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02x02 - Uncharted Territory

Posted: 01/16/24 14:52
by bunniefuu
[theme song starts]

[computer blipping]

Here we are, going far
To save all that we love

If we give all we've got
We will make it through

Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world

Today, make evil go away

Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all

Code Lyoko, be there when you call

Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall

Code Lyoko, stronger after all

[computer beeping]


[wind howling]

[tense music]

-[wolves grunting]
-[elf panting]


-[wolf growls]
-[elf gasps]

[wolves howling]


-[wolves howl]
-[elf pants]


[tense music crescendoes]

[wolves howling]


-[wolf grunts]
-[elf shouts]

[Aelita screams]

[Aelita whimpers]



-[Jeremy] Now… Let's see…

-[Jeremy] Wow, unbelievable!
-[door opens]

Come on, Jeremy, let's get a move on.

There won't be any hot water left.

-Remember the Hermitage?
-[Ulrich] Where Aelita had visions?

-[Ulrich] Bad memory, Jeremy.
-[Jeremy] Right.

I wanted to check it out a little closer,

and I found out something amazing!

What would really be amazing,

is that there are still eggs
when we get to breakfast!

Odd, you a real walking stomach, you know?

And you're a walking brain.
You see, we're complementary!


[Jeremy] I researched the house owner,

and I came across
a restricted access site.

It took most of the night to hack into it,
but it was worth it.

I found a deed signed
by a Mr. Franz Hopper.

It seems he is the owner.

You think
it has something to do with Lyoko?

Ulrich, there's an underground passage
into the sewers from his yard.

-He must be linked to the supercomputer.

So, I searched "Franz Hopper"
and guess what?

He was a science teacher
here at Kadic Academy!

Is that weird or what?

[unintelligible chatter]

-[door slams]
-[Aelita hums]

-[door opens]
-[Sissi hums]

-[Tamiya] It's about time!
-[Milly] Every day, the same thing!

Yeah, it may go faster
now that Sissi's done!

[Sissi] Shut up, kiddies!

[Milly and Tamiya mocking]

Poor thing, you'll be here
for another two hours!


Why not go upstairs?
There are some showers free up there

-and not a girl in sight!
-[Aelita nods]

[upbeat music]


-[door slams]
-[boys] Hey!

The girls' showers are downstairs, Aelita!

Aelita Stones, hey!

What are you doing here?

Go easy on her, Jim. She's new.

Right, well, new or not,

a young lady
has no business in the boys' showers!

But I thought that…

I don't want to hear your excuses!

Do that again and you go
to the Principal's office!


Miss Einstein, just like I said.
Not a single girl in these showers!

Sissi, we're sick of your bad jokes,
so chill!

Can't you give Aelita a break for once?

You knew she'd believe you.

What can I say? Ulrich, sweety.
She has to adapt, doesn't she?

[Sissi] It's a jungle out there!

You're right,
I'm looking at a big baboon right now!

-[Ulrich, Aelita and Odd laughing]
-[Sissi] Shut up, you!

[Odd] Sissi is such a brat.

-[Odd] And to think you kissed once.
-[door slams]

[Ulrich] Cool it. That is ancient history.

[theme music]

So, you think the owner of the Hermitage
and the science teacher are the same?

Finding two guys named Franz Hopper

in a radius of half a mile
is a real coincidence!

Anyway, there is only one way to be sure.

After history class,
we have a study period in the library.

[Jeremy] What if we do a little research
in the Kadic Academy archives?

-[Odd] Good idea.
-I'll go with you!

[Jeremy] I'd rather you didn't!

You were in trouble
in the showers this morning!

If Jim catches you in the archives,

you'll be suspended!

See you later,
we'll meet you at the cafeteria.

[Yumi] Hmm…

[Yumi] Are you all right, Aelita?

I can't get used to living here.

I had another nightmare last night.
The same one.

You haven't been here
for a week, yet. You'll see.

You'll feel better soon.



[door creaks]

-[door slams]

[action music]

-[Jeremy] E, F, G, H. H for Hopper!


Oh, sh**t…

-[hums] Shouldn't you be in class?

Well, children?

[humming] We're looking for a teacher.

Really? Which one?

-Mr. Chardin.
-Mrs. Mayer.

[boys titter]


[Jeremy] Hopper, Hopper…



[Jeremy] Bingo!

[Ms. Weber shrugs] At this time of day,

if you can't find your teacher,
it means they're in class.

[Jeremy] It's OK, I found Mrs. Hertz.



[unintelligible chatter]

What are you waiting for?

-[boy] Come on! Move!
-[Aelita gasps]

[Aelita shrugs]

Well, fish and beans
or steak and potatoes?

[shrugs] Oh, well…

Hurry! We're starving!

[nods and shrugs]

-[boy] My turn.
-[students chatter]

-[Odd] That was a close one!
-[Jeremy] No doubt about it.

I compared the teacher's signature
to the one on the deed I found

They're the same!

What if we look
around the Hermitage

to find out more about this teacher?

[Jeremy] Good idea!

Aren't we supposed
to meet Aelita in the cafeteria?

It'll be a minute. She won't mind waiting.


[unintelligible chatter]


So, going back to the great, white north?

[Aelita exhales]

Why not? At least I feel at home there!


[Ulrich] Still looks as creepy as ever.

-What are we looking for?
-How should I know?

If this Franz Hopper is linked to XANA,

maybe we'll find some information
about Aelita's virus.



Not much. Physics books,
Planck, Heisenberg, Schrödinger…

-[Jeremy] Hey!
-[Ulrich shrugs]

[Jeremy] What's this doing here?

The Tunic Wars? What's that?

Punic, not tunic.

The w*r between the Romans
and the Carthaginians?

-[Jeremy] We studied it, remember?

You are lame in history.


[Jeremy] You see these notes?

I'm sure Hopper wrote them!

[computer beeps]


[computer beeping]

-[door slams]
-[digital whirring]

[digital whirring]


[theme music]

[Mrs. Hertz]
Quiet! Where is Aelita Stones?

-Jeremy, why isn't Aelita here?


Sorry, madame. I don't know.

Well, I do, madame.
She went back to Canada.


Yes! That's what she told me.

She said "I feel at home there."

-[Jeremy shrugs]

if you disrupt the class,

I'll send you to your father's office!

It's "Sissi," not "Elisabeth,"
I hate being called like that!

Madame, I don't feel well.

-May I go to the infirmary?
-[Mrs. Hertz] Of course, Jeremy.

Can we take him?

Well… Oh, all right, then.

-[door opens]
-But don't dilly dally!

-[Odd] Jeremy, wait!
-[Ulrich] Where are you going?

-To the factory.
-You think Aelita is there?

She told Sissi
she was going back to Canada.

I think she meant
"I'm going back to where I came from!"

That's Lyoko.

[melancholic music]

[Aelita gasps]

[mechanical footsteps]

[theme music]

-[computer beeps]
-[Jeremy grunts]


I found her!
She virtualized herself on her own!

That's pretty weird.
Why would she do that?

Maybe she got homesick.

Does Yumi know?

I left her a message.

Go to the scanner room. Hurry!

-[metallic clang]

Aelita, can you hear me?

[Jeremy] Answer me!

-[Aelita gasps]
-[mechanical footsteps]


[mechanical footsteps]

[Aelita pants]

-[Jeremy gasps] Yumi!

I got the message at the pool.
What's going on?

Run to the scanner. Ulrich
and Odd are there. I'll explain later!

Jeremy, help!

Aelita, don't worry!
The others are on their way!

[digital whirring]

[Jeremy] Transfer Ulrich.

-[digital whirring]
-[Jeremy] Transfer Odd. Transfer Yumi.

[Jeremy] Scanner and virtualization!

[digital whirring]


[Jeremy] Do you see her?

-[Ulrich] Not yet.
-[Jeremy] She's due north.

-[Ulrich] Let's go!
-[action music]

-[Aelita pants]
-[metallic clang]

-[Aelita gasps]
-[mechanical footsteps]

[pants] Jeremy! I'm surrounded!

Hurry up! Aelita's fallen into a trap!

-[Aelita shouts]
-[lasers blasting]

[mechanical footsteps]


[Odd] Go ahead, Ulrich! With your speed,
you'll get there first!

-You're right!
-[Yumi] Too late!


[mechanical footsteps]

-[Jeremy] Another one behind you!
-[Ulrich] Okay.

Battle stations.

-[mechanical footsteps]
-[Aelita gasps]

-[Aelita gasps]
-[lasers blasting]

Aelita's bought some time.

Your move, Odd.

I love this!

-[lasers blast]
-[Odd gasps]


[lasers blasting]



-[Ulrich groans]
-[metallic clang]


-[Odd groans]
-[lasers blasting]

[Odd] Laser arrow!

-[computer chimes]
-[Jeremy] Nice, guys!

But hurry!
The Bloks are catching up to Aelita!

What are you waiting? Call a taxi.

It's on the way!

[action music]

[mechanical footsteps]



[Aelita] Hurry, Jeremy.

[Jeremy] Vehicle materialization.

[digital whirring]

[Odd] Here we go.


-[Aelita gasps]

-[Jeremy] They are coming to get you.
-[Aelita gasps]

[mechanical clanking]

-[Aelita shouts]

[theme music]



What? She's already gone.

She must really be mad.

[Jeremy] This is not time for jokes.
I lost Aelita.

You mean… She's…

No… I doubt it…

She disappeared from the screen
as if… Wait.

What's going on?

Got it! I got a signal!

A very weak one, but…
Wait, that's strange!

Aelita's not in this sector anymore.

[Jeremy] She's not in any sector!

Can you explain that a little better?

[Jeremy] No. Not really.

She's in a sector that doesn't exist.

-A fifth sector.
-[Odd shrugs]

[Odd] A fifth sector?
Have you gone bananas?

[Jeremy] No.
If I could just fix this thing.

-[Jeremy] Maybe I--
-[computer beeps]

Welcome to Carthage?




-[Aelita gasps]


-[metallic clang]
-[Aelita shrugs]




-[Yumi] Will this take long, Jeremy?
-[Jeremy] I hope not.


Oh, oh… Now things are starting to buzz.

[Odd grunts]

[lasers blasting]

[action music]


-[lasers blasting]
-[Yumi grunts]



[Ulrich groaning] Super sprint!


Jeremy, what are we doing?

[Jeremy] Wait, I got a problem.

-[Odd] As long as is not a biggie.
-[Jeremy] I need a password.

Something to do with Carthage.

[Ulrich] Not the time
for a history lesson.

A history lesson?
That's exactly what I need!

[Jeremy] That's too easy.


-[lasers blast]
-[Ulrich groans]

-[Odd] Laser arrow!

-[Odd pants]
-[lasers blast]

[Jeremy] Hannibal… Carthage…

His father, no.

[Ulrich] Jeremy…

-[computer beeps]
-[Ulrich] Any day now…

[Jeremy gasps]
Hannibal's sister?


-[metallic clang]
-[Aelita gasps]







[Jeremy] The nemesis of Carthage?


[computer beeps]

No dice!

[Odd] Whenever you're ready, Einstein!

-[Jeremy] I'm doing my best.
-[lasers blasting]


[Yumi grunts]
Jeremy, we won't last longer.

-[Jeremy] I'll get this.
-No… I can't believe this.


[computer chimes]

[Jeremy] I'm going around in circles…
Welcome to Carthage.

Let's see.

You have to go into Carthage.

You have to defeat Carthage.
Who defeated the Carthaginians?



[Jeremy] Come on!

[computer beeps]

-[Jeremy gasps]

I can't believe it!

[Yumi] The Hornets are calling it quits!

[Odd] Come back, cowards!

[Ulrich] What's that ball doing?

[all shrug]

[Jeremy] I think the code "Scipio"
made it appear.

-[Yumi] Hey!


[tense music]

[wind howling]

[computer beeps]



-[Ulrich] Hey!
-[Yumi] Wow!


How did you do that, Jeremy?

[Jeremy] I got some help
from Franz Hopper.

Welcome to Sector Five, everyone.

[Ulrich] What does it look like?

-[Jeremy] A sphere that--
-[computer beeps]

[hums] It's probably bad news.

[Aelita pants]

-[Aelita pants]
-[Creeper shrieks]

[tense music]

-[Aelita gasps]
-[Creepers growling]

-[Aelita shouts]
-[Scyphozoa whirs]


[tense music]

[Aelita cries]

[Jeremy] Aelita is being att*cked!

Can you guide us?

[Jeremy] Take the footbridge behind you,
hurry up!

[Aelita screams]

-[Aelita shouts]
-[Scyphozoa whirs]

[Ulrich] Super sprint!


-[Aelita gasps]
-[Scyphozoa whirs]

[tense music]

-[Jeremy] What's going on?
-[computer beeps]

Jeremy, there's this "thing" in here.

[Jeremy] Destroy it!
It's taking Aelita's memory.




-[Aelita gasps]
-[lasers blast]

[Odd] Laser arrow!

-[lasers blasting]

-[lasers blasting]

[Jeremy] Something weird is happening.

Oh, no! That can't be good!

-[Aelita gasps]
-[Scyphozoa whirs]

-[Jeremy] Get out of there!
-[Ulrich] Got it!

-[Jeremy] Odd!
-[Odd gasps]

-[mechanical clanking]

[Aelita pants]

[Jeremy] Just in time!

[Aelita pants]

-[Ulrich] Now, what?
-[Jeremy] Wait, I'm re-entering the code.


-[computer chimes]
-We've got your ticket out.


-[computer beeps]
-[Jeremy types]

-[Jeremy hums]
-[computer blipping]


[Jeremy] And there you go!
I'm bringing you in right now!


[Jeremy] Aelita, get to the tower
and I'll rematerialize you!

[Jeremy] Materialization Yumi!

[Jeremy] Materialization Odd!

[Jeremy] Materialization Ulrich!

[digital whirring]



[theme music]

[soft music]

[Odd] You should have seen it, Jeremy.
There were creepy things!

And in the middle,
this big jellyfish holding Aelita.

[Kiwi growls]

Imagine! That thing
was stealing my memory!

Yes, for sure XANA wants
to get something out of you!

But what? That's what we have to find out.

I want to go back to Sector Five.
So much to explore!

[Yumi] I'll go with you. It'll be awesome!

-[Jeremy] Not so fast!

I have to study it.
For now, it's uncharted territory.

It can be totally dangerous!

[hums] You're not angry at me
for going back to Lyoko by myself?

I don't know what got into me, I needed--

You don't have to explain, Aelita.

We understand what happened
and we're not angry at all.


-I promise to spend more time with you.

-And I'll teach how to tell Sissi to go--
-[Sissi] Odd?

Do you know what your filthy mutt did

in the shower?


What a pretty picture!

-So, you found Mrs. Einstein!


Yes, when you were taking
your third shower of the day!

You know, a beautiful flower like me

needs to be watered often.

-You never know. You might sprout a brain!



You can give Odd lessons, Aelita.

-[Yumi] You sure learn fast!

[theme music]