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03x06 - Still Positive

Posted: 11/05/13 16:58
by bunniefuu
President Reagan: Air and naval forces of the United States launched a series of strikes against t*rror1st facilities...

Reporter: Pan Am Flight 103 crashed into the town of Lockerbie.

Reagan: He has sanctioned acts of terror in Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

President George H.W. Bush: This will not stand, this aggression against, uh, Kuwait.

Reagan: This relentless pursuit of terror.

President George H.W. Bush: We will make no distinction...

Reporter: The USS Cole was att*cked while refueling in the port of Aden.

This was an act of terrorism.

It was a despicable and cowardly act.

The next samba we're going to swing for you is one of the good old favorites.

...until something stops him.

Carrie: It was right in front of my eyes, and I never saw it coming.

Man: That plane crashed into the World Trade Center.

Thousands of people running.

We must and we will remain vigilant at home and abroad.

(speaking Arabic)

Saul: You're the smartest and the dumbest f*cking person I've ever known.

Carrie: I'm not the one who got it wrong.

I'm the only one who got it right.

Saul: Take 'em.

Take 'em all.

Homeland - 3x06
"Still Positive"

Previously on Homeland...

I'm inviting you into an ongoing operation, Peter.

Carrie's and mine.

Quinn: You mean burning her in front of the Senate?

The case officer in question, she's been diagnosed as bipolar.

Quinn: Committing her to a mental institution.

This is a f*cking sham!

Saul: All an act.

Part of the plan.

(whispers): f*ck me.

Two nights ago, the deputy chief of Iran's Intelligence Directorate took the bait.

We believe he's on his way here.

What do you mean, Dana's missing?

She disappeared three days ago.

She stole my car and broke her boyfriend out of the clinic.

His parents put him there to avoid a homicide charge.

The one thing I cannot have in my life is lies, - and y-you lied to me!

Dana, please...

I spoke to the President yesterday.

He's concerned.

He's... exploring some changes in intelligence practice.

I'll do whatever it takes.

But I won't temper my views just to get your support for my confirmation as director.

I'm afraid you've got this backwards, old friend.

I'm the one getting nominated as director.

Mira: Saul.

I didn't expect you back tonight.

This is Alain Bernard.


(phone vibrates)


I think the watch is back on.


(whispers): No sound.

Any sign of Carrie?

No, there's no sign of Carrie.

I'm too f*cking far away.


I'm getting closer.

Saul (over phone): Quinn, do not move.


Yeah, I'm inside.

She's gone.

We lost her.

But we know who's got her.

We're back in business.

Quinn: She's on her own, Saul.

Saul: She's always been on her own.

Take it off.

Carrie Mathison.

(taking deep breaths)

Quinn: Police traffic cameras picked up three men leaving DC with Carrie in a Dodge sedan around 1:34 AM.

False plates.

Likely a stolen vehicle.

Show him the UAV footage.


This might take a minute.

About time.

Oh, sorry.

My taxi got lost.

You took a f*cking taxi to a CIA safe house?

It's a joke.

I flew in from a job in Georgia; I got here as fast as I could.


I'm waiting.

Trying to send him the drone feed.

The car turns onto the GW Parkway six minutes later, Beltway 14 minutes after that, then heads north on 270 towards Germantown.

Pulls into a truck stop.

Three men hustle Carrie inside.

The drone is now useless.

Truck stop security cameras?

Limited to gas pumps, cash registers and bathrooms.


What about the car?

They never went back to it.

It's still there six hours later.

So we lost her.


How about we check the car for prints, see if we can ID any of those three men?

No. We don't panic or do anything that could compromise Carrie.


Keep looking.


(whispers): f*ck.

(men speaking Farsi in other room)

(continues in Farsi)

(low, steady beeping)


Firstly, Miss Mathison, I wish to apologize for the precautions we had to take in bringing you here.

I understand.

If we are to have a relationship that has any real meaning..e must first establish the most important ingredient.




Are you ready?


Is this the month of March?


Are you married?


Do you know who I am?

Majid Javadi.

Second in command of Iran's Intelligence Directorate.



His name is Alain Bernard.

He didn't stay the night, if that's what you're wondering.

How un-French of him.

We met in Mumbai.

He was researching an article on police corruption.

You don't need to explain yourself.

Will you look at me, please?

I didn't do anything wrong, Saul.

When I met him..ou and I... had separated.

Your decision..ot mine.

When your world collapsed...

I came running.

Yes. You did.

But I left something behind.

It was the whole life I was starting there.

So you're in love with him.

Tell me.

Don't do this, Saul.

It's a simple question.

Yes or no-- do you love him?

We have fun.

He makes me laugh.

How's that?

Today is better with him in it.

That's all I needed to hear.


You should know, the...

President is nominating Andrew Lockhart..s director of Central Intelligence.


When did this happen?


Nothing happened.

I don't think I was ever really in the running.

Well, I'm so sorry, Saul.

Oh, don't be.

I'm fine.

For God's sake, this detached routine.

Just get angry at something.

Get angry at me.

I don't have any claim on you, Mira.

No, but you do.

Surely you know that.

Not anymore.

Do you still work for the CIA?


You're an analyst.

Case officer.

A spy.

Who's currently on administrative leave.

Does anyone else know that you and I are meeting?


Are you able to provide me with information on CIA matters?


I told Mr. Bennett that I might be able to discuss some areas within certain strict parameters.

Yes or no?


I agreed to speak with you, and you alone.

I don't... I don't know these men-- they're making me nervous.

You can trust them.

Like you trust me.

(chuckles softly)

(long sigh)

(speaks Farsi)

The machine says you're lying.

Are we completely alone now?

Is anyone else listening to this?

No. No one is listening.

Shall we try this again? Hmm?



We're done.

What are you doing?

It's time we talk about Nassir Hejazi.

Goalkeeper..or the 1978 Iran World Cup team.

Whose name you used to embezzle more than $45 million from the Revolutionary Guard.

You are now an enemy of your own state.

(speaking Farsi)

♪ ♪

Brava, Miss Mathison.

Quite excellent.

So, uh, when did you and Saul hatch this plan?

You bombed the CIA 12/12.

We got to work in the early hours of 12/13.

If you're considering k*lling me or running, forget it.

You're outnumbered and outgunned, and you'll never get off this property.

So, why am I not arrested already?

Saul would like to talk to you first.

He used you to lure me.

Saul Berenson-- still, after all these years, putting other people's lives on the line.

Tell your men that your plan to recruit me as an asset has worked.

Then I'll take you to Saul.


You can finish your cigarette.

For me to leave with you so quickly will arouse suspicion.

You'll find a way.

I know my men.

I trained them.

You command and they obey.

The plan was to test you with the lie detector and, if satisfied, to give you a simple assignment.

That is how we recruit all of our assets.

There is no plausible way to explain a sudden change in that procedure.

What are you suggesting?

I tell them I have instructed you to retrieve an item of valuable intelligence and deliver to me in person.

Valuable intelligence?

Like what?

The intelligence that led to the six assassinations that your clandestine service carried out around the world in response to the bombing of Langley.

I can have that by this afternoon.

That fast?

I'm that good.

Otherwise, why go to all this trouble to recruit me?

3:00 PM, seven hours from now.


Exit one off the 270.

There's a coffee shop right there-- Raffi's Coffee Shop.

Can't miss it.

Falls Church train station is what I had in mind.

I just changed it.

270, exit one, Raffi's Coffee.

Wait here.

Make it quick.

Saul should have instructed you to treat me with more respect than that.

Bring me the bank files from Venezuela, please.


Let's go.


This way.

Let's go.

Where's Mr. Javadi?

I need to speak with Mr.

Javadi again before I leave.

Get in the car.

Where would you like them?

The Venezuela bank files.

Is that Javadi?

At a French restaurant in Tehran with our wives.

You and he were friends?

We were young intelligence officers during the dying days of the Shah.

Complicated times.

Who's that?

Sanjar Hootan, a professor of political science at the University of Tehran.

An agent of yours?

One of four I recruited there before the revolution.

This is Tal'at Basari, a concert-level pianist whose cousin had ties to Khomeini.

What's their relevance to you now?

I had to get all four out of Iran after the revolution.

Their lives were in danger.

Javadi offered to help.

He said SAVAK still had a safe house near the airport where they could stay while I got travel documents together over at the embassy.

When was this?

May 1979.

Country was in full revolutionary crisis mode--

Khomeini's thugs in the street trying to consolidate power.

What happened?

When I showed up at the house..heir bodies were laid out on the carpet side-by-side.

I had promised them the protection of the United States government.

Instead they got a b*llet to the back of their heads.


Saul: It was his ticket into the new regime's security services.

I flew back to Washington, handed in my resignation.

Not only were my people dead, but I watched a man I thought I knew become an animal...
in front of my eyes.

So this operation is your revenge.


Revenge was when I helped his wife and son escape to the West four months later.

That's her-- Fariba.

This isn't going to be easy, is it?

Turning an intelligence officer against his own country-- well, that's the most delicate and uncertain work there is.

But he will turn, won't he?

You do have the advantage over him.

Honestly, I don't know.

Turning touches the stubbornness in some people.

He's a stubborn man to begin with.

♪ ♪


(vehicle approaches)

Hi, Mom.


What's going on?

I need your help.

With what?

Everything okay?


What's that?

A name change application?

I can't be Dana Brody anymore.


I already made an appointment at the courthouse.

Well, what are you going to change your name to?


My maiden name?

Is that a problem?

When's your appointment?

Well, they have an opening in, like, an hour, actually.

Do you think that you could drive me?

Please, Mom.


(line ringing)

(phone buzzing)

Where are you?

At my place.

He wouldn't come with me right away.

Said it wouldn't fly with his guys, it was too risky, so I set a meet for later.

The plan was to bring him straight here.

I know what the plan was, Saul, but he had a legitimate problem with it, and I... I made a call in the moment.


Where'd he take you?

You don't know?

We lost you.

We knew it could happen going in.

Move on, please.

2767 Green Meadow Drive, Stone Hearth Country Club, the northeast corner of the ninth green.

Get the drone over that address now.

Javadi could be anywhere by now.

He's gonna be right where you left him, I guarantee it.

He's had at least an hour without eyes on him.

Which he can't possibly know.

How did he react when you dropped the hammer on him?

Thousand-yard stare for a few seconds.

Then he began to wriggle a little, reassert himself.

He talked about you a little bit, too.

What'd he say?

That, judging by the high-risk nature of this operation, you don't seem to have changed much.

What were the details of the meet you set?

The 270, exit one at 3:00 PM.

I'm to bring him the file on how we hunted down his network.

Okay, we'll get on that, we'll doctor one up.

Drone is now over the golf course.

See anything?

No, it's very still.

Nobody's outside the house.

I can't see inside.

Quinn: You've got to get actual eyes on Javadi, boots on the ground.

Cannot afford to spook him or alert his men.

Not gonna happen.

Well, how can we be sure he's still there?

I know this man.

Survival's the only thing on his mind right now.

He will not take any unnecessary risks with his life.

You don't think he could've changed a little since you last saw him?

He will keep that meeting with you.

Until then, you should get some sleep.

Quinn will deliver the file to you when it's ready and provide backup at the meeting point.

I hope you're right about this, Saul.

I am. Get some rest.

You deserve it.

(phone beeps)

(wrapper crackling)


(sighs softly)

(switch clicks)

(quiet, indistinct chatter)

Mr. Adal.


The director apologizes for not being here and has asked me to take the meeting for him.

Lead the way.


Where is the director?

I'm afraid I don't know.

He chose not to share that with me.

Well, I, for one, am very glad to have this opportunity to visit with you, Mr. Adal.

Thank you, Senator.


May I speak plainly?

Of course.

The Agency is a mess.


As far as I can see, it's being driven into the f*cking ground.

By poor decision-making and god-awful leadership.

The hope is that you are the reformer your record in the Senate and on the Select Committee would indicate.

So, then, you agree that change is in order, no matter how painful.

In light of the worst attack this Agency has ever suffered, yes, I do.

How did this happen?

The past is the past.

I'm more interested in what happens next.

What happens next is that we reclaim the respect and the fear that the world used to have for this Agency's hard punch.

Reminiscent of some of the work you yourself have done.

In Somalia, in Libya, Uganda.

How can I be of service, Senator?

My confirmation hearing is in 12 days.

I don't want any surprises on my first day as director.

No skeletons, no unfinished business, no more Sergeant Brodys, no Carrie Mathisons.

God forbid.

(phone ringing)


Quinn: It's me.

I'm here. Out back.

Hold on.

You're early.

Always good to have a cushion.

You get much sleep?


What's the latest on Javadi?

Well, the drone picked up a car-- a Buick-- headed for the golf course house about an hour after you called in.

Have we actually seen if Javadi's still there?


Well, then that car doesn't mean shit.

You bring me the file?

Yeah. Verifiable electronic intelligence on how we hunted down those six targets.

No mention of sources or anything like that, but..nough to make the suits in Tehran know that Javadi recruited the right girl.

If he shows.

Saul's convinced he will.

I know what you're thinking.

No, you don't.

Brody is America's most wanted man.

You're looking for possible sightings of him because it's your job.

New burner phone.

Give me your old one.

All right. Let's go.



And are we keeping the same first name?


How long does it take?

Three to six weeks.

That'll be $41.14, please.

I've got money.

Dana: Is that it?

Oh. Just a signature here.

Um..ld name or new name?

Birth name, where it says "Applicant."


You seem like a nice young lady.

Must have Mom to thank for that.

Um, I-I just...

I-I can't imagine what y'all are going through.

Would you permit me to pray for you?

Of course.

Thank you very much.

God bless.

Come on.

Let's go home.

Good luck.


Sit in the window so I can see you.


Is Javadi moving yet?

Nothing yet.

All quiet.

Saul: He's still in that house going through his options.

That's what I'd be doing.

He's cutting it pretty fine.

Saul: By being late, he's making a point.

Quinn: Which is?

You may have me over a barrel, but I'll never be your bitch.


There's movement.

Something's happening.

It's him.

He's getting in the car.

He's heading west..owards 270.

(phone vibrating)

So far, so good.

I better take this.

Stand by, Carrie.

This is it.

Put him through.

Adal: Saul.

How was Lockhart?

Disappointed not to see you.

I can imagine.

But I think we had a productive meeting.

Anything specific?

No. He's just trying to get his bearings before the big day.

Of course he is.

Anxious for a smooth transition of power.

That's what he said?

While remaining respectful of the work you've done.


We need you inside right away.

I got to go.

He was headed south on 270, but he got off exit nine.

Where's Carrie again?

Fara: Exit one.

Saul: Maybe he needs gas.

Max: Apparently not.

Carrie, you hearing this?

I need you on the Beltway, heading north to intercept. Now.

Copy that.

(tires screech)

He's turning east onto...

Mulberry Road.

He's cruising a residential area.

Small streets.

Lots of trees.

Run a check to see what, if any, Iranian Americans live in the area.

Racial profiling by neighborhood?

FBI calls it domain management.

I'll check their database.

I can do that.

You stay on Javadi.

He's slowing down to almost a crawl now.

What the hell is he looking for?

He stopped.

Uh, 1426 Longhill Road.

1426 Longhill Road belongs to Vincent D Carlyle, who rents it out through ACB Property Management.

Well, who's the tenant?

The house was rented out by Susan Roberts, CPA with Brown and Getz in Annandale.

Wait, uh, Roberts is not her married name.

The lease was originally cosigned by her ex-husband...

Nasser Javadi.

They have a two-year-old son, Behrouz.

Where are you, Carrie?

Just past exit eight, five minutes out.

Max: He's getting out of the car.

Saul: He cannot go inside that house.

You must stop him going in that house, do you copy?

Carrie: Copy that.

Saul: For Christ's sake, Carrie, hurry.

(doorbell rings)



Can I help you?

Do you know who I am?

Fariba's ex-husband.

Yes. Majid.

And you must be Susan.

(baby crying)

Is that my grandson, Behrouz?

May I come in and say hello?

Would you mind waiting just a second?

Of course.

(Behrouz crying)

(Behrouz crying)

(speaking Farsi)



Fariba: Susan, do you want me to take Behrouz to the park?

Hello, Fariba.

(speaking Farsi)




No! No! No!

You betrayed us!

You betrayed us.

No! No! No!



(door opens)

Stop or I sh**t.

Show me your hands.

Someone talk to me.

Now I'm ready to see Saul.

(Behrouz crying)

Oh, Jesus.

One of you tell me, please, what the f*ck is happening.

He shot his daughter-in-law in the head, and then he, uh...

There's two fatalities and a lot of blood.

Who's the second fatality?


Hold on.

Who's she?

Tell Saul it's my ex-wife.


Quinn: He took a bottle to her neck.

He k*lled her with a f*cking bottle.

Fariba-- what's she doing there?

She's meant to be in Witness Protection in California.

It's a f*cking bloodbath, Saul.

You got to get him out of there as fast as possible and get the m*rder w*apon, you understand?

Quinn: Jesus f*cking Christ.

Do you understand?

Yeah, I understand.

Leave your car a couple blocks away, then bring him here in his car.

We'll get yours later.

You were never there.

Follow the procedure.

Check for security cameras, et cetera.

(Behrouz crying) There's a baby in here.

What do we do about the baby?

Leave it.

What? We can't do that.

Can't take the baby.

You weren't there.


Oh, f...

It'll be all right.

It's okay. It's okay.

Come here. Come here. Yeah.

Come here.

You're all right.


We've got to get out of here.

(crying continues)


Dana Lazaro.

Sounds pretty cool.

(laughing): Kind of does, doesn't it?

(doorbell rings)

I'll get it.



I'm a friend of Dana's.


Angela. Do you want to come in?


Are you hungry?

I'm just here, you know, to pick her up.

Where are you guys going?

Like, camping?

Dana: No, Mom.

I'm moving.

To Angela's.

Okay. No, you're not.

I don't even know Angela.

No offense.

Maybe I should wait in the car.

I think that's a good idea.

I'll be out in a minute.

What, you were just going to sneak out?

I told you, Mom.

I can't be Dana Brody anymore.

Right, and we went to the courthouse, and we filled out all those forms.

It's not just about my name.

You can't suddenly just leave.

It's not sudden.

For you, maybe.

You've been thinking about it, obviously, but you never told me.

You told Angela, whoever that is.

She's my friend.

Don't take it out on her.

Dana, we haven't even talked about this.

There's no point in talking about this, because there's nothing to talk about.

Mom, I can't live this life anymore.

I just can't.

I mean..t nearly k*lled me.

I've got to leave.

Oh, God.

I love you so much.

I love you, too.


I'm gonna go now.


Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

(birds singing)

(door opening)

Dana, wait.

There's still $300 left on that.

Mom, no.

Please take it.

I need to do this on my own.

You don't have to use it.

Just take it.



(car engine starts)

Looks like they beat us to it.

Someone must have called it in before we could get over here to clean up.

Got a police homicide squad already in overdrive over here.

Keep moving.

Don't stop.

(indistinct chatter)

(garbled radio transmission)

(insects chirring)

(birds singing)

♪ ♪




This is just the f*cking beginning.

(door opens and closes)

You okay?

I don't know what I am.

Shall we?

Take the chains off.

Stand up.


You don't look like a man who just landed the biggest asset of his career.

(loud grunt)

