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01x07 - Land of the Free

Posted: 01/15/24 20:27
by bunniefuu

MAN: Hey!

Why all this hostility?

We just wanted to join the fun.

Nobody invited you.

Free country, right?

The game's over, friend!

You file a complaint, then
we... I'll file 50, if you like.

What do you want to tell us?

Drop the charges against
Alien. Not a chance.

No telling what
these guys'll get into.



MAN: Whoa!


MAN: Hit it! Oh!

All right! All right!

Yeah! Whoo!

Here we go.

Mom, look out!

Ah! Oh!

You threw it too high.

Eric, don't throw that
thing in this direction.

He throws it too hard, Mom!

He just can't catch, Mom.

"Too hard," and "can't
catch it," in another direction.


MAN: Whoo!

MAN 2: Oh!

One more volley,
Diana's gonna lose her top.

MAN: All right! Whoo! Yeah!


Hey, Diana!

MAN: Hey! Whoo!


Okay, this is it.



"D" for what?

Dunk. Time to get
your bathing suit wet.

Today? Are you crazy?

It's freezing!

You said you wanted
to learn how to swim.

Yeah, but in a pool.
Trust me. Trust me.


Look who I have!





Get out of our way.

Sure, baby.

Hey, now, doesn't this

look like somebody who
could treat a man right?


Jason! Let them alone!

MAN: Hey!

Why all this hostility?

We just wanted to join the fun.

Nobody invited you.

Well, it's a free
country, right?

I mean, "God Bless America."


So, let us go.


We got a date.

Hey, leave her alone.

Back off, Alien!

The ladies don't want to play.

Do you, ladies?

Motorcycles are not
allowed on the beach.

Yeah! And the patrol's
gonna be by any minute.

Yeah, well, that just scares
the pants right off of me.


Did you at least write
the license plates down?

No, I didn't. I...

Look, Karen, if you
can't give the police

any concrete information,
their hands are tied.

I mean, I can't even serve
them with a restraining order.

Nobody had time to write down
the license numbers, Richard!

Honey, it all happened so fast.

The license plates are so small.

Look, we're gonna go
through the whole area,

but I have to catch
them on the beach.

I say to forget it. Forget it?

GARY: You gonna run this
bunch in? What've they been up to?

There's trouble on the beach.

They were gone
before I could get there.

KAREN: You wouldn't believe it.

There were bikers on
the surf, chasing us!

It was terrifying!

It was amazing no one got hurt.

Honey, are you all right?

Yeah, I-I'm fine.

Are the boys okay?

Physically, yes,
but I'm not sure...

Look, they're gone now.

I'm not... They're gone now.

You know the type. I mean,
they're out looking for trouble.

If they don't find the kind

they're looking
for, they move on.

Tomorrow, it'll be
San Diego's problem.

I, uh, don't suppose,
with all the excitement,

you've had a chance
to start dinner?

I'm sorry, honey.

Well, then the only
casualty will be my stomach.

Excuse me.

Well, I guess I better get
dinner in the oven for Kenny

in case he doesn't
work late tonight.

See you later.

Yeah, goodbye. So long.

Uh, you need us
for anything, officer?

No, no. I'll take
another run down there

and make sure that the other
squads keeps their eye out.

What happened
to the beach patrol?

We used to see them
every few minutes.

Budget cuts. You
know, taxpayers' revolt.

With what's left over,

I can hardly keep the streets
patrolled, let alone the beach.

Yeah, sure. Well, thanks
a lot, Wayne. See you.

Okay. Hey, uh, don't worry.

I think that Mr. Avery's
probably right.

They're probably...

That's the last
we'll see of 'em.

Have a good
evening. Yeah, right.

Thank you. Bye-bye. So long.

They won't be there
tomorrow, Mom.

Diana, I think that we
better just wait and see.


That's just terrific.


You haven't cooled
down yet? I'm livid.

Was it really so terrible?

Oh, Sid, you know how I am.

I can get my nose out of joint

if someone smokes
in an elevator.

I can get mad if someone
rides a motorcycle on the beach,

but I am livid, because
they came right to us!

They directed it all to us!

Sure. You're the best
looking women on the beach.

Don't you dare make
a joke about this, Sid.

Who's joking? I meant it.

I'm gonna go turn off
the light in the garage.

Even if we were the best-looking
women on the beach...


DIANA: I'm glad to see you.

You will be staying, won't you?

DIANA: Come in.

I'm so glad to see you.

You will be staying, won't you?

Pardon me?

I'm auditioning
for the school play.

That line's in the scene.

I'm trying to play
it real scuzzy.


It says to. It's a
stage direction.

Let me see that.

Where does it say "scuzzy"?

That says, "coquettishly."


Well, coquettish
means flirtatious.

I thought it meant
like, you know, like...

Like the way you were doing it?

Right. Yeah. Oh.

Well, coquettish is
easy. I can do that.


You and the boys, today...

I was real proud of you.


Well, if somebody had
come after one of us,

I'd feel sorry for them.

One for all and all that. Right?

Good night.


Since when have you
been so interested in drama?

Buzzy Marek is sure
to get the boy's lead.


I'm so glad to see you.

You will be staying, won't you?

Piece of cake.

KAREN: Well...

looks like the beach
is safe for democracy.

VAL: Well, if it's
safe for democracy,

then that means I don't have
to get wet if I don't want to.

That's what you think.

No, I don't.

Yesterday, and that's it.

Is Ginger coming?

No, she had to take
her class on a field trip.

Field trips in kindergarten?
Ginger's very progressive.

No, I think we better
stay right here today.

Okay. Honey, give me the radio.

DIANA: Okay.



Oh, no.

LAURA: Let's get out of here.

It's too late.


Get away! Get away!
LAURA: Someone help us!

VAL: Go away!


Get away!


Get away! Are you okay?

Get away! Get away!





Oh, my God.

BIKER: You hit him,
Alien. Let's get out of here!


Leave us alone! Leave us alone!



Sid, he's okay. He's okay.

They're stitching him up.

I couldn't stand it in there.

Is there any
concussion or anything?


Are you okay? Yes.

What about Wayne
Willis, did you talk to him?

Oh, well, he was here.
They're out looking.

MAN: Mrs. Fairgate! Hi.



Six beauties.

And to put them in, I
had to give old Mike

a very unusual haircut.

Unusual isn't the word.

Come back in a week
and I'll take the stitches out.

Thank you very much.
Yes, thanks a lot, Doctor.

Don't we have to pay? No.

I gave them the insurance card.

Let's go. Where's your car?

I sent Laura and
everybody home in it.

Does that hurt,
son? Naw, not yet.

But it might when the
anesthetic wears off.

Sit up with us.

Put on your seatbelt now.

Boy, I'm not too crazy
about growing up.

Why is that, sport?

Well, last time I had stitches,
they gave me a lollipop.

Boy, I sure could use
a lollipop right now.

I hate this feeling.

Nothing I can do.

Nothing I can do!

I have to stand there and
watch my son's head split open.

I feel like I've been...

It's like someone touching you
when you don't want them to.

Honey, don't torment
yourself about it.

Just let the police handle it.

Oh, sure, let the
police handle it.

Hey, Mom. Look over there.

Across the street. It's them.

Oh, I don't believe it.

Sid, the one on the right.

He's the one that hit Michael.

SID: Are you sure?
MICHAEL: Yeah, it is, Dad.

It is.

SID: Soon as we stop,

you get out and call the police.

KAREN: Don't do
anything foolish.

Just let the police handle it.

You said that. SID:
I know what I said.

SID: Now, let me handle it.


SID: Michael, stay in the car.

Well, I'll be darned.


What the hell?

What are you doing?

MAN: Someone let me out of here!

You idiot!

Hey. What's going on, man?

Hey, hey!

Come on. Alien, come on!

Cut out the games, man!

The game's over, friend!


You file a complaint then
we... I'll file 50, if you like.

What about the other one?

Well, he wasn't on the
bike that hit Michael.

And he never touched any of us.

I could still make it pretty
uncomfortable for him,

even on a
disturbing-the-peace charge.

No, I...

I really couldn't
accuse him of anything.

Let him go.

Can he come down to
the station house now?

We'll follow you.

Let's go. Come on.

Okay, let's go.


Now let's go, Duke.

And what shape is it, anyway?

A "Z," I think. Oh, yeah?

If it's a "Z," you're lucky,
it'll be like Zorro got you.

Boy, I hope it scars.

Oh, those creeps were
a long way from Zorro.

Hey, how bad could
they have been?

A bunch of fun-loving guys

on a romp, is all.

Whose fun-loving hands
romped all over your wife's body.

Ah, I thought you said you
didn't like any of those guys.


Well, can't say I
blame them, actually.

Can we change the subject?

The bad guy's in jail now.

How long you think he'll get?

Oh, sorry, but, uh...

if he can post bail,
he's out already.


He probably can't post bail,

so my guess would
be, uh... 30 days, tops.

That's nothing.

Well, he wasn't exactly
a one-man crime wave:

Disorderly conduct,

reckless driving,

violated a couple of
beach ordinances...

chicken feed.

What about busting
a kid's head open?

Technically an accident.

What are you, his lawyer?

Don't worry. If he's his
lawyer, the guy'll get life.

DIANA: Excuse me.

Mom, can you drive
me to the auditions?

Oh, uh... okay, cookie.

I'll take her.

A bit of fresh air might
help clear my head.

The kids'll drive me
home afterwards.


My brother, the hero.



How's it going,
cookie? Good. Listen.

care how altruistic he is,

he's a nobody
and I don't like him.


Uh, what ever happened to:

"you will be
staying, won't you?"

Well, they cast the
boy's part already.

Buzzy Marek didn't get
the lead. The second lead.

Opposite "I don't
care how altruistic..."

[DRAMATICALLY] Right, right.


Is that a motorcycle?

There are lots of
motorcycles on the road, Mom.

And it's a moped, anyway.


Thanks for coming by, kids.

Sure, Sid.

And we always like to pay
tribute to a big hero, huh?

Yeah, but you
should've seen Dad.

He barreled into that place
and slammed that guy...

So what? I was just one-on-one.
You took on a whole g*ng.

Yeah, and I got zonked.

Yeah, you're gonna
be just fine, champ.

You take care of
that "zonk," Michael.

See you later. Yeah,
thanks. Bye-bye.

You know, if it
wasn't for that "zonk,"

the bad guy wouldn't
be in jail right now.

Let's see what refrigerator
mischief we can get into.

Come on, hurry up. Come on.

Mrs. Fairgate?


What're you doing here?

Leave, or I'll call the police.

Hey, wait a minute, man.
I mean, just a minute.

I'm not a man.
Excuse me, please.

I only want to talk. Not to me.

Get out of my way!

Sid! Sid!


I'm warning you. You
have no business here.



What do you want?

Just to talk, that's all.
I'm calling the police.

Just a second, Karen.

What do you want to tell us?

Drop the charges against
Alien. Not a chance.

Oh, look.

I know you're mad.

And you got reason.
Alien's got it coming.

But the guys that we ride with,

they're not going
nowhere without him.

Look, you drop the charges,

you let him out, and
we're on our way.

Otherwise we just
gotta be waiting around.

And there's no telling
what these guys'll get into.

I'm calling the
police! Wait a minute!

That was a threat, wasn't
it? Hey, did I thr*aten?

Say what you have to say.

That's it. I said it.

Drop the charges...

we all split, all of us.

You don't,

we're gonna be hanging out.

Now, we're supposed to link up

with the rest of our
guys down at Laguna.

We don't show, they're
gonna come looking.

And I like you people.

I mean, I really
do. I like everybody.

But some of my
buddies, you know,

I mean, let's face it,

I love 'em, but, uh... they're
really animals, you know?



What'd he want, Mom?

He wanted me to drop the
charges against his friend.

Well, you're not
going to, are you?

Not a chance.


KAREN: I got you. I got you!



Get back inside!

Don't stand there!
Stay in the house.


SID: And what you're
trying to tell us, Wayne,

is that there's nothing
that you can do?

WAYNE: No, Sid.

I'm just trying to say
that motorcycles can go

where our patrol cars can't.

They can hide easy.
KAREN: Terrific.

So we just put up with it?

WAYNE: We'll make sure
patrols come by regularly.

We'll do everything we can.

Well, I am not gonna
drop the charge.

I can't.

I'm not suggesting that you do.

I'm just trying to explain
it may take us a little time.

RICHARD: We moved here to
get away from this sort of thing.

We pay higher taxes to
protect ourselves from it.

A lot of people moved here
for just that same reason.

The population of Knots
Landing has almost doubled

in the past ten years.

We've gone from

That's reassuring.

We'll get 'em, Sid.

Thanks very much, Wayne.

You know, this may, uh... just
be the beginning, you know that?

Wait a minute. What
are you saying, Richard?

That Karen should
drop the charge?

You're a lawyer.

You ought to be able to
give us better advice than that.

Yeah, and I know the
limitations of the law.

And if more of them start
coming in, like he threatened...

Yeah, well, uh...

I guess I should get
back to Laura and Jason.

They were pretty
shaken up by this.

I'll talk to you, Sid.

Yeah. So long.


He thinks I should give in.

Uh, Richard only thinks
about what's best for Richard.

I think he's worried about
the garbage on his car.

Well, uh...

let's go, kids.

Upstairs, get ready for school.

Business as usual.

Let's go.

Move it.

I'm not looking
at this as a cause.

Oh, I know you're not, honey.

I'd be the first
one to say that,

if I thought you were.

I know it's hard on
everybody and the kids.

SID: It'd be a lot
tougher on the kids

if they saw us giving
into those thugs.

I'm glad you won't
give in, Karen.

I mean, maybe the police

can't do it all right off,

but at least they're
on your side.

And that's something.

Well, of course
they're on our side.

Well, they're not always.

What do you mean by that, Val?

Just that they're not
always on your side.

Oh, nothing. I...

I shouldn't be
talking about this.


no, it's okay, honey. Go ahead.

Well, when Gary and me
was married the first time,

when we split up,

I left the Ewing Ranch
with our daughter, Lucy.

And Gary's brother,


sent some mean old boys
after me to get Lucy back.

And they followed us all
the way to Tennessee...

and they took her.

So I went back after her,
and when I got back to Texas,

those old boys wouldn't
let me near the ranch.

So I went to the
sheriff's office.

The, uh... the law was
pretty tight with my family.

And I can't tell you
what that was like,

knowing that anything
at all could be done to me,

and there wasn't nothing
the police would do about it.

Because there
wasn't any difference

between those mean
old boys and the police.

At least here, there
is a difference and...

and, I mean, I...

I know that this is hard
on you, Karen, but...

I think that you just
gotta stick to your g*ns.

So do I.


I do.

I hope my insurance covers this.

The car just needs a
good washing, honey.

I'll hose it off while you
and Jason have breakfast.

Is Jason okay?

Full of questions,
but he quieted down.

He's dressing for school.

What happened at Karen's?

Oh, nothing. She's
gonna get us all k*lled.


honey, her son got hurt.

Oh, he's hurt himself worse
falling off a skateboard.

What if it had been Jason?

It wasn't Jason.

Well, I feel a little
better, anyway.

I mean, seeing those patrol cars

drive by the cul-de-sac
every 20 minutes.

Well, I guess the worst is over.

You mean, you
hope the worst is over.


Who would've believed,

in Knots Landing...


Not ripe enough.


What? Behind us.

Oh, my God. Look out!

He's coming
right... It's a girl! Oh.

What are they
doing? I don't know.

KAREN: Oh, my God.

BIKER: Open the
door, before I kick it in.

KAREN: I can't get
over. She's in my way.

We won't hurt ya, sweetie!

BIKER: Come on, pull
over. VAL: Ignore 'em.

How can I ignore them?

BIKER: Hey, sweetie, need
some help getting in gear?



VAL: They're gonna dent the car.

Pull over. Pull over!

VAL: She is crazy.

There. Look.

A policeman.


Oh, God.

Let's get home.

Hurry up.

Come on in. No. I can...

Let's go!

You stay here.
I'm gonna call Sid.

Get him and Gary home.

I can go on home, really.


Who's this?

Stop it!

Stop it!


You get off the line.

I said, get off the line!

Shut up!

What are we gonna do?

I don't know.





What are you doing here?


Karen! Karen!

Karen! Karen!


Karen! What is it?

Look at my car, yours. Look.

Go back to your
house, call the police.

I can... Don't ask
any questions.

Call Sid and Gary,
get them home.

All right. Okay, okay.



Well, we might not have
a phone, but Laura does.

She's calling the guys.

What happened out
there? Flat tires, all of us.

You too. I don't believe it!

That... pig was out there,
cutting the tires, smiling.

He smiled at me.

BOY [OUTSIDE]: Look out!


KAREN: Oh, my God. Are you okay?

Yeah. What happened?

Oh, we slipped. There's
oil all over the street.


A whole can full it looks like.

But you're okay?

Yeah, I guess so.

Leave the bikes. What?

Leave the bikes, get inside.

But, Mom... You heard me!

Leave the bikes
and get inside now!


Karen, are you okay?



Karen, it was the right
thing to do, believe me.

It was the easiest
thing to do, Richard.

You're a lawyer,
you should know that.

I'm a lawyer and I
know how the law works.

And I know that this guy
would've been fined, at most.

His buddies out there, well,
they'd go out and rob somebody

or, uh, sell dope to kids
in order to raise the fine.

Now, if you consider that,

consider the damage
they've done to all of us,

and what they could do...

Dropping the charge was
not the right thing to do.

I don't care how you say it.

Well, take my word for
it. In a practical sense...

I'm not feeling very
practical right now, Richard.

I'm sorry.

Well, hi. What a nice surprise.

I was just on my
way to see my friend.

Oh, well, uh...
you don't have to.

They're giving him
back his belongings.

You dropped the charges.

You people are very persuasive.

Well, like I said,

I tried to talk to
'em, I really did, but...

they're animals.

Come on.

Hey, man! What took you so long?

Hey, 24 hours ain't that long.

It is in jail. Where
is everybody?

Not far.

Well, are they ready?

No, why?

Because I would
like to get out of here.


Man, that lady kept you
locked up for a day and a half.

She's got to pay
for that, doesn't she?


I mean, otherwise,
she's the winner, right?

I don't like riding with losers.


Well, I-I sure do like

the way all those tires
got changed so fast.

Well, it's one of the
advantages of being a car dealer.

You can change 12 slashed tires

with 12 new steel-belted radials

on a moment's notice.


Everything okay, Mr. Fairgate?

Yes, fine. Fine.

Thank you, officer.

It's a cop.

Oh. Oh.

Oh, never mind, Val. That
needs a cleaning, anyway.

Leave it. Oh, all right.

I'll get you some more
coffee. No, no, thanks, Val.

Well, we're all so
shaky. It's over.

I'm not so sure it's over.

See you later.
Where are you going?

Over to Joe's to study. Oh,
no, you're not. Not tonight.

But, Dad, it's just
around the corner.


I thought the crisis was
supposed to be over.

It is over.

We just want a
little quiet tonight.

Uh, Sid, you want
to go over this copy?

What copy?

The advertising copy. The
reason we're here, remember?

Oh, no, no, Gary, you
just take care of it, okay?


Uh, the advertising guy wants
Sid to make his own commercials.

Oh, you mean like that fella
on TV with all the animals?

Yeah, right.

Uh, first one, he wants Sid
to skydive out of a balloon.

Oh, no.


You're not thinking of
going out tonight, are you?

To rehearsal.

Oh, no, you're not. Not tonight.


Oh, did you get the part?


Oh, that's wonderful, Diana.

I guess.

Oh, not the second lead?

No, the first lead.


"Sorry"? Are we
missing something?

It's a long story.

SID: Well, first
lead or second lead,

the rehearsal's
cancelled, at least for you.

Daddy, it can't be.
They'll replace me.

This is so important to her.


There's Buzzy. Please, Daddy?

I wouldn't even let your
brother go around the corner.

Sid! Mom, please.

She'll be with other kids.



All right, you can go.

But come home as soon
as the rehearsal is over.

If the other kids
stop somewhere,

I want you to call me
and I'll come and get you.

Yeah. Thanks, Daddy. I love you.

Okay, sweetie.

Bye, y'all. Night, honey.

VAL: Bye-bye, Diana.
GARY: Bye, Diana.

Oh, well, it's Buzzy, all right.

And nine or 10 other kids

just jammed into his Beetle.

None on motorcycles.

VAL: Gary, we should be going.

All right.

Sid, um... are you sure

you wouldn't rather
do this yourself?

Gary, from now on, you
are in charge of advertising.


I'm sorry we weren't
better company tonight.

Oh, no. Oh, none of us was.

I-I guess that we're all
still a little more shook up

than we thought we were.

And like the lady says,
tomorrow is another day.

I can't wait.


What in the world is going on?

Mr. Fairgate! Mr. Fairgate!


Mr. Fairgate,

they took Diana, they took her.

The-they ran us off the
road and they took Diana!

Oh, my God.
Where'd they take her?

Well, they went down towards
the beach. We tried to stop 'em.


I'll call the police.

Sid, wait.




Hey, what's going on?


They... They took her.

DIANA: Let me go! Let me go!

They'll tell my father,
and he'll come down here!

That's just what we're
counting on, kiddo.


Citizen must've broke
the law to get here that fast.

I got no patience with
law-breakers. You know?

You got a beer?

MAN: Look at him coming.

Hope he doesn't fall
down and hurt himself.


What, are you crazy?

He wants to play, huh?

Go get him, Music.

Hold this. I'll be
back in five seconds.

ALIEN: Here, let me help ya.

ALIEN: This guy's going crazy!


WOMAN: Cops are coming!

If you ever touch anyone I
love ever again, I'll k*ll you.

We'll take these folks in now.

You can wait till morning
to file any charges.

Kidnapping, as*ault,
intent to do bodily harm.

Diana? No.

Did they try? They hinted.

Conspiracy. And 10 or 12 other
things I'll think of by morning.

You know, we tried
to give you a break,

but some people just
have to learn the hard way.

Take her away. Let's go.

Are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine.

Are you all
right? I'm all right.

Kenny? Gary? I'm all right.

Yeah, I'm fine.

Sid, I've never seen
you like that before.

I never thought I could be so...

Fierce? Brave.

No, I mean, angry.

Hey, man, they
had your daughter.

Yeah, I know, but still, I-I...

Well, don't feel bad. I mean,
under the circumstances...

I don't feel bad. I feel good.

I feel very good.

Very good. He feels very good.

I feel great.

As a matter of
fact, I feel terrific.

