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02x40 - House of Wires

Posted: 01/15/24 12:41
by bunniefuu
Okay, so we have a poisonous Web, Three hooks, and a spider
-shaped hole thing.

I had hoped this task would be about mermaids.

Or baking.

Hi, poppy.


Whoa, stop there.

What's that?
Oh, uh, this is nothing.

So where are you at, Jerry?
Finders keepers.

It's mine, okay?
My brother gave it to me.

Are you all right?
I've been stung, Vera.




Here, let me.


You know, it pains me to say this, But I am beginning to think that this latest task.

Is more suitable to the young and nimble.

That's very wise.

Let them do the work.

Our time will come.

Oh, thank you.

Accursed book.

Shh, shh, shh, shh.

You know, I must have been through this 100 times.

We need that final chapter.

Yes, there, there, there.

Everything will work itself out in good time.

Trust me.

You were acting weird all last lesson.

I don't know.

It's almost as if you were concentrating.

Take that back.

It's the gem.

Except there is no way the gem could get all the way down.


Vera looked before I could.

Her back was to me.

You think she stole it?
All I'm saying is it's the only thing.

That makes sense right now.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Have you two started a strange girls acting strangely club?
Because right now it's going very well.

Poppy's wearing a necklace around her neck.

Seems logical, Amber.

That is where you wear them.

It's ours.

She said you gave it to her.

Yes, I did.

What of it?
Well, it belongs to us.

We lost it, and we'd like it back.

Right, well, Nina, I'm afraid the operative word you used was "lost.

" In my book, that makes poppy the finder keeper.

And you a pair of loser weepers.

Have a nice day.

He's acting too weird.


I didn't steal it, Jerome, I swear.

I found it outside in the grass.



I believe you.

But that belongs to someone else.

And that someone else.

Is probably going to be very upset.

That they've lost it.

A good person, poppy, A kind person, Wouldn't want that, would they?
I guess.

That's more like it.

You really have changed, haven't you, gerbil?
This will come in very handy.

Uh That's it.

That's it.

I can't take this anymore.

I'm just gonna March over to her.

And I'm gonna say, "joy, look, I like you, "but we can't go out.

Because I still have feelings for Nina.

" And you really think she's going to accept that?

Well, good luck.

"joy, I like you, "but I still have feelings for Nina.

Joy, I like you, but I still have feelings for Nina.

" Okay.

So how'd it go?

We're going to the movies.

Fabian, you get back here.

Patricia, are you okay?
Are can you see?
Yes, of course I can.

And now you're polishing fruit.

You really can't see, can you?
Okay, maybe I'm not exactly 20/20.

It's just an eye infection.

I've had it before.

Can you see anything?
Can you see me?
I can see, like, a massive blurry blob.

Yacker, I think that is the nicest thing.

You've ever said to me.

Well, uh, can you see me now?
Maybe you're a little bit less blurry.


How about now?
It's better.

But How about now?
Eddie, I have to tell you something.

Yes, Patricia?
You should change your mouthwash 'cause your breath really stinks.


Fabian, are you insane?
Joy, movies, date?
Are you insane?
I didn't ask her.

She just It's an outrage, is what it is.

Jerome won't help us get the amulet back.

Yeah, I was just saying to him, It's an outrage.

Alfie, any ideas?
Okay, Jerome's looking for this gem.

That his dad lost years ago, And he found it, then he lost it, And now Vera's stolen it.

I'm sorry.

Say pretty much all of that again.

Okay, Jerome's looking for this gem Duh, duh, duh, don't worry about it.

But why would Vera do that?
Maybe she confiscated it.

Because she knew he wasn't supposed to have it.

But if we get it We could make a deal with Jerome.

Good plan.

If I was Vera, where would I hide it?
Thought you'd be quicker off the mark, Jerome.


Vera's been gone for ages.

But you were right.

That's where it was hidden.

Where what was hidden?
Don't play dumb.

We know you're looking for the gem.

All coming back to you now, is it?
Not so fast.

What's going on, you guys?
We want to trade you, The gem for the amulet.

Why do you want it?
Why do you want the gem?

I was gonna give it back to you anyway.

Yeah, of course you were.

See you around.

Preferably above ground.

We should get back to school before lunch is over.


I'll be right there.

Just need to put this back first.


School awards and prizes.

This is what we're looking for.

More like relieved.

Everything's been about this moment.

To think, years from now you'll look back.

On this moment and smile.



Just excited, that's all.

My lips are sealed.



Our school really does suck at sports.

The frobisher shield.

So where is it?

So I finally got the gem, And there's nowhere to stick it.

Thank you, Sarah.

"upon the foundation "on which this house rests "lies the solution to the spider Web test.

"to find the armorer and scholar's hollow, The silver thread of fate you must follow.

" This ruler may be forgotten, But she will not be ignored! Or you will pay the gravest price of all.

Raven is poised to swoop on the mask.

Do not forget, You belong to me now, chosen one, And I will not tolerate anymore of your failure.

And when I turned around, She was standing right in front of me.

And she just basically said to hurry, right, Or else Yeah, but she was angry.

Angry like you wouldn't believe.

It was really scary.

She said the raven is poised to swoop.

And you think it means Victor?
Well, Victor didn't have the amulet.

Jerome did.

That's why I don't understand.

Did she say anything else?
She said this ruler may be forgotten, But she will not be ignored.

- Sounds like a spirit with self
-esteem issues.

So what's the latest with the clue, Fabian?
It's pretty obscure.

"upon the foundation on which this house rests "lies the solution to the spider Web test.

"to find the armorer and scholar's hollow, The silver thread of fate you must follow.

" Armorer and scholar's hollow.

The library.

How did you figure that one out?
That's where the suit of armor used to be.

Armor, armorer, right?
And I don't know, isn't scholar, Like, an old style word for massive nerd?
And where do you find that?
So I spend a lot of time in the library.

This doesn't mean that I'm a massive nerd, okay?

So Fabian and I will research online.

While you two go check out the library.


- Mm



Jerome, you're not going to inform me.

Of anymore goose
-related hijinks, are you?
No, no.

The goose has been returned.

We are officially goose

I'm very glad to hear that.

There is one thing.

I was thinking the other day about how great our school is It's fine historical lineage And happened to look in the awards cabinet.

Ah, yes.

Yes, uh, it is rather bare.

And why is that?
I mean, there seems to be a massive space.

Reserved for some shield.

It's all since we lost the frobisher shield, yes.

Go on.

- The most sought
-after sporting trophy, Until a gem was stolen from it.

And we never managed to win it back again.

And our sporting luck seemed to evaporate that day, And it has never returned.

And the school slipped into, well, despair.

Oh, yes, my word, it has been about 30 years.

I appreciate your concern, Jerome, But this sort of thing happens, And there's nothing you can do about it.

Watch out.

Uh, get lost, weasel.

Okay, you can definitely see now.

Yep, and you can back off.

Hey, after what happened in detention, I mean, you need looking after.

You almost kissed me.

Close call, right?
Uh, I don't know what you're talking about.

And I was half blind, So it doesn't even count.

Well, you know, If you want to take another run at it, I'm here.


Okay, I'll tell you what.

You make the arrangements, Tell me where you'll be, And I'll make sure I'm on the other side.

Of the planet, okay?
Look, Patricia I've lowered my force field.


All you have to do is drop the act and lower yours.

Just grow up and leave me alone.

Fine, then.


Smell you later.


Come on in.

Take a seat, please.

So how can I be of assistance?
It's about Vera.

I see.

Uh, well, I'd love to help you, But I barely know her.

I heard it was you that recommended her.

For the job at anubis house.

Like I said, I barely know her at all.

And actually I'm already running late for another appointment, So, um Sorry.

Jasper a dead end.

Next step, investigate Vera's past employers.

I mean, the arrogance.

You have to ask permission for that sort of thing, don't you?
Oh, but not him.

I have never met anyone so Wow.

You've got it bad.

Joy What?

Did I overplay it?
Only to someone who knows you like I do.

To everyone else it looks like pure hatred.

Uh, well, yeah, that's the general vibe I'm trying to go for.

I don't want him to see through it.

Well, it's working.

Seriously, tell him you like him, Otherwise he's just going to lose interest.

I can't.

I mean, I want to say, "Eddie, I like you, I think you're cute," and all that stuff.

By the time it gets to here, It comes out as, "get out of my face, Eddie, you freak.

" Yeah, you say that a lot.

I know.

I like him.

Like, I really do.

But I can't handle it when he's nice to me.

It just makes me feel like such a horrible person.

You're not a horrible person.

I don't know what to do.

You need to tell him.

Are you there?
Online search for Vera got me nowhere.

It's like she doesn't exist.

A complete ghost.

This calls for a more extreme course of action.

"blake manor.

Milkwich for arkdale.

" Same name, different addresses.

What are you doing up here, Mara?
Just looking for you, Vera.

Oh, there you are.

That's a relief.

If I ever find you or anyone else.

Snooping around up here again.

Or putting one thieving little finger on my things, Well Words cannot even begin to describe.

How unpleasant I can be.

Is that clear?

Run along, then, dear.

Hey, Mara.

We're gonna be late.

So any luck?
We checked the library.

No armor, hollows, or silver threads of fate.

Just your normal nerd herd of dorks with books.


Wait, I think I found something.

This is all about last names and what they mean.

So I thought I'd look up "frobisher," Which comes from an old french word.

For bisseor, which means "to shine.

" Fascinating.

And he says he's not a nerd.

Well which is a last name most commonly given to armorers.

Okay, now, that is actually pretty interesting.

What thank you.

Look, so what if I am a nerd?
There's nothing wrong with that.

It was nerds like me that invented the wheel, email, Pretty much everything you couldn't live without.

I feel your pain, my friend.

I get hassled 'cause I want to be a ninja.

- So the riddle's about the frobisher
Well, he was a smart scholar, wasn't he?
Yeah, and foundations could mean founders.

And who built this place?

- The frobisher

The picture of them in the dining room.

Maybe the solution to the task is behind it.

Wait, wait.

Walk, don't run.

Sorry, Victor.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Chapter 13.

The mask of anubis.

It's definitely hollow.

I wonder what this does.

It's a picture wire.

Or the silver thread of fate?
Then let's follow it.

Do it, Alfie.

What is that?