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02x08 - House of Nightmares

Posted: 01/15/24 11:42
by bunniefuu
You can't ignore me forever, Nina.

Who's ignoring you?
I just had something important to tell you, that's all.

I said you can't ignore me forever.

The mask is close.

I feel it.

Ask the one who knows.

It felt so real.

You came in, and I thought it was to apologize for yesterday.

Yeah, I'm really sorry about that.

Look, I got some bad advice, And what I really want to tell you But it wasn't you.

Or it was, but then you turned into the spirit.

And she was taunting me.

And She gave me this.

What is that?
She said, "ask the one who knows.

" Ah, you two.

What is that on your arm, please, miss Martin?
Roll up your sleeve.

- I'm sorry?

- Your sleeve.

It washes off.

I hope for your sake that it does.

Don't let me see it again.

What if Victor is the one who knows?
Well, we can't ask him.


I have an idea.

"I sought treasure.

The treasure was you.

" Oh, it's from Fabian.

Indeed it is.

You will never guess what trick my dad has pulled.

The Victoria academy of sport?
That's, like, one of the best Best sports academies in the world, I know.

Dad's pulled a couple of strings and got me a place there.

It's sort of like offering a bribe or something.

It's a lot like offering a bribe.

I mean, take the bribe.

It's Australia.

It is a pretty incredible place.

- Three words, Mara: That's actually four words.

Uncle ade.


- Well, look who's here.

- Jasper.

I thought you were in Peru.

Where's Uncle ade?
Egypt, archaeological dig.

I'm shop
-sitting as a favor.

Nina, this is Jasper choudhary, my godfather.

If anyone is going to know anything about this weird stuff, It's him.

Total Egypt geek.

Well, this "geek" has dusted enough clutter for one day.

Weird stuff?

Have you heard of the mask of anubis?
Funny you should ask that.

Now We mean the real one.

Where did the experts think that might be?
Well, no one knows.

There are theories, But now most think it was only ever a myth.

Tell him about the dreams, Nina.

Fabian! The mark of anubis.

Thinking about Mick's decision?
I had this really wise great aunt.

Who always used to say, "if you love somebody, set them free.

" Was she wise and living alone in a house full of feral cats?
What if that's what I'm meant to do with Mick, Let him go?
He's passing up.

The opportunity of a lifetime for me.

No, you two are great.

You make it work, Even though you have absolutely nothing in common.

You're right.

And maybe that's what Mick needs to realize.

Thanks, Patricia.

If I break up with him, he'd stay and put up a fight.

So he has to break up with me.


The athlete and the mathlete, We really shouldn't be dating.

I'm going to make him realize that.

You're better with the boy stuff than you make out.

No, I'm really not.

Oh, no.

Mythology suggests that the God anubis.

Gives the mark as a curse to those who wronged him.

A curse?
But the spirit wasn't anubis.

It was a woman.

And that's the bit I don't get.

Leave it with me.

I'll ask around some of my Internet buddies.

Can we keep this?
Skipping lunch to go shopping.

You have been spending way too much time with Amber.

No, I found my ride, And these are gonna make it so sick.

Hey, watch it, Jerome! Uh, Mr.


Yes, uh, poppy?
I think my dad may have gone to this school.

Is there any way of finding out?
Well, remind me of his name.


John Clarke.

UmI'm not sure.

Long before my time, I expect.

Run along to class, poppy.

Nina Martin has the mark of anubis on her arm.

The what?
It's an ancient symbol, a curse.

I want her removed from the bid and placed under surveillance.

We cannot take any chances.

No, Victor.

Not after last term.

If we lose this bid, it will be upon your head, Eric.

So how about I make up for last night by taking you out.

On that date we never got around to?

- I'd love that.

- Great.

Oh, wait.

It's gran's last night, and we're having dinner.

But please come.

It'd be more fun if you're there.

No, no, it's okay.

I need to work on the bid, anyway.

And we have to win this exhibition.

Whatever Victor is after, It's probably important for us too, so The book of !sis.

That's what Victor's looking for.

The book of !sis?
I overheard him say that the secrets.

To the tears of gold and the elixir of life.

Are in the book of !sis.

- Where is it?

- The book of what?
And why is Victor looking for it?
I know you two snuck off somewhere at lunchtime.

Spill it.

If it's sabrina
-related, I need to know.

Okay, places, everyone, please.


Um, is anyone sitting here?
Yes, Mick.

You are.

It's your lucky day, Rusty.

Alfie's gonna make you shine.

Are you sure you should be traveling, gran?
If you're not feeling well, then I'll be fine.

It's just these headaches.

It's like a migraine or something.

Look, Joy, how many times do I have to tell you, Me in a toga will not help us win the bid.

But Victor said to pull out all the stops, so you have to Toga
- Sorry.

- Sorry.


Don't worry, Nina.

It's you he likes, I promise.

There's a haiku out there with your name on it.

Watch the timepiece, Nina.

What did you say?
I didn't say anything.

Watch the timepiece.

Fabian and Joy came in while we were having dinner.

Looking very cozy.

- Uh

Ugh! I hate feeling like this! I just need to get over it, don't I?
I mean, why should a cursey spirit.

Stop me from dating?
A cursey spirit?
I knew there was stuff you weren't telling me.

Is this to do with the cup when I glued it that time?
Or our favorite cluey old lady?
Sarah's at rest now.

She can't help us anymore.

Nina, look.

The Dollhouse.

Why is it doing that?
Does it have batteries?
Who is it?

- Fabian.

- Okay.

Hey, how What is it doing?
Guys, look at this.

This was Sarah's.



It's 10:00! Victor.

You have five minutes precisely, And then I want to hear a pin Drop! Hide it! It's hot! Is there a boy in there?
Do something! You are well aware of the rules, Mr.


To your room immediately.

Where is that smoke coming from?

Did I miss my curfew?
Sorry, Victor.

Don't put me in detention, will you?

How's the head this morning, gran?
Mm, yeah, a little better.

Must be the excitement.

London, here I come.

Finally! Finally got this shut.

Aw, thanks.

Thanks, Fabian.

Now, keep up the poetry, and say it loud and clear.

Ooh! I hate mornings.

Well, I love mornings.

All that peace and quiet for uninterrupted study.

We're so different.

But so right.

Are those new glasses?
They're kind of Disfiguring.

Well, I think they're cute on you.

Princess Amber, your carriage awaits.

No way.

Is it a convertible?
I'm gogonna say yes.

- AndTa
-da! There's no way I'm getting on that runky tractor.

Dude, that is sick!
- Can I have a ride, Alfie?

- No way, me first.

As the potential g.


, I get a*t*matic shotgun.

That is hilarious.

Did I pass the test?
You get an "a" for ambition, Alfie Lewis, But, you know, when I said "wheels" You never specified a car, Amber.

You didn't.


You passed the test.

So does this mean we're officially "amfie" now?
Can I tell the world?

We have to go on a trial date before we're official.

My people will be in touch.

The Dollhouse is the key.

I know it is.

It's trying to tell us something when it lights up.

- Where to find the mask?

- Maybe.

But Jasper said the mask doesn't even exist, In which case, I'm safe.

So why don't I feel it?
They've got loads in common now.

Last night, I hit him with my history research, And he didn't glaze over once.

Thanks for the advice.

I'm taking your advice, Patricia.

But I think he likes geeky me.

I need to step it up again.

I don't remember giving anyone any advice.

Morning, everyone.

Oh, Joy, while I remember, I've got that cd I mentioned.

For the beginning of your film.

Collect it at the end of class.

Do you want to listen to it tonight, yeah?

- Yeah, yeah, okay.

- Okay, it's a date.

But not really a date.

Very generous of you.

To offer your services, Mr.


Oh, and most enlightening about the book of !sis.

A collection of scrolls.

They were put in one book of !sis in recent centuries.

- Fascinating.

- Yes, quite.

Shall we Oh, no need.

I know the way.

- Oh, well, bye
-bye for now, and thank you.

Thank you.

- J
- Fabian.

What are you doing here?
I am going to be the curator of this exhibition.

If the school wins the bid.


Oh, and did you manage to find any more information.

On the mask of anubis?
I'm on to it.

I'm meeting an expert I know from an online forum.

Who calls himself "the collector.

" Give me an "m.

- "m.

- Give me an "I"!
- "I.

- Give me a "c!" "c!"
- Give me a
- "K.

" I hope you're going to cheer me on at chess club tonight.

No track pants.

Just try and stop me.

Is he even more in to me now?
How did this happen?
I have absolutely no idea.

If Sarah's mother made the replica, She must have seen the original at some point, right?
I was thinking the same.

So what if the frobisher
-smythes brought back.

More than just the cup from Egypt?
Hi, guys.

What's the goss?
Sibuna me.

I was just saying that now Nina's gran's gone, Maybe me and Nina could go out on that date.

About time too.

How about tonight for that date, Fabian?
Oh, wait.

You already have one with Joy.

- Wh
- Shut up.

Now you're just being silly.

I mean, we're only meeting to discuss The film, yeah.

I know.


I'm telling you, sweetie knew my dad.

He went all weird when I mentioned his name.


Sweet's too young.

To have been running the school back then, poppy.

Okay, the school website has an archive.

Come in.

Hi, everyone.

Oh, are you busy?
Yeah, so why don't you go score some hoops.

Or sh**t some goals or whatever it is you do.


I guess that's what I do.


You must really hate his guts.

No, the opposite.

I love those guts.

Mara, I need you to evacuate.

I need this room for a date that's not a date.

When I'm your age Am I gonna be this weird?
Hidden in this book of old, Water of life and tears of gold.

Books of old, books of old.

Books, libre antiguos took books of old.

"a collection of ancient egyptian hieroglyphic literature "transposed into book form in recent centuries.

The hieroglyphs themselves date back to 14th century b.


" If our guest was correct, corbiere, One of these must be the book of !sis.

John Clarke.

It's him.

Hold on.

Go back to that last page.

I think you might be right about sweetie too.

Look at this.

It's definitely him.

They were both anubis house.

So why didn't he say?
I vote we go for track one.

This one's a bit slow.

- You think?

- Yeah.

- I kind of like it.

- Mm Oh, ow.

- What is it?

- Oh, I got a cramp.


Oh, let me, let me, let me.

- Ow!
- Sorry, sorry, sorry.

- Is that okay?

- Yeah.

Oops, sorry.

Cramp! Cramp! So track one, then?

Bad timing much?
Playing with fire much?
I can't come with you, Joy.

I'm going on a date with Nina.

You look beautiful.

Ah! What is it?
Where is it?
I don't know what you're trying to show me.
