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02x47 - House of Sorry

Posted: 01/15/24 12:45
by bunniefuu
Mara Jaffray, you are expelled.

Mara, please don't worry.

I'm sure there's more to this than meets the eye.

I'm going to have a word with Mr.

sweet now.

Mara, are you okay?
Where were you?
I looked for you.

I'm sorry.

I was with Alfie.

He's been Gangway, gangway, gangway.

Major sporting event to set up.

Alfie, stop.


Stop, please.


What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Prepping you for the biggest match of your life.

Now, drop and give me 50.

And this time, no crying.

Alfie, you're fired! What did I do?
Well done.

Quite a performance.

No, no, no, not here.

I think you'll find the amount we discussed is all present and correct.

And a little extra bonus.

So thank you so much for coming at such short notice, Mr.


Oh, yes.

My pleasure.


If she keeps sticking her nose into other people's business, she might lose it.

False references and now impersonating a dead man.

Whatever will you get me doing next for you, huh?
A word, please.

If you're here to talk about Mara Jaffray, my mind has been made up.

Expelling her is not the answer.

Then what do you suggest?
I told her to write that article.

And to be honest, I'd do it all again.

Well, I'm not accepting your resignation, Daphne.

Vera is not to be trusted.

And just because Victor likes her, suddenly she's become untouchable! I'm sorry, but I've been made a fool of once today already.

My decision on Mara stands.

I can't believe he expelled her.

I've never seen sweetie that angry.

Not even Victor goes that purple.

I hope you're pleased with yourself, pranking sweetie like that.

Yeah, right.

Because I was the only one in his face all week?
And guess who made Mara go public in the first place.

Hey, I wasn't the one that told her to write some libelous article on Vera.

She did that all by hers Exceptionally well
-written, though.

Oh, that's right.

Worm your way out, just like always.

Hey, I'm not worming anywhere, okay?
I'm probably history, just like Mara.

I hope sweetie does get even and expels you too.

That's pretty harsh, Patricia.

Yeah, no point blaming Eddie.

I was the one who wrote the article.

I clearly got it very wrong.

But there is something off about Vera.

What about No, Jerome, it's over.

It's not over until it's over.

Oh, sorry I'm late.

Um, Mara?

sweet would like to see you both.

Looks like you got your wish.

Happy now?
We can't just sit here and do nothing.


Oh, uh, don't let me stop you.

Class is canceled.

I will, of course, ring your parents and inform them of my dec You can't expel her, okay?
I told her to publish it.

We all know it's me you're really mad at, so why are you taking it out on Mara?
The first useful thing you have said all term, Eddie.

We're not leaving until you let Mara stay.

Yeah, seconded.

Mara's done more for this school than most of us put together.

Out, all of you! Out of my office immediately! Out! Come on, out! It seems that everybody wants to take responsibility for this mess, Mara, apart from you.

No, I take full responsibility.

I messed up.

I'm not a very good journalist.


Which why I cannot let you continue to write for the website.

I will, however, revoke my decision to expel you.

I want a full retraction posted on the website, and you will write a written apology to Vera.

Of course, yes.

Thank you.

Now leave before I change my mind.

I'm staying.

- Yes!
- Yes! What about Eddie?
Where is Eddie?
I have to thank him.

I thought we had an understanding, Victor.

Now I learn that you sneaked off down the tunnels while I was busy defending my good name.

Ver vera.

If we had waited for them to work out the chemical formula, we'd have waited forever.

Yes, but now they will know that we're on to them.

Oh, don't you worry about that.

I covered my tracks very well.

What do you mean?
Those little fools won't even know I've been in there.

When they complete the task, they'll think they've done it all by themselves.

So am I forgiven?
Of course.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Great, they're in the kitchen.

There goes our return trip to the tunnels.

I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.


The nurse says it's nothing serious, so you're not to worry.

What happened to her?
Apparently, sightseeing in London just got a bit much for her.

Probably the prices.

Oh, she just took a turn, just passed out for a while.


Don't try to talk.

The doctor said you had a bad day.

Such a head.

They said you're on really strong painkillers.

They'll help you sleep.

Mm, sleepy.

Good night, gran.

Patricia, stop stomping around.

Call me crazy, but shouldn't you just stomp downstairs and actually talk to Eddie?
I was wondering about Nina's gran, if you must know.

Sure, you were.

I'm a terrible person.

How are you a terrible person?
I said I hoped he got chucked out, and and now he probably is, and Go on.

I don't want that to happen.

And it's all my fault in the first place.

This is all old news to me.

Shouldn't you be telling this to Eddie?
I'm so disappointed in you, Edison.

What's new, Dumbledore?
You know, I always suspected this place might bring out the worst in you, but I hoped you'd prove me wrong.

Well, looks like I disappointed you again.

Well, you finally got what you wanted.

Oh, really?
Um, Victor's converting the cellar into an arcade?
I'm sending you home.

One step ahead of you, Eric.

Why can't you call me "dad"?
Why would I?
You've never been a father to me, and you never will! Just Mr.

sweet's your dad?
If you want to talk to me, Edison, well, you know where to find me.

There's me thinking you trusted me.

I do.

Yeah, well, it doesn't look like that from where I'm standing.




Will you be okay walking back?
Yeah, I need some fresh air.

I hate leaving her there.

Hey, your gran's a tough cookie.

Now I know where you get it from.


Other pretenders are after the mask, and you visit the sick house?
Do you mock me, chosen one?

I can't do this anymore.

You must.

I won't.

Do you hear me?
Because you're a ghost.

You don't have any power over me, because Because you don't even exist.

Now leave me and my friends alone.

In the name of meretseger, goddess of punishment and mercy, I punish you.

Your punishment will be to punish.

Hey, you okay?

I'm just thinking about gran and something weird that happened to me last night.

- It's the morning of the ping
-pong tournament, and the entire school is holding its breath.

Whoa, Amber.

Waffles before a big match?
Is that really a good idea?
"A," you're not my coach anymore.

"B," they're low
-carb waffles.

And, "c," there's mush on your lens.

No, there isn't.

Ah, well, now there is.

It's all getting tense in here, waffley tense.

Get it, Nina?

- Ow, Alfie!
- "Waffley tense"?
You're just some big kid.

Just some big kid.

Just some big kid.

Just some big kid.

Say, fabes, you chose the movie last time.

I choose this time.

This time?
Yeah, and I know the rules: Salted popcorn, no straw
-sharing, and don't talk over anything old or egyptian.

We had fun, didn't we?
I'll even get Patricia to chaperone us, if you're that worried.


Great, I'll keep you informed.


You're obviously too busy to come out to the tunnels right now or hear about my run
-in with senkhara last night.

No, Nina, really.

Me and Joy, we're just Funny, you and I never made it to the movies as friends or otherwise.

Really, really, what Just forget it, okay?
Forget everything.

Forget everything.

Forget everything.


Forget what?
I know you said you didn't want any fuss.

But we couldn't let you leave without giving you these.

It's from everyone at anubis house.

Oh, thank you.

I'm so sorry, Mrs.


Oh, Mara.

I told you I needed to go anyway.

Oh, there you are, Daphne.

There's nothing I can say to change your mind?
No, Eric.

I can't stay in a school where an unhinged caretaker calls the sh*ts.

I need a fresh start somewhere where the children come first.

Um, well, good luck, then.

And good luck to you too.

With a man like that around, you'll certainly need it.

- Good
-bye, Daphne.

So I guess I'm sorry.

Apology accepted.

That's it?
What else is there?
You've won.

I spoke to your mother this morning.

I'm not going back, okay?
But I thought that was what you wanted.

When I first got here, yeah.

But now there's stuff to stay for.

Well, I don't know.

I mean, your mother thinks that you should go Of course, 'cause you talked her into it, right?
Always trying to wash your hands of me.

Is that what you really think?
You didn't want me then, and you don't want me now.

Whatever, okay?
Book the flights.

I'll get out of your life again, Eric.

It's fine.

Edison, wait.

I insist you respect me as your teacher, and I want better behavior in class.

It's a little late for that, isn't it?

Not if you're serious about wanting to stay in this school.


Very well.

There is one more condition.

I want to get to know you better as your father.

I still don't want people knowing who I am.

Well, they'll find out eventually.

Is it a deal?
Deal, dad.


" Hey.

Yacker, hey.

Hey, hey.

Do I know you?
Eddie Miller, was it?
Or could it be, I don't know, Edison sweet?
Shh! Shh! Will you keep it a secret?
Why should I?
Because we're friends.

I'll keep your secret.


I don't think we can ever be friends, Eddie.

Because you found out who my dad is.


Because I found out who you are.

I can't believe you didn't tell me.

I I don't rat people out, remember?
But There's the shield.

Good luck, Jerome.

The whole school is relying on you to bring that beauty home.

I think it's amazing, what you're doing for dad with the gem and everything.

Who told you?

I guess dad's luck's already changing.

Hey, gerbil?
Good luck and stuff.

Thank you, poops.

I just need to check how our students are progressing.

And then you'll come straight back?
No going behind my back anymore?

Don't worry, Vera.

We're supposed to stick together.

Remember, Victor Yes, Vera! So why'd you give it all up?

- Ping

Why'd you give it up?

I can't help it.

They make me lose focus.

Jerome is counting on you, okay?
Just grow up a little.

Or a lot.

Grow up a little.

Grow up a little.

Grow up a little.

You're right.

I can do it.

Focus, Millington.

Ow! I think I pulled a ping
-pong muscle.

Good luck.

Will the competitors please make their way towards the table?
This could be embarrassing.

I'm sorry.

Explain the rules of this again.

- Okay, if the ping
-pong ninjas score two more points, then it's game over for Jerome and Amber.

People chanting: Amber! Amber! Amber! Amber! Ambe oh!
- Jerome!
- Amber! What has happened to your serve?
They lose this point, and that's it.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on! Oh! No, no, no! I'm sorry, dad.

Boring! Alfie! Just when I thought today couldn't get any more disappointing.



If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.

Don't say anything at all.

Don't say anything at all.

Are you okay?
Your punishment will be to punish.

- Fabian.

- Hmm?
Something's happening.

I know it has something to do with senkhara.

I'm sorry.

Who's senkhara?
Not you too.

Your punishment will be to punish.

Hey, Patricia.


What happened?
How long was I out?
Alfie, wait up.

What what do you want?
What do you want?
Get away from me! Get away from me! Stop running in the hallway! Come on.

Let me in.

Let me in.

Get in.

Get in.

Get in.

Get in.

Why did you come here?
Just leave us alone! Go away! They will all suffer because of you.