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08x03 - Severed Ties

Posted: 10/13/14 05:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on Heartland...

Caleb: Let's see what we got.

(Horse whinnies)

Caleb: Whoa!

If you wanna join me in hotshots, I'll consider it.

No. We don't need any help.

Georgie: Look at this.

Lou: There's Amy.

Oh my God.

Amy: Sometimes these Internet things, they aren't what they seem.

It looks like "Hooves For Hope" might be a scam.

You ruin everything!

He kissed me.

Then I told him to back off, that he had crossed a line, and he said he was sorry. And it happened that fast.


(Insects buzz, ATV roars)

Caleb: Nice one!

Amy: Keep him close to the steer, Caleb!

(ATV roars)

Ty: Come on, Caleb!

Caleb: Let's go, boy!

Got it! (Laughs)

That a boy.

(Trailer clanks, ATV roars)

(Horse grunts)

Amy: Nice work, guys!

Ty: I think he's really starting to get it.

Caleb: Yeah, he better be. We've been chasing this thing in a circle for like an hour now.

When do you think we can get him back in a pen with a real steer?

Amy: You know, it might do him some good with a change of scenery.

Caleb: Are you saying we're ready for the real deal?

Amy: I'm not saying that I'd go enter a stampede anytime soon, but maybe a local jackpot?

Ty and Caleb: Yes!

Georgie: Hey, Ty.

Ty: Hey, Georgie!

Georgie: Come by the house once you're done, okay?

Yeah, I can do that. Um... (Phone buzzes)

Oh sh**t! Uh, I'm late.

Georgie, I can't right now, okay?

Georgie: But you promised you'd help me look for some sanctuaries.

Well, I can help you, Georgie.

Um... actually, I think it'd be better if Ty did it, just 'cause he works at the clinic.

Hey, you know what? I'll talk to Scott for you, okay?

Georgie: Thanks, Ty.

Ty: No problem.

Lou: Peter?

Peter: Mm-hmm.

You have to see this. Look.

Peter: The Starbright Academy?

Lou: They have a preschool. Marnie's looking into it for her daughter.

Peter: They wear uniforms?

Lou: I know! Aren't they adorable?

Peter: Whoa! Is that the price?!

Lou: Okay-

Peter: Is that-is that the-

Lou: Honey, they off-

Peter: Is that the tuition?

Yes. They offer an enriched education.

It's preschool, sweetheart.

What's wrong with the place down the street from Maggie's?

At the community center?

Honey, that is nothing but a glorified daycare.

Starbright has an environment that fosters a thirst for knowledge.

Peter: You memorized their mission statement.

Can we please just go in for an assessment?

Peter: An assessment? Really?!

Lou: Yes.

They like to meet the parents and the child to get an sense of who we are.

It's like a job interview.

Sure. (Laughs)

Sure. Yeah.

I'd love to get a sense of who the hell they think they are.

Great, I will book an appointment.

(Birds chirp, low hum of chatter)

(Truck starts up and rumbles loudly)

(Loud crash, tires screech)

Woman: Tim?

Tim: (Hat thumps) Aw!

Woman: Tim Flemming.

Tim: Casey McMurtry?

Casey: Ah!

Tim: I-I-I...

Wow! You... you haven't changed a bit since the rodeo days.

Well, I can't say the same for you.

Well, I try to, you know...

Oh, no, I'm sorry, that's not what I meant.

It just looks like you cleaned up your act, that's all.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, well... I was a mess back then.

Hey, I'm-I'm sorry to hear about Hank.

Yeah. It's uh... It's crazy to think it's been over five years now.

Well, I've hard you've done a... A great job keeping the business running, just, you know, picking up where he left off, so...

Thanks. Well, Hank would never forgive me if I didn't keep his rodeos up and running.

Next up is this team roping jackpot, here in Hudson.

Tim: Travis Coleman? That's a blast from the past.

Casey: (Laughing) I know. That's the point.

We're billing it as "Legends of Rodeo."

It gives locals a chance to compete with their champions of yesteryear.

You've won a couple of buckles, you should come on out.

No. (Laughs)

No, I-I... I'm busy.

I mean, I am trying to get back into the rodeo, but I'm just... I'm training horses. That's what I'm doing.

Well, all the more reason to come on out.

Show off your stock, have a little fun.

I tell ya, I'd love to beat Travis Coleman again.

I don't know, Tim.

He's been doing senior's rodeo, and you've been out of the game for awhile.

Which means I'm well rested.


Is that what it means?

Tim: It's good to see you.

Casey: Nice to see you.

Let me know if you find a partner.

Yeah, I will. I'll think about it.

Casey: (Laughs)

(Honks horn)

(Loud metallic clunk) Oh!


♪ ♪
♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream. ♪
♪ You dreamer oh, oh, oh...♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪ You dreamer.

(Dogs barking)

Ty: Sorry, Scott. We had a training session.

I just lost track of time.

Tough to ride two horses with one butt.


It's a saying. As in... You're spreading yourself a bit thin.

Ty: Well, we're just uh... Training a few more horses and then I can pull back, let Caleb run with it.

Trust me, it's hard to pull back on something you own a stake in.

(Cat meows)

Hey, do you know of any animal sanctuaries around here?

Something legit?

I made a few calls to this one place just north of town.

It's run by a guy named Bob Granger.

Seems to be on the up and up.

Okay, cool. Thank you.

(Phone rings)

I got it, Scott.

Hudson Vet Clinic.

Can I ask who's calling?

It's Dr. Kerr on the phone for you.

Scott: Yeah, um... Yeah, you know what?

I'm gonna take this call in the other room.

Lou: And there you go, Katie.

Katie: But I don't want the yeyyow one.

Lou: Honey, it's yel-low, and this plate is blue.

Can you say blue?

Jack: Oh... Both you and Amy had problems with your y's and l's when you were little.

Lou: Yeah? How about colours?

Well, it was a long time ago, but I do recall that you could both ride a horse before you knew it was brown.

Peter: (Chuckles)

Ah, those were the days, huh?

Learning from life on the ranch.


Peter: None of us went to an "enriched" preschool and we all turned out fine, that's all I'm saying.

Lou: Yeah, and we didn't wear seatbelts either.

Doesn't mean it was right.

(Front door opens and closes)

Tim: You got yourself a deal, Bo.

Yeah, I'll swing by and pick 'em up tomorrow.

Okay. Pleasure doin' business with you. Thank you.

Jack: Now don't you look like the cat that just swallowed the canary.

Or the guy that just bought a couple of champion roping horses.

I don't get it.

Why would you buy horses that are already trained?

Flip 'em for profit.


I'm gonna enter them in a team roping jackpot, and I'm gonna ride one of them.

Amy: Dad, you haven't competed in years.

Thank you. Roping, honey, is like riding a bicycle, okay?

And besides, this is just like a fantasy camp.

This is locals against "legends" of the rodeo, so... Which would you be?

Amy: (Laughs)

Tim: That's funny.

You two should pair up!

Jack: (Laughs) I don't think so.

Georgie: Why not? You said roping was your best event.

Tim: Listen, honey, this is old school, but it's not that old school.

No, I think I'll be going with Caleb on this.

Dad, he's way too busy with his own horses.

Oh, too busy to rope with a "legend"?

Amy: Okay, I'll let Georgie know.

I love you too. Bye.

Did he find a sanctuary?

Yes, a wildlife reserve.

He's gonna take you there tomorrow.

Okay, good.

(Sighs heavily)

Hey, Georgie, look.

I'm really sorry about how that whole charity scam went down and I was just hoping, maybe, we could put it behind us?

Uh... yeah, sure.

Amy: Okay, good.

You know that jackpot that my dad was talking about at dinner?


I was thinking, you know, what they're doing for entertainment?

Maybe you could do some trick riding to fire up the crowd?

Georgie: Well, I'm only a beginner.

Amy: Yeah, but come on!

That tandem ride that you did with Sandra last year was so cool.

Georgie: Well, I guess I could call her and see if she wants to do it again.

Yeah... or you and I could do it.

Um... yeah. Yeah, sure. I guess we could try.

Amy: Okay. I'll make some calls then.

(Low hum of chatter, birds chirp)

Tim: Hey! Time to get up!

(Bangs on door)

Come on, get up!

Caleb: What?!

We gotta get to the rodeo grounds.

Dude, what time is it?

Tim: We gotta practice our team roping, get it in sync.

What're you talking about?

Tim: I entered us in the team roping jackpot.

You know, I thought you might wanna be my partner.

Thanks, but no thanks.

(Door clicks open forcefully why?

Caleb: (Sighs) 'Cause if we lose you'd k*ll me.

No, I wouldn't. Plus, we're not gonna lose.

Listen, anybody who's anybody in rodeo is gonna be at this thing.


Yeah! It's a big deal.

A couple of my horses could use the experience.

Tim: Well, I got horses. I just bought a couple of champs.

They're beautiful. Wait'll you see 'em.


I mean, that took some real stones.

W-w-what do you mean?

Comin' here, askin' me to help you with your horses?

Caleb: (Laughs)

Tim: What?

(Door bangs shut)

Okay, fine!

There are lots of guys that would be lined up to do this.

(Window bangs shut)


(Low hum of chatter)

(Truck rumbles)

(Doors bang shut)

Bob: Howdy.

Ty: Hey.

Bob: You must be Scott's guy.

Ty: Ty. Ty borden.

Bob: Yeah.

Ty: This is Georgie.

Bob: Hey!

Georgie: So... you run this place?

Bob: (Laughs) Yeah, I know I don't look like your typical country vet, but uh... thank God for that, right?

Ty: (Chuckles dryly)

Bob: Come on, I'll show you around my digs.

(Various bird calls)

Georgie: Wow, look at 'em all.

Ty: Yeah.

Georgie: Huh.

Ty: How many species do you have here?

Bob: It fluctuates. About 20 right now.

Ty: That's incredible.

Bob: Yeah.

Ty: Like a zoo.

Bob: Nah. It's more like a wildlife motel.

Some are in and out really quickly, once I treat their injuries.

Others need a home.

Usually because they've been abandoned by people who try and make them into pets.

Humans really are the stupidest animals on the planet sometimes.

You're in luck.

Old Gordon here is ready to check out.

(Gate latch clanks)

Georgie: You're gonna release him right now?

Bob: Yeah, I was gonna do it this morning, but when Scott called and said you guys wanted to check this out, I decided to hold off.

I thought you might enjoy this.

Ty: Wow.

Here, you can do the honours.

Georgie: Oh, I... I don't know.

Bob: Oh, it's easy.

Just move behind me there, put your glove on.

Georgie: Okay.

Bob: You just want to put a little bit of pressure on the back of his legs.

Georgie: Like that?

Bob: Yeah.

Bob: You ready? Set him free.

(Georgie laughs)

(Wings beat)

(Georgie sighs)

That was amazing!

(Grass crunches underfoot)

What's in there?

Bob: Come here, I'll show you.

Take you to see mama wolf.

(Door squeaks open)

Go ahead, take a look.

What do you think of her?

Georgie: Oh, she's beautiful.

Bob: She's nearing the end of her pregnancy.

Georgie: She looks so skinny.

Bob: (Quietly) Yeah.

You should've seen her when she got here.

Completely emaciated.

Had to get rid of an intestinal parasite.

Taenia or Echinococcosis?

Yeah, taenia.

Ty: Taenia.

Bob: Yeah.

Georgie: What's that?

Ty: It's a tapeworm.

Wolves usually contract it after they eat their prey.

Well, damn, someone's been hitting the books.

I go to U of C.

I'll try not to hold that against you.

I was a Western college guy.

Ty: How close is she to giving birth?

Bob: Close.

I've been bunking out here in my sleeping bag the past few nights, so...

Ty: You don't have staff to cover some shifts?

Bob: Dude, I am the staff.

You run this whole place by yourself?

Bob: Well, yeah, it's tough to keep good people when you can't pay them.

Hell, I can hardly pay myself. I'm waiting on a grant.

What if you don't get it?

Bob: Well, I'll figure something out.

Where else would these animals go, right?

I wanna make a donation. You take those right?

Bob: Hell yeah.

Cheques, cash, food stamps, whatever you can offer.

Maybe you can throw in this guy to help me out.

Oh, I already got a job.

Bob: I know, but if that grant comes through, who knows?

You might wanna think about it.

Come on!

Lou: Hey, Katie, what colour do you think this block is?

Hmm... wed.

Are you sure that the block is red?

Mama happy?

Yes, honey, Mama's happy.

She just wants her munchkin to learn her colours, okay?

What about this block?


Jack: Well, who's this good lookin' fella?

Amy: This is Brewster. Sandra lent him to us.

Jack: Oh.

Georgie: But I did that trick on Chaplin.

Well, she couldn't spare Chaplin right now, but Brewster's one of her best.

Oh, and I talked to the organizers, they are happy to have us perform.

Jack: Well, isn't that great news?

Georgie: Yeah, great.

Jack: How 'bout I take your bag and you two can get at it.

(Approaching truck rumbles)

(Air brakes hiss, door slams shut)

Driver: Is there an Amy Fleming at this address?

Yeah, that's me.

I'm sorry, what am I signing for?

(Tarp flaps)

Um... there must be a mistake.

Driver: Nope. Says right there it's for you.

Bought and paid for.

Just need that signature.

It's from the prince, isn't it?

Did you call Ahmed?

Yes, of course. I had no idea that this was coming.

Lou: And what did he say?

Amy: He said it's for work.

Jack: That's a lot of fancy just to get from A to B.

Grandpa, you know Ahmed, okay?

He wants the best of everything.

Lou: (Snorts)

Georgie: Um... let's go get lunch.

(Door bangs shut)

Are you gonna keep it?

I know it's a bit over the top You think?

Amy, who gives gifts like this?

It's not a gift. It's for work.


I must have mentioned that it was difficult sharing Grandpa's truck.

Amy, this is more than a work truck and you know it.

(Birds chirp, grass crunches underfoot)

(Cats meow)

(Phone buttons beep, dogs bark nearby)

Answering machine: You have one new message. To listen to your-

(button beeps)

Female voice: Hi, Dr. Cardinal, it's Teresa from Dr. Kerr's clinic.

Received all of your financial reports
for the past five years, thank-you.

Wanted to make sure you got all of our clinic's financials and client list as well.

I sent over everything you requested yesterday.

Call or email us back to confirm.


(Cutlery clanks forcefully, cupboard doors open and shut)

Hey, Georgie, I'm sorry we got interrupted out there.

Do you wanna get back at it?

I've got a book report I gotta go finish.

Okay. Maybe after then?

Actually, I don't think it's such a good idea.

It's only a couple of days away.

Amy: You already know the trick-

Georgie: Look, I don't wanna do it, Amy! I changed my mind, okay?

(Dish clunks on table)

Jack: Everything all right between you two?

Georgie, what's going on?

Nothing. It's nothing.

Yeah, sounds like something to me.

Look, I don't wanna talk about it, Jack.

There's nothing you can do about it this time.

(Sighs heavily)

Scott: How's Old Farley doing?

Ty: Well, still not a fan of getting his nails trimmed, but we got through it.

Ty: Hey, Scott, there's a message on the machine there for you, from Dr. Kerr's office.

Something about exchanging financial reports?

I guess you're wondering why we'd be doing that.

It's none of my business.

Well, it's just with rising costs and fewer clients...

It kinda makes sense to partner up.

Oh, you're merging the clinics? This is already done?

We're still working out the details.

I didn't want to say anything until it's official.

I'm not gonna lose my job, am I?

Come on, Ty, I'm gonna do everything I can to keep you and Cassandra on board.

Okay, what is your problem?

Is it still about the money?

No, it's not-yeah, sure, a little bit, but... It's also about Katie.

You saw her in there. She didn't make a peep.

That's not like her.

You didn't like it in there did you, sweetie?

Of course she did.

Wasn't that counting tree cool? Yeah.

Look, it is a new environment, and she'll warm up to it.

I think Starbright is a really good fit for her.

Because Marnie said so?

Because it'll give her a chance to catch up.

Catch up?!

Before she gets into kindergarten. Right, honey?

Don't you want to play at Starbright?

Peter: There is a lot of other cool places you can play too, right?

And I just think we should check them all out, that's all.

Okay, well, you heard what Ms. Wadsworth said.

There aren't many spots left and we could miss our chance to get in there.

Peter: All I'm saying is, I'm not totally sold yet, okay?

Katie: Mama happy?

Lou: No, honey, Mama's not happy.

(Truck rumbles, horn honks)


(Truck shuts down)

I knocked the bumper off mine.

But it was worth it!

This is special. You know how many options this thing has?

Yeah, I'm beginning to get the idea.

Whose is this?

I'm using it for work.

What, your work? Your work? Is this yours?

Uh, well, not really. It's Ahmed's.

I'm just using it to get around.

You know, work with his horses.

Oh, you really put a spell on him!

Dad, it's just for work, it's not--

I'm not implying anything else, Amy.

I'm just saying you are very good at your work and it's good to see someone who appreciates it in such a big way.


So did you get a chance to talk to Caleb about the jackpot?

Oh, I'm not sure we're gonna be the right fit, so.... - He turned you down?

(Laughs awkwardly)

Oh, I'm just thinking of some other options.

Oh, so... everybody else turned you down too, huh?


You know this is a team roping event, right?

I know.


I... have one last option.

(Door opens)

Tim: Jack! Hey!

(Door closes)

Beautiful day, isn't it?

Jack: It was.

Tim: What? What's the matter?

Jack: I don't know. What are you up to?

Tim: Oh, I'm up to nothing.

I mean, I just had a fantastic day at the rodeo grounds, and I'm all excited about this jackpot thing.

Do you remember what that was like?

You remember?

(Pop tab snaps)

Being in the chute, knowing what your horse is gonna do before your horse does it?

Feel of the burn... On your hand from the rope, the steer's right in front of ya and... wham!

Suddenly everything's just in slow-motion.

We used to call that "the zone."

Tim: That's where everything falls into place and I miss that so much.

Don't you miss that?

You can't find a partner, can you?


Tim: I just really wanna beat Travis Coleman, and I thought it would be nice if you did it with me.

Jack: Oh, well, I think I'm a little too "old school" to help you out much.

I'm not gonna beg.

If you don't wanna do it, you don't wanna do it.

I don't wanna do it.

Tim: Let me finish.

Because once you find out who Travis Coleman's partner is, you might change your mind.

You know what, Tim? I don't hold grudges against my old rodeo rivals like you do.

I really couldn't care less who it is.

Dan Hartfield.

Dan Hartfield.

Amy: So... how is this gonna work?

Is this new vet just gonna move into the clinic with you and Scott?

Ty: I don't know. This just came out of left field.

Scott didn't even tell me it was in the works.

Doesn't seem like him.

My day went kinda sideways as well.

New client horse?


New truck, actually.

Ahmed had it delivered... for work.

I was shocked too, but... It kinda makes sense.

No, it doesn't. Not really.

I knew you'd say that.

That's why I didn't drive it over here.

No, that's not what I meant, Amy, I--

No. You know... I do good work for him and this is like a-- It's like a bonus.

It's not like he has some ulterior motive.

Whoa. I didn't say that he did.

But that's exactly what you were thinking.

Where- where are you going?

I hate when we get like this, okay?!

When we both get our backs up and then one of us is gonna say something we regret.

That's not true. What are you talking about?

Amy: I'll call you tomorrow, okay? When we've both had a chance to just cool off.
(Foliage crunches underfoot)

(Birds chirp)

(Door bangs shut)

Lou: I just signed for this. It's from Ahmed.

Amy: (Sighs heavily, rips package open)

Set of keys to a new Porsche?


(Sighs) A first class ticket on a flight to Antwerp.

Where's that?

In Belgium.

"I need my good luck charm back"?

(Door creaks open, rapid knock)

Ty: Hey!

Amy: Hey!

Ty: Is everything all right?

Yeah. Uh, do you want some breakfast?

Ty: Uh, no, I'm good. I uh... Gotta go with Georgie. You ready?

Georgie: Oh yeah.

Ty: Thanks though, I'll see you later.

Lou: Have fun!

Georgie: Thanks!

Ty: Okay, here we go.

(Sighs heavily)

Lou: Amy, we need to talk about this.

"His good luck charm"?

Like you're some kind of possession.

Just leave me alone, Lou!

Amy, you can't ignore this anymore, okay?

He obviously has feelings for you, and you know what you need to do.

I'm not going, okay?

Of course you're not going!

But you have to cut off ties with him altogether.

He is my biggest client, Lou.

I have to ask this one last time.

Is there any chance, even a small chance, that you have feelings for him?

Amy: No!

Lou: Okay. But don't bite my head off because you're obviously holding onto something.

Yes! I am holding onto my job, here, at Hillhurst.

It's incredible working with his high performance horses.

Okay, but this isn't about horses, Amy.

Not anymore.

Georgie: Here's my donation, Mr. Granger.

Bob: Oh, please, call me Bob.

Heck, this is the first donation I've had in a while.

Call me anything you like.

Ty: Check out those buffalo.

Yeah. The calves are all doing well.

(Buffalo grunt)

Georgie: So how's the wolf? Can I go see her?

Yeah, go for it.

Stay on the outside of her pen, okay?

Georgie: Yeah, sure.

Bob: Hey, take that for me?

Georgie: Oh, 'kay.

Pound it. Pfffft!

(Bob and Georgie chuckle)

Bob: She seems like a great kid, man.

Ty: Yeah, she is.

Bob: Oh, hey, I'm getting that grant.

Ty: Well that's great.

Bob: Yeah.

Ty: Got a few friends at school that'd k*ll to work in a place like this.

I dunno. I like you, Ty. You impress me.

Why? 'Cause I know a few things about tapeworms in wolves?

(Laughs) No, not just that.

I dunno, I get a good vibe.

This isn't an easy place to work and my gut tells me you could handle it.

Yeah, well, you know I already have a job.

Yeah, well, with this grant, I can match what Scott pays, so...

Yeah, well, my schedule's pretty insane right now.

I got this horse starting business thing going too, so...

See, man, I... ugh! I love that, you know?

You've got ambition.

And that's the whole reason I opened this place.

Sure, yeah, I bust my butt 24/7 to keep it afloat, but at least it's my own deal, you know?

Um... I'm not judging, but uh...

I couldn't handle working my way up the line in some stuffy clinic.

Just imagine what you could learn here, 'kay?

(Buffalo grunt)

(Steer moos, gate clanks)

(Gate clanks)

Hup, hup, hup!

(Steer bellows)

(Tim groans)

Tim: What was that?

Jack: Well, you took him to the corner too quick.

Tim: Well, Jack, it's a timed event, you know?

You're gonna have to take him in the corner if we wanna have a chance of winning.

Casey: Going that well, huh, fellas?

Tim: Oh yeah, we're just shaking off the rust.

We'll be fine.

Casey: Well, I'm just glad you found a partner.

Tim: Yeah.

Casey: And another legend at that.

You're Jack bartlett, aren't you?

Yeah, that's right.

I'm Casey McMurtry, I'll be running this thing.

Nice to meet you.

Well, I hope you can iron everything out before the jackpot.

Tim: Oh, yeah, we will.

(Unsure) We will.

You bring the buckles, we'll bring the glory.


We'll bring the glory?

It's a saying. What? Did it-what, did it sound kind of stupid?

No, it sounded a whole lot stupid.

Jack: Ya.

Tim: Okay.

Jack: So, now I know why you're so gung ho to win this thing, anyway.

Tim: Oh, what're you starting on, Jack?

Jack: I'm not starting anything. But a word of advice...

Tim: Yeah?

Jack: Women are not impressed with your so-called rodeo prowess.

Tim: Funny, I seem to remember Marion very impressed when I beat you in Ponoka.

Oh, that's not the way I remember it.

Matter of fact, she thought you were pretty full of yourself.

Oh. I think I was, but she still went out with me.

Well, yeah, because of your horse.

Tim: Pegasus?

Jack: Yeah, she saw you giving him a nice brush down after that rodeo.

Tim: Well, that was our routine, you know, and it showed him that he'd done a good job.

Jack: I guess she figured a guy who cared about his horse couldn't be all bad.

I don't think I can remember the last time I competed without Marion watching me.

Oh, I suspect she will be.

Come on, you and me teaming up for the first time?

No way she'd miss that.

Yeah, she might help us find that zone too.

(Jack clucks his tongue)

(Phone rings)

Lou: Okay, I'll get it.

Don't run to the phone or anything.

(Phone beeps)

Lou: Hello?

(Approaching footsteps) Oh, hi.

Let me just check.

Lou: (Mouths) It's him.

Amy: (Whispers) I'm not here.

Lou: (Whispers) Amy!

Amy: I'm not here.

Lou: I'm afraid she's not here. May I take a message?

Okay. Goodbye.

(Cell phone chimes)

(Sighs heavily) It's him.

You cannot keep avoiding him.

I just don't know what to say yet.

(Phone rings, talk button beeps)

Lou: I'm sure you'll think of something.

Amy: (Muffled) Lou!

(Sighs) Hello.

(Laughs) Yes, she is. Just one moment.

It's for you.

Lou: Hello? (Gasps)

Hi, Ms. Wadsworth. How are you?

Thank you for calling me back.

I was hoping I could talk to you about enrolling Katie.

No, no.

Unfortunately, my husband won't be able to make it, so it's... It's just me this time.

(Laughs nervously)

Amy: (Sighs heavily)

(Truck rumbles to a stop)

Ty: Wow! He really went all out, huh?


Just saying, it's pretty sweet.

Why don't you just tell me what you really feel?

All right.

It's pretty weird some guy bought my fiancee a new truck.

I know.

Doing business with a prince can take some getting used to...

Like today, for example.

What happened?

He wants me to go back on tour with him and his team.

I'm not gonna go.

How did he take that?

Amy: I haven't told him yet.

Ty: Why not?

Amy: I just wanna make sure it doesn't affect the work I do with him here.

Ty: I get that.

Amy: Stop doing that.

Doing what?

Amy: I know you don't want me to work for him.

Again, Amy, I never said that.

So quit trying to guess what I'm thinking and just figure out what it is that you want.

(Crowd cheers)

Announcer: Welcome, folks, to Hudson's very first "Legends of the Rodeo" team roping jackpot.

What a glorious day for this very special competition that gives locals...

Tim: Don't tell me you're riding one of your horses out there?

Caleb: His name is Carter, and yes I am.

Tim: Really? Who'd you partner up with on that?

Caleb: I'm not competing. I'm the flagger.

Oh yeah?


Well, it's good to see they got somebody of your caliber.

Hey, listen, watch out for illegal cross fire from Travis Coleman.

That guy's always trying to get away with something.

Caleb: Well, don't you fret, I'm a bit of a stickler for the rules.

Tim: That's good.

(Rope whips around)

Dan: I don't know, Jack.

That rope looks a little soft for heeling.

Since when did you become an expert on roping?

Dan Hartfield: Well, you pick up a few tricks of the trade when you train with a star like Travis Coleman.


So this must be quite the thrill for a weekend cowboy like you.

(Laughing) Weekend cowboy... I've been roping every day for a month to get ready for this thing.

How about you?

Jack: Can't say I've had as much idle time what with marrying that beautiful wife of mine.

Yeah, well, (Clears throat)

I wonder what Lisa's gonna think when get your butt whipped...

By a weekend cowboy?

Keep it up, Jack.

(Rope whips around)

(Dogs bark, cats meow)

(Footsteps approach)

Ty: How'd your meeting with Dr. Kerr go?

Still working things out.

You know, I took Georgie to that wildlife reserve you suggested.

Yeah, Bob's quite the character, isn't he?

Yeah. He sh**t from the hip.

Can you believe he offered me a job?


Ty: Yeah. I gotta say, it'd be a pretty unique opportunity.

I told you, Ty, I'm gonna fight for you here.

What does that mean, Scott?

Dr. Kerr, he wants to keep his staff. I want you guys.

But we can't have both.

Okay, well, what if he doesn't budge?

This is my business, Ty. I have to make it work.

With or without me?

Just give me some time to work on him.

I can't, Scott. Bob needs an answer.

You're really gonna do this?

You left me no choice.


Announcer: Next up, we have local businessman and rancher Dan Hartfield!

(Crowd cheers loudly)

Dan's teaming up with two time all 'round Canadian champion, Travis Coleman.

(Crowd cheers wildly)

Announcer: Now, I want you to watch Coleman's technique right here.

You're gonna see how he gets that loop already in position for that good quick swing.

(Gates clank open)

Announcer: Here we go.

One, two, three, unload.

(Ropes whip, hooves thunder)

And there's a wild throw from Hartfield, but somehow he gets both feet.

Let's check that time.

Hey! Five point six on the clock.

(Crowd cheers wildly)

And our flagger says it was a clean run, so that's the time to beat.

Crowd: (Cheering wildly)

Dan: (Laughing)

Jack: He's got a horseshoe planted so far up his-

Tim: No, you know what? Don't worry about it.

Just stay focused.

I'm glad to see somebody wants to win this as much as I do.

There's no way we're losing to Dan Hartfield.

(Door closes)

Peter: Hey.

Lou: Hey.

Lou: What're you doing home?

Peter: I had a meeting in Hudson, so I figured I'd just swing by for lunch.

Lou: Oh. I was just--

Peter: At the Starbright Academy, right?

I know. Georgie told me.

Lou: Peter, I can explain.

Peter: You don't need to explain anything, sweetheart.

You're hell bent on getting her into that place, it doesn't matter what I think.

Lou: That's not true, okay?

Marnie's daughter got in there yesterday, and I was afraid they were gonna to fill up.

Peter: So you just went and enrolled her anyway, right?

Lou: No. Well, I was going to...

But what, they were already full?

Lou: No.

Ms. Wadsworth doesn't think that Katie's ready.

(Truck rumbles to a stop)

(Door bangs shut)

Amy: I just got your text. Did you actually quit?

Ty: Well, Scott couldn't guarantee I'd stay on, so...

Amy: What is going on over there? This is crazy.

Ty: He's just looking out for his best interests.

I decided to do the same.

I took that job at the reserve.

Are you okay?

Ty: I can look on the bright side of things.

Be exciting to start something new.

Probably pretty scary too, huh?

(Breeze blows, wind chimes tinkle)

Announcer: And now, here's a special treat.

We have legend teamed up with legend with a couple of cowboys who are keeping it in the family.

Jack Bartlett still holds the saddle bronc riding record
set on these very grounds, (Crowd cheers wildly) And you might remember that magical run Tim Fleming had: Four straight all 'round titles.


(Gate clanks open)

(Steer bellows)

Jack: Yah!

Tim: Hi-yah!

(Hooves thunder, tack jingles)

(Steer bellows)

(Steer bellows)

(Crowd cheers) Announcer: And that's how it's done!

Five seconds flat! That's gonna win it!

(Shrill whistling)

(Crowd cheers)

Tim: What?

Oh, come on! What for?

Caleb: It's just the rules, Tim.

Announcer: Oh no, the flagger says that was an illegal head catch.

That's when that small circle on the header's rope, (crowd boos) The hondo, passes over one horn and loops the other.

Sorry, guys, but that's disqualification.

Travis Coleman and Dan Hartfield are your winners.

Casey: Congratulations. Congratulations, Travis.

(Crowd claps and cheers)

(Light knocking)

Amy: Can we talk?

Georgie: (Sighs)

I'm doing homework.

Amy: Georgie, this is kind of important.

What is going on between us?

Georgie: Nothing.

There's definitely something.

I wanted to be like you.

And I was never okay with that.

You should be your own person.

I am, and I'm glad.

I wouldn't wanna be such a big fat fake anyways.

Where is this coming from?

How could you do this to Ty?

What're you talking about?

I saw the video, Amy.

I saw you and Ahmed. I saw you kissing Ahmed!

Tim: Can you believe Caleb?

An illegal headcatch? Come on, are you serious?

Jack: Now don't get all worked up about it.

We actually did pretty darn good out there.

Marion would be impressed.

Tim: That we almost won?

Jack: That we didn't k*ll each other.

Dan Hartfield: Hey, guys, look. They gave me a new buckle. How's it look?

Like you're overcompensating for something.

Oh, Jack, is that sour grapes?

Jack: You won on a technicality, Dan.

We had the better run and you know it.

Well, thanks to these high end horses.

He's right, Jack.

If you had have been riding these high end horses you would have cleaned our clocks.

Illegal headcatch or not.

No, no, no, no. I know what you're doing.

You're not gonna con me into buying any more of your overpriced stock.

Tim: I'm just saying if a couple of broke down cowboys like us could do that well, imagine how well you would do on the senior rodeo circuit.

You wanna come by tomorrow, take them for a test drive?

I'm done.

Dan: I've got a lunch date tomorrow with Casey.

Maybe I'll drop by after that.

(Birds chirp, door snaps shut)

Amy: You know, that video isn't what it looks like.

Then why does he keep sending you stuff?

Amy: I love Ty, and I don't wanna lose him.

What if he finds the video?

Georgie... - Well, I'm not gonna show him, but he could easily find it, just like I did.

(Rooster crows in the distance)

(Dialling, phone rings on other end)

Amy: Ahmed, we need to talk.

Casey: Tough luck out there.

Tim: Yeah, well, I'm sure Dan'll be bragging about it tomorrow...

On your date.

On our date?

Women love a winner.

What do you think I am, some kind of buckle bunny?

No, I...

We're having lunch to discuss a sponsorship, that's it.

I'm sorry. I... That's not what I meant.

I know you're not just gonna give some guy attention 'cause he won a roping contest.

I... I know that.

That's not why entered. I mean... How pathetic would that be?

You know, if I went and bought a couple of top notch horses and dusted my saddle off after 20 years, and then begged my ex-father-in-law to be my team roping partner just to get the attention of some woman?

That'd be pretty pathetic.


But also kind of flattering.

You know, you could've just asked me out for a coffee.

(Brush swipes)

Well, how are you with a brush?

I got two of these guys, I can't do 'em both.


(Truck door closes)

Amy: I'm not working for Ahmed anymore.

So come on, let's take it for a spin before I have to ship it back.

(Door slams shut, truck rumbles)

("Mud" by The Road Hammers plays)


♪ Mud! Clean up to the door! ♪
♪ Mud! Stuck 4x4 ♪
♪ Mud! Can't move no more ♪
♪ just when I thought life couldn't get no gooder ♪
♪ out of the woods come a real good looker ♪
♪ moonshine fine, sweeter than sugar ♪
♪ sittin' in her jeep lookin' at me ♪
♪ the girl of my dreams ♪

Ty: Oh! (Laughing)

Well, are you still sure about quitting?

Amy: I don't know, it's gonna be tough to send this truck back.


Amy: What about you? Any regrets about leaving Scott?

Ty: Oh... well, it all feels a bit surreal.

Amy: And this reserve, do you think it's worth it?

Ty: Well, I hope so.

I hope I'm not doing it out of spite, you know?

Amy: Why, because Scott couldn't promise you anything?

Ty: No, because he tried to hide it from me.

Where's the trust, you know? Where's the loyalty?

You lose those things and what do you got left, right?

Come on, let's take this truck back.

(Engine revs)


♪ Mud! Yeah, I always end up in the... ♪
♪ Mud! Yeah, that's the good stuff ♪
♪ Mud! Yeah, my first love! Mud! Mud! ♪

Ty: Woo!