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02x31 - House of !sis

Posted: 01/15/24 12:35
by bunniefuu
Victor, are you there?
Well, those miscreants can't cross it.

The Book of !sis.


Er, Victor, is that you?

What are you so pleased about?
The Book of !sis.


The recipe for the elixir in my hands.

- What are we gonna do?

- I don't know.

Without the amulets, we will never find the mask.

The mission is over, done, caput.

So am I.

You never know Victor might suddenly become more nice, and What?
It could happen.

Sure, right after Partricia becomes a guidance counsellor.

Haha, like that's gonna happen.

Listen, we just have to keep an eye on Victor.

He'll slip up eventually, then we're back in business.

Do you have that piece you promised me?
What piece is that?
The one you promised to have finished by today, for the website.

Oh, that piece.


Eddie, that just leaves me with the piece on handbag dogs.

You promised.

Yeah, I think we've established that.

But, instead of some boring blog, you've actually learned a valuable lesson today: Don't trust my promises.

Anyway, have fun.

Hey, you got a look Seriously, you fell for that?
You are not so clever after all, aren't ya.


He just makes me want to scream.

He's so unprofessional.

I disagree.

He's totally professional of being a jerk.

He's practically my nemesis.

But Mara, the thing about having nemesis is Ok, the thing about having arch
-enemies is you have to constantly think up amazing ways to get revenge on him.

Oh, I definitely like that.

So, what would you talk to me alone?
It's about something that happened a long time ago.

It doesn't involve the jewelries, huh, is it?

When I was in Anubis House, about your age, someone dared me to steal something very valuable.

A gem, from the Frobisher Shield, the sports prize every school wanted to win, but we held it year after year.

But, after that moment, everything started to go wrong for me.

Apart from you, my poppet, of course.

The story is that if the gem goes missing, it is 30 years of bad luck and I want you to find the gem and put it back in the shield.

And suddenly everything is pearl and picnics then?
Listen, there are something I know I can never make it mends for, likelike everything I've missed out on with you, poppet.

It's OK.

But there are some things, small things, that like this that I can try to put right.

But I can only do it with your help.

So, what's your reckon?
Team Clarke, on the case together.

How hard can it be?
Find the stone, put it in the shield?
And Banm, Done.

Where do I look?
Well, there's this deserted old building in the school grounds, the Frobisher Library.

Rutter, you spent an unhealthy amount of time in the library.

No, a normal amount, I would say.

Would you?
Anyway have you ever noticed an old suit of armour when you nerding out in there?
Nerding out, thank you.

Umyesthere's one in the ground floor.

Oh, no reason.

Look at the straps, it's Victor, he's wearing the amulets.

He's wearing all of them.

What should we do now?
You just have to wait till he goes to sleep or something, then we can take them off him.

Oh, Victor in his pajamas.

Ah, I may actually throw up.

What if he never changes his clothes?
Then we make him.


Wow, Amber! What?
Ah, look what you've done, you, ew, you silly girl.

Look at this mess.

Oh, I'm soaked.

I'm sorry, Victor, I didn't see you there.

There's no harm done.

Victor, you should probably take a shower.

Definitely, like right now?
No, thank you.

I am quite all right.

Somebody get me a clean shirt from the laundry.

I'll do it.

Um, may cause irritation?
Erdidn't know why I have this.

Oh, good times.

Itching powderwill definitely cause irritation.

Oh, what on earth, irritating.

Vera would you please fetch me some smoothing skin lotion?
Oh, it worked.

I'm definitely getting more of that stuff.

We need to go now.

That's it?
No one's gonna tell me I'm a genius?
Hurry up, he'll be back in no time.

We're doing our best.

Where are they?
Hurry up, seriously.

Come on, guys.

You got 5 seconds.

He's coming back.

Now, where was I?
What's this?
Where's the final chapter?
This is just what the collector would it hidden.

If we don't get the amulets back from Victor, there's no way we' ll ever get back in the tunnel.

We can kiss the mask goodbye.

Don't worry, it could be worse.

Really couldn't.

Who ever you are, wherever you are
- Notice.

It's nearly
-Pin drop.

No, no wait.

We can do this.

We can do this.

We can get them back.

We blew our one chance of grabbing them when he took them off.

So we take them all when he got them on.

Say he were super tired.

Like the most tired that human beings have ever been in ever.

Doesn't it like kind of relying on being human.

Yeah, ok, so we keep him up all night, and then why he does fall asleep Nothing will wake him.

And we make our move.

This is gonna be good.

Vera, the umthe Book of !sis.

Oh yes, Have you had a chance to translate it yet?
Most of it.

Umthere's a chapter missing, the final and I think most important one.

Oh, that is strange.

What if Frobisher himself ripped it out and hid it at the end of the tunnels?
Oh I'm probably just being silly.

No, no, no, that is just the kind of thing Frobisher would do.



He'll have hidden it with the Mask of Anubis.

YeserI'm sorry, the Mask of Anubis?
Oh, it's real, Vera.

And whoever reaches it shall discover how to make the tears of gold.

Oh, Victor, I That's the security light.

It's rather late, isn't it?
It's those blasted children fooling around again.

Whoever is out here is in more trouble than it can possibly imagine.

Point 1 Sibuna.

There, dude, robbing a bank?
Not tonight, this is something else.

Alfie, I can use your help.

I don't know, I got a lot on tonight.

What's your thing?
I'm going to break into the Frobisher Library and search for a long lost gem in the ancient suit of armour.

That's sounds awesome.

What about the alarm?
Swept it from Jasper's desk today.

We don't have to worry about anything so long as we don't touch the exhibits.

But if the alarm does go off, Victor comes running, right?

- Potentially yes but when
- I'll do it.

Thanks mate.

Remind me why we have to get even with Eddie right now.

Always prank your enemies when they least expect it.

Operation nemesis is go.

Right, that is it.

Yes, yes, very clever.

now turn that racket off, or there will be consequences.

Who is it?
Well, show yourself.

The second verse, same as the first.

What is going on?
Who is it?
Point 2,Sibuna.

This is cool.

It's like being a ninja.

Ninja in the library, Book

Sorry I'm returning these books late.

Oh, that's ok.

Now feel my skill.

Alfie, concentrate.

I can't see a suit of armour anywhere.

How about you?
Hey there.



Those cases are alarmed.


No armour here.

Maybe it was moved, or someone borrowed it.

Why would someone borrow a suit of armour?
For a costume party maybe?
Or a w*r.

It might lead to very good reasons.

How big is it?
-sized, Alfie.


So it would be pretty easy to see, right?
You think.

Let's just get out of here.

Haha, point 3 to Sibuna.

Eddie, wakey wakey.

I can't see.

What on earth is going on here?
Just having a midnight snack.

Detention, detention, both of you.

Commencing tomorrow and ending perhaps never.

Now clear up this mess.

And go to your rooms.

What just happened?
Long story short, Victor, you and me, detention.

I'm not dreaming.


Point 4, Sibuna.

Is there anybody in here?
Come on.

Anybody else awake.

Roaming around a library in the middle of the night.

Just me, just as I suspected.

Victor, did I just hear the library alarm?

Faulty sensor probably.

It's ok.

What's the secrets have you discovered in the Book of !sis?
Oh, well, apart from the fact that it's incomplete, it's a selection of ancient text bound together in a single volume byby My studies have been somewhat interrupted tonight.


Well, I shall leave the scholar to get on with his work.

Ok, so Victor has just come back into his office, looking pretty ?

Now we just have to wait until he falls asleep and then we make our move.

But, in order to do that, we all have to stay awake.

Yes, we should do some things to keep our brains active, like chess?
Or we could tell spooky ghost stories.

Oh Alfie, your stories are so boring.

How about we count sheep to keep us awake?
Counting sheep does not keep you awake, Amber.

It basically does the opposite.

Oh, that's why it never worked.

Snap out of it! Oh Amber no.

Fabian, we wanted ?
sleep, some of us more than others.

Hey, I saw that, I swear you fall Partricia, no, don't.

- Not good, not good.

- So sorry.


Seriously thought he was going to explode.

He's pretty highly strung.

Remember when they sold the attic key Victor went ?
Yeah, back when you were just a girl, she can't save you.

Do you have my back then.

I thought we were all history, especially you.

Me too.

His face.


Good times.

I missed that, you know?
You and me.


The whole forbidden thing.

We should give it another go.

Fabian, wake up.

Wake up.

How long were we out?
I don't know.

But we have to check up Victor.

Ok, don't step there.