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02x37 - House of Hacks

Posted: 01/15/24 12:39
by bunniefuu
The search is complete.

You may return to your rooms.

So, Victor, didn't find anything, then?
No four
-legged friends, No web
-footed waterfowl?
No, no.

But if I do, rest assured, There will be consequences.

So It was all just a wild goose Chase, then?
Enough, Lewis.


There will also be grave consequences.

For those of you who chose.

To ignore Vera's instructions to remain in here, Starting with you, miss Williamson.

Where on earth I think they've all been cooped up.

Long enough, Victor.

Very well.

Where did you run off to?

Uh, did I miss anything?
I checked our rooms and everything's still there.

Big relief, huh?
Yeah, huge.

So, guys, I think we're ready.

Victor's gonna be at the staff meeting tonight, So tunnel time in two hours?
Or or maybe we could just practice a bunch more times.

Before we even think about Look, Patricia, we already practiced upstairs.

You'll be fine.

So meet here later?

Amber A word, please?
Your advice about Joy isn't working.

And I mean at all.


Ignore her.

It's kinder in the long run.

Faced with a total lack of response, Anyone would give up.

Isn't that how you and Alfie got together?
Come on, I'll show you the basics.

Ah ugh.

Where are you?
Oh, you have to be somewhere.

What is it you're looking for, anyway?
Just a thing.

It's just something.

It's just, if I knew what it was, I could help maybe.

No! We do provide wardrobes for clothes storage, Patricia.

Mara, dear, Mrs.

Andrews is looking for you.

They're gonna k*ll me.

Okay, ignoring for dummies.

Just pretend I'm Joy.

Don't react to anything I say.

Hi, fabes! Remember when we were b.




And we did blah that place at the blah.

And how we laughed at the blah?
So, anyway, I love you.

Don't look at me! I'm way better girlfriend material than Nina.

For a start, I'm not cursed, Not American, And I don't smell of books.

That's not very nice This isn't even the hard stuff! How are you going to cope if she cries?
I'm serious, Fabian.

She's good.

You go in unprepared, You'll never get out alive.

Okay Let's start at the beginning.

Forget the role play.

Just ignore me, Amber, whatever I say.

Why read books?
If they're that good, They'll make a movie out of it.

If you had a computer big enough, Could you explode the Internet?
The wheel, the steam engine, electricity.

Are all insignificant inventions.

In comparison to the fake tan.

So what was it you wanted to talk to me about?
Well, it's website business.

I want to commission a special sort.

Of investigative journalism from you, Mara.

- Oh, sounds great.

- Yes.

And I want the subject to be Vera.

- Vera?

- Yes.

A special staff profile page.

A belated welcome and a nice way of thanking her.

For all the hard work she's done so far.

But I want you to get to the root of, who is Vera?
I mean, what are her achievements?
Where did she come from?
That sort of thing.

Okay, so I suppose the first thing I'd do.

Is arrange an interview with her.



I want it to be a lovely surprise for her, So nobody must know what you're doing.

And what do you say?
Do you think you'd find that enjoyable?
I'd love to.

Oh, that's good news, Because I know that you'll leave no stone unturned.

And be discreet.

That's why I thought of you.

And, Mara Like I said, just between the two of us.


- Mm

Thank you, Mara.

I forgot how boring division was.

I suppose you think the opposite, right?
Last time was horrible, Being locked up with no tv.

I did get really good at origami and chess.

Do you play?
Because I thought we could play together sometime.

Any thoughts on that?
Any at all?

I see how it is.

Ow! Stupid thing.

Fabian It's okay, Joy.

I'm going to help you.

I've got it.

I've got it.

Oh, oh.

You okay?
You okay?

That was close.

I thought I was a goner.

Well, you know, I mean, I thought I'd leave it to the last minute.

To make it more exciting.


All you need is a cape, hero boy.

- Shh.

-doo! I don't know why I bother.

- Any luck?

- Hello?
Oh Um Oh! Yes! Yes! You sweet, sweet beauty.

Oh Yeah, uh Oh.

Goosey goo.

And voila.

One gemstone direct from the digestive system.

Of a very relieved goose.

Well, don't bring that thing near me.

It's all drippy.

- Yeah.

- Come on.

Let's go and wash it.


It's not stealing.

It's borrowing.

Alfie, what time is it?
It's ten past 8:00.

Where's Nina?

Sorry, I couldn't get gran off the phone.

She's on the ghost walk tonight.

Victor's gone, right?
Yeah, I saw him leave about half an hour ago.


Let's do this then.



You have to scrub it really well.

No, a quick rinse should be fine.

Jerome, there's germs in all sorts.

Let me.

Mara, it's fine.

Put some soap on it, at least.

Mara, stop.

What are you do No, no, no! Mara! No, no, no, no! No.

I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to.

Well, wherever it is, At least I know it's clean.

Hang on, guys! What happened?
Why didn't the amulet protect her?
Can't see, guys! I can't see! Watch your step.

Here, sit.

It's horrible, isn't it?
Totally blind.

Bat blind.

Three blind mice blind.

Well, do you think there's a time limit on them?
Maybe that's why the spirit.

Keeps saying, "watch the timepiece.

" But ours worked fine.

They're all the same, aren't they?

Mine's Mine's the spare.

What do you mean?
I lost my amulet, okay?
I'm sorry.

So I I took the spare from the Dollhouse.

What if Victor gets his hands on it?
I know.

I know; I'm so sorry.

Where did you lose it?
I don't know.

It's okay.

Let's just get you upstairs.


I'll be okay.

You guys go.

Patricia, I'm not leaving you.

I promise, I'll be fine.

Only if you're sure.

I'm sure.



Come on.


Whoa, whoa.

Big drop.

Okay, so remember, nice and slow.

There's no need to rush.

And don't step on the threads, any of them.

- Slow.

- Yeah.


We've got it.

Don't worry.

I aced it in practice.

We'll be fine.

Go, Fabian.

Over the other.

Okay, now go, go.

Under the red.

Careful! Watch for your head.

Watch, watch okay, okay.

Watch out for the silver, right shoulder.

Right shoulder.


Okay, yellow one.

Yellow one.

Your leg, over it.

Over it, Alfie.

Silver one, Alfie.

Alfie, your head's got the silver one, Above you, above you.

Watch out! Watch out for the yellow.

You did it.


Good job.

So What about the hooks?
Yeah, there's a silver one here.

Yellow here, and a red one there.

What about the gigantic spider?
It doesn't seem to go anywhere.

So that must mean they put something in it.

Patricia, what are you doing here?
There's someone in the tunnel.

Must hide.

Who is it?
She can't see, remember?
Here, over here.

There's nowhere to hide.

Okay, guys, forget that whole thing I said.

About going slowly.

Just get back here as quick as you can.

Foot over, over, careful.

Okay, back down.

Watch out for the silver.

Hurry up, guys! Oh Now, that is new.

Now, what have we here?
All fun and games, eh, Robert?
Fabian, will you get your elbow out of my face?
Okay, who was that?
I don't know.

I can't see, remember?
This is really bad.

Badder than bad.

Come on.

Let's just get you out of here.


Watch out.

Be careful.

- Ah
-ha! Oh I got these from the laundry room.

Think any of them might help?
Most definitely.

Honestly, Jerome, I was just thinking about hygiene.

I didn't mean for it I know, Mara.

It's okay; don't worry.

Have you got a plan?

Jerome! You don't think they'll notice if you smash the sink to bits?
Good point.

Hmm Better.

- Jasper
- Mm
Why did you want me working here?
Because you were the right person for the job, of course.

It's just Well, you and Vera seem to have a lot in common.

Trudy, are you a little jealous of Vera?
I can understand.

It's only natural.

To be Frank, Vera just doesn't have your ambition.

You are far, far more useful over here with me.

And that's why I specifically wanted you here.

Do you know what you're doing?
I have seen it on tv.

How hard can it be?
Oh, oh, oh! You've seen it on tv, have you?

World's worst plumbing disasters.

Oh! I'm so sorry.

Jerome, Mara.

What are you both doing in here?
And why have you taken Victor's tools?
Tell me.

You'd better come clean, Jerome.


I lost something down the drain.

It was my fault, Vera.

Well, you should have come to me first, okay?
I'll help you get it.

I'm sure you've both got things to do.

Actually, Jerome, I was meant to go and see Mr.


Oh, yep, yep.

That's right, bail.

When the going gets tough, Mara gets going.


- Hey.

- How's Patricia?
She's okay.

Just resting.

So what's going on?
Well, we need to find three things.

To hang on the hooks.

And some sort of large spider to put in the hole.

Come on, Sarah, throw us a bone here.

I'm more worried.

About who chased Patricia down the tunnel.

Did she not hear anything?
No voice?
Deep breathing?
Any clue at all?

Just footsteps.

Someone with feet.

Well, that narrows it down.

Well, it must have been Victor, right?
Ah! Fabian! Oh! You scared the life out of me.

Hey, buddy, what's up?
What are you doing out here, Jerome?
Just waiting to use the girls' bathroom.

Rather than the boys' one downstairs?
I am so bored at that one, aren't you?
I just fancied a change of scenery.


I get that.

I get that.

Suspicious much?
You don't think it could have been Jerome down there, Do you?
I'm not sure.

But I am sure that he's hiding something.

I'm glad I caught you, Mr.


Oh, it's fine.

Fine, Mara.

Gave me an excuse to wrap up the staff meeting.

They do tend to drag on a bit.

And you said this was for a piece.

You're working on.

Is it a follow
-up to the junk food expose?
I had to shelf that one.


Apparently, it made two of the lunch ladies cry, And now the rest won't speak to me.

Oh, dear.

No, this is a new one, but It's a bit secret.

How intriguing.

Well, if I can help in any way.

Well, I was just wondering, When Trudy left her job at anubis house.

To go and work for Jasper, How did Vera come to get her job?
She applied.

I see.

Were there many applicants?
Oh, no, just the one.

But you advertised.

And she was the only person that applied?
Isn't that a bit unusual?
Well, I I suppose Well, it really wasn't a problem.

Why is that?
Because Jasper gave her a glowing recommendation, And after that, well, I could hardly say no.

Next stop: Jasper choudhary.

How's it going, Vera?
Almost there.

And I thought I asked you to pace outside.

It's very distracting.

Pop! No way to go, Vera! You've got it.

I never doubted you for a second.

Have you got it?
I'm sorry, Jerome.

There's nothing here.

No way.

Where is it?
No, no, it can't be gone.

Are you sure?
How very collectable.