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03x33 - House of Cunning

Posted: 01/16/24 08:33
by bunniefuu
No, no.

It's you.

You're working for team evil? Surprise.

You're not gonna turn me into a sinner.


The answer is, "yes, I am".

No! No! Where's she's taking her? Somewhere she can be kept until the stroke of 12:00.

Stop struggling, or I'll have to call your great grandpa to make you behave.

Patricia, don't do this.

- What's the magic word?
- Please.


It's good

-bye, KT.

[Dramatic music]

- Ah!
- Run, Frobisher! Go! Run! I'm coming to get you, KT.

Don't stop now, Harriet.

- No! Not that way.

- Just run.

I'll find you both! There's nowhere you could hide.

- Eddie, any sign of KT?
- No, nothing.

I've looked everywhere.

KT's done a real disappearing act.

Check upstairs?
- Yeah.

- Yeah.

How could you have let this happen? You should have dealt with this troublesome sister of yours long ago.

You will find her and make amends.

Meaning meaning what? Get rid of her.

I don't want to see her ever again.

And what of the American girl who, I assume, escaped with her? Patricia will deal with my great granddaughter.

Don't worry about that.

Oh! Anubis House.

I still haven't had a proper look around.

I'll give you a guided tour later.

- Much later.

- Ooh.

Now, this vestibule must be a late edition.

Quiet, Harriet.

You better check the girls' room, see if they're not hiding up there.

Yes, well, they shall not stay hidden for very long.

What are you doing up there?
- Uh, well, we we uh
- Get to school right now.

- Yes, Miss.

- Yes, Miss.

Let's get this over with.

Your studies in Egyptian prophecy So precise! And your beautiful translations "The evil ones will walk among us".

"The sinful ones will rise".

"To sin will be good".

"To be good will be sinful".

Trying to concentrate, Harriet.

"The red eyes of the sinners will watch us all".

- Wait, what about the eyes?
- Oh, yes.

The sinner's eyes will glow red.

I saw that.

Patricia, her eyes turned red.

Then she is lost to you.

She is one of the sinners.

It is written.

They will walk among us.

Are you telling me that Patricia She's not Patricia? Oh, I do hope that tea and cake come soon.

Don't you? Harriet, what are you saying? That she is one of five.

The five sinners.

All must pay the price.

I have to warn the others.

Stay here, okay? Don't move, and don't touch anything.

I won't.

I'll be fine.

Listen, there was something I wanted to ask you.

[Bell tolls]

Where are they?
- Oh, finally.

Come on, guys.

- At last, our leading man is here.

Jerome, you can focus on directing again.

Okay, so in this scene, Jordon is talking to Cherry about Oh, wait, I need to get into character.

Wait, wait.

- Tell her that you like her.

No, no, no.

- Tell that you love her! [Giggles]

Squee! Okay, so lots of energy, please, Eddie.

And, action! Eddie! You won't believe what she's done now.

- Patricia, what's wrong?
- It's okay.

We got this.

- No, where you going? Guys
- No! It's okay.

Take your time.

What happened?
- It was KT.

- Where is she now? I don't know.

She drug me to the Gate House.

Hey, you're safe now.

You're with me.

Just take it slow.

She said her great grandpa was waiting for me.

I didn't know what to do.

I was so scared.

So I just ran.

I can't believe KT would act like that.

What more proof do you need, Eddie? She's working with Frobisher.

KT is team evil.

I'm team evil? It's not me.

It's her.

She's the sinner.

She isn't in here either.

Well, I dread to think what Robert will do if you fail to find her, Ms.


I have no great love for Harriet, but she is still my sister.

Perhaps we could get her back in her room at the Gate House.

I'm sure it would make no difference just as long as What a marvelous device.


Of course, Robert intended it to be used on the children.

Not exactly noted for his mercy.

Can't you see she's got you all fooled? Can't you see that's not the real Patricia? It's some evil fake that Frobisher made.

It sounded so much better in my head.

Look, if you've got an explanation, we need to hear it right now.

No, don't even give her a chance.

She needs to be locked up somewhere.

- She's dangerous.

- She's dangerous.

- Hey, hey.

- She took me to the Gate House.

She tried to make me a sinner just like her.

Sinners are bad versions of themselves.

They walk among us.

Harriet told me.

- Harriet Denby?
- She's in the secret room.

And she knows a whole lot more than we ever thought.

Like the fact that the real Patricia is gonna be history! Others too, unless you start listening.

And Harriet told you this? Come with me, and I'll prove it right now.

Look, it's a trick.

Surely you can see that.

- Look, I'm not going anywhere with her.

- Hey, look, it's okay.

You don't have to.

Okay, just stay here.

I'll be back soon.


[Keypad beeping]

[Phone line trilling]


I know where your sister's hiding out.


Yes, Robert.

The food is taking rather a long time.

Ooh! Pass me that menu, would you? I think I might get a side order.

Oh, very well.

I shall get it myself.


No! The Staff of Osiris? Robert, no.

You must not do this.

You have no idea what you're [Door slamming]

- No!
- Harriet.

No! What you doing? Do you want something? I'm just taking refreshments to rehearsals.

You okay? There's something very odd about your aura today.

Oh, is that right, hippie girl? It's a weird color, one I've never seen before.


You can have some.


- Oh, oh!
- Now you've gone a weird color too.

Oh, no.


Don't send me back there! Listen to me! You must listen! Better off resting in the hospital, dear sister.

This time, a high
-security room.

The end is coming.

The end is coming! [Dramatic choral music]

She was here.

I'm telling the truth.


Just like you were telling the truth about the phonograph.

Huh? It wasn't me.

You can't seriously think that I would Guys.

- It could be a trap.

- It's not a trap.

- What are you talking about?
- Alfie might be right.

You can leave whenever you want.

You can't seriously think that I would work against you.


Tell me that's not what you believe.

Can I see your key for a second? Yeah.

I'm gonna keep this.

Why? Because I Think it'd be best if You stayed in your room till we decide what to do with you.

KT, where you going?
- Hey.

Hey! Get her.

- Hey, KT!
- Wait!
- After her!
- KT, get back
- KT!
- Go, go, go!
- KT!
- KT, come back!
- Stop! KT, stop!
- KT, come back!
- Patricia, get her! [Dramatic music]

[Pounding on door]

Let me out! [Sighs]

Okay, this is where we're gonna hide the key.

- Okay.

- Okay.

Let me out.

I haven't done anything wrong.

You think we're doing the right thing? It's really great how much you believe in your friends.

Come on, guys.

Let me out.

I'm not working with team evil.

I swear!
- We really should get some sleep.

- Let me out! Sure you can stay with her all night? I mean, someone has to watch her.

You've shown me how brave you can be.

So I can be too.

Hey, I'm proud of you.

[Lock rustling]

You're not gonna get away with this.

Aw, you must be thirsty after all that running around today.

- I'm not afraid of you.

- Oh, but you should be.

You see, everything Harriet told you is the truth.

And the only person who knows it is the person nobody believes.

[Music swells]


Great devourer of souls Ruler of the Earth I live only to protect and serve you.

Soon, great Ammit, you shall walk upon this Earth.

And your abominable reign over humanity will commence.

[Thunder booming]

[Dramatic choral music]

Almost midnight.

Time for a little evening stroll.

- Made it without being Victor'd.

- What you doing here? Well, you didn't think I was gonna leave you alone with her, did you?
- Here, I'll camp on the floor.

- Okay.

Guys, guys, guys! You have to come to the secret room right now.

- What's wrong?
- It's
- You just have to see for yourself.

- Okay.

- Guys, I'll take this up to KT first.

- Yeah.

- Look.

- You fixed it.

Fabian, you genius.

Well, yeah, except I didn't fix it.

- Then who did?
- I have no idea.

I just came down here to work on the phonograph before school, and there it was, completely mended, no missing parts.

Why would anyone else want to come in here and The house.

Come on, Osirian.

You, of all people, know much the house haunts us.

You know, she could be right.


Yes! Mmm.

[Knocking on door]

Um, Patricia, are you in there? You're a little late for rehearsals.

- Willow, it's KT.

- What you doing? Just open the door.

- It's locked.

- I know.


If you are listening to this, the unthinkable has happened.

I have returned from my sleep, but I am not myself.

If I am allowed to go about my business uninterrupted There will be the most terrible consequences for the entire world.

The mat.

Check under the mat, Willow.

Ooh! I've got it.

Yes! But there is a note on the door saying "Do not open, KT is both infectious and delusional".

Patricia's idea of a joke, you know.

Yeah, she played one of those on me too.

Come on, we're late for rehearsals.

It's just that Locate the four artifacts.

When assembled, they will form one complete object.

This object is all you require to stop the evil.

It looks like we're home and dry.

You should already be in possession of these artifacts.

I have given instructions to the members of my expedition party, to pass on to each successive generation.

If you are their descendants, you already know this.

Hold on.

What? This is your only hope And mine.

Good luck.

So? I mean, you guys are the descendants.

You know what he's talking about, right? Not me.

Me either.

I could only find KT.

Oh, a guest appearance from our leading lady.

Well, let's get started.

Who knows how many seconds we'll have of her today? Sorry about that.

Okay, so, KT, we're on the scene where Jo has fallen asleep on Jordan's shoulder, and he's about to sing to her.

Jerome, you'll be standing in for Eddie again.

Well, at least this is one scene that doesn't make me out to be a complete idiot.

It does.

Jordan can't sing.

This is also the part we haven't written yet.

But I don't know any lullabies.

By the way, if Patricia comes in and wants to take me off somewhere Will you guys please tell her I have to stay here? You're not going anywhere.

- Can I say "action"?
- Yeah.

And action!
- I've always wanted to do that.

- Very good.

Itching powder, whoopee cushion
- Ooh! Chocolate.

- Come on, help me.

Think old.

Dusty, artifact

I can't think of anything my parents gave me like that.

- What about you?
- I'd know if I had an ancient artifact.

Cheese straws.

What? Granny gave me cheese straws every single Christmas.

Guys, come on.

We need to solve this.

[Toy squeaks]

My cat.

Upstairs, downstairs, outside, in.

Always search to conquer sin.

Jerome, Jerome, family heirlooms, do you have any special ones in particular?
- Anything?
- What is she doing here? I just remembered there's somewhere I need to be.

- What are you talking about?
- Willow.

Right, me and you need to take a little walk.

Oh, no, KT stays.

You all stay.


Uh, yeah, sure.

Um Uh Upstairs, downstairs, outside, in.

Always search to conquer sin.

High and low in dale and hill.

Seek ye all to mend all ill.

Both: There is just one thing you'll need.

Wait, Alfie, how do you know that? My parents made that up.

- No, my parents made that song up.

- No, no, no, no Actually my parents made that song up.

Carry on.

Both: There is just one thing you'll need.

- The lodge's heights are hot indeed.

- In the parlor, the lines will lead.

- You got it wrong.

- No, you got it wrong.

- Can someone tell me what this is about?
- There If I'm right, you parents did tell you how to find the artifact.

The rhyme's a clue.

From the top.

In the parlor, the lines will lead.

The lodge's heights are hot indeed.

- Great.

Let's start with the parlor.

- Come on, let's go.

Wait, guys where are you going now? Okay, all right.


All right, if you're right, the artifact should be in this room.

What if he's wrong? Uh, in the parlor.

Lines will lead uh, lines.

Um [snaps fingers]


There are lines everywhere.

Lines of latitude? Directions on a map.

- That's a thing?
- It is now.

Great, doesn't move.

Wait, Eddie, stop.


[Metal clicking and grinding]

Did you hear that? [Hissing]

Is this what an artifact looks like? One down, three to go.

My friends have found the first artifact.

Really? Then they will soon have all four.

In the meantime Those brats will continue to think, that they are one step ahead of us.

- Excellent
- Patricia? Go.

So, Patricia, mind telling me what you were doing talking to team evil just now? Oh, Eddie.

I so wish you hadn't asked me that.