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02x06 - Slay Ride

Posted: 01/15/24 21:17
by bunniefuu

The bastard!

Look at old Steve Marley.

I thought he was dead.

I mean, I thought the drink got
the better of him a long time ago.

- Let's go and greet him.
- No, wait a minute.

- Better not!
- They?

Let's go find a seat at the bar.

Steve makes me feel
a little uncomfortable.

I am with you.

- You know what?
- Good.


What the?

It's too much noise.

The place is too stuffy.

And this scotch.

I just can't drink it.

I have something much better.

Real quality.

- Let's get out of all this noise.
- Take me!

What the?

Here you go?

Beautiful! Beautiful!

Is it like the world?

Ah, wonderful!

Come on.

- Yes.
- Come on.


Let's go there.

Look at this.

That was the last
thing Ruth saw.


You didn't even remember his name, did you?

What the heck is going on?

Excuse me, please!

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

how are you baby

His name is Stephen Marley.

That was pinned to the jacket.

Name tag.

National Society of Industrial
Engineers and Designers.

They have a convention in the hotel.

He laughed the whole time in the bar last night.

We are now checking to see if he
had a close friend, or maybe a woman.

Then there is this.

One of the few
things in the wallet.

Congratulations from the National Society

for the Grand Prize in Design.

Award for the year 1970.

An important guy, right?

Yes, just like Icarus.

Marley drank with everybody.

There was only
one guy left with him.

Short hair, young, athletic,

but no one remembers him well.

The bar was full, all the designers were there.

Yes, something unusual in
an evening in this old town.

Okay, what's the time of death?

According to the
forensic doctor, the subject

d*ed between 1:00
and 2:00 in the morning.

The constant use of alcohol
is indicated by hyperemia and

irritating elements from the
mucosa of the digestive tract.

You're kidding!

The blood sugar concentration
at the time of death was 35%.

Where is the comma?

- Right here, in front of the three.
- Yes, in front of him three.

Define this.

You want to tell him what is the
difference between 35% and 0.35...

Yeah, leave it alone, tell me later.
What do you have?

Here you go?

Last known address
is West 60th Street.

That's from the record.

... and the disturbance of public order.

Drunkenness and public disorder.

Drunkenness and public disorder.
Breaking the law.

how many Maybe 40?

The first was almost
three years ago.

It stopped for a month.

And then the guy never stopped.

He tried to drown himself.

From top designer to
woodworker in less than a year.

How about this?

Hey, give me his address.

And you, do you want to
explain to him what it means,

how important is the place
where the comma is placed?

So, I'm officially a widow.

Well, what do you know?

At last the drink
drowned poor Stephen.

No, not exactly.

He fell off a roof.

Oh God!

When was the last time you saw him?

Oh let me think!

Six months ago, maybe five.
Something like that.

I found him drunk in the hall.

So I gave him a bath, a kiss
on the cheek, and a $10 bill,

and I sent him on his way.

I mean, have you spoken to him since then?

About a week ago.

He called to tell me to go with him
to one of the conventions they have,

something he hasn't done in two years.

To make contacts.

Let's be together again.

What did it start from?

I have no idea.

Suddenly he couldn't sleep.

So he started drinking until he passed out.

I caught him.

Arguments, without explanations.

We yelled at each other.

He left.

Came back.

He started drinking
again, and finally, I did.

I threw him out.

Why would anyone want to k*ll him?

Has anyone done this?

May be.

Look, I'm going to need some names.

Some people from his past.

I won't be able to help you much, Lieutenant.

I tried to avoid his friends.

The old ones from before
should be at the convention.

As for his girlfriend, however, I

I think I'm affected enough
to try to forget his name.

Linda Miller.

It's over?

It's all over?


No, Shelby, it's not over.

- Not yet.
- Soon?

He was crazy, you know?

He brought books.

Like, the prophet, you know?

And said ... "This is my beloved".

"For Linda with karma.

With love, Stephen."

This is cute!

I discussed.

And when he wasn't drunk,
we talked about various things.

Oh, like, current
events, theater.

I learned a lot from Stephen.

It was kind of his contribution, you know?

Oh yes!

I used to keep it.

And I'm going to tell you something.

Do you want me to tell you something, lieutenant?

Please tell me something, Miss Miller.

That's all Stephen wanted me to do.

Just to hold him.

Until he went crazy.

Well, let's see, a man
reads "This is my beloved".

He likes to be held.
Is beautiful.

He was arrested 37 times.

He looks like a man with
an internal conflict, Ms. Miller.

Tell me about it? Carrot juice.


One night he hit me.

Only once and then...
he walked out the door.

God, I never got it back, you know?

Well yes!

Well, how long have you known him?

I met Stephen... two years ago.

Maybe not even two years.

And we were together, I think for six months.

how did you meet him

Through Louis, I think.

Which Louis?

Well, Louis... O'Reilly.

I also have a business card around here, somewhere.

Let me see.

There she is! Louis O'Reilly.

I shouldn't be surprised, but I am.

Louis O'Reilly, industrial designer.

What do models wear... bikinis,

evening dresses, garter belts.

The rate is $10 per hour.
Tell him that.

Quick, quick, okay?

Can I help you with something?

I'm Lt. Kojak.

I'm trying to locate one
of your convention guests.

Sure. What's his name?

His name is Louis O'Reilly.

You certainly don't want
to locate Mr. O'Reilly.

Investigate his death.

Oh? Yes?

Two suicides in just a
few days at the same hotel?

I'm surprised the papers
didn't make a big deal out of it.

Indulge me, miss!

I mean, people have accidents all the time.

People die all the time.

And you know something?

I can never hear about everything.

Late yesterday
evening, Mr. O'Reilly

was found on the
sidewalk outside his room.

He committed su1c1de by jumping
out of a 12th floor window, Lieutenant,

Lieutenant, you have a Mr. O'Reilly here,
he claims he has an appointment with you.

I'm Lt. Kojak, Mr. O'Reilly.

- Lieutenants!
- Yes.


Go away.

What happened to my brother?

Well, Mr. O'Reilly, it's in our
files as a probable su1c1de.

Ooh, tell the devil that!

I can't believe this.

Oh? Why not?

Louis was a
man...willing to live.

He recently met a beautiful woman

and they had planned
to get married in a month.

In Tucson.

That's why I just landed from there.

where is he now In Tucson?


Who pushed my brother out that window?

Mr. O'Reilly, how well did your
brother know one Stephen Marley?


Good enough. Why?

Has she been in touch with him lately?

Not recently. I do not believe.

When was the last time?

After the last convention at St. Theresa,

Louis didn't talk much about Stephen.

Mr. O'Reilly, Stephen Marley is dead.


Early this morning. I'm Sorry!

Oh, that is a terrible thing!

What a terrible, what a terrible coincidence!


Myron Joyce, operator!

Are you sure she is not in her room?

Oh, well!

Did she say when she'll be in?

No, no message.

And the guy I talked to says he can't
remember anything out of the ordinary.


I mean, two years ago at the St. Theresa?


A person jumped from the floor.

In the fact report for that
week, there was a case of

a person who jumped from
the floor at the St. Theresa,

on the night of September 17.

Right where it says
"out the window".

That means fell out the window.

Nice talking to you.

Enough of this, okay?

Well, you want a drug, something?


It calms you down.

No, no dr*gs, Shelby.

It's not my style.

Anyway, I need to keep my mind clear.

May be.

You're quite a guy, you know.

I respect you. Baby soul.

You are a strong human being.

I have to tell you the truth, Shelby.

I'm scared.

I was scared in Nam.

Not to death.

But close.

It scares me.

Hey, you've been decorated.
You were a terrible soldier.

Somehow, you've had to handle it.


I do not know.

You know, I think my sister
Ruth was a very lucky girl.

She should never
have been k*lled, Paul.

It wasn't fair.

They took advantage of her and she was just a child.

Stop it Shelby.

Well, you make them pay.

How much time you have?

I have to finish today.

Until tonight.

Is there enough time?

- Paul, I'm talking to you.
- Huh?

On September 20, two years ago,
a 22-year-old Caucasian woman

fell or jumped from about the

while some designers were
having their convention there.

how do you like this

She fell, she jumped, she was pushed, what?

She was locked out or jumped.
But everything is there.

Read too!
You know, it's hard to say.

Hotel St. Theresa, it's
an old one, remember?

Outdoor fire escapes.

It was found under it.

I thought you wanted me to read it.

And all the while, all
these convention goers

were getting ready to
go home fed and drunk

and none of them had
heard of the young lady.

This is crazy.

A madman started pushing people
out the window two years ago,

and he returned this
year to continue his work?

What does he have against designers?

Oh, no, no, no!
She was not a designer.

She was just a young
housewife, waiting

to join her husband
in the m*llitary abroad.

Ruth Nelson.

Etc, etc, etc...

Height, weight, relatives...

Husband Paul, United States Army.

Yes, he got a leave
from his post in Germany.

He returned there immediately after the funeral.

Let's track him down and track him down.

Maybe it can shed
some light on her death.

Maybe it was su1c1de.

Well, she is survived by an older sister.

Shelby Phillips.


Maybe she made her Marley's mistress.

What's her name? Linda Miller?

Hey, Frank, it's possible.

The husband is far away overseasd, isn't he?

In whose room?

Was he in O'Reilly's room?

What room?

Stuff like that.

It's going to be pretty hard to find out.

St. Theresa is now a parking lot.

You got to be kidding me.

The whole country is an information bank.

Nobody throws away the registers anymore.

And besides, we have
a room full of them there.

What is Ruth Nelson's sister's name?

Shelby Phillips.

Brooklyn, bld. Tremain no. 668.



Hi, I'm Lt. Kojak, Manhattan South Ward.

I'm looking for a person, Shelby Phillips.

I am.

Well, can we talk for a
few minutes, Ms. Phillips?


- Get in.
- Hmm!


It's about your sister Ruth.

He fell and d*ed two years ago.

She k*lled herself, yes.

Well, there are some recent

deaths in similar circumstances.

And I find that such a thing is hard to accept.

Maybe it was an accident?

I mean, anything but su1c1de?

How should I know, Lieutenant?

How could I be sure?

I mean, I was out somewhere,

and when I came home
they told me about my sister.

Well, do you want something cold?

- A cold drink?
- No no!

No, thanks!

Is that from Switzerland?

- What the?
- In the Alps? Skiing?

A ski resort or something?

I? Not.

That thing. Well...

Well, I rented the furniture and...
it just came with the stuff.

What do you know about your brother-in-law?

My brother in law?


Your sister's husband?

When was the last time you saw him?

Well, at Ruth's funeral.

The army sent him home.

Somehow they are given a pass.

They sent him home from Germany.


I know, I really know where this is coming from.

From Paul.

He was there on a visit, when
he was stationed in Germany.

Paul sent it.

Is he still a GI?

I haven't been in touch with
him since my sister's tragic death.

What do you do, Miss Phillips?



To live.

I am at your disposal.

I fill in for secretaries who get sick.

I listen to music and wait for the phone to ring.



That's not the only disc
I have, but you know,

sometimes you really
get stuck on something

and you can't hear him well enough, can you?



Thank you for your
time, Ms. Phillips.

What did he want?

Nothing. Nothing.

It's all right, baby.

They k*lled Ruth and what you are doing is right.

I know.

Anyway what made me think
of her was that yellow pillow.

He said he got it with the house,

and then she remembered that his
brother-in-law had given it to him.

Why don't you taste it first?

Hey, that's good.
It's good coffee.

I think you are joking!

Well, she was smart
enough to cover up anyway.

She realized that I knew he
was stationed in Germany.

She's a smart cookie, this Shelby.

But I realized she was on dr*gs.

Does she have a record?

Two arrests for possession.

And a parole for
rehab in Lexington.

The detectives found Paul Nelson.

He's alive, well, and a
sergeant major assigned to the

in Fort Benning, Georgia.

He is a ranger instructor, although
he has just returned from overseas.

Yes? Now how long ago?

Two weeks.
He stayed for three and a half years in...


Right now he's on a 10-day leave.


They said he took a Jeep and went
to climb rocks in the mountains of Georgia.

Back to work tomorrow morning.

So no one knows where he is.


Well, I want to know.

Get a description of him.
Give it a follow up.

Especially around the hotel.

I'm already working on it.

And the army sent a file.

With photo included.

Well, I want to look at it.

I want a complete psychological profile.

sister-in-law, Shelby Phillips.

Just in case they decide to
deliver another little yellow pillow.

Oh, are you comfortable?

Who made the coffee this morning?

I do not know.

It must have been Saperstein.

He's pretty good.


All the time, Saperstein?

It was a little musty.

But I made the coffee.

I followed the instructions on the box.

Oh, according to your own system?

What do you mean by "musty"?

I went through all those boxes in the cellar.

They gave me a negress to
help me, but she was all smiles.

Who gave you a bitch?

The company that owns the Hotel St. Theresa.

They were very cooperative.

They gave me a sign, showed me the
way to the cellar and told me to go.

Oh! And was it worth it?

Oh yes!

Louis O'Reilly's
record is two years old.

Louis O'Reilly, address, home.

Checked 20 September

Daily rate, $35.
I am going blind!

Paid all taxes to Donald Calder,
Central Park West no. 670.

- Write this down for me.
- Good. 670.

Donald Calder.

Turn over the card, lieutenant.

Due to the lack of facilities,
the room was shared with

Myron Joyce, Chicago, Illinois, no charge.

Looking for the list of people from the convention?


I already checked the name
"Myron Joyce" on the list.


It is registered to Aurora.

But it's not there.

He went out with a group
to check some factories.

They said they would be back late this afternoon.

You are fantastic!

You know, I think I'm your biggest fan.

You can't find me here,
I'll be with Donald Calder.

I want to speak to this Myron Joyce.

Okay, lieutenant.

O'Reilly was a real friend of yours, you say?


We didn't see each other very often.

Only when I arrived in New York

on business, in this
part of the country.

His death was a shock.


Well, the reason I'm here,
Mr. Calder, is because two years ago

you paid up his bill at the hotel St. Theresa.

At the convention, yes.

Funny you should mention that.

You see, I admired his talent and conversation,

and it was my pleasure to pay his way.

Are you in the same business?

I am in the production toys and games.

And Louis did something for me.

Well, did you see
Louis at that convention?

Oh yes! I picked him up from the
plane, and we had some lunches.

That's about it.

On the night of September 20 did you see him?

I'm sure I did'nt.

I never go out at night.

I get whatever craziness I need right here.

Do you know someone Stephen Marley?

Marley?! I think we met.

He's a friend of Louis'.

Why are you asking?

He d*ed yesterday morning.

He was pushed off a roof.


It's pretty scary, isn't it?

Why is that?

Two men, friends, to die in
the same way, so close in time.

One final question, Mr. Calder.

Did you know a Ruth Nelson?

Not. I don't know the name.

I'd better let you go
back to your guests.

Okay, if I can be of any
help, please don't hesitate.

I'm right here.

Well, I'll remember that.

Paul Nelson's description just arrived.

And the photo.

They are already tracked.

What about the psychological profile?

Yes, they sent that too.

He has a fairly high IQ.

It's quiet. A good soldier.

A hell of a mountain climber.

- He likes to be alone, and that's it.
- I understand.

Nothing kinky?

Not. Not in writing.

Well, I'll be back around 3:00 p.m.

If Myron Joyce calls, tell
him I'm on my way to the hotel.


- Myron.
- Yes.

Donald Calder on the phone.

You remember me, don't you?

You're kidding?

You're in half my nightmares.

I'd stay away from
heights if I were you, Myron.

Louis is dead.

So does Steve Marley.

You think I don't know that?

You think I'm not going crazy
trying to figure out if this isn't it

because of what happened
at the hotel st. Theresa?

Look, I think I'd
better go to the police.

I wouldn't do that.

Look, I'm scared.

What do you think I should do?

Get out of town.

But I can't do that.
Not until tomorrow.

I have too many commitments.

Then protect yourself.

Take care.

Well, is that what you're going to do?

Something like that.

Excuse me!

Do you have a match?

Oh, sorry, I don't smoke!

How are you, Mr. Quinley?

Do you miss Seattle?

Not at all.


This is John Quinley, Myron.

From Seattle.



What is this?

Who are you?

- Paul Nelson.
- Ruth.

Yes, Ruth.

I was married to Ruth.

And then you k*lled her.

Oh no!

Not. Not.

No, listen.

Listen, I... I, I...
Listen, I didn't do anything.

Look, I was there but
I didn't do anything.

Now, now, listen to me.

Just listen to me.

Just listen to me.
I can tell you what happened.

I can tell you what happened.

I know what happened.

She d*ed.

My God, it's Myron!

Myron Joyce.

Oh God!

What is happening at this convention?

What about Paul Nelson?

Well, the photos are shared.
Everyone is looking for him.

He's got to be our man, Frank.

So far nothing, "nada"!
But he's an army ranger.

It's lethal.

His job is to k*ll.

Well, since he's going
back to his unit in the

morning, we'll bring
him back for questioning.

If it shows.

But suppose he did
not finish his work here?

How do we screw this guy up?

Two years ago he went to
the army in Europe, okay?

And then we had this
convention at St. Theresa.

Maybe Ruth was employed
as a catering lady. Who knows?

But anyway, she was on the

who had to go back to the office
with a story for the boys, right?

Drink, women and who did it with whom.

Okay, so Ruth is in
one of these rooms,

with more than one guy, maybe three.

With O'Reilly, Stephen Marley,

and maybe the
latter, Myron Joyce.

Now something happened.

She ran down the hall
and the next thing we

know she was floating

Yes, who knows what they did to her?

Maybe she was coming to us.

Does Paul come home on leave,

attend her funeral
and return to Germany?

And two years later, the same
crazy friends have another convention.

So, he thinks that
what they did to his wife,

he will do them too.

Yes, but if we considered it a
possible su1c1de and closed the case,

how did he find out and how did
he know who was in that room?

Oh, Frank, I just ran out of theories.

- Excuse me, captain. - Yes.

Lieutenants, Crocker and
Saperstein just reported.

In case you want to know.

Oh, well, I'm always interested in a day in
the lives of Crocker and Saperstein, Stavros.

Well, they tracked down Shelby Phillips.

She went... for a walk.

So... they also went for a walk.


On Seventh Avenue.

It seems she has a weakness.

She went to the Admiralty Hotel...
you know, that mess on 37th Street?

... with a client.

She's still in there, Lieutenant.

Maybe she'll collect
enough for a dose.

Hey, look at John.

Saperstein, follow him!

It could lead us to Paul Nelson.

- I got it.
- Take care now.

Hey, lieutenant, she's riding a cab.

Let's see where she is going.

She heads for the center.

Dispatcher to 747, go ahead!

Paul Nelson, subject
under surveillance,

was seen entering
Tremaine St. no. 668.

I urgently request reinforcements.

The dispatcher, for all crews
near Tremaine street no. 668.

The crew of 747 requests reinforcements.

Stay! The police!

Hey, lieutenant.

It seems that she has had her fill.

She goes home.

Go away!

Leave the pot, baby! Open up!

what the hell do you want

Haven't you had time to get
something in your veins, baby?


- Say what you have to say and get out, okay?
- It may take a little longer.

It's all up to you, Shelby.

why don't you come back

Why don't you behave yourself and
come back later, what do you say?

After 10 minutes.


What happened at the St. Theresa Hotel?

Look, why don't you come back later, eh?

Two years ago at the St.
Theresa. What happened?

Oh... I...
Look, I can't talk to you right now.

- I really can not.
- Were you there, Shelby?

It must have been.

Otherwise, how would Paul have
known exactly what happened?

You know something, kid?

You are the missing link.

I will die. You know this?

Talk to me!

Yes Yes Yes! I was there!

- Now leave! Please leave.
- Okay, anything else?

- Go away
- What else?

Well... we...
look, whatever you want!

I mean, really anything you want.

- Just... come back.
- They tried to r*pe your sister.

- That's it, right? And then she ran away?
- Not.

They chased her and
then she ran and fell?

- That's...
- Oh, God!

Oh God!

Oh God!

What were you there, Shelby?


With the presentation of the products.

What else?

I went to a room with a man.

O'Reilly's room?

there were others there too.

And finally... just
me... me... and them.

And... we kept messing around...

and... she came in and...

And my little sister, Ruth, saw it!

She saw all this!

Just a little more, Shelby.

I ran after her and at first...
I couldn't find her.

And then I found her.

She was on the fire escape.

And I... I, I...
I tried to talk to her.

She hit me.

It was okay though.

But she, she kept
hitting me and hitting

me and hitting me
and, screaming and...

Then those men... came up
the fire escape trying to stop it.

She hit them and he pushed her.

And I don't know, I don't know, really...
I don't know who.

Who? Shelby?

Who pushed her?

My fault.

If I hadn't... she wouldn't... she,

she d*ed because i was
there and it's my fault.

They knew about it.

These people...
so they had to die.

They... had to die...
so no one would...

would have found out about it.

So you pointed it out to Paul.

The men who knew the truth.

To k*ll them.

- I don't have... she...
- Come here.

Why didn't you go to the police?

Tell me who pushed your sister.

They...paid me.


They paid me to cover
up my own sister's death.

Who paid you, Shelby?

I couldn't let...
anyone find out about it.

- I couldn't let him find out.
- Who paid you, Shelby?


Donald Calder?

Was he the one who pushed your sister?

Oh yes!

Yes, Frank.

I want a patrol at Donald
Calder's apartment on Central Park West.

Stay with her, Saperstein.

- Is Mr. Calder in?
- Yes, sir.

Call him, tell him that Lt.
Kojak wants to talk to him.


Mr. Calder?

I'm the security guard.

It's Lieutenant Kojak, he wants to see you.

Tell him to come up at once.

Get on at once, Lieutenant.

Is anyone with him?

- Yes, sir. A guest who came with him.
- And what does it look like?

Very tall. A solid man. Blond.

- Isn't that Paul Nelson?
- You should know.


You k*lled my wife.


Now you are on the roof.

Ah! I will not do this!

You will die.

Maybe not in the same
way, but you gonna die.

Don't move, Nelson!


You will not k*ll him.

He will buy his freedom.

Do you know what he did?



He is the last one.

I have every right.

He's a m*rder*r.

We'll take care of it, Paul.


Ruth's sister.

He saw what happened.

She can tell you.

You can trust her.