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02x57 - House of Reflections

Posted: 01/16/24 07:56
by bunniefuu
So the six little stars are six random objects? Mm, yeah.

But the riddle says they borrow light, So we think they must be reflectors in some way.

Shiny stuff, mirrors You've come to the right girl.

I'm guessing they're not just regular mirrors.

We tried regular mirrors, and they didn't work.

We think they each have some sort of bird symbol on them.

"the falcon takes flight"? So we hunt the shiny stuff.

What does the Dollhouse say.

In its usual unclear Dollhouse way? Nothing yet.

What we really need is a clue.

As to where the reflectors might be.

Are you okay? I don't know.

I keep thinking I've seen this bird symbol before, But it's like I can almost picture it, And then it's gone.


What day is today? Tuesday.

Why? I meant to go visit gran with Trudy.

I almost forgot.

You've had a lot on your mind.

Anyway, if she knew the truth, she'd tell you to hurry up, Find the mask, and get yourself uncursed or else.

I guess.

Look, guys, it's like the riddle says.

Whoever completes the task gets their hands on the mask, And Victor still has that amulet, Which we really need to get back.

This could be our last chance, our final challenge.

Eddie, do you have the crib notes for french? Yeah.

Something on your mind? Oh, come on.

I'm not all bad.

Try me.

And it was a romantic disaster.


That's a surprise.

No, the date was fine.

It's just after, we didn't we didn't kiss.


But I thought you were one of those.

Supercool, uberconfident, piece
-cake kind of guys.

Uh, thanks, but no, it's I don't know.

Patricia's Different.

I've never felt like this before.


Then here is what you do, my American friend.

Right, the next time you're with her, You're going to plant a big, fat smackeroo.

Right on those luscious lips of hers.

Think so? Yeah, everything except luscious.


All right.


Where are you going? French is that way.

Oh, I've been to class all morning.

It's Eddie time.

Can I help you, Nina? Uh, yeah.

Have you seen Trudy? Uh, no, not today.

Was it something important? Uh, no, she just said that she'd come with me.

To the hospital to visit my gran.

I got permission to leave school.

Oh, it must have slipped her mind.

I'm sorry.

Never mind.

I'm sure I'll be okay on my own.

Why aren't you in class? Wow, you totally scared the life out of me.


But that does not change the fact Oh, no.

Don't get me wrong.

I'm impressed.

I don't jump easily, But you are a very scary man when you want to be.

Are you mocking me? Why would I mock you? I bet you have to work really hard to keep these kids I mean, us kids in line, don't you?
- It's quite literally a full
-time job.

And you do it brilliantly.

Well, change into your uniform.

And take yourself off to class immediately.

We'll forget all about this.

Right away.

Thank you.


Oh, come to mama.

Patricia? Huh? Didn't I just see you at school In uniform Eating chips? Huh? Why aren't you in school? Oh, well, I like to skip It's a strict formula.

You know, not enough to get expelled.

But, you know, enough to maintain my rep.

This is a lot of talking.

That's what I was thinking.

You know, it's really nice to hear your voice.

It's just we haven't spoken in, like, days.

Well, Jerome said not to talk.

- Very wise of Jerome.

- Just seal the deal.

No idea where you're going with this.

Just smackeroo.

Smack a what now? There you go.

Second kiss ever.

No parting insult? Lips like sandpaper, badger breath? Okay, you're losing your touch, yacker.

See you.



This is so annoying.

I spent a very long time.

Making sure all the figurines have a little job to do.

While we're in school.

Then when I open it up It's moved.

I don't think it's Alfie.

It's Sarah.

She's trying to tell us something.

Wha Victor's office? Why are they in there? At breakfast, you asked for a clue.

As to where the objects might be.

Victor's office.

Hurry up, guys.

We're looking for anything shiny.

But that could be anything.


Well, the Dollhouse says it's in here.

I hear someone coming! It's your turn to do the washing up, Fabian.

- Is it?
- Mm



Can't be many more shifts left.

Before you've paid your debt to that Detective.

Oh, well, uh, Four hours, 45 minutes, and 52 seconds, But who's counting? Well, you can help us out.

We're doing a book inventory.



There you go.

What is that? Oh.

Oh, it's a letter from Trudy.

Ah, explains her mysterious absence.

Jasper, can I, please?
- Oh, yeah.

- Thank you.

"dear Jasper, "had to leave suddenly.

"everything fine.

"just need to look after my nieces "and their pets for a while.

"my brother broke his leg.

"make sure you give everyone my regards.

Yours, Trudy.

" Well, that's a shame.

I hope she's all right.

No Still, it means more work for you, Eh, Jerome? Hey, Trixie.

Oh, hey.

Guess there's no point in asking.

If I can do my clothes with yours.

Yeah, give them here.

No, wait.

Hold on.

What? I said it's no problem.

What are you doing? I'm just checking I'm not in one of those weird hidden camera shows.

Trust me.

You're not.

Thanks, Patricia.

That's really sweet of you, Which is extremely out of character.

Hey, everyone's entitled to a day off.

Guess you're getting used to doing things in twos now.

What you mean? Yeah, 'cause of Eddie, "the American"? Oh.

That guy.


I'm trying to stay away from him.

Kid can't control himself.

Aren't you two dating? Oh.

So you're not? I need to, uh got to I'll see you later.

Hey, Patricia.

What's up with Patricia? Why is she acting weird? I don't know.

I don't like it.

Sorry, Victor.

Just go to your room.

"six little stars that borrow light, A secret falcon takes its flight.

" You can't stop reading that, can you? "seek the star in the jackal's lair.

"be always vigilant and beware, "for the quester who completes this task.

Shall find the chamber of the mask.

" The jackal's lair? That's anubis house.

So all six shiny things must be in here, But we don't know what they are, And the riddle doesn't say.

- Great.

- Hmm.

The falcon, just what the riddle speaks of.

You know what this means.

If this really is the last task, Then you already have a huge advantage over them.

Oh! Oh, Victor.

We are so close.

I can feel it.

I can see your hands.

I could pick them out in a lineup.


Just let me go, and I'll forget everything.

Please! Just let me go! Please! The falcon.


So The beam Comes into here.

The falcon somehow bends the light To form a constellation! Most ingenious, Robert.

Clues to the reflectors.

Oh, you are clever, Robert, But no match for me.


It's worth a try, right? We're desperate here, Sarah.

You got to have another clue for me.

It worked.

They're in Sarah's room now.

But that's our room.

There must be a reflector in here.

You have all of Sarah's stuff.

The music box.

Music box? "on little stars that borrow light.

" Twinkle, twinkle, little star Is Sarah's favorite nursery rhyme.

There it is! Amber, we have our first reflector.

Well, absolutely, yes, yes.

The shield itself is a frobisher heirloom collector, But the gem is what's really interesting, Clearly egyptian in origin, probably See something you like? Uh, Jerome.

Isn't a little late for you.

To be skulking around the school? I don't know, Jasper.

You tell me, One skulker to another.

Punishment for changing the orchestra's sheet music.

They were meant to play ode to Joy.

And what did they play? A dubstep mashup.

Were you talking about the frobisher gem? Uh, no.

Whatever gives you that idea? The words "frobisher" and "gem," Which you used while staring at the frobisher gem.

Okay, you got me.

I was talking to a friend in beijing.

I was telling him about your sporting victory, And he simply insisted that I tell him more about the shield.


A collector, is he? But you said What excellent hearing you have, Jerome.


But, uh, he only collects ming.

So this is the zodiac from the tunnels, And this is the zodiac from the book of !sis.

I think they point the way.

To the reflectors we need to complete the task.

It would appear that each pair of symbols forms a clue, So here, the hieroglyph for time, And opposite, the symbol for gold.

They point to my father's watch.

Oh, fascinating.

And the zodiac from the tunnel is only half there.

Yes, my dear, but we have the full zodiac.

This book gives us the advantage.

Victor, be careful.

That book is precious.

We don't need those brats anymore.

If this is the last task, we finish it ourselves, And the mask will finally be ours.


What's wrong? I must continue my research, my dear.

I have yet to decrypt the recipe for the elixir.

We shall soon have the mask, And I still don't know how to obtain its tears of gold.

I must be ready.

I'll leave you to it.




Hey, Alfie.

Hey, Patricia.

That looks nice.

Yeah, you should know.

You just had about four of them.

I know.


You're still hungry, aren't you? Little bit.


Take it.

You sure? Yeah no.

Yeah, just take it before I change my mind.

Alfie, you are genuinely the nicest guy I have ever met.

Thank you.

Would Edison please report to Mr.

Sweet's office? And you're here.

It works.


You wanted to see me? Yes, yes, I did.

I thought it was time we made plans.

To spend more time together.


What the hey? Excellent.


Well, I thought I might treat you to a nice meal out.


I also thought that you might want to bring along a friend.

Hmm? Miss Valentine told me you have a young lady friend.

Who is it? Oh, miss Millington? She's very sweet.


Um, it's Patricia.

- Patricia?
- Yeah.

She's my lady friend.


- Yeah.

- Right.


Lady friend.

Well, look, I look forward to enjoying both your company.

Good, if she agrees Which I doubt.


You will never guess what my dad just asked me.

Oh, get to the end.

He wants to take us both out for dinner.

Yeah, I know.

Crazy, right? As if you'd ever be into something like that.

Ha! Oh, I mean, he'd just want to drone on.

About classical music and I accept.

I'd love to go with you and your dad.

Sounds great.

In fact, your timing is perfect.


Oh, uh, good.

I'll tell him.

What did that kiss do to her? Are you okay? I kissed Patricia.

And now you're a zombie.


She's changed.

She's turning into someone else.

It's like it's to impress me.

That doesn't sound like Patricia.


I liked her more before.

The last time we kissed, there was no backchat.

She's still the one, right? Uh, Eddie? Fabian, help me.

I think Patricia's the one.

Oh Or at least she's decided that I'm the one.

Wha what? What would be cool? Alfricia? Patralfie? Something like that? I mean Fabian, you think of something.

You're good at riddles.


Stay away from me.


Piper, I need a favor from you, And you are going to say yes.


Now, to the untrained ear, this is gonna sound weird, But it's not, honest.

I need you to go on a date with my cute boyfriend.

And pretend to be me to impress his dad, Who happens to be the principal.

- The principal?
- Mr.

Sweet? Did I Did I not tell you that? No.

Must have slipped my mind.

Please, Joy, do not tell anyone, okay? Promise? Oh, a date with Eddie.

But I like To help out your favorite twin.

Last chance.

Yes or no, or I'm dialing dad.


Not really.


I don't do restaurants.


That's sisterhood for you.

It was good, right? Oh, Eddie and Mr.



Anyone there? Open display case alert.


No, no, no, not the gem.

My gem! Mr.

Sweet, the gem.

Come quick! It's missing! I just checked the display case, and it's unlocked.

My gem I mean, the gem is missing.

It's gone.

Take a look yourself.

No, it's not.


Someone took it, I swear.

Perhaps you were mistaken.

No, it was gone! There is a gem thief on the loose.

We've got to find him, Whatever it takes.