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02x45 - House of Slander

Posted: 01/15/24 12:44
by bunniefuu
Mara, people deserve to know.

Do it.

You scared?
Do it.

She's a liar.

Do it.

And we're live.

What have I done?
Yes! That was the shot of my career, And I can safely say that, Because my ping
-pong career ended when you chose Amber.

We need to win, Alfie.

You know that.

Yes, you might not be playing, but you have a better job.

- Hmm?

- As Coach.


I've always wanted a whistle.

So shiny and whistle

Only the best for my coach.

See you later.

- Hey, Alfie.

- Hi, Amber.

Alfie, Amber, We saw Victor in the cellar mixing chemicals.

He's brewing elixir again.

Oh, that could be bad.

How are the chemical riddles coming?
I'm still stuck on "sweet scent of mourning.

" Hmm.

Well, good luck with that.


Alfie, I'm right here.

Jerome made me coach, and you've got training.

So three laps around the school and squats and lunges.

Times 20.


Victor, are you going to Victor?
What are you doing down here?
Oh, nothing.

Vera, you've been crying.

What on earth is the matter?
"seems kind and warm
-hearted, What is this?
Mara wrote it.

It's all over the school website.

Oh, Victor, it's just lies.


Sweet's called me to his office to explain myself.

Wait a minute.

I think it's miss Jaffray that needs to do the explaining.


Oh, dear.

There, there.

This is a witch hunt, Eric.

Pure and simple.

I'll remove the article from the site.

Yes, but everybody's already seen it.

That is regrettable.

Mara had no right, but I'll insist she apologizes to you, And then we can all get together just us and discuss an outcome.

No, not privately.

I insist on their having the opportunity.

To hear my side of the story.

Please, Victor.

No, no, no.

That is quite impossible.

Miss Devenish must be given the chance.

To fully restore her reputation.

By facing her accuser in public.

In full view of everyone, And I mean everyone.

But that is simply not how we do things here.

It is now.

Well, um, If you're sure.


We're from the wincott academy.

Just thought we'd say hi to the brave new challenger, Aka the loser to be.

Well, you're looking at him.

He just admitted his friend's a loser.


Well, actually, Jerome's so good, That he once hit a ball over a roof.

And into an egg cup.

And another time, he saved a drowning kitten.

By hitting a ball.

And it clung onto it like a life preserver.

This is our coach.

He loves the trash talk.

You're obviously training to lose.

Well, he hasn't lost yet.

Not that he will.


Thank you for that, Alfie.

My pleasure.

Always happy to talk you up, buddy.

That's why I wield the whistle, right?
Oh, please don't.

Your handiwork?
I saw how pathetic you looked.

When I told you the pranks were over, And I felt bad for you.

See, I do have a heart.

It's very kind of you.


What are these?
Pet treats.

You know, for the teacher's pet.

Why does it bother you so much?

It's funny.

It's just that me and sweetie are not bffs.

- Oh, whatever.

- No, no, no.

He does not cut me any slack, all right?
And very soon I'm going to prove that to you.

Okay, then.

Can't wait.

So excited.

August village fair.

Bingo, baby.

Mara, what were you thinking?
I'm sorry.

It's just too good a story.

But Mr.

Sweet has arranged a hearing for tomorrow.

Vera will argue you just made it all up.

But I didn't, and I have a ton of evidence to prove it.

I just have to make everyone see the truth.


We'll make everyone see the truth.

I got you into this, didn't I?
We'll show everyone what a lying old bat Vera Devenish really is.

Mara, how could you write this?
Write what?
What if they close down the school site because of it?
Chill, man.

The story was off the chain.

It had to come out.

Shocked face.

Mara, you destroyed her.

I stand by everything I wrote, And I'm going to prove it.

Yeah, you go, girl.

There is to be a hearing today.

To ascertain the legitimacy or otherwise.

Of a story which has appeared on the school website.

I am instructing all anubis house students to attend.

And hear the truth.

Sorry, Mara.

Why a hearing?
We're all behind you.

It'll be okay.


Okay, sweet scent of mourning essence.

What is it?
And it's "mourning" as in funerals, Not "morning" as in breakfast.

Yeah, right.

You okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.

You can have it.

No, smell it.

It smells familiar like It's like one of the jars from the tunnels.


The egyptians used lots of spices in embalming.


Let's have a look.

"cinnamon: A Spice from the bark of the cinnamomum tree.

"in the ancient world, it was widely used in funerals.

And in the process of mummification.

" Gran always said.

Breakfast was the most important meal of the day.


Did she?
This hearing has been called to determine the accuracy.

Of an article written by Mara Jaffray.

About Vera Devenish.

We should begin in a few moments.

- Hey, now's our chance.

- Okay.

Be seated.

This is an official hearing.

Could someone please close the doors.

Allow me, Mr.


We could be solving the task.

Quiet, everyone.

Mara, could you please present your case first?
Next Nina, are you okay?

Yes! No.

Boom! No! The raven is soaring ahead.

What is it?
Chosen one will pay for her failure.

I don't know, But it's bad.

Really bad.


Miss Devenish, You worked as a clerk.

At beacon grove school nine years ago.

Is that right?
I wouldn't have put it on my resume if it weren't.

So can you explain why you are not in this photo.

Of the entire kitchen team.

When they won the award for excellence that year?
I arrived at the beginning of the academic year, Which starts in September.

What is the date of that article, Mara?
April 20th.

Five months before I arrived.

Revenge is sweet.

I will not be beaten by you, Robert.

You recommended Vera for the job, But you told me you barely know her.

She was a friend of a friend.

I was happy to make the recommendation.

Did you think it strange Vera was the only applicant?
I wouldn't know about that.

Mara, I'm confused.

Are you questioning.


Choudhary's character now too?
Do you have any scruples at all.

About whose reputation you tarnish?
I'm trying to establish.

How you came to get the job here and why.


Sweet hired me.

Perhaps you'd like to interrogate him next.

I just want to know the truth.

In which case, I'm even more confused.

I thought you were claiming to already know the truth.

When you wrote that article.


I mean, I did Let's stick to the facts, shall we?
Or rather the lack of them.

Mara, please move on.

Your last job was as a housekeeper.

At dewsbury manor three years ago.


Hendry was your employer.

Is that correct?

I spoke to a man there who told me Mr.

Hendry died.

Over 20 years ago.


Sweet, I would like to introduce someone.

Who will put an end to this nonsense.

Once and for all, if I may.

This is Mr.

Hendry, And I think you will find he is very much alive.


Busted, sweetie.

Vera was with us for many years.

She was a wonderful cook.

And her chocolate cake Mmm.

Out of this world.

But you told me Mr.

Hendry was dead.

I'm sorry, my dear, But I've never seen you before in my life.

I came to see you.

Don't you remember?

My memory is not as good as it used to be, But I can assure you, I do remember my own name.

Thank you for your time, Mr.



Sweet, I honestly Enough.

And I did go to Silence! Five, six, seven, eight.

- Yee
-haw! Smooth moves, Mr.


Turn this off immediately.

Turn it off! Daphne.

Daphne, help me! It's not me We will take a short break.

Let's go, dude.

It's a tournament tomorrow, and you need practice.

Ten minutes.

That's all.

Now's our chance.

Get the others.

She's pulverizing you.

We're gonna have to go without them.

Where are we going?
You should have checked your facts.

Before you stuck them on the website.

I did.

Well, I thought I did.

Maybe if Eddie hadn't What?
Yeah, he basically called me a chicken.

Oh, I'm gonna k*ll that weasel.

It's okay.

- Vera's on trial, and sweetie's the line
-dancing cowboy.

See, this is what I'm missing.

When we're down in those tunnels.

Victor's coming up the cellar stairs.

Okay, he's gone.

Let's go.

Has he been in here?
How could he?
He hasn't got an amulet.

I know, but I don't trust him.

Okay, look, we took those amulets right off of him, And he's done nothing about it?
That's pretty weird, isn't it?


Have you any idea how much damage.

Your little stunt today has done in undermining my authority?
What authority is that, Eric?
As soon as this hearing is over, I want to see you in my office.

Do I make myself understood?
Do I make myself understood?

Loud and clear, cowboy.

Who's a teacher's pet now?
You just riled sweetie up worse than ever.

And sent him straight back to Mara's hearing.

Nice work, Edison.

Especially as you put Mara up to this in the first place.

Hey, you're the one that started this.

We're in this together, yacker.

Oh, great.


Here goes.

Okay, stand back.


Did we get it wrong?
Crash! No, we didn't! Well, come on.


Don't you think something about that door was a little odd?
Look, the chemicals work differently than we expected.

That's all.


We're doing great.


Some kind of instrument?
Yay, singing.

Daddy says I have the voice of an angel.

Makes sense.

It's hathor, goddess of the arts.

Should I have a go?

We should get back before we're missed.

We'll come down later with the others.

Good call.

I want to catch up with mara
-gate and sheriff sweetie.

- I did think Mr.

Sweet's boots were actually on
-trend, But his over
-theming, oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Silence in court.

Victor, where were you?
I needed you.

We are one step closer to our prize, my dear.

I have listened to everything here today.

And have no weight whatsoever to any of the claims against Vera.

Quite right, and I hope you will deal severely.

With miss Jaffray.

Her claims were nothing more than the fabrications.

Of a spiteful girl.

Be quiet, Victor.

I am in charge here.

The behavior of the students of this school.

Has reached an all
-time low, And I will not stand for it for one moment longer.

It is time for it to stop.

Mara, you have attempted to ruin the reputation.

Of one who wants only to look after you.

Your transgression leaves me little option.

Mara Jaffray, You are expelled.

Silence! Sit down!