Am I late?

Carrie, you can't be in here.

What's going on, David?

You're doing the debrief without me?

Carrie, you didn't come here today expecting to get reinstated, right?

He's still out there, David.

We let him get away.

We need to be doing everything possible to...

That's not your concern anymore.

(shouts, screams)

Where are you?

I've been trying to call you.

You're late.

(muffled groaning)

(groaning over phone)




Brody: Yeah, I'm here. I'm here.

What was that?

What was what?

Come on!

(over phone): - Brody..ou're breaking up.

(crack, snap)

(over phone): Brody...

Brody, Brody.

Where the hell have you been?

Either you tell me what is going on...

There's nothing going on.

Or I suggest you give this marriage some serious thought.

That's the one piece of intel you recovered in Beirut that Estes and his mob haven't seen yet.

You deserve to see it first.

My name is Nicholas Brody.

People will say that I was turned into a t*rror1st.

My action this day...

I was right.

You were right.

(sobs quietly)

(imitating Darth Vader): I am your father.

Don't make me destroy you.

Is your dad here?

Kenny! Kenny!

Uh, he's, uh..isiting for the week.

Kenny, this is Saul.

I like him.

Something going on?



It's related.

Well, come on in.


su1c1de bomber almost blew up Vice President Walden.

Jesus! When?

When Elizabeth Gaines was shot.

Remember him in the bunker with all his cronies?


I was one of the cronies.

Someone had on a su1c1de vest.

He made a tape.

My name is Nicholas Brody..nd I'm a sergeant in the United States Marine Corps.

I have a wife and two kids who I love.

By the time you've watched this, you'll have read a lot of things about me, about what I've done.

That's why I wanted to explain myself, so that you'll know the truth.

Why didn't Brody go through with it?

That I don't know.

So what's our move?

Well, we could arrest him; that would be that.


Or we could leave him right where he is.

What does that get us?

Iran is planning blowback against the U.Sor the Israel bombings.

They've said so publicly.


Nazir was the agent of that plan.

That's what the Beirut meet was about.

And you think Brody's gonna be a part of it?

Well, he was last time.

He certainly sounds devoted to Nazir on that tape.

Yes, he does.

So you want to follow Brody.

See if we can get a lead on what they're up to.

When, where, what kind of attack.

(sighs heavily)

How do I tell Walden?

You don't.

Saul, the guy's palling around with a jihadist.

We need him to keep it up.

Nothing changes.


You know I can't do that.

Nothing changes.

If Walden suddenly dumps Brody, the other side knows something's up.

I dupe this guy, he fires me in five seconds.

You tell him golden boy plotted his demise and you missed it, fires you in three.

(sighs heavily)

I'm cooked either way.

(chuckling) I'm done.

Not if you thwart an attack on America.

Then you're a hero.



What do you want to do?

Oh, some off-campus space..urveillance equipment, a few good men.


And complete secrecy.

No one in the Agency knows shit but you and me.

And Carrie.

And Carrie.


But I'm sending you a guy.

He'll run it.


Because I'm sending you a guy.



She called this.


Espresso and an apology?

I'll take the coffee.


Yeah... I don't know what else to say but I'm sorry, Jess.

You can explain.

You can tell me what's going on and how it's gonna change.

Can you trust me on this?

I want to tell you, but I can't.


I don't trust you anymore.

That's harsh.

It's true.

I'll do better.

(sets cup down)

It's pretty simple, Brody.

I can't live like this.

I won't.

So if you don't have something real to say to me right now, something true... should pack a bag.

(opens drawer)

So your dad's in the woodshed, huh?

200 people are waiting for you, and you go AWOL.

Yeah, you get the shed.

Where do you think he was?

I have no idea.

You want to get stoned?

That can't be the only thing to do.

What do you mean by that?

I don't know, Xander, I..t just...

Chris: Dana!

It wouldn't help.

Dad's ready to go.

Hey, Xander.

Hey, dude.

I'll see you later, I guess.

♪ ♪

Well, that's a good sign.

Your mom wants some time alone.

Yeah, I can't blame her.

I mean, you embarrassed her.


I didn't mean to.


By the way, your car smells like smoke.


I gave someone a ride.



(quietly): Oh, God.

Quick-- who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson.


And for extra credit, how many kids did he have with Sally Hemings?

What's your problem?

My dad's a liar; my mom's a rube.


Knew we had stuff in common.

(both laugh)

Virgil: Well, well, well...

Carrie Mathison was right about the red-headed menace.

It only took a year for people to believe me.

I believed you, right from the start.

Thank you, Max.

Course, no one ever asked me.

All right, let's do this thing.

Sweet hardware.

Yep, CIA has the best shit.

So, who are these guys?

Um, the same guys who've already watched Brody for 300 hours.

Who are you?

The guy running things.

Is that right?

Yes, it is.

And I don't like surprises.

Well, I'm not crazy about them, either.

Crazy? Interesting word.

Peter Quinn.

Uh, Carrie.


Yes, I know.

I like your work.

Uh, Peter Quinn from where?

Same place as you.



Estes brought him in.


So, let's talk shop.

How many years?

Six at Langley, four on the Venezuela desk.

The cartels?

Like that.

Are we done with the meet and greet?

Saul: Yes. Moving on.

Peter: So, we run a small team on Brody 24-seven.

My team already hooked into the security cameras in the Rayburn building.

Tapping his home phone and cell.

Anywhere else he goes, we have a man on him.

And what team is that?

You'll never see them.

Saul and I already have a plan.

Hold that thought.

Brody has a meeting this morning at the CIA, and we want to throw him a jolt.

So we figure go for his Achilles heel, which is you.

So I'm in the building.

I... I run into him?

Let it drop you're back at the CIA.

That should trigger his fear that your theory about him is now back in play.

And that should send him to his handlers, where you guys will be there with cameras.

Roger that.

Yeah, okay.

So, you want to tell us your plan now?

Uh, actually, it was the same.

The same plan?

Same plan, so...

So, I'm only half a moron.

Yeah, definitely.

Definitely gonna need a supreme detail.

The important thing is the smell.

Lot of blood splatter.


Bug splatter.

You've been driving on the highway.

Oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Look, it smells like smoke inside.

That's got to go away.

That's no problem.

Just choose a scent.

How long will it take?

We have pine, vanilla, - red cinnamon.

I'm sorry; I'm in a rush.

New car smell?

So how long were we talking?

Well, with the steam clean, degrease, wax, it's gonna take a few hours.



Can you call me a cab?

Girl inside will take care of that for you.

Hold up.

Me, myself, I'd go key lime.

Sounds like a winner.


(cell phone chimes)

♪ ♪

Oh, here we go.

What's the problem?

Don't got cash?

It says here you take credit.

This is why no one wants the Langley jobs.

Because of credit cards?

'Cause these paranoid spy types.

They see you pass paper, they follow you the rest of the day.

(shutter clicking)

Sure you're not the one who's paranoid?


Oh, hi.



It's, uh... it's..een a while.



Uh, I'm supposed to stay away from you.


It's okay.

No, I... I did make that promise.


How are you?

I'm well.


You look it.

And actually, I owe that to you.

How does that work?

Well, you said I should get help.

And I did.

And, uh, it was a long road back, but I'm myself again.

Yeah, huh?


You kind of saved me.


Anyway, um, I'm sure you're busy, Congressman.

Oh, yes.

Yeah, congratulations.

Thank you.

And you?

Are you back here?

Um, yeah, in a way.

What does that mean?

I actually can't tell you.


I have good boundaries now.

(laughs) Sure.

It's part of being well.


Anyway, I'm glad I saw you.

Yeah, me, too.




See you around.

(banging on door)

(banging continues)

All right.

There is a doorbell, you know, for your convenience.

Where's Brody?

He's not here.

I need to talk to him.

Well, you're out of luck.

Then I'll wait.

It's a shame, really.

Hi, Betsy. Is he there?

He was a good marine.

How long does a vote take?

A decent, reliable, righteous marine.

Yes, just leave a message.

Someone twisted him up, put him on a bad path.

Congressman or not, I'm not gonna let it slide.

I'm gonna get to the bottom of this murky pool of shit.

(phone rings)



Hey, what's up?

I need you.


It's Lauder. He's here.

Give me a minute, all right?


That was good.

Yeah, he's worried.

How are you?

I'm fine.

Was it weird seeing him?

Yeah, of course.


Nice job.


You got a hook in his mouth.

Yeah, we'll see.

Lot of eyes.

Tricky getting ears in this building.

Working on it.

This is good.

Oh, there he is.

Now he's back at Rayburn.

Good to see you again.

Congressman Brody, a few words?

Yeah, I can't promise they'll be interesting, but...

Do we put Roya Hammad on the board?

Yeah, we put them all up.

Peter: Now, if we could only hear what they're saying.

Your tracks are covered in Gettysburg.

That's not it.

Carrie Mathison was at the CIA.


She's working there again.

Did she say why?


But if she's back in play, it's got to be about me.

Maybe not.

It could be about Nazir.

That's her expertise, right?


Yeah, right, but...

The timing makes sense.

They did just try to assassinate him.

That woman is stubborn as shit.

She gets her head around something...

She was fully discredited.

Then why is she back at Langley?

Well, if you're worried, why don't you find out?

Renew the relationship.

(phone ringing)

Could be useful, actually.

I should get going.

Hey, wait.

The tailor?

It's taken care of.

That was a f*cking travesty.

That should not have gone down.

We've talked too long.

Bye, now.


You were f*cking him, huh?



Who are you f*cking?

An ER nurse.

I'm not that into her.

You're pretty mouthy for an analyst.

I'm just saying, if he did to me what he did to you, got me fired and made me think I was crazy when I wasn't, send me off to get my brain zapped, I'd f*cking rip his skin off.


Well, that's the plan.


Jessica's called four times.

I know.

Also, Rashid from Constitutional Wash.

What did he say?

Your car is ready.

Should I send someone?

Yeah. (mumbles)

Where is he?

Passed out on the kitchen table.

f*cking Lauder.

He's a maniac.

I already have one of those on my hands.

So you didn't kiss and make up last night?

I don't think we're ever gonna kiss and make up.
(phone ringing)

(ringing continues)

(door closes)

Jessica: Hello?


Hi, Brody.

What's going on?

Don't worry about it.

Come on, Jess.

I needed you an hour ago, and as usual, you were nowhere.

So I called somebody I can actually rely on.

Brody: Who's there?


He's taking care of it.

Listen, I'll come home tonight.

We'll talk.


You're gonna go to your hotel or wherever it is you go when you disappear.


(dial tone)


Oh, f*ck a duck.

Thank you.

Yeah, of course.

I'll call you.

"I'll call you."

Oh, shut up.

No, no, no, no.

I'm driving you home, all right?

Why don't you just say what you mean?

"I want to f*ck tonight.

You game?"

I know you're better than this, Lauder.

But every time you pull this crap, it gets harder to remember that.

I'm onto Brody.

I don't even know what that means.

He knows something about Walker's death, and he's covering.

Why would he do that?

Maybe he was a part of it.

You need coffee. Come on.


He was on the ground that day, right?

When-when Walker shot that lady.


So, they were a team.

For years.

Maybe they were working together like old times.

Buckle up.

(shuts door)

Jefferson sure did live it up.

Wine, books...



How could he write, "All men are created equal," from a plantation?

Dude was all confused.

You ever been there?


Walden: Are you kidding?

Hi, Dad.

He's never heard of Monticello.

Yes, I have.

Anyway, uh, we have a test tomorrow.

So, um...


Who was his vice president?



Nobody cares about the veep.

Aaron Burr.


Right, the duel guy.

Walden: "The duel guy," brilliant.

You can ride that all the way to Yale.

Look, I know that, all right?

I just blanked.

Don't you know better than to study with this guy?

He's all about the Gentleman's "C"s.

He got an "A" on yesterday's quiz.

No kidding.

Dana: Yeah, I guess Gentleman's "C"s don't get you there anymore.

Not like in your day.

Walden: Well..hank you for that wisdom, Dana.

Did your dad make it home okay last night?

Yeah. He got home.


(door closes)




You want to go one weekend?

How about right now?

I think I have to be home by dinner.

Well,'s go somewhere.

All right.

Virgil: Brody spoke to four people on Capitol Hill, and 12 more at the Virginia Businessmen's Reception.

Plus a guy at a newsstand on K Street.

They all go up.


How come I've never heard of this guy?

Virgil: Who, Quinn?

Carrie: He was on the floor at Langley six years?

I never met him.

That's because you were in the Middle East.

I don't know.

Look into him, would you?

Oh, sure, I'm not busy.


Virgil, just check him out.



Give me a second, will you?




I feel like a complete heel.

Look, there's nothing to say, except I'm sorry, and, um... good work.

Well, that's enough.

Saul: So...

Seems a congressman makes contact with 43 people in a typical day.

We think there was a meet?

Well, not an obvious one.

Peter: Unless we widen our circle, we can't keep a check on 43 people in any timely manner.

We prioritize.

First, the dark-skinned ones.

That's straight-up racial profiling.

It's actual profiling.

Most al-Qaeda operatives are gonna be Middle Eastern or African.


Okay, so who are the top people of interest?

Rashid Fadl.

Saul: Works at Constitutional Car Wash.

From Yemen, has an expired visa.

Paris Kimbe, cab driver, Sudanese.

Belongs to the same YMCA as Car Wash Rashid.

And Hamza Shabazi.

Grad student, blogs about Islamic women.

Asked Brody to read her thesis.

Brody's at a hotel tonight-- the Ashford.

Why is that?

Peter: His woman sent him away.

We're getting eyes in the room.


Well, good work, everybody.

I have to go see an apartment.


I rented my house when I went to Beirut.

Looks like we're the night shift.

I don't have any plans.

Like Indian food?

Uh, or Greek.


Sure. I like olives.

I know a place.


(hip-hop music playing)

♪ Inside my head, I'm a wild boy ♪
♪ This is all for fun, uh-huh ♪
♪ Feels like I'm walking on the sun... ♪

So..rand-new car for your birthday, huh?

Obnoxious, right?

Yeah, big-time.

Got to take the perks where I can get 'em.

Poor little rich boy.


It's a sweet ride, though, right?

Yeah, it's okay.

Ready for another perk?

Sure. Yeah.

I thought this was closed for renovations.

Not to Bill Walden's son.

Oh, yeah?


Race you there.

All right.

(elevator door dings)

Where's the Secret Service?


So it's just us?


And..he entire District of Columbia.

Makes you realize there's this whole big world out there.

I like your attitude.

I like you.



I have a boyfriend.

I want to be your boyfriend.

I know, I kind of want that, too.

I don't want to be a d*ck, though.

To the home guy?

His name is Xander.

He's... nice.

But I'm nicer?

No, you're meaner.


So it's the car.

(laughs) me talk to him.


Do it soon. Okay?

(radio plays quietly)


He rises.

Look, man, sorry.

For what?

I, unfortunately, remember everything I said, and..he Jessica stuff, at least, was out of line.

Let's talk about the other stuff.


'Cause the fact is, Brody's acting weird, and he has been ever since he got back.

He's not the same guy.

Let's just say Brody and Walker were working together that day that Elizabeth Gaines was shot.

Doing some covert work.

Maybe for the CIA.

Does Brody have a connect with the spooks?


That's it-- that's f*cking it!

No, no, it's a theory.

But let's say it was true.

What was Brody's part?

f*ck knows.

And what does that mean about who k*lled Walker?

(bell dings)

There you go.

Thanks for staying with us, Congressman.

Thank you.

Peter: So, was it work or love?



What are we, girlfriends?

Just want to know if you fell for him.

Why don't you answer some questions for me, Peter?


Like..m... where are you from?


The fancy part?


Like that.

Hill School, Harvard.

Oh, good creds.

Ah, it's a requirement in our family.

You ever go back to Philly?

Ah, there's no good Indian food.

And why does Estes like you so much?

I'm pretty likable.


That's a... matter of opinion.

And reliable.

I am extremely reliable.

(phone ringing)

Hi, Virgil.

He's still not in the room.

He's at the bar.

(whispering): He's at the bar.

Virgil: Hotel security let us in on their cameras.

You'll have a picture in a second.

Yep, got it.

Virgil: Adios.

Can I get another?

Peter: Now, call your contact.

Do it, man.

You know you want to.

(button beeps)

(cell phone rings)


Brody: Hi.


Do you know who this is?

I do. How are you?

I've been better.


I was, um...

I was just wondering if we, uh...

(clears throat)

...if we could bury the hatchet.

For real.

Didn't we do that today?

Can we seal it with a drink?

Sure. Please.

I'm at the Ashford Hotel.

There's a bar...

Uh, yeah, no, I know it.

It's 20 minutes away.

Good. Yeah.


Holy shit.

It's on.

Hell, yeah.

So what's the play?

Well, as far as we know, he didn't go to his handler yet.

So we spook him more?

Make him report back?

Drop something about Abu Nazir?

Straight out?

Too bold?

Ah, screw it.

We don't have a lot of time.

These f*ckers are planning something.

I'll loop everyone in.

Crap. I'm nervous.

I'm not. You're good.




(cell phone chiming)

You and me and bars.

It always ends up in an interesting way, though, doesn't it?

So far.

Mmm. Mmm!

By the way, this is not a booty call.

Uh, didn't even cross my mind.

Just wanted to say that up front.



I'm not here by choice.

My wife's fed up.

Oh. Well, that can't be good politics.

You're supposed to be the new JFK and Jackie.

So it all ends with a b*llet in my brain, huh?

Whoa. Dark turn.

(chuckling): Yeah. Sorry.

How's she doing?

Reeling him in.

Brody: So, how are you?

Well, I told you, I'm... I'm good.

And you're working again?

I am.

And, uh...

I'm getting pretty close.


My goal.

Vague. Extremely vague.

(chuckling): Yes, well, I can't name names.

No, of course.

But I'm circling a certain t*rror1st.

Hey, so long as it's not me.

No, no, no, no. My focus is back on the right guy.

The big guy.

The head-of-the-snake guy.

(softly): Who stole eight years of your life.

Anyway, no, I should, uh...

I should shut up.

Hey, listen, Carrie.


You said sorry to me 100 times.

Carrie: You need 101?

Brody: No, no. It's my turn.

I've felt crappy about what happened, tricking you.

Calling Estes.

Oh, that.

I did it 'cause I was worried about you.

Well, it was worrisome..y behavior.

I'm sorry for all you went through.

No, don't be.

I mean, f*cking ECT?

Where'd you hear that?

I asked about you.


Did you have to do it a lot?

Uh, Mondays and Thursdays for six weeks.

Was it terrible?


No, no. Um...

Truthfully, you don't even feel a thing, so...

Well, that which makes you stronger.

Right. Right.


I'm glad we did this.

Well, that's it?

Yeah, I got... I got an early morning.

Okay. Well, I-I got it.

No, don't be silly.

Uh, room 416, please.

Brody, I...

It was really good seeing you.



(phone rings)

That was great.

No, that was terrible.

What'd you expect, a confession?

He made me.

No way. He's on his way up to his room.

He's acting totally normal.

Peter, he knows.

Saul and I watched the whole thing.

No. Put Saul on.

You did fine, Carrie.


No, I got pissed when he talked about ECT.

I showed my hand for the slightest second, and he saw.

He saw, and... he went away.

That's not how we read it here.

We have to go in.

He's on to me.

Come back, Carrie.

Saul, I saw it in his eyes.

He'll send a signal-- he'll put a wine glass in the window, whatever, and they'll go to ground.

We go in now.

Because you saw it in his eyes?

Yeah, that's right.

Your work is done tonight.

Get the f*ck back here.


Peter: Jesus, how many times you got to tell her something?

A lot.






SAUL Oh, what is she doing?

Carrie: "Why did he mention his room number?"

I asked myself.

Was it just to pay the bill?

Or maybe...?

Maybe... to get you alone..gain.

It reeks, you know.

(chuckles) My confusion?

Your bullshit.

Brody: I don't follow.

She's blowing it.

It's blown.

Take the g*dd*mn room, g*dd*mn it.

We only have a few more minutes alone.

You still have your twisted theories about me, don't you?

Not theories anymore.

Look, I'm sorry I called.

I-I guess I thought we could be friends.

Friends? Oh, yeah.

Yeah, do I want to be friends with a demented ex-soldier who hates America?

Who decided strapping on a b*mb was the answer to what ailed him?

Despite his daughter, his son, people who loved him in real life, not in the mind-f*ck world of Abu Nazir?

Who, in the end, didn't have the stones to go through with it, but had no problem sending me to the nuthouse?

Yeah. No, thanks.

I don't think I need a friend like that.

Okay. Not friends.

Get the f*ck away from her.

So what are you gonna do now?

Are you gonna k*ll me?

You gonna blame it on rough sex, maybe?

I mean, how long can you get away with something like that?

I've had a pretty good run so far.

It's true.

I seem to be good at this.

If nothing else.

You're special.

I liked you, Carrie.

I loved you.

Police! Hands behind your back!

On the floor!

Get down!


Get down!

Get on the floor!

You good?

(Brody groaning)

If only the circumstances had been wildly different.

You're a disgrace to your nation, Sergeant Nicholas Brody.

You're a traitor and t*rror1st.

And now it's time you pay for that.