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02x33 - House of Dead-Ends

Posted: 01/15/24 12:37
by bunniefuu
We did it.

We did it.

I know.

Let's go get some sleep now.

Oh, Nina, about the fall?
And it was just
- What?
Well, when we were falling asleep, I was talking.

Well, muttering, really.

No, I must have missed that.

I was pretty sleepy.

Was it important?



Crazy nonsense, probably.

That's all.

Well, I'm gonna go get the others their amulets back.

Night, Fabbian.


Is Victor still asleep?
Sleeping like a baby.

Well, lucky old victor.

I don't think he'll see it that way when he realizes his old clam is gone.

That's why we have to get to school before he wakes up.

Tonight, we go back to the tunnels.


What about breakfast?


What are you so excited about?
I've got a meeting with Mr.

Sweet, and I can't wait.


I'll have to call the excitement police.

No, I'm intervewing him for the website.

An article on junk food in the school cafeteria.

I'm calling it: "Do you want lies with that?
" What a scoop.

Are you okay?
You skipped breakfast.

There's a limit of how much sugar you flate to call I can take in a lifetime.

I resented that.

I am a brilliant liar.

Either way, I know something's up.

You can tell me.

You know I won't judge.


I'll try really hard not to.


Last time I visited my dad, he asked me to do something for him.

Bring him some paperbags?
Find a priceless gem in old suit of armor.


I was way off.

I thought he was trying to go straight.

He is.

To make up something bad he did before.

By making you steal the gem?
Two wrongs don't make it right, Jerome.

Sorry, Mara, what was that about that "Not judging"?
Anyway, it doesn't matter.

I failed.

I looked all over the library for the suit of armor.

It's gone It actually matters to you, doesn't it?
It's a bonding thing.

Some guys go fishing.

Clarks track down priceless jewels.

That's how we roll.

He needs me to do this for him.

You're putting another human being before yourself.

I think I might cry.


People will think I'm being mean to you.



What is the matter?
The amulets, Vera.

They're gone.

They were around my neck when I went to sleep, but now The kids.

They think they can play me for a fool, but I'll soon have them back.

Remember our plan?
We watch and wait.

And let them think they've outwitted me?
Yes, yes.

For now, we let them do all the hard work.

And then we swoop when the time is right.

Very well.

We'll wait.

For now.

But I can't do any swooping without an amulet, can I?
You leave that to me.

Very thought provoking, too.

Junk food, yum, yum.

When is lunch?

What's that?
Oh, that is a coat stand, Mara.

It's a fairly common thing.

But it has metal feet.

I use it as a coat stand.

Actually, it's a suit of armor from the library.

Yes, I took rather a shine to it.

Oh yeah.

Well, thanks again.

Try and guess why I'm so happy.

Bcause of that trigonometry test tomorrow and you're weird.


Although I do like a good trig test.

So I suppose you don't want to know where the suit of armor is after all.

You found it?
Yes, but you're not interested.

No, Mara, don't do this to me.

Sweet uses it as a coat stand in his office.

His office?
Now that is interesting.

But don't ask me how you get to it.

So Patricia's doing Victor's evil chores, so it's just us tonight.

Everyone got their amulets?
Sibuna back in action again.

Does anyone else worry about Victor coming looking for the amulets again?
Well, if he does, he won't find mine.

Look at me.

Where do you think it is?
Around my neck, right?
Maybe my wrist.

Both wrong.


Check it.

Alfie Lewis doesn't make the same mistake twice.


I'm not doing that again.

Alfie, did you remember the walkie

-4 little buddy.

It's a little walkie
-talkie speak.

Over and out.

I can't believe you still have these.

Yeah, they were under the bed.

I had forgotten about them, actually.

You still play with them, do you?
You don't play with walkies, Amber.

They're used for very serious form of communication in tons of intelligence all over the world.

So who's A
-dog and the J.

Meister then?
They came with the radio.

I see.

So, who's going down to the creepy tunnel of doom first?
Rock paper sissors.

Rock paper sissors, sh**t.

I trust you are both rested and refreshed after last night's shenanigans?

Feeling pretty great.

Thanks for asking.

Always feel great after a good night of shenanigans, don't you, yacker?


Because you are both going to need a great deal of energy from now on.

Come on.

Lay it on us.

Chore duty.

Three times per week as in when I demand, without question, without argument, without fail.

Bet you know where to start, don't you?
With our ears?
Oh, what?


All right.

I'll be on the other walkie
-talkie and I'll talk you through it.

You'll be fine.

Just be careful.

I'll try.

Let's just get this over with.

Nina, can you hear me?
Are you okay?
I'm here, Fabian.

So far, so good.

There's not much room to maneuver in here.

What is it?
Are you all right?
Flashlight just went out.

The tunnel can't be that long.

You must still be there already It's dark in here.

I can hardly move.

I hear noises, bad noise.

It's just your mind.

It's playing tricks.


Fabbian,you're breaking up.

Fabbian,are you there?
Nina! Nina, help me.

Help me, Nina! Gran?
Gran, where are you?
Is that you?
Where are you?
You need to help me, Nina.

Please, help me.


Are you there?
Talk to me.

Are you there?
Open Sesame, I hope.

It was a door.

Nina did it.

Nina, can you hear me?
Nina, can you hear me?
Yep, I'm nearly back.

You should be able to see me soon.

A little help here.

I'm sorry.

How was it?
Honestly, like being down in a long tunnel with bugs and a skull.

Sounds about right.

And there were voices.

That's new.

Yeah, weird ones.

It was all in my head but still How do you say?
Now, you did it.


Let's see what Frobiser Smythe has in store for us next.

For Nina, fot the mask, for Sibuna.

No way.

It just keep getting weirder.

I'm detecting a definite theme in here.

The spiders had it weaved and got us at w*r.

Weavers and w*r.

Yeah, 'cause those two go together really well.

Look at that spider over there.

It looks like an indentation.

There must be something goes in there.

I'm hoping not a giant spider.


That's where we have to get to.

Just go there.

-It really hurts.

-It's like a bee sting.

Or spider bite.

I think there's some kind of venom all on the threads.

What are those?
Some kind of hooks?
What do you think they're for?
I'll just call it night, guys.

We'll come back tomorrow.

Tomorrow, okay.

I have this weird feeling I'm going to be ill around the partner.

So did you find your Gran?
Yeah, she's fine.

I mean, I knew she would be.

I just need to hear her voice, and on the phone this time, not some creepy tone of terror.

You were scared, that's all.

The mind plays tricks.


It's just
- Just what?
I can't help thinking it meant more than that.

How's the stakeout going?
Not good, my friend.

Not good at all.

I've been watching Sweetie all morning.

Do you know he leave his office on average,three times an hour.

I did not know that.

He's gone for approximately 4 minutes, leaves his door unlocked, on average, none of those times.

You're really rocking those stat.

I mean, what does he think is gonna happen if he leave it open for four minutes?
Dudes like us will come in and take stuff.

True, that is why we have to think of a wild goose chase to get Sweet out and me in.

Wild goose chase?
Got it covered.

You have?
What is it?
Don't you worry about it, buddy, I'll arrange everything.

Just sit back, and be prepared to be amazed.

Good amazed or bad amazed?

Dude, what's that awful stink?
Surely manure.

You just leave it lying around like it's a totally normal thing to do?
I want all of this spread on the flowerbeds.

And the when you have finished, you may return to your lessons.

This is a joke, right, Victor?
Like, ha, ha, good one, yeah?
I don't make jokes.

I'm not doing it.

Everyone has their limit.

A line needs to be drawn in the sand.

Or the manure.

Silvia of Horace It's not that bad.

You know, the exercise, the fresh air.

It's not that actually fresh though, is it?
Oh, gross.

Why would you so Come on, it's a perfect legitimate practical joke, considering the circumstances.

I mean to be a crime not But these are my Baddy shoes.

Okay, here, fine, I'll fix it.

Baddy shoes.

Can't take a joke.

And by the way, you've got some to serve.

Actually, could you help me Ah, no.

You end there.

You're actually deaf
-about me.

If I'm wrong
-Watch your step.

Nailed then.

Where's that amulet?

Sweet speaking.


Well, I take the organizinging Alfie, where have you been?
What have you got there?
Please,please,don't tell me what I know you're going to tell me.

You said you were in a wild goose chase.

So I got a wild goose.

Not a caged one, but it's close enough, right?
You really had.

-Where did you get it?

-Alfie knows people.

But, Alfie, buddy.

"Wild goose chase" Is a figurous speech.

It has got me thinking.

Does it have to be?
What would happen if this thing is running around the school?
Bet it's panic.


And who would come running?

Sweet! With all the confusion, you know I doubt he'd even have time to lock his door.

And let the wild goose chase begin.

There you are.



What actually a genius.

Oh, goose.

That's a goose.

Be careful, Alfie.

It could bite.


Come on.

Come on! Where are you?
Got you.

No, no, no! Alfie?
Open the door in the office! In the office! It won't open.

