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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 01/15/24 20:23
by bunniefuu
ANNOUNCER: Coming up, a
new beginning in
Knots Landing.

Val, I've been
running all my life.

I've gotta stop sometime.

New neighbors.

Laura and Richard Avery,

Ginger and Kenny Ward,

Karen and Sid Fairgate.

Don't give me orders!

New families with new problems.

Either she goes
tomorrow, or I do.

New doubts.

I don't think that
we should live here.

SID: Annie!

Getting involved again.

How come you hate
your daddy so much?

I got no one else to hate.

For Val and Gary
Ewing, finding new hope.

Welcome to their new home.

And now...






Hi, Sid.

What are you doing
home so early?


Uh, excuse me, you
better get right to bed

and have Karen make
you some chicken soup.

Thanks. Bye-bye.

Bye, Laura.

Jason, come on, honey.

Come on, don't bother those men.

I got all your stuff, okay?





BOY: Come on, come on, go on.

GIRL: Okay, okay.

BOY: Get me a
cigarette while you're up.


Hi, Daddy. You're home early.


BOBBY: Here we are. Ah!


Thank you, Bobby.

Tell you what, I'll
open it up for 'em.

I'll let you in. You can
put some of this away.

All right.

What do you think, Valene?
House look the same to you?

Sure does.

But all this stuff, Gary?

Yeah, I know. Mama
really came through.

Yeah, but buying us the house,

that was already
coming through plenty.

BOBBY: Well, it looks
kind of like a Texas house.

Yeah, almost!

Wasn't Miss Ellie gonna
just send along a few things?

She was, but we
saw how much we had

in the storeroom at Southfork.

There's enough for this house
and two more like it. Hello.

Karen Fairgate.
I live over there.

Oh, hi. I'm, uh... Excuse me.

I'm Gary Ewing. This is my wife,
Valene, and my brother Bobby.

Hi, Valene. How do?

How do you do?

Well, uh, we're the, um,
neighborhood Brady Bunch.

Three kids, station wagon, dog.

If the dog visits you, call.

We'll send over the scoop squad.

Before he gets in the
way of our friendship,

how about a potluck
dinner with us tonight?


You're not gonna say
you've got a stew cooking.

Well, no, I don't, but...

Seven o'clock. Is that okay?

Well, I have a plane to
catch, and I can't. I'm sorry.

Oh, uh...

Well, maybe next time.

But you'll be there, Val, huh?

And, uh...

Gary. Right.

Well, I'll see you
later, then, okay?

Good. See you then!

Okay. Bye-bye.

Have a good trip! Thank you.

Bobby, I really wish
you'd stay the night.

Well, Gary, I'd like to,

but if I stay away from
Dallas much longer,

J.R.'s liable to steal
the floor to the bedroom.

But I have time for a tour
of the house and that's all.

BOBBY: Let's go.
VAL: Come on, Bobby.

KAREN: My God! Who is that?

Sid, what's going on?

Sid, what are you doing home?

SID: Annie, I
want to talk to you.

Where'd you find them?
Would you let me handle this?

In your bedroom.

Well, you...

You know I'm in
and out all afternoon.

The kids.

What if they came in?

They could've watched.

That is a horri...

Karen, just let me handle it!

Why don't you slap me?
That would do me good.

Annie! Is that it?

The subject's closed, we
just forget the whole thing?

Well, what do you want
me to do? Apologize? Cry?

I haven't cried since I was two.

Where you going? Out!


I told you to let me handle it!

Sid, she has been here a week,

and she's caused a
year's worth of trouble.

Now, you told me to
stand back, and I have,

but you stood back too.


To cap it off, she takes my car.

She'll only be here another
week. We'll work it out.

Sid, you've never run
from anything in your life.

You can't just suddenly
become a father overnight.

How could you be a father

when Susan was always
hauling her off to Istanbul or...

That's not Annie's fault!

Well, it's not
your fault either.

Sid, you've gotta
start somewhere!

Her coming here
to visit is a start.

She is not here to visit,
she's here to punish you,

and me and the
kids in the bargain.

You want to lie down, Sid?

You change the sheets!

Be sure and thank
Miss Ellie for us, Bobby.

Now, come on, Val. She
doesn't want any thanks.

Now, ever since
J.R. broke you two up,

Mom and I, we've been
looking for a chance to help out.

We're the ones that are grateful

to be able to do
something for you.

Well, this time is the right
time, and you tell her that.

Oh, and tell Lucy...
Wait a minute, now.

I thought I wasn't supposed
to tell Lucy anything.

Yeah, you're right. I-I slipped.

You think we ought to bring
Lucy here now, don't you?

Well, I don't know.

I know you're being careful,
and I think I understand why,

but... keepin' the news of
your remarriage from Lucy...

I don't know. She's
your daughter.

The marriage was so
short the first time around.

This time, Val and I have
to know it's gonna last,

'cause if we bring Lucy here
now and we can't hack it...

No, we'll make it.

It's not going to
take us long neither.

Sounds good to me.

You don't pay any
attention to me, Gary.

I have a plane to catch.


I'll see you later. Okay, Gary.

Valene, good luck.

Thank you, Bobby.


Would you sign this, please?

VAL: Sure.

This is your copy here.

Thank you. That's for you.

Thank you very much. All right.

Hi, neighbor.

Oh, hi.

Richard Avery, phony Tudor.

Valene Ewing.

Welcome to Knots Landing.

Oh, thank you. Glad to be here.

My, my, is that a
Southern accent I hear?

I guess it is.

Do you mind if I have a look?

Uh, sure.

So where y'all from?


I mean, that's where
we moved from.

Me and my husband.

Need some light in here.

But there's no bu... Uh...

I know.

I haven't been to the store
yet for light bulbs and all.

Gary's got the car, to drive
his brother to the airport.

Oh, well, I can lend you a bulb.

Oh, well, thank you.

Well, uh, I'll go get that bulb.

If I don't get home soon,

my wife will think the
worst of you right off,

before we even
give her good reason.


Be right back.

Val? Hmm?


What are you doing
sitting in the dark?

No light bulbs.

Bobby get off all right?


The man next door
said he'd bring us a bulb.

Oh, yeah? Mm-hmm.

Guess he forgot.

It's kind of nicer in the dark.




If I'm not the
Statue of Liberty,

I must be your
neighbor Richard Avery.

Uh, nice to meet
you, whoever you are.

I'm Gary Ewing. Come on in.

From Texas, your wife says. Hi.

Yeah. Um, thanks for the bulb.

You, uh, saved our lives.

My law firm... I'm an attorney.

My firm did some
work for a company

connected with the
Texas Ewings, oil people.

Ah, that's better.

Well, I'll see if I can
find a lampshade.

You related to those Ewings?

Yeah. Uh, this really
was neighborly of you.

I'm sorry, I don't
remember your name.


Out here to start a West Coast
branch of the family business?

Uh, let's try this one.

RICHARD: Forget I asked.

How about if you and
Valerie join us for supper?

Uh, Valene. Valene.

Yeah. And we've already been
invited next door, but thanks.

The Fairgates got you first.

Okay, uh, afterwards, then.

You bring Sid and Karen,
and I'll invite the Wards.


We... Come on.

Tomorrow's Saturday.
Nobody has to be up early.


Just tell the Fairgates
to rush dinner.


And don't let Karen
start analyzing you.

She's like that little girl
in the comics, you know?

Psychiatric help, five cents.

Only Karen doesn't
even want the nickel.


I'll, uh, see you later.

Bye, and thanks.





I invited the new
neighbors over for dinner.

I've got a cold.

Well, if you're well
enough to work out here,

then you're well enough...


Oh, this is terrific.

You come home to find
your daughter in our bed

with some person,

and now you won't
talk to me because of it.

I'm speaking to you.

I just don't want
to speak about that.

Our 15-year-old daughter
thinks Annie's spectacular,

our boys don't know what to
think, and the subject's taboo.

Terrific! Oh!

Oh, gee.

What do you want me to do?

Sid, I really think

you should send her back to
Philadelphia now, tomorrow.

She's staying another week.

We won't last another week!


If we're going to have
company, I'd better get ready.

Excuse me.

That is incredible.

You mean you split
up 17 years ago,

you just now remarried?

Yeah, well, we had plenty
of time to think it over.


You two must have
been babies the first time.

Well, I was 15 and Gary was 17.

Close your ears, Diana.


You should send yourselves

into The Guinness
Book of World Records.

KAREN: That's right.

Oh. We...

We better be getting
over to the Averys'.

Before Richard
comes to fetch us.

If Annie comes home, do
you want her to call you?



It's dinnertime,
and she's not here.

SID: She just took a drive.

There's no problem.

KAREN: We had an argument.

But she left without her wallet

and without her
shoes, so she'll be back.

Oh, um,

Annie is Sid's daughter.

He was married before too.

Only not to me that time.


She's visiting us
from Philadelphia.

And we're doing our best to
make her feel right at home.

Shut up, Diana.

KAREN: Don't say
shut up to each other.

Except under
certain circumstances.

Like this one.

Would you mind not
talking about this now?



Hey, Ging, come on. We're late.



Boy, am I glad you're home!


I thought you said
Ginger's working late tonight.

Well, she's not. It's Friday.

Hi, Annie.

Hi, Ginger.

Hey, are you okay?

Oh, yeah. I'm just fine.

She's having a
little trouble at home.

Look, I don't want to
lay this on you guys.

Hey, uh, don't apologize.

You're young, we're young. You
got problems, you come see us.

Isn't that how it is?



Uh, Ginger?

Hon, will you...?
Will you talk to her?

Oh, Kenny, I wouldn't
know what to say.


You know, you're right.

Um, tell you what.

You go on over to the Avery"

and as soon as I can
calm the kid down,

I'll come over and join you.

Ten minutes, tops, hmm?

Okay. See you later, Annie.

Feel better. Thanks, Ginger.

I'll see you later.

Bye. Hurry.

All right.

I always do.

You always do what?

Feel better, when I'm over here.

I love what you've
done out here.

Isn't it terrific?

Come on, Gary.
We're all friends now.

What are the Ewings
getting into out here?

Nothing that I know of.

Okay, okay.

What'll it be?

Club soda for me.

No kidding, Richard. I'm not
involved in the family business.

Nothing to give the
club soda a little color?

No, thank you.

what are you drinking?

Just give me a sniff of brandy.

Brandy? Brandy's not your drink.

It's not for me.
It's for my cold.


Listen, Sid, I've been meaning
to talk to you about your dog.

So you and Gary
never had any children?

Uh, we have a daughter.


Well, Gary, what do
you do for a living?

Um, nothing.

I start hunting for
a job tomorrow.

Anything you say.

What is your line, Gary?

Uh, I've done a lot of things.

Right now I'm just
looking for a living.

Well, look, if you're
really job-hunting,

you ought to hit on Sid here.

Knots Landing Motors.

dealership in the Southland,

as the commercials say.

Not bad for an upwardly
mobile grease monkey.

Excuse me!


Yeah, sure, we
could talk about it.

Ah, snappy Ginger!

Closest thing to
perfection in Knots Landing.

Ginger, meet your new
neighbor, Gary Ewing.

Hi, Ginger.

Hi, Gary. It's nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you. Where's Ken?

He's, uh... Kenny
is Ginger's hubby.

Born and raised on a surfboard

right here in
southern California.

He and Ginger were
married on an incoming wave.

Ginger, meet your new
neighbor, Mrs. Ewing.

No, uh, Valene. Val.

It's nice to meet you, Val.

Ken working late tonight, Ging?

Oh, no, he's home,
talking to Annie.


Well, she came over,
upset about something.

Wanted to talk to Kenny.

He's so good to talk to.

RICHARD: Kenny's
in the record business.

He understands the
youth-market mind.

Would you excuse
me for a minute?


Uh, I forgot. I promised Michael
I'd look over some of his math.

So, um, I'll be a few minutes.

Oh, yeah. Sure. Sure.


ANNIE: Come on, Kenny,

I thought we had such a
good time the other night.

Yeah, we did, but my wife wasn't
right next door the other night!

Come on, the risk's a kick!

ANNIE: Oh, relax, lover. It's
only the wicked stepmother.

Get out, Annie.


Why do you care what I do?

Your father cares.

And as long as I'm around,

you're not going to rub
his nose in what you do.

Get out, Annie.


Well! Kenny!

I think we should
have a little... talk.

I can't hear myself.
Do you mind if, uh...?

I'll get it. I'll get it.


Look, I want you to, uh, to
know that I was the seducee.


Kenny, Kenny, don't be charming.

You know it never
gets anywhere with me.

Well, why did you come over?

Well, I think you're
very handsome, Kenny,

and if I were you, I'd
just stay away from Annie.

Don't talk to her,
don't look at her.

Hey, hey, I was
only trying to help.

Yeah, I know.

But Sid Fairgate won't stop
to ask who the seducee was.

He'll just rearrange your face.

And it won't be
handsome anymore.


Can't tell you how much better
your husband made me feel.

GINGER: Kenny's
really good that way.

Excuse me. Annie?

Go home.


You weren't invited.

Wouldn't you rather have me here
where you can keep an eye on me?

I want you home.

I'll ask Richard if I can stay.


Richard, is it okay
if I stay for a while?

Sure. You want a drink?

Sid, that job you mentioned.

Were you serious?


Oh, yeah, sure, sure.
We can talk about it.

I don't even know
if I can sell cars.

Well, let's find out.
Come in tomorrow.

Matter of fact, you
can drive in with me.

Okay, terrific.

ANNIE: Know what
I feel like doing?

I feel like

running barefoot on the beach

and then going in the ocean
with all of my clothes on,

and then coming out
drenched and dripping

and peeling off my clothes

and rolling around in the sand

until I'm covered like
a breaded veal chop.

Anybody want to do that with me?

Sounds good to me.

I think the part about running
down the beach barefoot

sounds real nice.

I've never seen the ocean

or an ocean
beach in all my life.

Neither has our daughter,
Lucy. She's almost your age.

Maybe you'll still be around
when she comes out here,

and you could take
her to the beach.


How about you, Laura?

Uh, no, thank you.


I guess grubby's not your style.


Maybe tomorrow we
could go to the beach.

You know, have lunch together.


Annie, I mean it.

I say, if this is béarnaise,
what's mayonnaise?


What did you say your name was?

Gary Ewing.

Oh, yeah, you're the one
with the little girl my age.

That's right.

You want to go to
the beach with me?

No, but thanks for asking.

How about you?

Go home, Annie.
Richard said it's...

Go home!

Okay, I guess I'll just have to

find somebody
else to have fun with.

Sorry, Richard.

Don't be ridiculous.
She's just a kid.

What took you so long?

Never mind.

It'll just be our secret.


KAREN: But, uh, it
was good anyway.

Good night. Good night.

See you, friend.

Row, row, row your boat ♪

♪ Gently down the stream ♪

♪ Merrily, merrily
Merrily, merrily ♪

♪ Life is but a dream ♪


What are you doing?

DIANA: ♪ Gently
down the stream ♪

See, I just don't talk
about things. I do them.

Too bad you can't do them alone!

Don't you go in
the house like that!

Get that sand off you!

ANNIE: Hey, she's not the one...

You hit the wrong one, damn you.

She's drunk!

I'm grateful she's only drunk!

Annie has to go.

First thing in the morning.

Don't give me orders!

Our 15-year-old went
swimming at night

in the Pacific Ocean

with a belly full of whiskey!

Luckily she came home!

I don't want to be less
lucky the next time.

I think Annie's dynamite!

Do you hear that?

Do you?

If you're too guilty to protect
our children, then I'll have to.

Either she goes
tomorrow, or I do.

With the kids.

Come on.


I don't think that
we should live here.

The... people tonight.

That little girl.

That girl's not Lucy, Val.

Yeah, I know, but
she's like Lucy a little.

She's grown up
without her daddy.

Only Lucy's worse off.
She's got no mama neither.

Honey, we'll bring Lucy
just as soon as we can,

and then everything
will be right.

Yeah, but how can
anything be right here?

I mean, this...

It's no place to start over.

I was watching everybody...

You were watching me.

What do you mean?

Watching to see how I
was getting on with Sid

or dealing with Richard.

When I was at the bar, I
could feel you watching me.

Val, did you really think I
was gonna take that drink?

I know what I am, and I
know I can't take a drink.

Don't you trust me?

Yeah, I... I trust you.

I... I guess I just worry.

Worry is normal, but watching
like that, it's suffocating.

Look, if we don't let each other
breathe, we can't live anywhere.



Oh, honey, look.

I'm sorry.

Honey, it'll be all right.

Let's just give it a chance.


How come?

If I leave now, it's my idea.


Can't leave in the
middle of the night.

Don't tell me
you're afraid for me.

I'm afraid for the night.

Aren't those Diana's clothes?

My things aren't washed.

Doing the laundry's
not one of your priorities.

You're right. It's not.

You want to know what I think?


I think before you got here,
you wanted things to be good.

You had this pleasant fantasy

of belonging
and fitting right in.

When you got here,
things were a little awkward,

which is only natural at first.

You were ready to work
hard, but you got scared.

You're crazy.

The funny thing is,

even now you're
trying to belong.

Look at you!

Trying to be Diana.

If you'll just admit that
you want to belong,

you want to be
part of this family,

we can make it happen.

But in your sister's clothes...

What is your fantasy?

That you're running
away from home?

My things aren't washed!

I haven't noticed
compulsive cleanliness

before this.


Annie, stop it!

Take a look.




SID: Annie!

Be careful.

Thanks a lot.




Get to bed.

But what's going on?

Tomorrow. Get to bed.


Move it.

Sid! Sid, where are you going?

You're the one that
says I have to choose.

Sid, I had to... I had to
try to get... Get to her.

I'm going to find Annie
and take her someplace.

This visit was supposed
to be two weeks,

and it's gonna be two weeks!

I had to try to get to her.

You wouldn't!

If you're not here
when I get back,

just let me know
where I can see the kids.

Somebody around here
had to have some guts!





VAL: Hello?

Yes, it is.

Annie, what is it?

Oh, no!

Oh, Annie, shouldn't
you be calling your daddy?

Yeah, but I really shouldn't.

All right, all right.
Just tell me where it is.



Uh, Karen?

Oh. Ha, ha!


Come on in. Thanks.

If you don't mind
living dangerously.

A little farewell
gift from Annie.

Seven years bad luck.

Oh, uh, Sid's not here.

I think you can safely
take your first day off.

I think we can both
take the day off.

Well, look, I think
I'll just go home,

wait for Sid to get back.

Might be quite a wait.

Stay put, Ewing. I'll
give you a cup of coffee.

Oh, Val's off to an early start.


Yeah, I think she's
going to the beach.


I'm sorry. What did you say?

Just "damn."


Two minutes' head
start and she disappears.

Well, did you go to
the police or anything?

Yes, I went to the police.

She's 18, too old
to be a runaway.

She hasn't been gone 72 hours,
so she's not a missing person.

Oh, my gosh! I'm sorry,
Gary. I forgot all about you.

That's okay, Sid. Really,
don't give it a thought.

Look, uh...

We can go in a
while after I wash up.

Sure, fine. I'll be
around. Sid, look.

If there's anything
I can do, say.




The thing that bugs me

is I wasn't even
thinking about hustling.

All right. What happened?

Well, after I split,

I hitched a ride...


And I went to this bar.

This guy sits down next
to me, and we start talking.

He seemed okay, so...

I ask him for some money.

But I thought
you weren't guilty.


I didn't say I'd do
anything for the money.

I just asked him for money

and before I knew
it, I was in this place.


The guy was a cop.

Why did you call me?

Oh, first I called
Kenny Ward. Hmm?

Old Captain Courageous
chickened out.

Well, what about
your daddy or Karen?

After last night, no way.

Anyway, I...

I remembered
you from last night.

I don't know a single
other soul in California,

so I thought I'd take
a chance and call you.

Look, uh, I'm not gonna go back

to my father's.


now, you have to.

I told the police

you had a place to stay.

If I don't take you back

the day of the hearing,

then I'm in trouble.

Come on.

Look, you think I could
stay with you for a while?


No, Annie.


Do we have to go straight back?

VAL: Mm-hm.

I need a little bit
of time, you know?

To get my head together.

Well, there is something
that I've been wanting to do.




I could've split. How
come you trusted me?

Why'd you trust me?

I could've split.

I had to trust you.

Or else give up
running in the ocean.

Is this your daughter?


Where is she?

Texas, with Gary's family.

She's lived there
since she was born.

How come not with you?

Things... happened.

It just wasn't possible.

You could've had her
with you if you wanted to...

bad enough.

Is that what you think
about your daddy?

Yeah. Yeah?


I knew it was my mother that
didn't want me to see my father.

She was just
always going places.

She still going places?

She's resting in Philadelphia.

Resting. That's what my
grandmother used to call it.

Getting straight's more like it.

My mother's pretty loony.

If all that's true,

how come you hate
your daddy so much?

Grandma's dead.

I got no one else to hate.



Would you mind...?

Where'd you go, Annie?

I was kicked out,

so I split.

Where did you find her, Val?

In the slammer. That's where.

Why were you in jail?

I got busted. Why else?

Remember, she's the one

that tossed me out in
the middle of the night.

That's not true, Annie. Ah-choo!

So I had no choice.

I had to earn some money.

Are you gonna tell me
what you were arrested for?


You know.

Soliciting, turning tricks.
Whatever you want to call it.

What did you call it

when you were on the streets?


Did she really get
picked up for hustling?

Yeah, but I'm pretty
sure that she's innocent.

Let's just make
that "not guilty."


Whatever you did...


thank you.

It's okay.



Come on. It's okay.

We'll talk about it
while we unpack?

Uh, we are gonna
unpack, aren't we?


Val, I've been
running all my life.

I've gotta stop sometime.

This place is not...

We can't...

I don't know.

Hell, Valene. I...

Knots Landing's just a place.

Look, I can't run anymore.

This is my last
chance not to run.


SID: Annie?


I'd... I'd like to...

Make things work
between us, if I can.

I-I wish I could make up...

to you...

the past 18 years in some way.

But I can't really do that.

The only thing I can
do is to try to be...


the best father that
I can be to you for...

Well, from now on.

I remember my own father.

He used to have this attitude
like I owed him something.

You know, even as a kid,
I figured that was wrong.

I figured that he
had it backwards,

that it was fathers that
owed their kids something.

I think I owe you...

whatever I have.

I owe you what I know,

which is not too much, I admit.

I can teach you how
to wiggle your thumb.

Spit through your teeth.

How to tune a car engine,
if that's any good to you.

You already know how to fight.

Most of all, I...

I think that...

I owe you a family.

This family automatically
belongs to you.

It's yours if you want it.

I hope you'll take it.

What I don't owe you is...

Is a slap in the face.

Annie, I hope you'll stay
the whole week with us,

and then I hope you'll
come back soon and stay,

long as you like.

Would you just tell me

what I can do to
make you wanna stay?

Well, I guess you...

You just wanna
think about it, huh?



Sid, is everything all right?



I'm sorry.

About what?

Last night, my scene with Annie.

You got to her.

Yeah, I know. B-but I didn't...

No, you really got to her.

She wouldn't have done
that if you didn't get to her.

So... Well, what I mean...

What are you saying?

Thank you.

You're welcome.





Mmm. I love you.

I love you. I love you.


Want to go for a ride?

Huh? A ride? Are you kidding?

Come on! Give it a try.
You've never once ridden in it.

Come on. Let's give it a try.

You've got to be kidding.


let's compromise.


We'll try the back seat.






Ooh! Sid! Oh, be careful!


KAREN: How's your cold?

SID: Gone. But my
back is k*lling me.



God bless you. Thank you.


Knots Landing:

I knew it.

What did you know?

Texas Ewing moves
to Knots Landing.

Before you know it,

we've got offshore drilling
at Knots Landing beach.

Look, I'll be your
technical adviser,

but I won't wave any banners...

Why not? You're the
logical one to lead us.

I'm not a leader, Karen.

What in the...?

Hi. How's my
favorite sister-in-law?

Keep your mouth shut, Gary.

Stay out of it. Or?

I'll break you.

