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01x33 - Donating Day/Gatita the Volunteer Cat

Posted: 01/16/24 12:29
by bunniefuu
[bright music]

♪ Rosie has a lot that she wants to know ♪

♪ Can you mail a cat to your abuela's house ♪

♪ In Mexico

♪ How do stores get food, can you pogo stick to the moon ♪

♪ She's got a lot to learn and when she does ♪

♪ They're Rosie's Rules

♪ Hey

♪ Well, that's new information

♪ She will always figure it out ♪

♪ So much to cheer about

♪ For Rosie's Rules

Rosie's Rules!

♪ Rosie's Rules

Rosie's Rules!

♪ Rosie's Rules

Rosie's Rules!

♪ Rosie's Rules ♪

Donating Day!

[effort grunts]

[Rosie]: I'm Lele and I love to dance!


[sing-songy meowing]


Oh no it's a great, big muddy puddle!

[concerned meowing]

Do you think I can jump over it?

[excited meowing]

Here I go!

Una... dos...



[Rosie mimics thudding noises]

I did it!

The end!

[excited meowing]

Box delivery!

Ooh, I love boxes!

What's it for? Are we making a castle?

Or a slide?

[meows]: Vroom, vroom!

Or a car?

[chuckling] Actually...

I thought you could fill up this box

with things for Donating Day.

Yay, Donating Day!

Do you know what Donating Day is, Lele?

Me neither.

So, what's Donating Day?

When we donate, we give things away

that we don't want or need anymore.

And Donating Day is when people

from the community can take what they need.

That sounds supertastical!

I wonder what kinds of things I can donate for Donating Day?

I've gotta know!

♪ I have a great big question

♪ And I just can't let it go

♪ Yo quiero saberlo

♪ I really gotta know

What kinds of things should I donate?


♪ I could donate twenty great big balls of string ♪

♪ Or a super amazing treehouse with lots of ropes to swing ♪

♪ Un palacio that opens with giant keys ♪

♪ And a panda statue made out of cheese ♪♪


Panda statue made of cheese...

[gasps] I know just what to donate!

i¡Estos crayones!

And this super long shoe lace!

And... Iggy's bed!

Come on, bed.

I'm trying to donate you!

[effort grunts] Oops.

Rosie's Rule:

You shouldn't donate a bed if your brother is still in it.

[Mom]: Rosie, when we donate,

we want to give away things that are useful to other people,

not things that are broken.

Or things Iggy still sleeps in. [Rosie giggles]

Then what do I donate?

Look. I'm donating some clothes,

and a scarf, and even a pair a shoes.


I'm going to take this downstairs.

Bring your box down when you're ready, okay?

Okay, Mom!

I definitely don't want to donate you, Lele.

Because I still play with you,

and you came all the way from Mexico,

and I love you!

[effort grunts]

[Papá]: ¿Qué pasa calabaza?

Nada empanada.

I've got so much coolamadoodle stuff.


I'm donating my baby blanket,

'cause it's so soft and cuddly.

And this piñata puzzle,

'cause I don't play with it anymore.

And this comfy t-shirt that's too small for me...

Wow, mija, that's a lot of great things

in your donating box.

Except now it's all out of the box.

Oops. I've got this!


Ah, all righty!

I'm gonna take all of these wonderful donations

to the Donating Day Event.

Oh! But first I need to stop at the post office.

And run a few more errands.

See you all later!

Bye, Mom! Bye, donations!

i¡Vamos Lele! Let's keep playing!


Where's Lele?

I don't see her.

But she was right here!

[car revving]



[meows]: Uh-oh!

I think I put Lele in my donating box by mistake!

And if Mom donates her, I'll never ever see her again!

Está bien, campeona.

We'll just call Mom and tell her to bring Lele back.

[phone beeps]

[phone ringing]

[Mom]: Cheddar Cheese Louise, I've missed your call!

But on the bright side,

I'll call you back real soon!

Ay no, she's not answering.

And I don't know where the Donating Day event is.

Wait a secamadoodle!

Mom said she was going to the post office first!

Then we're going to the post office, too!

We're coming to get you, Lele!


[upbeat music]

Hi, Miss Maya!

Hi, Rosie!

Hi, Marco. Oh!


How can I help you?

We're looking for my mom! She has my Lele doll

and we have to get her back before she's gone forever.

Oh dear. Well, the good news is,

your mom was here.


But now she's gone.

[both]: Aw...

Although, she did mention

that she was going to Calvin's Bake Shop.

The bakery!

Thank you, Miss Maya!

[car honking]



[door chime ringing] Baker Calvin!

- Ah! - Sorry to startle you.

- Sorry!

[chuckles] That's okay.

What brings you to my bake shop?

We're looking for my Mom. She has my Lele doll

and we have to get her back before Donating Day!

Oh, well your mom was just here!

[Papá and Rosie]: Hooray!

But now she's gone.

- Oh no. - Aw...

Ah! But she did say she's on her way

to your tía's restaurant.

[Rosie gasps] Thanks, Baker Calvin!

To Tía's restaurant!

Ooh, purple donuts...

Two for the road, please.

Rosie's Rule:

There's always time for purple donuts.

[upbeat music]


i¡Rosie, hermano!

What brings you to the restaurant?

[panting] My mom. Lele doll.

Donating Day. Gone!

Oh, your mom was just here!

[laughing, cheering]

But now she's gone?


[Rosie groans] Every time!

Mom keeps coming and going before we can find her!

I need to call Abuela.


[Rosie]: i¡Hola Abuela!

Why are you so bouncy?

i¡Hola mi niña!

Oy, I'm trying out my new trampoline!

Wee! [laughing]


¿Qué pasa?

I donated my Lele doll

by mistake, and now Mom's taking her to Donating Day.

But I don't know where Donating Day is!

Ay, ya veo. I talked to your mom this morning.

She told me she was going to Donating Day...

[gasps] the park!

[Rosie and Papá]: The park?!

i¡Así es!

[gasps] i¡Adiós granito de arroz!

i¡Ciao bacalao!

i¡Rápido! iAl parque!

[upbeat music]

There's Mom!

[Rosie]: Mom!

Hi! What are you two doing here?

I put my Lele doll in my box by mistake.

But I don't want to donate her!


Well, I put all of our donations

out on these tables,

so she must be here somewhere...

[Rosie]: Do you see her?

[Mom]: Ugh, I don't!

[Papá]: Argh, me neither!

Ugh! I can't find Lele anywhere

and that means I might never ever see her again and...

I need to flop.

Breathe in... [inhaling]

Breathe out... [exhaling]

Wiggle about.

Now I'm ready to figure this out.

i¡Vamos a ver!

[girl]: Look, a dolly!

[Rosie gasps]

[Rosie]: That little girl is holding Lele!

Aw, you're so cuddely and cute!


[Rosie]: She looks really happy.

Just like I am when I play with Lele.


Mom? Papá? I think...

I'm going to donate Lele.

Are you sure, mija?

Remember, when you donate, you are giving it away,

so you don't get it back.

I'm sure.

I still love Lele,

but I think she's gonna make that girl very happy.

And that makes me happy!

Oh, I'm so proud of you, Rosie Posie.

Me too.

Me too!


♪ It's donating day

♪ We come together and give things away-yay ♪

♪ Something old to you

♪ i¡Es algo nuevo! Completely new ♪

♪ When you grow big and tall

♪ Your shirt ya no te queda

♪ Or the toys you used to play with ♪

♪ The books that you have read

♪ Someone will enjoy them all

♪ It's donating day

♪ I can even give a new bouncy ball away ♪

♪ There might be food that you could give ♪

♪ Like beans and pasta and a jar of olives ♪

♪ On donating day ♪

Huh, look at this!

Iggy needs a rain jacket. What do you think?

He'll love it!


Hi! I'm Rosie.

I'm Sofia.

And that's Lele.

She came all the way from Mexico.

- From Mexico?! - Mm-hmm!

That's where my Mamá is from!

And my Papá, too!

[giggles] i¡Mira mami!

I got a new doll from Mexico!


Rosie's Rule:

When you donate, you help people

by giving them things they might want or need.

Free donuts for everyone!

[gasps] You can even donate donuts!


Gatita the Volunteer Cat!

[meowing] [giggles]



i¡Mira primo! I'm gonna throw this ball

high into the sky.

i¡Aquí va!


[startled meow]

[chuckles] Oh!


Looking for this?

Yes! Thanks, Grandpa Liu.

Rosie's Rule:

sometimes your ball's supposed to go high into the sky,

but it goes to Grandpa Liu instead!


Well, I'd better get going.

See you there, Margarita and Javi!

See who where?

It's seniors' day at the community garden.

And we're volunteers!


For seniors' day?!

Nope. Don't know what that means.

What's a volunteer?

A volunteer is someone who helps people

and places in their community.

Like... a job?

Yes and no.

You get paid when you do a job.

But when you volunteer, you don't usually get paid.

You do it because you want to help.


Is Benito a volunteer too?

Well, he loves being helpful, right Mamá?

i¡Sí, es verdad!

I suppose Benito is a volunteer!

Ooh! [Benito barking, panting]

Hey... maybe Gatita and I can be volunteers too!


[confused meow]

Sí prima, you should come!

I'll go check with your mom to see if it's okay.


Oh yeah! Gonna be! A volunteer! With my cat!

[record scratch]

I wonder how Gatita and I will volunteer?

I've gotta know!

♪ I have a great big question

♪ And I just can't let it go

♪ Yo quiero saberlo

♪ I really gotta know

How will Gatita and I volunteer?


♪ We can serve a bunch of pancakes on a plate ♪

♪ Or teach everyone how to roller skate ♪

♪ We can lead a game of hide-and-seek ♪

♪ Or have a jumping contest over a creek ♪♪


Jumping contest over a creek...

[Tía]: Your mom said it was okay!

I've got Gatita's pet carrier

and a bag of food and toys.


i¡Vamos, Gatita! Let's go volunteer!

[excited meowing]

[Tía]: Llegamos. Here we are!

Hello, everyone! The volunteers are here!

I'm Margarita.

I'm Javi. This is Benito...

And I'm Rosie!


Oh, and this is Gatita!

[excited meowing]

Hi you all!

The volunteers are my neighbors!

[giggles] Well, I'm going to start

volunteering by serving lunch.

I made tlacoyos,

one of my favorite foods from Mexico.

Corn dough filled with beans!

- Wonderful! - Smells divine!

You kids can help me serve lunch,

or you can find another way to volunteer.

Huh? [Benito barking]

[barking, panting]

[gasps] I know how I'm gonna volunteer!

Everyone, I will volunteer

by performing a special trick for you,

with my puppy, Benito!

Oh, a puppy trick!

¿Listo Benito?

[barks] i¡Una, dos, tres...

[Javi]: Jump!


- Bravo! - Wonderful!


Mama macaroni...


And now, I will also volunteer

by performing a trick with my cutie ball cat, Gatita!

[confused meowing]

i¡Una, dos, tres, jump!


[effort grunts]

Now spin, just like Benito did!

[scared meowing]

[happy meowing]


[soft clapping]

Rosie's Rule:

Spinning on a log is a very tricky trick

for a cutie ball cat.

Well, at least we're done with tricks for today.

[Javi]: And now for another trick!

Well, that's new information!

You have another trick?


¿Listo, Benito?



Roll over!


Bark! [barks]


Ooh, bravo!

Hooray! [laughing]

[Benito barks] Bien hecho, Benito.

And now, Gatita will do another trick, too!


Roll over!



[confused meow]

[sighs] Well, this isn't working.

I need to call Abuela.



[Rosie]: Hola Abuela's... toes?!

Rosie's Rule:

Sometimes you call your Abuela and her toes answer!


[Abuela]: i¡Hola mi niña!

I just painted my toe nails...

[blowing] ...and I'm waiting

for them to dry. [blowing]

¿Qué pasa?

I'm trying to be a volunteer

and do tricks with Gatita,

but nothing is working.

Oh, how nice to be a volunteer!

Mira, Rosalía,

maybe you can give Gatita a treat,

and then she'll do the trick!

A treat? Buena idea, Abuela.

Ooh! I think my nails are dry now.

i¡Adiós, granito de arroz!

i¡Ciao bacalao!

Gracias, Tía.

Gotta go find a treat for Gatita!

[upbeat music]



Okay, Gatita. You are going to ring this bell.

And if you do that...

I'm going to give you a kitty treat!


And now, presenting...

another trick!

This time, Gatita is going to ring this bell!

Hey, where'd the kitty treat go?



You're not supposed to eat that yet!


Está bien. I have some more.

Oh, maybe Benito can try!

Ring the bell, Benito!

Try again, Gatita!

Like this, Benito!

[bell rings]

Like this, Gatita!

[bell rings]

Here, Benito!


- Benito. - Gatita.

- Benito. - Gatita.

- Benito. - Gatita.

- Benito! - Gatita!

Uh, where'd Gatita and Benito go?



[Rosie]: They're sleeping?!

Sleeping's not a way to volunteer!


I just wanted to be a good volunteer

and do coolamadoodle tricks with Gatita,

but now she's sleeping and...

I need to flop.

Breathe in... [inhaling]

Breathe out... [exhaling]

Wiggle about!

Now I'm ready to figure this out.

i¡Vamos a ver!

[Grandpa Liu chuckling] Oh!

[Grandpa Liu]: Aw, Gatita.

You're a soft and fluffy kitty!

She's the fluffiest.

You know Rosie, when I was little,

I had a fluffy cat just like Gatita.

You did?

Uh-huh. Her name was Mao.

Mao. I like that name!


So does Gatita!

I'm so glad you and Gatita came to volunteer.

Huh? But doing tricks with Gatita didn't work.

There are lots of ways to volunteer, Rosie.

Being here, talking, and laughing with us seniors

is one way to volunteer.

And we love petting Gatita.

Mama macaroni!

I'm being a volunteer just by spending time with you!

And you're a volunteer by being your cutie fluffy self,

and letting people pet you! [happy meowing]

[Javi]: I can't wait to come back and volunteer again!

Me too! Hooray dance?

i¡Sale y vale!

[both]: Elbow bump, silly jump!


Hey that dance looks like fun.

Will you teach it to me?

Ooh, I want to learn it too!

- Yes, yes! - Oh!

[excited chatter]

♪ It's time to volunteer

♪ Quieres ayudar in your community here ♪

♪ And when you give your time

♪ That's when you really get to shine ♪

♪ You can serve a meal

♪ Volunteering makes you feel muy bien ♪

♪ Clean up at the beach or help a neighbor out ♪

♪ Even your cat can volunteer


♪ It's time to volunteer

♪ You can do it any time of year ♪

♪ And you do it all for free

♪ Because you're helping your community ♪

♪ It's time to volunteer ♪

Ready, everyone?

- Ready! - Ready!

[laughing, cheering]

[all]: Elbow bump, silly jump!


Rosie's Rule:

There are lots of wow-mazing ways to volunteer,

like teaching everyone your Hurray Dance.

[all laughing]

Welcome to Storytime with Mom.

Today we'll be reading: The Princess and the Pea.

Once upon a time, a prince wanted to marry a princess.

I da prince, Iggy!

And I'm Princess Crystal!

And I'm Queen Rosie!

Time for bed!

You will sleep on top of these mattresses.


I'd better get climbing.

[Mom]: But what the princess didn't know

was that under the mattresses,

the queen would place a teeny tiny--



A potato? No, no, no, no,

it says right here, it's a pea. Let's try again.

Under the mattress, the queen placed a teeny tiny--

Pickle! [laughs]

A pickle?! I really think it's supposed to be a pea.

One more time!

Under the mattress,

the queen placed a teeny tiny--


Whoa, whoa, whoa, falling!


Okay. [sighs]

The story doesn't say it's a pumpkin,

or a pickle, or a potato. It's a pea!


Ya know, all of that mattress climbing

made me hungry.

How about I come on down

and whip up some potato and pickle sandwiches?

Mmm, yummy.

I'll make pumpkin pie!

Now that I can't resist!

See you next time, for Storytime with Mom.

Hey, save me a slice!

[upbeat music]

